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Any Class Op Mythic Builds V3.0 (1.20.4): About to be Closed Edition

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by NamesAreHard, Jul 7, 2021.

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  1. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    i dont think i ever submitted my mythic builds here, and i dont know if any of my builds are here already, but here it goes (this is gonna be a beeg post)
    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Thrundacrack
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K90JX0uF0tv0GQ0K200W0og0Qw-Y2C1f0y-Y1g0000102J6I
    Primary Damage: 11k bash, 18k upper (no war scream nor curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 30k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (rally)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (only 1)
    Comments: could be a bit glassy but does the job

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Hero
    Element Combo: eTWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0A...0Qi0L0e2B0y2C1g100336100036100036100336100nZ6
    Primary Damage: 7k bash, 11k upper (deals a lot more with war scream, rage and hero's major id)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 131k, 28k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (has some lf but not enough, can use dragon's tongue for hpr, also keep in mind that you want to stay at half health)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (unfortunatelly i couldnt make it not use guild tomes)
    Comments: good rage hero

    Creator: DeltaWave (not sure if i stole it from someone but whatever)
    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_09S0a60LM0VN0W70Jf0K40OP0Qh0y0+05270t1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 33k dps (no vanish nor courage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 113k, 64k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (greed)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: cool inferno tierstack

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Spring
    Element Combo: EWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0L30JL0Ty0TQ0K00T40OP0Qv0o-E2C24001g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 19k storm, 8,5k bomb (no curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 62k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: low dmg but tanky, switch some accs if you want more dmg less tank

    Creator: DeltaWave (got inspired from a simmilar build)
    Mythic(s): Fatal, Slayer
    Element Combo: TWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0K70PW0Qq0050K20ON0Ji0QY012714121B1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 20k meteors (no curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 36k, 17k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (heal, ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: a bit glassy but very fun, has ws and some melee dmg, and you can use koh if you have some tomes

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Monster
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_01...0Qn01111f2M011g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 12k meteor (no courage nor endurance)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 72k, 71k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (heal, lf)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (two of them)
    Comments: low dps but cool overall

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Absolution, Resurgence
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0lS0RZ0Jh0Qr0t80K00TN0OP0QI000o211p001g00000
    Primary Damage: 9k aura (no totem boost)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 43k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (totem heal)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (two of them)
    Comments: nothing special, mr needs to be around 7 with abso+resu, so no need for godly rolls

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Idol
    Element Combo: EWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0250L30JL0Jq0t80t80TN0ty0Qf0e+I2I1W-Y1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 7k bash, 12k upper (no war scream nor curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 63k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: kinda low dmg standard ewf hpr spellspam

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Convergence
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u40L30JL0tv0K00TQ0Jn0og0ux0o0o141g+T1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 10k bash, 15k upper (no war scream nor courage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 62k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: nice build, get some hpr tomes for better healing

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Stratiformis
    Element Combo: ETWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0pc0l-0D407W0K00TQ0tz0OM0Rb0Z0U21002M1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 25k storm, 10k bomb
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 37k, 7k (lol)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: fun ws and jh, but glassy, can powder it a6w6w6 for curse (optional)

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Revenant
    Element Combo: EFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0uO0Jm0360Qt0EE0EE0KI0OP0CB18-Y-Y1m161g00001006C6
    Primary Damage: 17k dps (no vanish nor courage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 107k, 52k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (greed)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (two of them, not needed if you use gold solar)
    Comments: kinda low dps, but tanky and fun ws, rawstack poggers
    NamesAreHard and Justice like this.
  2. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    Creator: poke
    Mythic(s): singularity
    Element Combo: rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#5_0V...10110K40OH0Qp0g1k1B12131g00003OnZCOOnZ6C0036C
    Primary Damage: 30k melee dps (also 12k meteor)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 50k / 25k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y - can use koh
    Tomes (Y/N): Y - 1sp required for koh (if you don't care about koh, no tomes required)
    Comments: tstack singu is still alive! the crafted ring is this recipe - the custom item is there since wynnbuilder hasn't updated vortexian yet
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  3. anter90911

    anter90911 Well-Known Adventurer

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    These are my three Lament builds I came up with. Two with trift one without.

    Creator: anter90911
    Mythic(s): Lament, Stardew
    Element Combo: eTWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...K40og0Qk0b11221G051g10009I10009I010009I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 22k meteors (can reach alot higher with conc and curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 34732/33043
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (Lament Heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: I suggest getting 2 mythic weapon tomes as it greatly increases the damage potential of this build and you dont need extra sp.
    Also 30 to 35k ehp is more than enough with Lament because of the insane heals.

