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Opinions Of Zentrela

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Endertricity, Jul 9, 2016.

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  1. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    desert is stem
  2. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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  3. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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  4. Phurple

    Phurple The Plebian VIP+

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    *cough* People trying to find the smallest crap possible to shit on another server because they think it poses a threat *cough*
    shipbreaker!!! likes this.
  5. Misaka

    Misaka Travelled Adventurer

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    Hey guys what's up! I'm Misaka, the owner of Zentrela.

    Just thought I'd hop in here since I heard from some players on our server that there's maybe some hostility or at least awkward discussions goin on here on the Wynncraft forums about Zentrela, hopefully this will answer some questions.

    So first things first - I have absolutely no intention of hostility towards Wynncraft, I'm not trying to take over this server or something lol. All I want is to make a fun RPG that provides a different type of gameplay than Wynncraft. I have no problem with people talking about Wynncraft on Zentrela, and I love what Wynncraft has done (there's some seriously awesome features on here). I don't want this to turn into some kind of rivalry, because I'd rather see Zentrela and Wynncraft co-exist peacefully. There's nothing wrong with having more than 1 good RPG server to play!

    Now the "good RPG server" part that I just mentioned is definitely very subjective. I know Zentrela has a ton of problems right now (especially that atrocious map... the results of me learning WorldPainter from scratch and trying to rush out a map in 2 days lmao). We have a lot of features that are only halfway complete, our world is a barren desert of long roads, lack of mobs leading to people arguing over kill stealing, and some super imbalanced stuff combat-wise (and also just some really weird things like no hit feedback right now). A lot of things aren't mentioned in the tutorial, because they were added after I made the tutorial (global chat and banks being 2 of the biggest offenders).
    I try to listen to the community as much as I can (I even read through every single suggestion posted on the forums personally), and I'm doing my best to fix the things that are ultra lame on Zentrela.

    We've been around in open release now for about a month, and there's still a ton to work on, and I know that there's a lot of problems with Zentrela and tbh if you log on now and play Zentrela, unless you really like grinding you'll probably die of boredom within a couple hours.

    But again, fixing our problems is just so that Zentrela can be fun too. I'm not trying to fix the problems on Zentrela because it'll help me take over Jumla's life and slowly turn Wynncraft into Misakacraft. I'm fixing them because they're ruining the fun of our own server.

    Now let's talk about me so I can brag :^) (not rly, just trying to explain some of the background of Zentrela, and again, super important!! I'm not trying to bash Wynncraft in any way lol, I have a lot of respect for their team and what they've accomplished)

    I'm definitely one of the more experienced coders in the MC community. I like to think I'm on par with Jumla, but he probably knows a lot more Minecraft-related stuff than me because he's a freakin' god at this stuff. That being said, I've had enough coding experience to take on some well-paying office internships as a developer, so I'm not just a lil' noob copy pasting code from other plugins. Because of that, I do have a big advantage over many non-Wynncraft servers simply because being both owner and dev means I can code up new suggestions really quickly. For example, someone suggested a /ping command on the forums, and 3 minutes later I'd coded it because I don't need to wait for someone else to tell me what to code. This means that, in general, Zentrela evolves very quickly (if you like, you can hop over to our forum's Patch Notes section to see how often we update).

    If any of you have heard of Kastia, I was the original owner/dev of that server. We were originally an RPG, and at one point had more players online than Wynncraft (I remember being hyped when I saw Wynncraft at like 250 players and we were at like 260 lol). Eventually Wynncraft exploded into a giant RPG server, and we kinda morphed into a weird minigame/RPG server and eventually just minigames, and also had some new owners join the team. While I was owner, we reached about 700 players online at peak times, so I do have experience running reasonably large servers and rapid growth is not gonna be something that kills Zentrela.

    OKAY well that's all about me I'm not that interesting lol. Back to Zentrela stuff. Anyways I want to stress again, I'd really hate to see the relationship between Zentrela and Wynncraft turn into some weird rivalry where players from the servers hate each other lol like Wynn people being like "MAN ZENTRELA SUX!!! UGLY WORLD LOL AND NOOBS!!!" and Zentrela people being like 'HAHAH WyNN IS FOR NOOBERS!!! U ARE SO OLD WE HAVE THE COOL DANK STUFF!!".

