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World Profession Quests

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by GhostTreads, Dec 2, 2019.


How many people would like to see this?

  1. Yes

    9 vote(s)
  2. No

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  1. GhostTreads

    GhostTreads Wow I was cringe HERO

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    Recently in the 1.19 update they are introducing mini quests for professions and I think it is potentially something that could be expanded on not only for potential world building to introduce maybe characters that aren't warriors or mages and help lessen the xp grind.

    The new mini quests if tuned right should hopefully lessen some of the xp grind in professions which I think is a big reason why people haven't adopted crafting as it can be quite tedious and I think that maybe more main quests around professions might help that out more and could also be used for story building and tutorials.

    For example a quest already in the game is Cook Assistant and is already on theme of professions and I think taking the idea of gathering materials in certain potential special areas could liven up the gathering of crafting resources and xp. There could be a quest given by some Cinfras airship builder who requires a certain resource from the depths of Lake Gylia to make a new type of aircraft to help better transportation but, he isn't a skilled fighter and would be too dangerous to retrieve. So you take your t5 pickaxe and follow his map down to Lake Gylia fighting off monsters to try and retrieve the material. After reaching the depths where the material is you mine the quest item and take it back to the builder. He thanks you gives mining xp and maybe a 2 or 3 star material for crafting.

    I am not a writer as it may seem but I think quests like this could add more immersion and help with the very heavy grind to reach those later levels in professions or maybe even add new 3 star materials for crafting. Overall these extra quests could add more depth to Wynn and introduce more people into crafting because of the more streamlined xp gain rather than sitting in an area for hours.
    Lex! and Theeef like this.
  2. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    I like this idea, add a poll please
    NagisaStreams likes this.
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