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New Shaman Questline

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by the Gentle Druid, Dec 24, 2023.


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  1. the Gentle Druid

    the Gentle Druid A Shamanic Hero

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    Hey guys this is an update from my previous Post about adding Shaman NPC’s, I really appreciate the feedback I got and I wanna thank you all for taking time to read my post, the biggest suggestion I got was to put them in the questline, which is honestly how I saw using these shamans, but honestly is was my fault for not properly going into detail for that and I apologize, this is just one of the questline’s that can be used for the acolyte shaman, however I will likely make more for others down the road I’m just making this one first because it’s will be the lowest level one and I don't wanna take to long making this story, so this would be my story for this questline

    The Three Wise Men- Part 1 The Priest of Hate

    The quest would be located in the left wing of the city of Almuj, where they would be Npc which would look as though he is gardening, you would walk to go near him,however you would not interact with, when close enough to the Npc, the quest would begin with a bandit blowing up a building and escaping with something valuable to the gardener, make it a award for botany, the opening dialogue would be go like this

    Bandit: it Worked, IT ACTUALLY WORKED, oh eh *ahem* listen here, If you would like your personal belongings back you must deliver me 5 liquids of emeralds before noon, if not you will never see your stuff again, I will be near the back of the Almuj Bank, so you best remember to pay up.

    Then in an instant puff of smoke the bandit disappears in thin air, the gardner looks around his surrounding in an state of pure and utter shock until finally he see’s the player and immediately begins beginning for help

    Gardner: please help me, what that man has stolen is all of my years of work, I can’t lose, I can’t afford to lose it, nor do I have the money to pay him, please give it back, in anyway I swear I’ll make it up to you.

    Quest starts

    The Three Wise Men- Part 1 The Priest of Hate

    When leaving the area and going to the left side of the bank you will actually see the award on the ground with footsteps then leading to the area near the green glop questline, interacting with the award goes like this

    “The award the bandit must have stolen must have dropped from his pocket when hightailing out of the city, his footsteps show he was leaving almuj, maybe he was trying to hide the award somewhere, or if the gardner came with his money was simply trying to rob from him,

    When following the footsteps it will take you to near one fo the little mesa mountains that are being almuj, in where you are able to enter a cave, the cave will have a kinda jungle like look, with greenery around the sides of the walls and ceiling and also little ponds and area’s of water near the walls of the structure, I see the structure of the cave kinda like a downwards spiral, with it constantly going deeper and deeper, maybe just more wider in width, it area would also be full of monsters based on south american mythology such as



    a boy of short stature, feet turned back, red hair (or fire hair), and black skin but he is also seen with a greenish skin


    a humanoid creature with a mouth in the middle of its stomach. It is sometimes said to have one eye, long claws, caiman skin, backward feet and a second mouth on its belly


    A crocodile sized black snake


    nocturna bird, with wings that shine at night with beautiful, metallic colors, and their eyes emit strange lights, and are either silver or gold in colour sometimes also a greenish copper

    (all of them would be around lv 32, maybe the last one lv 35)

    When you finally reach your destination which should be this big underground aztec like temple, when you step inside upon seeing something happening precede to go into a hiding place, the following scene would begin

    (you see the bandit becoming conscious, he does not know where he is or who has captured him, a hole starts to form in his chest, until it swells and swells full of dread that in a pathetic cry says

    Bandit: WHERE AM I

    ???: you are where you deserve you pathetic waste of life

    (a man appears in foreign cloths with scarlet blood eyes on top of a altar that was no greater than 7 feet tall, with a beating heart the bandit responds)

    Bandit: listen man please let me go I done nothing to deserves this

    ( in a voice full of unrestrained anger the man screams out)


    (the man is then teletically brought up to the same height as the mysterious warlock, with blood particles dripping from his petrified body)

    Bandit:listen, where I.. I come from, you… hav… have to do what is necessary to survive

    (the man responds)


    (seconds later the man is reduced to a soul like substance that is then absorbed into the warlock, the man then seems to calm down)

    ???: thankfully however you are going to at least be useful to me,

    (however without any warning, without any sigh you are teleported to the man right in front of him.)