    Creator: anter90911
    Mythic(s): Lament
    Element Combo: etWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0l...0Qk0f0i2C1G051f10009I10039I10000C10009I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 16.9k Meteors (trift and curse will go a long way here)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 33169/31556
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (Lament Heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Same as the above suggestion. Sizzling Shawl and Greaves of the Veneer just make a great duo.

    Creator: anter90911
    Mythic(s): Lament, Stardew
    Element Combo: eTWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0lS0px0r50Qx0OK0OK0K40og0Qk0B112C120B1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 21k Meteors (trift and curse will go a long way here aswell)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 28067/25145
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (Lament Heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: A high damage and riskier trift lament (You can still survive, Lament keeps you alive). For even more damage allocate the extra sp to strength instead of defense.

    Edited: Added powders to first build and added a third build.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2021
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  4. crturt1e

    crturt1e Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Creator: crturtle
    Mythic(s): convergence, resurgence
    Element Combo: EWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07...0ux1G0D1h27071g10009I10069I10069I10069I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 15k uppercuts (16.5k with scream)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 116k/105k (145k/135k with scream)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 1.3k hpr, can use RotS
    Tomes (Y/N): No
    Comments: If you don't plan on using RotS swap out rings for yang and balance str/dex
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  5. OmegaCKL

    OmegaCKL definitely totally super very active player CHAMPION

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  6. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Pretty interesting that half the builds here aren't actually that OP but oh well, I'm sure people will decide what builds they like from the list anyways

    Time to give heavy spell some love :)

    Creator: J.Lo (IGN: J_Lo777)
    Mythic(s): Grimtrap
    Element Combo: ETF
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_06...FN-19X9X9X9X9X9c9n910QZ1u16z+0f-i1g00001001Z6
    Primary Damage: 100k dmg Smoke Bombs and 65k dmg Multihits (including vanish, will reach upto 180k dmg Smoke Bombs with rage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 20kehp / 20kehp (0agi)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Yes, 800hp lifesteal (1.3k ELS)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Uses two crafted Large Lapis accessories. Grimtrap has the biggest potential for heavy spell due to the mechanics of the Assassin class, the natural life sustain Grimtrap offers with its lifesteal, and the -4th spell cost ID which allows for more ease with heavy spell.
    Justice likes this.
  7. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Creator: J.Lo (IGN: J_Lo777)
    Mythic(s): Divzer, Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Vb0RZ0DS0QR0OS0K20K40og0QS052O140stV1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 32k dmg Arrow Storms (Nighthawk)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 17.4k ehp (0agi)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Yes, 1.7k hp lifesteal (2.1k ELS)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Rather tanky for a Divzer build with decent dmg too imo. It's not a war build, it's simply a good Divzer build for general use.
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  8. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Creator: Sir_Doomed
    Mythics: Quetzalcoatl, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: EFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...0uy1r-Y-Y1a161g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1036CO
    Primary damage: 13.7k melee, 15.9k w/ courage, probably more with endurance
    EHP (Agi/Non agi): 104k/50.6k
    Life Sustain(Y/N/M): M - 6 mana 16k effective heals, 6.9k effective lifesteal
    Tomes(Y/N): N
    Comments: Not as much damage as melee singu builds, but no crafteds and good EHP, with some sustain thrown in.
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  9. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Technically it's penta
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  10. •WhiteWolf•

    •WhiteWolf• Traumatised. HERO

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    Creator: Diamond_Laser/•WhiteWolf•
    Mythic(s): collapse/crusade sabatons
    Element Combo: rainbow (duh)
    Build Link: https:https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0u...K40uH0QT230e0e1a0t1g010000C10036C10036C1006CC
    Primary Damage: 20k unboosted melee damage. 35k with scream and courage
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 100k/58k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y: mostly greed, but some health regen too
    Tomes (Y/N): No.
    Comments: really good all round collapse build. very tanky and has sustain unlike many other scarlet veil builds. If you want even more EHP you can use second wind but it hurts on sp and thunder defence

    Creator: Diamond_Laser/•WhiteWolf•
    Mythic(s): Nirvana
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u40RZ0uS0Qx0TQ0GQ0OJ0og0Qm0o152M11+T1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 10.7k spins without any boosts
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 21k/21k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, although minimal. hpr/ls tomes would be useful
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: much more glassy than the average nirvana build but it is spellsteal so it isn't as pronounced a weakness as in a mana regen nirvana build. Adding conc powdering really boosts damage further and makes this a really dangerous build

