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Post 1.20.4 thoughts on Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TravusThaSlime, Sep 27, 2021.


Do you agree with this?

  1. Nearly every single one, yes.

  2. Some of it.

  3. No, you are wrong mostly.

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  1. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll CHAMPION

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    hi dr. draggo, here are my shit takes.

    the quest dialogue indeed needed an overhaul but rather then making it more conveluted and take longer I would have wanted to see an ability to completely skip quest diaglue. When I played wynn I never gave a single shite about the story so please don't force it in my face a. Some good points here.

    The only way to fix guilds is to completely ban the entire guild-playerbase. Thank me later smileyface.

    In all seriousness though, bring back 1.19 wars and add more fluff to that system instead of this new one. As I see it 1.20 wars have been a complete failure and I liked my comfy 1.19 wars.

    Git gud. Also, just move on to leveling 14 classes instead so you can move the barrier of entry to the highly elitist prof community again. Professions are fun and don't have to be changed, just start clicking and make harder challenges for yourself, they're already there you just have to start them. Icewarox has a good idea of what I'm talking about already. Bring back Crokee while you're at it.

    Raids are fun, I wish they were harder and more difficulties to choose from. Mythic tier raids would be awesome to have in Wynncraft.

    challenge mode leaderboard is defo something we need to have asap.
    also I want seasonal servers already I mean come on how hard could it be.

    playing a videogame to acquire wealth in said videogame is for shit tier humans aka capitalists aka living garbage.

    playing a videogame to acquire wealth in said videogame is for shit tier humans aka capitalists aka living garbage.

    playing a videogame to acquire wealth in said videogame is for shit tier humans aka capitalists aka living garbage.

    I love u tardas ,
  2. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Pretty good thread but haven't we had this discussion some fifty times before
    Partyu, ThedumbOX, fishcute and 5 others like this.
  3. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper Founder of Blue Builds CHAMPION

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    Couldn't agree more. Not only that - I find it more buggy than the old system which encouraged me to halt my progression of completing all quests on all classes. It's even more demotivating when you report 3 of your classes being unable to complete the RoL questline and it being ignored for months on end.

    I mostly agree with all of this. Although I do feel it is difficult to summarise the flaws with Guilds in such a thread as this (there's a lot).

    Yes! And I think leaderboards in general for boss alters, dungeons, etc. would be cool. Similarly to how guilds are displayed in the Guild Hall perhaps?

    I disagree with this in that: Wynncraft has quite a wide target audience. Unfortunately, as most servers/games go, priority leans towards the larger audience who don't tryhard the game (like most of us using this forum are lol). So I do not think new content should be halted in order to fix bugs - however tending to existing issues definitely needs a lot more attention than its receiving at present.

    As a whole, generally good and accurate post (in my opinion).
    3 mythics in 35k chests hello??? :agony:
  4. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    wynn reborn :flushed:
    TrapinchO and TravusThaSlime like this.
  5. Vholtz_

    Vholtz_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    clearly a skill issue, but ive had my drys and ive had my good luck.
    with the number of chests ive looted (244k) both normal and unlvld i think my experience has some base behind it
    what if attackers got more sr based on the treasury of the terr, idk if im missing something obvious but it seems a pretty good compromise to me
    yes, this is totally how i feel
    its a shame that they have to cater to the more general larger audience and dont always listen to the end game players who will have more of an interest in keeping the server alive and suggesting ideas that for the most part are for the benefit of the system
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
    Partyu and TravusThaSlime like this.
  6. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    This dude wants other people to suffer to grind profs because he had to suffer to grind profs
    Partyu, fishcute, Arkade and 18 others like this.
  7. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    Honestly [DNC] Donut City about anything other than profs and challenge modes and since the only thing you said about challenge modes was something about adding a leaderboard, the only (to me) important point you had was about profs.
    Been proffing since middle of 2019 and became a tryhard sometime in the beginning of 2020. I’ve sunk thousands of hours (in total) into profs on multiple classes, so I’d say I have a pretty damn good idea of what I’m talking about.
    Profs in 1.19 were completely fine to me and loads of others, but not to the community as a whole. People just didn’t wanna invest the few hundred hours it took to get max useful, so I do agree that gxp gear was needed so that the community wouldn’t just consist of 10 active people.
    However, for some reason, they decided to not only add gxp gear (which we already knew about and had already malded about, mind you), but also the guild boost and the tomes (minor boost, not gonna talk about them even though yeah I dislike them, they’re good for the community).

