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Any Class Op Mythic Builds V2.0 (1.20)

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by RenZenthio, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    I have already put this in atlas inc yell at ims, but sure I'll repost again

    Mythic(s): Fantasia
    Element Combination: Rainbow duh but specced into WA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0XL2WM2Vq2UU0K00K20aM0nD2UH160l220m1D1g00001003CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 14103.53 unboosted Auras, 19039.76 Totem boosted Aura (since you use haul for spell cycle anyways so logically you should have boost)
    EHP: 29658.02
    EHP 13395.25
    Self sustainable: Yes, but ever since shaman nerf this may not be sustainable with the lowered totem radius, lowered heals, cci mobs, and haul always launching you outside of totem's radius
    Comments: high aoe dps (26k dps with cycle [(Aura Aura Haul) x3 Aura Uproot] in 5 seconds) while having good survivability. Or you can put in discordant and getting +16% EHP for -11.5% dps
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
    RenZenthio likes this.
  2. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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  3. Ear Infection

    Ear Infection Back Again HERO

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  4. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    It's really hard trying to get a good sustain on a build with Stardew+Collapse in general, I'll probably improve it as I find new ideas and items.
    Also just created 2 Resurgence builds that blows both of my Stardew Collapse builds out of the water... lol.
    Mythic(s):Resurgence, Collapse
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0Au0Pf09U0Qr0t80K002d0OH0QT1q0r1f1S0r1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: Uppercut 20.2K
    EHP: 58529
    EHP (without agility): 34119
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y? (Idk)
    Comments: Can use an Undying or Apocalypse with it for much more life sustain.

    Mythic(s):Resurgence, Collapse
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0Au0Pf09U0Qr0t80t80K40og0QT1q0v1f1a0r1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: Uppercut 20.4K
    EHP: 66149
    EHP (without agility): 38561
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y? (Idk)
    Comments: Is possible to change the rings out for something like a Yang+Cacophany pair for more hp sustain but your damage does go down to a 19.5K uppercut. Other rings that can be used are Moon Pool Circlet, DHydro Ring, Prism, Summa, and Facile just to name a few. Can use an Undying or Apocalypse with it for much more life sustain.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    RenZenthio likes this.
  5. fuzzyfur123

    fuzzyfur123 Travelled Adventurer

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    I am a spell singularity addict here are my top builds:

    Mythic(s): Singularity, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combination: ETWFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_06...w0l1g10006C10ptlU1000CO10039I3OnZCOOnZ6C0036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 19.2k meteor 1 cost
    EHP: 61k
    EHP (without agility): 38k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): yes
    Comments: Super tanky, solid dmg, low spell costs and my all around favorite build. I have soloed LI, Qira, EO, and completed TCC with this build.

    Mythic(s): Singularity, Resurgence
    Element Combination: ETWFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_0lS0F+09U0Qr0K00Fx0TN0OH0Qp0l1h1f1Z0l1g00003OnZ9IOnZ6C0036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 21.3k meteor 2 cost
    EHP: 45k
    EHP (without agility): 28k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): yes
    Comments: This is a slightly more damage oriented version but requires a good resu to really work. Can use Cumulonimbus instead of sizzling shawl for similar numbers.

    Mythic(s): Singularity
    Element Combination: ETWFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_2Vg2WM2Vq2UU0K00K20TN0OH2VF0s1h1f141D1g00003OnZ9IOnZ6C0036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 20.9k meteor 2 cost
    EHP: 39k
    EHP (without agility): 18k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): yes
    Comments: Sacrifices a little health using capricorn instead of resurgence if you are poor.

    You should never run out of mana with these builds if you spell cycle and all use king of hearts of hand for party healing and tp flying around map.
    RenZenthio, Gooooooooood and Pdunk like this.
  6. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Mythic(s): Fatal, Slayer
    Element Combination: TF(A)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_09r0ol0pB0Qq0OQ0OQ0K40Jc0QY0527-n1v0y1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 19600 1 cost meteor & 7200 super fast dps
    EHP: 69851.72
    EHP (without agility): 37831.44
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: I use a non-mythic version of this for tcc and it works well. As for the build, it's a super fast spell steal hybrid +walk speed good sustain tank. I wish I was rich enough to actually use it.

    @hppeng u may be interested.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    hppeng and RenZenthio like this.
  7. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    Guess who's back to share more builds, it's me
    Mythic(s): Archangel
    Element Combination: EWA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0rE0Bl0sq0Uj0TQ0Zd0Tm0TY0QO0R00140A1R1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 2.5k spins, 1.4k melee dps + access to curse
    EHP: 15.3k
    EHP (without agility): 6k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): up t0 360 hpr and 173 ls
    Comments: At level Archangel attempt, side note, Blasphemy is busted for leveling up

    Mythic(s): Pure
    Element Combination: (E)WFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0oG0Rz0sq0Sr0uP0uP0TN00A0Ql0A0C1f0h0U1100000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 8k meteors
    EHP: 7.1k
    EHP (without agility): 5.2k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: Oh I made another pure build, this time it's at level. Photon looks good for leveling up.