    Creator: Diamond_Laser/•WhiteWolf•
    Mythic(s): Stratiformis
    Element Combo: eTWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0l-0Ig07W0TQ0GQ0K40uI0Rb0P1121052C1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 11.7k bombs
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 40.6k/8.7k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): Y 11sp (needs at least 1 rainbow tome, a 3sp tome and a guild tome)
    Comments: pretty solid but needs decent mana/ls rolls and good cycling/movement

    enjoy :)
    NamesAreHard and Justice like this.
  11. PhoenixOrigin

    PhoenixOrigin dumbass HERO

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  12. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    That's pretty good, I'm surprised I never thought to use OKR but it slipped by me. I will admit that you did something that I had trouble with doing on the tierstack Collapse builds and I am the one that did most of the builds for the Collapse section.

    Yeah, quite a few of the Collapse builds though mostly the tierstack builds are hard to get any good hp sustain for. Yeah, I did try to add some hp sustain to the tierstack builds but I couldn't think up much other than just getting enough skill points for RotS. RotS does work well though its big drawback is that you have to actively switch to it in order for it to work unlike using OKR. In all honesty, I'd replace one of the Nose Ring in the crafted ring with another Stolen Pearls to reduce the -ws% and double the stealing so it gives more of a chance for emeralds to drop. The damage isn't really affected too horribly by replacing one Nose Ring either. You could also replace Recalcitrance with a necklace with the same stats as the crafted ring for more ehp and stealing but it would require a tome and reduce the damage further to 19.5K dps.

    Extra Stolen Pearls in ring: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0u...K40uH0QT230e0e1a0t1g010000C10036C10036C1006CC

    If you want a poor man's version that can be used, you could replace Crusade Sabatons with Nether's Scar for more dmg and to cancel out the -hpr of OKR and Nether's Scar as well and replace Horizon with Second Wind since the hpr from it wouldn't be usable tho could still be used if you used Burnout for boots instead. You can also replace Recalcitrance with Diamond Fusion for skill points or whatever really.

    Replacing Crusade w/ Nether's Scar: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0u...K40OH0QT1z0+0e1D0y1g010000C10036C10006C1006CC
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2021
  13. •WhiteWolf•

    •WhiteWolf• Traumatised. HERO

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    yeah most tstack is kinda crappy in this department. Add to that rainbow and u get very little sustain

    pearls are expensive and the stealing is honestly fine as it in terms of proccing

    I tried doing nether's scar versions but they were all inevitably useless since they drove all ele defs even more negative. The main issue with the build you linked is that it'd be shredded in TCC, which is one of the better places for veil collapse.
    Justice likes this.
  14. Ssapphiree

    Ssapphiree Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Creator: DragonSlayer968
    Mythic(s): Singularity, Slayer
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_06...10y1g1000CO1001iO1001iO1000CO3OnZ6OOnZ6C0066C
    Primary Damage: 34.5k Melee without courage, 52k with. Also 23k meteors.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 41k/22k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M, 3.3k first pulse, but weak MR.
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: You can swap out 26 strength to hit 68 intel and have 1 cost meteors and 2 cost teleports.
  15. yy8erig

    yy8erig bumpjoinICo

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  16. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    what is this?
    a spell build? no, the mana regen isn't enough to achieve anything decent. not to mention knucklebones kills off any hope for spell steal.
    a poison build? you would be better off using Sequoia instead.
    plus, curse stack works best if you have super slow, not super fast.
    is this even an attempt? the items used don't compliment each other at all.
  17. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    speaking of warp... COMBAT WARP TIME :saltedhigh:
    it's surprising to see how much mana steal can be stacked on AGI

    Creator: Fwap_a_Durp
    Mythic(s): Warp, Moontower
    Element Combo: EWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_02509-0Ja0Qj0OK0TQ0OJ0OM0R10e+821+w2W1g00001004fU
    Primary Damage: 21575.41 Meteor (2 cost)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 61050.90 / 11737.50
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, Heal 2045.14 first pulse (2 cost), -914.4/4 hpr, 425/3s ls (be sure to melee)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Crafteds (Y/N): N
    Comments: Lunar Spine strikes back with a vengeance, but this time with worse hpr for far greater damage. You can keep your mana as well without being completely cleared away. Factoring in base mana regen, you get 3/5 mana regen and super slow 11/3 mana steal. More than enough to be viable.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  18. yy8erig

    yy8erig bumpjoinICo

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    its a joke
    go attempt for yourself warp knucklebones cursestack poison
    hint hint its probably not possible without crafteds
    tig likes this.
  19. Loilipop

    Loilipop Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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  20. Loilipop

    Loilipop Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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