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World |-+-| Party Duels |-+-|

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by LordSpectilas, Dec 14, 2018.


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  1. LordSpectilas

    LordSpectilas Well-Known Adventurer

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    Note: Voting in the pole above is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    I'm here to elaborate my idea about party duels. It's pretty self explanatory.

    Only the leaders can send/receive party duels, and there has to be atleast 2 people in a party. All members must be within 50 blocks of the leader, or the leader will not be able to send the duel.

    To send a party duel, you will type "/party duel". This will put your duel mode into party mode, so you send a party duel instead of a normal duel. Then you just shift + left click like normal. To switch back, simply type "/party duel" again.

    Players not in vacinity

    /party duel messages

    Getting requested a duel

    Any other duel messages will replace 'duel' with 'party duel'.

    If a player leaves a party in the middle of a duel, they will still stay committed until the end of the duel.

    A party duel will end once all of one party has been eliminated.

    It will work just like normal duels, meaning that 5 level 1's can go up against 5 level 100's. And yes, it doesn't have to be the same amount of people in both parties.

    Hope you like the idea!
  2. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Actually sorta nice.
    But I have to say "Wait, didn't you already post 2 suggestions? Today?"
    Regardless, good suggestion that I already suggested in the "Should wynn have pvp" thread in the wynncraft section
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