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Professions Rework / Overhaul

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Bozo Prime, Feb 18, 2025 at 11:14 PM.


Should this be in the game

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  1. Bozo Prime

    Bozo Prime Man I'm Dead HERO

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    Good Evening to all.
    This system that I am about to propose is rough, as there are some details that I simply cannot work out due to not having much knowledge on the base system itself. However, the basic idea that will be proposed is a system to make professions, at least the gathering professions, feel more rewarding as players go through the levels. It's a way to give texture to the monotony that is the endless grind of professions. So let's begin.
    The first system that I propose is a sort of mastery system, called Profession Supremacy (We already have Mastery Tomes and so I didn't want to call it Profession Mastery to spare any repetition). By levelling up, players will earn supremacy points to allocate into a supremacy tree, not too dissimilar from the ability tree. Supremacy points are earned every 10 levels across any gathering profession, ending at level 100 in each gathering profession. This means that a player can earn up to 40 supremacy points to allocate into the supremacy tree. The tree will have 4 paths, one for each gathering profession. A player can either fully master a single profession, or cross-path various professions through allocating supremacy points, similar to class archetypes.

    Unlike the ability tree, the supremacy tree only has 3 types of nodes, and don't drastically affect gameplay like the class abilities. Rather, the supremacy tree is a way to make players feel more reward with grinding, and to give a small speed boost to the endgame of each profession. Additionally, some supremacy nodes will give buffs to the crafting professions as well. For example a supremacy node will give an XP boost to the crafting professions tied to mining; Armoring, Jeweling, Weaponsmithing, etc..

    White nodes:
    White nodes on the supremacy tree give small buffs like a small XP boost or a small boost in gathering speed of the specified profession. These can range from:
    (specified profession) master: +5% - +10% bonus XP from (specified profession)
    (specified profession) dexterity: +5% - +10% gathering speed from (specified profession)
    (specified profession) genius: +5% - +10% bonus XP from any crafting profession tied to (specified profession)
    There will be quite a few of these on the tree, but unfortunately I don't know how to make an ability tree of my own, so just settle with what I have written down, my apologies.

    Yellow nodes:
    Yellow nodes on the supremacy tree will give additional buffs to the specified profession at a greater rate than the white nodes. Additionally, A couple of yellow nodes, on top of the bonus XP or gathering speed, will have the streak ability. The first yellow node on the tree will give the player 3 seconds to find another gathering spot for a bonus XP reward. This can chain up to 3 times, and the time and chain length can both be increased with additional yellow nodes.
    (specified profession) runner: +10% XP and unlock Streak ability. The player has 3 seconds to find and begin gathering the next (specified profession) node for a +20% XP bonus. Can chain up to 3 times with +5% XP per chain. This gives a max of +30% XP with a max chain. (There is only one of these on the tree and each one allows for only one of the professions to have the streak ability. You cannot take Mining Runner and have the streak ability unlocked for woodcutting)
    (specified profession) speedster: +10% XP, +1 second to streak time, and +1 chain length. (There are only 2 speedster nodes on the supremacy tree.)
    (specified profession) agility: +15% crafting speed to any crafting profession tied to (specified profession)

    Red nodes:
    Red nodes are game changers. There are only 3 available red nodes on the entire tree, and you can only take 2. The first red node appears midway down the tree, and the final 2 appear at the end. The final 2 red nodes offer a difficult choice. Take one and it blocks the other, though it's not like one would have enough ability points to afford both anyway.
    (specified profession) veteran: Any gathering material of (specified profession) from level 1 to level 50 will drop +1 resource, and have +25% gathering speed. (This is the one that appears midway down the tree and there is only one for each gathering profession)
    (specified profession) cultivator: Gathering nodes of (specified profession) take 25% less time to respawn, and +25% gathering speed. (Taking this blocks [specified profession] hoarder)
    (specified profession) hoarder: +50% XP bonus from (specified profession) and +1 resource. (Taking this blocks [specified profession] cultivator)

    If that was a bit too much to take in let me summarize. White nodes give small XP and gathering speed bonuses. Yellow nodes give slightly more XP as well as the streak ability for each profession. Red nodes give extra resources, gathering speed, and XP. The final 2 red nodes offer a choice between respawn time and gathering speed, or an XP and resource bonus.

    Now one may be asking themselves, "won't this seriously affect balancing. All those XP bonuses will ruin the grinding landscape that professions offer in the first place." I hear you loud and clear despite nobody having responded to this at the time of writing this. If this were to happen, there would be heavy balancing that needs to take place in order to not screw up the already stable system. The whole point of this is to make professions feel more rewarding aside from the new resource every 10 levels and the new gathering tool tier every 10 levels starting at level 5. The supremacy tree is made to break the monotony of the continuous grind and offer a boost players that are having a tough time, or are simply impatient. Does mining kanderstone feel a bit too slow for you? Go woodcutting for a bit to earn a few more supremacy points and get that next supremacy node. I've noticed it myself that at a certain point in grinding professions, it becomes slow and boring, and this system should help with that. I don't know much about game design, but this crazy idea I have here is all it is, an idea. It's nowhere near anything that a professional game designer would make, and for all I know if this makes it into the game, the devs might change something about it. Like I said earlier, a lot of balancing will need to take place to make this system work.

    Gosh I rambled a bit. Now let's talk about endgame content for a bit before wrapping things up. What now? You have all 4 professions at level 100 and have earned yourself every supremacy point and maxed out your tree. What now? Grind all the way to max level like usual? Fortunately there will be a reward. I haven't worked out the full details, and I don't think I ever will, but I'm thinking it will have something to do with the Silverbull Syndicate. Perhaps the supremacy tree will act as sort of a reward voucher like the buy 10 get 1 free vouchers that you get at a coffee stand (Now that I think about it that might only be an American thing). Perhaps access to a premium mine, or a multi tool that's able to collect anything.

    Either way I doubt I'll be able to think of an endgame reward on my own, but if you have any ideas, feel free to reply to this and state your idea, I really don't care what it is so long as it works with the supremacy tree and makes professions feel more rewarding. I'll leave a poll open if anybody wants to vote on if this should be in the game or not.

    Thank you for your time and good night.
  2. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    why did you make the post if you don't have much knowledge on the system
    (system is in fact not stable)
    all of these abilities just change the system. getting one extra resource or 50% makes the grind shorter, not less monotonous.
    this feels like a bad idea

    i personally am a fan of faster gathering speeds & levels, but obviously there are people who oppose. People who want to do professions as a mindless grinding activity. This system would basically force them to make their grind faster (not necessarily but it can't feel good to be missing the insane rewards on these nodes)
    the length usually ends up being the problem with professions, especially gathering proffessions. This system wouldn't alleviate that at all, really
    because it would get nerfed to the point where you choose between XP and Speed.

    It certainly wouldn't make gathering professions any less boring.
    Deusphage likes this.