    ???: ahh (insert Players name) I apologize for what you had to see, but I must do what is necessary for the wicked to get their punishment, for their souls have no morals or compassion, and quite frankly the world of wynn is better off without them in it.

    (succumbed to paranoia and confusion, you wonder how this man has know your name despite never knowing his)

    ???: I see your confused by knowing who you are, apologizes for the confusion, it just I have been here for quite a while and have ways of knowing things, ways that I would like to keep hidden, However I think it is only fair for you to know my, name Dexter nice to be your aquitaine,

    Dexter: you can leave now, I am aware you are a busy man and have other matters to attend to

    You then proceed to leave, however when getting to the doorway of the temple he rpecced to change his mind,

    Dexter: on second through

    Dexter: I do not mean to bother you but I could actually use your help, as you have seen the animals down here are quite aggressive to people coming down here, you see they weren't always like this, they used to be quite friendly to people who were to visit, but things have changed.

    Dexter: they even have acted aggressive towards me, and I have been here for as long as I can remember, however this change in behavior is not random, just recently there has been a burrow made in the caves, a burrow a beast could only have made, however is it covered with wood and stone for the creature to not be caught

    Dexter: I we where to slay the beast we could finally make the creatures of the land feel safe again, however I am going to need a (potion of destruction) to be able to enter the beasts domain, it is located in detlas, I promise for your help I will reward you handsomely for your assistance,

    The man who you are able to get this potion should be located in between, the armour making and ring making stations of detlas, he should look like a demolition man and an alchemist

    Alchemist: hey bud wanna want get

    Alchemist: HAH you want one of my most expensive items for a oz it already costs 1 liquid emerald, I doubt some broke soldier of ragni could afford that

    Alchemist: how bout this you’ll pay up 35 blocks of emerald for this potion then leave me be

    There are two ways you can interact with him

    {1} fine here you go

    {2} listen, i'm trying to help one of my friends. His name is Dexter and I’m just…

    {3} let me get my money

    His response to {1}

    Here ya go broke boy

    His response to {3}

    Don’t take all day i’m busy

    His response to {2}

    Wait… hi.. HIM uhh never mind here kid take what you want .. .here you go who needs it right?, just tell him I said hi right, now please leave me alone.

    Return to Dexter

    Dexter: ohh I see you got me what is necessary, I really must thank you for your help in this struggle, now let’s slay the beast of the burrows

    The burrow should be in the middle of the downwards spiral like I said previously and should have big hunks of wood and stone covering it

    Dexter: for slaying the creature I have a plan, for you go to weaken it and I will then absorb his soul for my own use to crusade against evil, now lets go

    (Dexter throws the potion at the burrow it erupts, the wood and stone crumble into thousands of pieces of rubble while our two hero’s travel inside)

    And inside they find the

      • chupacabra
    I think people obviously know what this creature looks like, but to give a bit of a description , he should like a 5’5 vampire like dog with yellow like eyes and long sharp claws and canine teeth,

    There would be two phases to this boss when you defeat phase one Dexter will try to absorb the beast, however when trying that he the will attack and become more powerful



    (the beast sensing the power and might in the warlock, without hesitation lunges towards him, his teeth penetrating his neck, sucking his blood like a starved animal all while the man screams in pain)


    (Suddenly a huge shockwave bursts out of the warlock, with the man power drained and the beast power doubled, there is only you the defeat this unholy demon)

    The boss will then become much stronger and harder to defeat likely now having more deadly projectile attacks, however it is still possible, after defeating him you then get your last interaction with Dexter

    Dexter: I… Sorry.. Did’t help much the beast,.. Sucked a good amount of my powers away and wa… unable to help much, however like I promised here is your reward, and also do not worry about the animals they should harm you no more

    45 blocks of emerald

    50000 ex

      • chupacabra head (legendary helmet like the tribal masks)

    Also you are finally able to return the award to the gardner, also this is optional, if you where to give it to him however

    Gardner: thank you so much my dear boy, this award means the whole world to me, unfortunately I don't have much please take these as my token of gratitude

    -melon of fortune(alchemy ingredient)

