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Profession Material Bank

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by BlackDragonGamer, May 5, 2021.

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  1. BlackDragonGamer

    BlackDragonGamer Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'd guess this suggestion isn't the first of its type but I can't find something similar when I skim the titles of the first few pages of the suggestions section so...

    My Problem:

    I like Professions. I like grinding them and collecting the stuff for them, I like leveling them.
    But right now I have 15 bank pages, 1/2 a page for tp scrolls, 1/2 a page for powder, 1/2 a page for equipment and 1/2 a page for gathering tools, the other 13 pages are full with 95% profession materials/ingredients and some riff raff in between (Quest items/equipment) and I can't do anything without either deleting stuff or using them wastefully. (Or rise all my Crafting professions methodically so I always have them on the same level and don't need different level mats/ingredients in my bank)

    "My" Solution:

    I'd like to have a Material Bank for gathered materials and the extra ingredients.

    You would be able to buy like 5-10 extra bank pages for 5LE each and you can only place raw profession stuff
    (no tools/crafted items only mats and ingredients) in there.

    You could also make it so the pages are unlocked after reaching combat lvl milestones (level 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 for example) or even better after reaching a certain overall profession level (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250)
    or if you want to you could also make them purchasable or unlock after reaching level 50 in each of the GATHERING professions and the fifth one after having all 4 at 50.

    The idea is kinda inspired by WoW. I've played it for a while and I was really happy to have that there. (That's why "My")

    My Ramblings:

    There are 3 mains things I dislike when playing Wynncraft: Not being in a good guild, loosing all my money on horse gambling and ending up on a T2 one (stopped playing for a month after that) and having no space to store my "valuables". The last one is the worst, by far, I stopped playing for a year because I just couldn't find a way to store everything i knew I'd need if I wanted to do what I had planned (Leveling professions), I think about logging in but once I think about my full bank I just start chrome to watch youtube.

    I really don't know if there are many people like me, the most active members certainly don't have that problem and real casual players shouldn't be bothered by it either so I guess the two biggest player bases are mostly uninterested in that. It's kinda a selfmade problem I think but I also think that a solution like that would be enjoyable to nearly every player. My idea doesn't need to be crap just because my reason is. But maybe it is.

    I'd like to be able to go online on Wynncraft after being offline for days/weeks and just grind Gathering for 6 hours straight without worrying about my bank space to much.
    FrodoTheSeal likes this.
  2. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    YES. We shouldn't be using half of our bank just storing willow wood
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