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Possible Solutions To Wars Being Down ?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Tntdestroyd, May 12, 2019.

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  1. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    I’ve been putting some thought into this:

    Basically, Salted won’t tell us anything about why this is happening. If he does, he’d have to do some name calling while he was at it.

    Jpresent said he’d be able to have it it back up by Monday, right? He was just waiting for the player count to go down

    That was on a Saturday.

    If he was so close to fixing it, how would it be that he’d be delayed by an entire month or more?

    He was set back by something.

    I know he’s been away for a while and all, but he definitely isn’t the only one with the keys to the kingdom for implementing the fix... he has an assistant, and she most likely could figure something out if that were the case (that jpresent isn’t near his computer enough to get the changes up)

    I think uh... considering that Salted would have to do some name calling, someone in the CT ended up doing something that set back the Team by a lot. Or something specific to jpresent’s coding stuff.

    But that’s just speculation. Do not take this as the rock solid answer until we absolutely know what has happened. Don’t get big on any ideas either. If you do that I’m gonna find you and put you in my basement.
    tig and Bart (MC) like this.
  2. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Brutally honest VIP+

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    hey if that were the case then, maybe some ppl in this community have a bit more know how than you might think, but nobody will ever know if they can do something to help unless they tell us, but from what moe just said, he was basically told to become the answering machine everyone else in staff has been told to become.. Do you need some help with getting it back up and going salted? Regardless of what the situation is, no matter how you look at it, the community isnt going to just sit in the dark and hope for the best forever, and the time for when people give up move on has already come and nearing end for most, so many have already left, if u dont make some serious decisions and actually tell us something rather than your generic response of "were fixing it, shut up and wait"... the server will be impacted more than you think it will be. communication is key.
    Last edited: May 13, 2019
  3. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    They can't just put some code out and ask around in the community to see if anyone knows what's wrong with it; the code is essentially all of Wynn, as they don't own the engine (Minecraft) and the code and plugins are everything creating the game. Even from a business standpoint, losing players is better than possibly putting your code (read: game) at risk. This is probably why there aren't many developers to begin with (aside from the fact that they kinda want to get paid) and also why few people know how to fix it.

    I'm sure Jp has been contacted about the issues, but it still stands that he's probably the only one who can even start to fix the Trade Market, and we're just gonna have to wait until he has done so. The wars shouldn't be hard to bring back though, as the only changed thing has been that the servers used for wars had been repurposed for 'normal' Wynn to accommodate the sudden playerbase increase. It should just be a case of putting them back into war mode, which I can't imagine taking two months. Which raises the question: why are wars still gone, for no apparent reason? There shouldn't be anything to fix, nothing should've been broken, why aren't they back yet? Salteds update only mentioned that they're gonna return as soon as possible, and I think I can speak for most people here when wondering what happened to wars that led to it need fixing.
    YoshisWorld and ParkourTNT like this.
  4. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    This is what happened, then? I could understand this taking a while to deal with if they still need those servers for regular worlds.
    brokenmotor likes this.
  5. YoshisWorld

    YoshisWorld Famous Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Keep Calm2.jpg
    but srs stop making new threads About wars and trade market down... the admins get it already
  6. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    thank you for saying the exact same thing as like three other people on this thread

    this helps even less
  7. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    That is above my non-paid, volunteer, pay grade, however, other people have addressed it.

    Nope. I responded because, at nearly the outset, this thread got into a bit of a back-and-forth, that could have gotten it closed. I then responded to you, and to everyone else, the state that we are in, that we have said many times over. It hasn't changed. We are as frustrated as everyone else is; and at the basic level, all CT and all Mods started out as, and still are, Wynnians (That's my word. You are free to use it, or dump it, as you wish).

    You do realize that allowing anyone, other than admin, access to the code, would also mean that they could make unwanted, and unacceptable, changes, right? You do understand that any dev that was given access to any part of the code or access to server administration, would have to go through a lengthy vetting process, right? You know this. It's been stated by other people, in this thread, and in other threads, several times, in one way or another. Right now, whatever the issue is, it's up to admins to fix it, and I do know that they aren't just sitting around, doing nothing. We keep explaining this. We keep saying it. Why? Because that is how things are, right now. Whatever it is that is needed, if Salted needed help with it, don't you, and everyone else, think that if he could use anyone random person's (non-admin) help, that he wouldn't ask for it? Seriously? Do you, or does anyone else, think that the admins, who built the game, are so dumb as to not ask for help, when it's needed, and it can be asked for? Come on. Get real.