    Mythic(s): Weathered
    Element Combination: TWFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0qn09-0D407W09q09q02d0V10Q+-x0e1f0X2M1g00001001ZU
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 6.3k spins + access to curse
    EHP: 84.5k
    EHP (without agility): 16.2k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: If you play cautiously enough 182 ls and amulet of rejuvenation can get you potless through LI, but reasonably it's easier to just have a couple potions on you

    Mythic(s): Alkatraz
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0270a60uX0K50m60K20TN00A0QJ2M-n1417-n1g1000361000361000361000360
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 10.4k bash, 16k uppercut (boosted)
    EHP: 45k
    EHP (without agility): 45k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: Alkatraz suck, but this is about the best I could do

    Mythic(s): Nullification, Resurgence
    Element Combination: Rainbow (ETWFA)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0690px0r50Qr0TQ0K20Wf0OH0Qo0j0j212B0j1g00001004fC
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 5.4k spins + access to curse
    EHP: 78.4k
    EHP (without agility): 49.7k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: haha panderift Nulli go brr (Moon pool can be swapped for Ataraxy for more more efficient powder special getting)

    Mythic(s): Monster, Resurgence
    Element Combination: WFa
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0l...0Qn0000212M0H1g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 15.4k meteors + access to courage
    EHP: 84.2k
    EHP (without agility): 71k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: My personal Monster build (for when I actually get a monster), Very slow attack speed is practically the same as super slow for mage since they don't need the same cps as most other classes for optimal dps.

    Mythic(s): Dawnbreak
    Element Combination: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0D80hp0nY0QR-1ASASASAS8H8H9m910tB0KI0UB0CB0A1F001a161g00001001Z6
    Primary Spell hit/melee dps: 13k dps, 26k hit, 108k quakes (all boosted)
    EHP: 80k
    EHP (without agility: 39k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Good stealing/Greed
    Comments: Exploited Heavy Melee, for anyone who can't stand having no agility, smoke bomb can be used for canceling burnout and getting more emeralds. (defensive stats are put in like that for raids)

    Mythic(s): Disco, Pure (Optional)
    Element Combination: Either TWF or WFA
    Build link: https://wynndata.tk/s/u3ao2y (Pure version https://wynndata.tk/s/n7pyh9 ) (Judas version https://wynndata.tk/s/tzqs0a )
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 6.4k Meteors with pure, 8.9k meteors with Judas
    EHP: Way to variable to say exactly, plus it doesn't matter
    EHP (without agility): See former
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): King of Hearts
    Comments: (Custom is anamnesis) This is a lootrunning disco build that doesn't completely destroy your bank, good for anyone who doesn't want to waste their money on 3-4 mythics. The SP allows for the usage of either Judas or Pure for combat parts of lootrunning, the Koh and Ana don't have to be max mr to allow for infinite flight, but you should aim for at least 7. The accessories have more of a focus on durability because the soft cap is already easily hit, and I didn't do the same for the pants because I'm bad at crafting. Warp lootrunning is overrated

    Welcome to my desperate attempt to make inferno usable, If there is one thing you can say about Inferno, it's that it enables some pretty high ehp builds
    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combination: EFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0iw0iv0ix0jP0Ks0Ks0Jn09t0Qh1B-n-n2M1o1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 10.3k melee + access to courage
    EHP: 240k
    EHP (without agility): 71.6k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): up t0 508 hpr and 422 ls (222 with Renda)
    Comments: Drain can be substituted for Renda Langit if mana is too much of a problem

    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combination: TFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0JN0U20X50Ju0BK0BK0Jn09t0Qh-Y0e-41+1B1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9.4k melee + access to courage
    EHP: 185k
    EHP (without agility): 85.3k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): up t0 506 hpr and 1199 ls (999 with Renda)
    Comments: Drain can be substituted for Renda Langit if mana is too much of a problem

    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combination: EFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0JN0Jm0Dv0Nr0BK0BK0Jn09t0Qh0e-Y-E231L1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 15.7k melee + access to courage
    EHP: 193k
    EHP (without agility): 79.9k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): up to 806 hpr and 699 ls (499 with Renda)
    Comments: Drain can be substituted for Renda Langit if mana is too much of a problem

    Choose whichever you think has the best ratio of damage, survivability, and whatever other stuff is important
    Well, that was a lot of stuff, I have way too much free time it seems.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
    RenZenthio and NotFunny like this.
  8. TypeDragon