    What the actual fuck were you thinking when you decided that we should get a 300% boost to gathering xp, and what the fuck were you thinking when you decided to mix profs and the guild community?
    The boost was changed to 180% before the update dropped, but even that was fucking insane, same with the current 100% boost.
    You could just say that “Oh but how were they supposed to know that something like the PROF guild would happen? It was impossible to know that the other guilds would just allow it.”
    And that’s just entirely wrong. They were literally mixing profs with guilds. GUILDS. There is a fucking mega-alliance controlling 90% of the map at all times so that is just a completely invalid argument.
    Call me elitist for all I fucking care, but profs were just completely ruined for me and lots of others in 1.20 because of how stupidly easy they now are.
    You might be thinking “Why don’t we just remove the guild boost entirely then if so many people hate it?”, but that just can’t happen. The damage had already been done. If the boost were to be removed, it would give an extremely unfair advantage to players that abused that boost hard before it was removed, and make them virtually untouchable on the leaderboards.
    In my opinion, the guild territory gxp boost should have never been a thing, and hunted mode + gxp gear + tomes should have been the only boosts possible (even though that’s still making profs way too easy in my opinion).
  8. Vholtz_

    Vholtz_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    very much agree
    TravusThaSlime likes this.
  9. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Shifting is actually only a tiny bit slower (and actually much faster in some quests) than right clicking.
    Because more needs to be added. Endgame would imply level 106 quest which no. That'd probably annoy so many peple.
    Every major update gives an old area secret discoveries. 1.17 we had ragni, 1.18 we had almuj. 1.19 nesaak 1.20 gavel. So it's a high chance of an old area getting secret discoveries. Just not known which.
    This sounds elitist i'm sorry. I did prof's with prof bombs and double exp weekend (and a gxp set given to me by the guild I'm in.) That was not a fun experience. Making it hard again just because you guys had it hard is a really bad mindset.
    I would agree if raids had all the same bugs. But rn Notg is the constantly broken one (to the point I don't think it can be fixed) and the golem room in tcc is just it's own issue. And the Occasional gates wont work bug in that 1 part in TCC but bugs kinda aren't that bad surprisingly.
    What challenge?
    Chests are crowded since people are also trying to get emerald pouches.
    Eh they do that a lot. Look at ToA
    Partyu, Dr Zed and Dream like this.
  10. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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  11. SirCmt

    SirCmt SirCmt CHAMPION

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    Something I discussed today in GLStaff was combining previous attacking SR scaling with territory defense rewards.
    Rough formula was:
    total SR from attack = (base attacking SR * (3 - (0.05 * territories owned (caps at 30))) + ((territory health) + (territory damage) + (territory attack) + (territory defense))

    Gives the following SR scaling:

    Honestly seems like a much better method of working it, and can be pretty easily adjusted. Treasury could be factored in, however that just means guilds will aim for solely higher treasury guilds.
    Vholtz_ and TravusThaSlime like this.
  12. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    Wynncraft Active Player Feedback: Denied, Reason - Because too much effort and don't care to add features suggested by Epic Troll
    MineMasterRC and TravusThaSlime like this.
  13. strivver

    strivver Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    hop on draggo smp

    wait why am i still VIP+
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  14. alproy

    alproy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I absolutely agree with each of your ideas you suggested here (mainly the secret discoveries, since I absolotly love those), some details I'd like to add:

    guilds: honestly the idea of proffs into guild WOULD be nice if not the absurd lack of any guild that is focusing on it (And as trav said, PROF is almost done with ... Proffs) as it would give reasons to attack, specificly corkus, sky islands, molten heights, and the SE, however the allience is prtty strong... and dont really think there would be any way to avoid those, as in my 3 years into guild wars I've been in few alliences, and witnessed how again and again the strongest guilds in that period of time form the world-domination alliance.

    Mob totems shouldn't be nerfed THAT hard only due to like 30 specific tryhards that got 1000 totems and dloot bombs per day to grind tons of mythics, honestly simplist solution would just make beta, give all testers small amount of bombs (only for the beta), high amount of totems per day, and then with the help of the devs, determine how much do they need to decrease the mythic find % on mobs to not be abusable by this tryharding level, but still give the small hope to find some. also i totaly agree with that nones should get mob totems too.

    And lastly, the Problem is that the devs almost completly ignore the simple players, as Cmt said, the Guild leader-dev communication was horrible and they barely spoke to any of them (from sheepn perspactive, since i dont have the perks to have it... yet), not to mention, constructive feedback in discord is practicly shouting at a blank wall that wouldn't do anything, seen by some legendary players that "spammed" (in pure chill and pacifist way so it wasnt annoying) the channel discuessing Salted ignorence to Champion rank flawes... only to finaly find out he said in a forsaken post comment that he wont change anything about it.
    same goes for bug fixes, its practicly tossing a player dedication of helping to fix wynn into the trash as some quests and raids been bugged for AGES (see NOTG stupid 3-min timer for the whole raid) , honestly its depressing how the devs never actually speak or truely discuess with some of the wynn better suggestions unless basicly 400 votes in one post hit (which is basicly all the forum community so gl with that) nor how the Item makers seems half of the time like they never really play wynn to justify some of their worse item balances (again, no offense, some cool, some just make no sense)
  15. Vholtz_