    Oh and also if anyone is curious, I've only played Wynncraft to like level 5 and barely know any of its features. Literally the only idea I got from Wynncraft was the idea that it's possible to make a quest system in Minecraft. I know our spell-cast systems turned out the same, but it's actually a coincidence where that just happens to be the best key-combos for spellcasts. If you look through our patch notes, you can see a couple months ago when Zentrela was still in development there were different spellcasts - something like LLL LLR etc. - but I felt they were too clunky and changed them and didn't notice they were the same as Wynn's until someone pointed it out. But yeah I really haven't played Wynn long enough to copy any features lol. I did play Dungeon Realms a bit longer (got some tier 2 stuff on there), but also didn't play a whole lot of it. Most of Zentrela is a rewrite of my Kastia RPG, which was mostly just my own ideas and ideas from the community, as well as some inspiration from Runescape and Maplestory. There are probably some similarities between Zentrela and Wynncraft other than quests, but honestly that's almost certainly just because we're both RPGs, and there's only so much you can do with an RPG in Minecraft. Like, I wouldn't say "OMG WYNNCRAFT COPIED WoW BECAUSE IT HAS PARTIES AND GUILDS!!!!!! AND THERE ARE MONSTERS THAT DROP ITEMS!!", because those are just features common to most MMORPGs.

    Anyways I think the best attitude to take towards Wynncraft and Zentrela is, "Wynncraft is cool, and Zentrela is also a bit cool but maybe not as cool, but it's different". I hope ppl will chill a bit after this post b/c I see some people on my server hating on Wynn saying it's turning into trash, and I don't think you have to hate Wynncraft to play Zentrela, or hate Zentrela to play Wynncraft.

    tl;dr hola i am zentrela owner, pls no hate, we are just an alternative to wynncraft, if you like us thats great, if not then thats also great, i know our server has a lot of suck stuff and there's nothing wrong with playing both servers (when you get bored of Wynn maybe you'll hop on Zent, when you're bored of Zent maybe you'll hop on Wynn).

    tl;dr2 holy cow that was about 10x longer than I expected lol
  6. Thedarklordyo

    Thedarklordyo i eat egg VIP

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    how dare you be reasonable
    JohnDSi likes this.
  7. JohnDSi

    JohnDSi still a dead idiot HERO

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    praise misaka or rito
  8. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Praise Yuuki
  9. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    At least it's bigger than DR's map :^)
    Kalmer likes this.
  10. Turtlebomb

    Turtlebomb idk VIP+

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    Some things I think Zentrela needs to work on is game design and their map, one thing I like about Zentrela that wynn doesn'the have is the ability to choose which spells you use for your chosen class; I think you should be able to "test drive" all of the classes, but be inclined to choose one.
  11. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Honestly, it's a massive stress reliever from the massive plot and brainpower you need for Wynn. It felt amazing to play something so simple.

    Of course, there are problems, mainly the whole thing with the loot, detail in the map, and some other random stuff, but that's beyond the point.
  12. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    I actually played it,and i liked it,it was what i was looking for since the mob update,a 2nd wynncraft,actually it haves for me a big potential,but still haves A LOT of things that requires for reach at least a little wynncraft
    My actual rating about it is:8/10 for be very new,is pretty good,i will for now point my good points are my bad points about it
    My good things about that server:
    a bunch of different classes
    more than 4 spells per class,which you can customize whenever you want,and u can unlock more/upgrade them with the time :D
    the staff is helpful and fun,not like in other servers that i remember to have a very crappy staff (not wynncraft or any BIG BIG server)
    the community is pretty good for what i saw for now :P
    My bad things about that server:
    a really bad made map,which is a flat world,with a biome in each extreme of the world,and is basically a bunch of cities splitted around a mostly flat world
    most weapons without texture packs are weird .-.
    the tutorial is pretty confusing,same for NPC dialogues,as its long and a little hard to read for me :/

    its actually a decent server,which haves potential,but really needs more work,something that will be seen with the time :P
    the map issue will be resolved in some weeks/days,as they are building the new map,and it seems really cool :D

    why do i feel like that is a necro post,is it?
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