    TypeDragon Skilled Adventurer

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    Mythic(s): Spring
    Element Combination: WA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0250U209d07W0K00OK0OJ0OM0Qv0Kz+2G0q1D1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 14k bombs (1 mana) with 34k arrow storms
    EHP: 30632.73
    EHP (without agility): 13835.49
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N (no hpr)
    Comments: Less Glassy Spell Spam Spring. Defense Sp is up to you. Only Capricorn and Spring require good rolls to deal close to max damage. If you don't have spring you can use crafted spring (you can spell steal)
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
    RenZenthio likes this.
  9. SmiGuy

    SmiGuy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    wrong build link?
    RenZenthio likes this.
  10. TypeDragon

    TypeDragon Skilled Adventurer

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    Yep I'll fix

    Edit: Finished, it should work now
    RenZenthio likes this.
  11. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    Mythic(s): Weathered
    Element Combination: TWFA
    Build link:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cumulonimbus
    > Medeis
    > Dark Shroud
    > Weatherwalkers
    > Stratus
    > Diamond Hydro Ring
    > Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    > Eyes on All
    > Weathered [a6a6a6]

    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 10k spins boosted, 26k multis boosted, 38k smoke bombs boosted
    EHP: 70.7k
    EHP (without agility): 17.4k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): No
    Comments: Enough mana steal to sustain 2 mana spins.
    RenZenthio likes this.
  12. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    Mythic(s): Revenant
    Element Combination: EFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0JN0Jm0360Qt0EE0EE0KI0Jt0CB1C-Y-E1I1I1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 15.9k dps, 3.7k per hit
    EHP: 89672
    EHP (without agility): 38360
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (greed and hpr)

    Mythic(s): Idol
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0250L30Jo0Jq09q09q0T40OM0Qf0e+I2I1D-Y1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9.4k bash, 14.5k upper
    EHP: 42440
    EHP (without agility): 42440
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (lots of hpr)
    Comments: Could deal more dmg by using draoi and yang but uppers would cost 2. Even more dmg with vaccum, but hpr goes down a lot.

    Mythic(s): Thrundacrack
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0K90JX0uF0tv0GQ0GQ00W0OM0Qw-Y2M1h0y-Y1g0000101Z6C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 11.8k bash, 18.3k upper
    EHP: 29623
    EHP (without agility): 29623
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (rally)
    Comments: The mana seems low but its enough for 1/1 costs if you uppercancel in a right rate, needs an awesome pro tempore.

    Mythic(s): Aftershock
    Element Combination: ETF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0kq0a60X90rP0DU0BK0BI0uH0QK1f1L0028001g0000100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 34.8k dps, 8k per hit
    EHP: 38223
    EHP (without agility): 38223
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: Totem heals arent great, but they might do the work.

    Mythic(s): Toxoplasmosis
    Element Combination: ETF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_01M0jD07n0kH0kN0kN0BF0Ji0Qy3H0t001k001g00001000CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 19171 poison tick
    EHP: 25893
    EHP (without agility): 25893
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (lifesteal and totem heals)

    Mythic(s): Cataclysm
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0K90RZ0T-0BU0K00OK0OJ0og0QQ002C1m1E001g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 13.4k spins
    EHP: 23411
    EHP (without agility): 23411
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: Tenuto needs to have at least -6 tiers

    Mythic(s): Cataclysm, Dawnbreak
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0K90RZ0LA0QR0OS0OK0K40uI0QQ052C1f1A051g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 12.8k spins, 4.2k dps, 8.2k per hit
    EHP: 22947
    EHP (without agility): 21831
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: Has some lifesteal but idk if its enough

    Mythic(s): Weathered
    Element Combination: EWA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0qn09-0E-07W0K00TQ02d0OT0Q+0P001f00271g00001007lU
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 8.3k spins
    EHP: 52822
    EHP (without agility): 12270
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: Iboju's build. Has some lifesteal but not enough to fully sustain

    Mythic(s): Nirvana
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0250U20Jo0Jq0TQ0t80OJ0OM0Qm0e+I2V10-Y1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 7.2k spins
    EHP: 27082
    EHP (without agility): 27082
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M (has some hpr, prob not enough)
    Comments: Mr assassin is a bit meh

    Mythic(s): Nirvana
    Element Combination: EWA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0250W+0Ja0Fp0TQ0t80OJ0OM0Qm0o+I2V-J1J1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 7.6k spins
    EHP: 30214
    EHP (without agility): 12785
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: Has some lifesteal but idk if its enough
    RenZenthio likes this.
  13. JerryIsBad

    JerryIsBad Rainbow Slap Enthusiast VIP

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    Mythic(s): Absolution
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0JX0Jh0tv0050j10TN0OP0QI-Z0e1U2F-Z1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9268.80, boosted 12512.88
    EHP: 64085.41
    EHP (without agility): 64085.41
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): 1.06k/s totems, 440 hpr
    Comments: 1 mana auras