    Vholtz_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    in long questlines you cant just go tab out and do smth else, i have to sit there and hold shift, its the worst god damn mechanic in the game
    thats precisely why, makes sure everyone on the map is active enough to hold claims by encouraging attackers to attack the guilds that arnt always attacked
  16. FrozenEarth

    FrozenEarth Community Helper + Wiki Manager Discord Moderator HERO

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    - New dialogue system seems fine to me. Not every quest still does it right, but it's still a great tool that adds to quest immersion by basically emulating a dialogue screen from any other game and even comes with soundbytes for each character. That being said, it is horrific how they released it in 1.20.3, with no time to actually fit each quest to this new system, leaving them all choppy and buggy.
    - I really wish Wynn focused on doing small updates for these older areas more. Like the lack of secret discoveries, sometimes you just run into a mob made from 2014 and cringe, or go exploring deep into a cave or ruin only to find out there's nothing there. Wynn development is just so fragmented I doubt there's any resource they use to keep track of the small areas or caves they add. If there is, it sure seems the foremer.

    - Community-wise they seem pretty successful, given how tight everyone is with each other in the community.
    - Can't really say anything about wars, never gotten into them.

    - Agreed that professions should be made more interesting and less difficult.
    - If the only good reason for "make profs hard again" is because older players would feel bad, that's much less adequate compared to the upside of making them more accessible to everyone. It's probably the easiest way they could "add" more content into the game without creating too much new stuff, as professions are already a ton of content, but never explained and only explored by few, which is an extreme waste. Prof leaderboard players can get a badge or equivalent if profs get reworked, but whatever status they had should not be an obstacle to the improvement of professions for everyone. Just because things were difficult before does not mean they have to be difficult for everyone forever.

    Challenge Modes:
    - Definitely agree there should be more challenge modes. The game already sort of tells you "go make a new chararcter" after level 105, so more modes would have something for everyone.

    Personally, I think increasing beta testing tools would be a good way of combatting the bugs. Obviously there's a large (or at least loud) amount of people who do care about the game, so tapping into that resource to ease development makes sense. Currently there's just no use going on to the beta in order to test things when it takes too much work to get to them, and that work is going to be wasted since it's not on the main server. Testing quests, good luck leveling up a new character just for beta; new items, good luck finding whatever fabled or mythic the major ID is on; testing mechanics, good luck finding collaborators to help you test scenarios, and so on. Having tools that would get you into the content immediately would make testing way more worthwhile. However even this I feel is a bit fruitless because there's still so much inertia when it comes to bug fixes. Large bugs (like raids) don't get fixed probably because no one has gotten to them and they take too long to pull apart, while small bugs get delayed to the large patches.

    Overall Wynn doesn't really seem it's in a dire state, but definitely a critical one. There are still updates, I mean, so it isn't leaking players with no hope of getting more. Better communication is about the best anyone can hope for in a game community really, but it's no secret that playerbases can also be terribly shut-off from the big picture that devs have to deal with.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
    Uniimog, Partyu, HalfCat_ and 3 others like this.
  17. Vholtz_

    Vholtz_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    staff gls has the potential to be such a great resource for the development of the game and community
    Totally! the beta servers are 100% underused, i just never have any reason to test anything as its so demotivating when your account data is completly out of date, no access to test new items with them only being accessible via finding them naturally as good luck finding useful items on the tm.
    if they could add a feature where you could set your own level /make new classes instantly at lvl, have an npc that would enable players to have access to any items to test (similar to how Wynncon was) mechanics i would feel far more motivated to explore new content on beta.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  18. Sploofie

    Sploofie professional idiot VIP

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    Wynncraft is slowly dying from the inside and we must stop it :likent:
    TravusThaSlime likes this.
  19. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    haha no. Spend 5 minutes tabbed out or spend a minute skipping through dialogue.
    Literally. The only time long chat appeared were the journey se quests And RoL. Tabbing out for 5 minutes shows there's a problem with the dialogue. Also if that's your only complaint about the shift system it's kinda, petty.
    The only big issues I can think of are ToA/hive specific. And it doesn't work well when the dialogue has action between it where it gets SLIGHTLY annoying.
    Partyu and TravusThaSlime like this.
  20. rDante

    rDante Well-Known Adventurer

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    I think the gxp boosts (both guild territory and crafted gear) were way too absurd and should have been considered more thoroughly. Yeah, the addition of the IDs opened brought a few new faces, but even most of them agree that the boosts were far too op, that being that they shouldnt have made it so easy to dominate the leaderboard if you decided to level past 110 (which most people do now). Imo the boosts shouldnt have been brought to the competitive side at all, but those who grinded (or the few who still do) who agree that the boosts made proffing not as rewarding. I would want to see them remove the boosts completely, whether or not they regard people who used them. If not that then they maybe just change the cap to 110 and either to ignore overflow or have xp be completely unaffected by gathering xp buffs
    TravusThaSlime likes this.
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