    And that would be it when it comes to the questline, so please leave me any more suggestions I how I can improve my ideas, and like I said before, i’m gonna make more storylines based on the other shamans, I’m gonna go to bed now as it is currently 12:20 in the morning :)

    DrGREEN and ChrisWildfire like this.
  2. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Putting the bad formatting aside since I think it was probably pasted off of Google Docs (this is coming from experience of copy pasting stuff from docs to forums) and also the poor grammar (I think English isn't your first language or you have a writing disability, which is fine. I'm pretty sure I got the message you were trying to send), I don't think this is exactly great. The character development for Dexter feels very sudden and out of left field after he obliterates a regular bandit and is then all smiles when you show up. I do like tying in some Mesoamerican mythical creatures into this, and I especially think the Chupacabra fight could work pretty well. However, the main problem I have with this is that this just lacks... something. It feels more like a go from point a to point b quest instead of being engaging gameplay. There's not exactly a lot making the player want to continue going on. Some other quests, on the other hand, such as The Breaking Point, has actual weight to it as inaction could doom the eastern half of Gavel, while in this quest, not doing anything would just make some animals more angry.

    This is definitely workable quest material, but I don't think the way this is as of now is the way to do it.
    Deusphage likes this.
  3. ChrisWildfire

    ChrisWildfire Wild and On Fire

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    Ok can I just say, I admire your great attention to details! You also seem to have a lot of knowledge about south american culture, which is really cool! I love how well-integrated the details are in the fantasy setting!

    I can't give much constructive criticism, as I'm not confident with my writing skills. However I gotta agree with Homeboi's point here:
    The main goal of the quest seems.. unjustified. It feels like a sudden revelation that the creatures you fought in the burrow aren't supposed to be hostile. I think a build-up to this reveal would be nice!

    Here's an example: the thief was stealing from the gardener because their home was attacked by the burrow creatures, which wasn't happening before. It would tie the whole story together by making the initial events of the story tie to the end goal of the quest. You can even give Dexter some character development this way by making him realize that criminals are not born, but made, which would be a good motivator as to why the Chupacabra needs to be defeated!

    Overall, it's cool to see your work! I love a good cultural representation, which I think is always nice to have in any piece of media! Congrats on getting this out, man!
    Here's an additional comment: I think having Rymek involved would fit nicely with this quest, since Rymek is the haven for bandits trying to make a living. It would also give the quest good potential to flesh-out Almuj's and Rymek's relationship; especially since Almuj is a rich city, while Rymek is poor and crawling with bandits. This would give the quest more lore-relevance, and contribute to Wynncraft's world-building more significantly!
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
    Elysium_ and Deusphage like this.
  4. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    i don't like the potion part, otherwise this may work
    also yeah what dexter does right now does feel a bit abrupt, you should have them explain the situation and not let them change their mind else it's gonna be eye of the storm again

    to the people replying after me, please don't be too rude thanks

    edit: oh no
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    We don't take quest suggestions, id recommend moving this post and future stuff like it to Your Work. Having story ideas is great, and there are definitely people who'd enjoy reading them, but we aren't looking for player input on new quests.
    To go into a little more detail as to why we don't take quest suggestions;
    Quests just take a lot of effort and time to make. Quests require a whole team, as it needs builders, artists to make skins, potentially modellers, a GM or multiple making the quest content, Scripters, etc. Because of this, quests have a lot of thought and planning put behind them that players might not recognize.
    There's a lot of intricacies to the story that are not revealed, or are not knowledge to the common player. Quest stories and the lore within them aren't just arbitrarily made, we discuss the lore that should be part of the quest. Modern quests scarcely introduce something that isnt relevant to the rest of the story.
    It's just not something we source from players. Sometimes we take a little inspiration if someone has a cool idea that would fit as part of something minor, but never just whole quests.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
  6. the Gentle Druid

    the Gentle Druid A Shamanic Hero

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    thanks for telling me, I honestly just do this for fun, and while it would be cool to have this in game am aware that is not super likely, but thank you for telling as to where I can put my quest in, thank you
    Elysium_ likes this.
  7. Capuchinaa

    Capuchinaa Newbie Adventurer

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    it would be cool to have this in game
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