    No one, absolutely no one, that I know of, can predict what will happen in the future. Plenty of players get bored, leave, wait for an update, then come back, and play for a long time to come. No one, absolutely no one, that I know of, has EVER told anyone to ``shut up and wait``. That's a really rude thing to claim that anyone has done. Further, the community has already been told as much as the CT and Mods know. And, frankly, if admins don't want to say any more on the subject, that's it. That's all that there is. No one is "entitled" to information that is being privately held by any business, the same that no one is entitled to anyone's private information about where they live, who they know, and whatever else we can come up with. You're acting like we don't know the obvious; that not fixing issues isn't a problem. Everyone knows it is a problem. Everyone! It bothers everyone that this is happening. We are in the same boat that the community, which we ARE a part of, is in; we are waiting for whatever the issue is to be resolved.
  8. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    When making programs people paste some of the source code into a pastebin just so they can make sure they know what it is doing.

    Jpresent could just paste a snip of the source code for the trade market that he thinks is causing the problem and ask if any developer people see anything wrong with it.

    Now, that is a terrible idea and definitely should not be done, but that is what I think he meant.
    Druser likes this.
  9. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    Just an explanation for why it is a terrible idea for those who want to know:
    Giving developers (I would know I am one) a couple lines of code out of several thousand lines and telling them that there is something wrong with it is useless. It's like giving someone one sentence out of a thousand pages book and telling them that there is an issue with that sentence (plot hole, doesn't add up with the rest of the story). You can't solve anything without the context.

    Aside from that wynncraft is not an open source project and JP can't share with us the code.

    Last thing: usually when you have bugs like that (duping) it is not an issue with a specific set of lines, it is an issue with the whole system. Maybe Jp has to redo the entire market place. We don't know.

    Also (I know I said last thing but this is last): salted mentioned they ran into other problems and he didn't want to put the blame on anyone. This probably means that the duping issue with the market is not the only issue.
  10. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    I mean
    Look I haven't been around for a while now but jesus christ back in my day guild people got angry for absolutely nothing
    Hell, quite a few people in LEF left literally because guilds felt like pretty much most competitive communities, toxic and gets angry for nothing
    Now, literally the leader of DDT quit Wynn after a year because he realized he lost a ton of stuff and even sacrificed his grades for a game that people took too seriously, and considering this actually happened less than 2 months ago, I feel like Guilds are the same as back in the Emperium days (remember the good ol' times where wars weren't even properly functional to begin with good times when you raged because people didn't feel like warring every single time someone attacked our territories)

    I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy wars but at least to me, the war community is by far the worst part of this place and mostly because of how seriously they take this game

    However, the lack of information over the situation (not even an update on it saying "Ok shit's going down don't expect stuff to be coming back soon we are sorry for this") is definetly quite the issue

    But I wouldn't appreciate much a part of the community that has quite a bad history
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  11. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Brutally honest VIP+

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    Hey sup marcos, thats fair that you felt that way about that portion of the game and guilds, but the competitive factor of wars and making guilds with there communities was really entertaining in my opinion. The drama and toxic portions that may come from whatever situation involving them was also at times amusing in my opinion, but that can go both ways with that. Some people hated it, like you're saying. The communities and challenge of making them, a long with the teams to control the map is all we had end game though other than LI, trade market was there to, but that had problems, wars didn't. Tbh, at this point, I've basically given up on Wynncraft just about, others already gone. This whole situation is being handled poorly, if we be the customers of Wynncraft, why would we want to spend money at a place that has basically no customer service and provides little to no content worth spending money on. Wynn's losing more customers by the day, and locking threads to people that are upset because of the fact that they dont understand why the place they have invested good money into, has stripped all forms of end game entertainment from them with nothing more than a "Oh!, yea were sorry about that, not going to tell you why or anything, but just know you guys are our #1 priority and were upset to, but with that being said, I'm just gonna lock your thread now". That or mute people in the discord permanently, Great way to make people continue to invest money into the server and keep them coming back. Knowing wynn though, wars, market, and all the rest wont be back for a long time, so why even bother.
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