    Mythic(s): Absolution
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0JX0Jh0tv0050j10OL0OP0QI-Z0e1U2M-Z1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9311.16, boosted 12570.06
    EHP: 75381.94
    EHP (without agility): 75381.94
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): 1.1k/s totems, 440 hpr
    Comments: 2 mana auras

    Mythic(s): Absolution
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0lS0JX0Jh0tv09q09q0TN0OP0QI-Y0q141t-Y1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 11202.52 aura 1 mana/boosted 15123.40
    EHP: 40450.09
    EHP (without agility): 40450.09
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): 890/s totem
    Comments: Glass cannon
    RenZenthio likes this.
  14. Ear Infection

    Ear Infection Back Again HERO

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    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0pc0JX0Jh0AS0K20GQ0TN0OM0Qh-Y0e1h28-Y1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps:
    Spin Attack: 6.7k
    Multihit: 17.4k
    EHP: 64330
    EHP (without agility): 64330
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Maybe
    Comments: Very cheap spells (1-1-1-2), Pretty tanky and considerable life sustain. Uses c r a c k l e r s so its 100% funnier. Spellspam inferno is already very funny so we're reaching levels of comedy that were once considered scientifically impossible. Play however the hell you want. I've used this build since early 1.19 and never once have I died with it. You are very hard to kill.
    Oh and the ele defs are fine too i guess

    Lets face it, it isn't unlikely that this build will be the only inferno build on the list. Inferno represent!

    Resubmitted due to an accidental allocation of SP.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
    RenZenthio likes this.
  15. Toaster

    Toaster He/Him CHAMPION

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    Mythic(s): Apocalypse
    Element Combination: ETFA (primarily TFA, E is just for strength which increases dps)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Ba07N0kT0720Jf0BK0BI0Ji0QL0i0y-i220y1g1000CO1000CO1000CO01006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps:
    15338 DPS (no boosts)
    16875 DPS (with warscream, given it's a warrior build I think it's logical to assume this the base dps value)
    EHP: 207217.83 (warscream)
    EHP (without agility): 112228.41 (warscream)
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Yes, effective lifesteal is 13332/4s, so as long as you're hitting stuff or not holding apoc (because of -hpr) you'll live through most anything
    Comments: How would I factor in Endurance? Would I assume it's constantly up? And what about Courage, since it's not up constantly? Also, I've seen some builds factor in the 50% damage boost from bash, but I'm not sure how that works, so I didn't add it.

    Also--major props to Citied for designing this build with me, not specifically for this contest, but in general
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
    RenZenthio likes this.
  16. Rekteiru

    Rekteiru Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Mythic(s): Freedom
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0cD0F+09U07W0K20K00OJ0nD0QV0q0q1h0q1h1g0000102J6I
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 38k storm, 16k bomb
    EHP: 48.7k
    EHP (without agility): 15.7k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M, 260 regen from stardust
    Comments: Damage focused build so not much survivability there, also roll dependant on freedom's mr/hp and stellar's hp. In general thoughts I wouldnt classify this as OP but its pretty decent nonetheless. Side note: you could switch Stellar for diamond hydro if you want more mana over hp.

    Im not really into the forums so im sorry if I made a mistake somewhere, idk
    RenZenthio likes this.
  17. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    Changed the ignis 1k less hpr (gets 5k now) but better spelling with black catalyst abuse

    Also better ehp

    RenZenthio likes this.
  18. AlpakastarSC2

    AlpakastarSC2 Well-Known Adventurer

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    I got a good mythic build for sunstar. My friend made it me to nopot eo and li and it worked. Maybe it can help other ppl 2! ;) (sunslayerbuild) https://wynndata.tk/s/1l7cfa
    RenZenthio likes this.
  19. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    Plan to update this thread this weekend

    Also, Submission:

    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0690K70PR0I609q09q02d0og0Qh0F0o1f2A0F1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 6.7k spins
    EHP: 61k
    EHP (without agility): 53k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: An actually good Inferno build, and it uses blue mask. Though, mana is prolly a bit low for seasoned assassin players, in which case Eyes on All is an acceptable substitution
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  20. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    Thanks all for the submissions

    Omitted because of improper formatting

    Omitted because I could create an almost objectively better weathered build, also for future submissions please copy the short link, not the long link
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cumulonimbus
    > Conduit of Spirit
    > Dark Shroud
    > Capricorn
    > Black Catalyst
    > Black Catalyst
    > Vortex Bracer
    > Tenuto
    > Weathered [a6a6a6]

    Mythic(s): Weathered
    Element Combination: TWFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0Au09-0D407W09q09q0KI0og0Q+000s1f0u241g00001007lU
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 7k spins
    EHP: 84k
    EHP (without agility): 20k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: Can replace tenuto with eyes on all for better mana
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