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New Quest | The Deathly Orchestra | Level 92

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by CraterHater, Jan 20, 2018.



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  1. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    Quest Name: The Deathly Orchestra
    Level: 92
    Difficulty: Hard
    Length: Medium - 15 Minutes

    The quest takes place in the new area called The Road To Dern. We all know this to be a very dark place, very grim. This quest will take place somewhere near a haunted graveyard. Twelve skulls will be arranged as if they are playing a song. Approaching these skulls at any level makes them play a song. This can be accomplished using Wynnscript region detection and command block sounds. The song will be different depending on the level and whether or not you finished the quest.

    Level 92-
    Song sounds very haunted but a tiny bit sad

    Level 92+ Quest not completed
    Song sounds very sad and doesn't sound as good

    Level 92+ Quest completed
    Song sounds very haunted and very loud and 'happy' to some extend.

    The songs convey a message. Because if you arrive near the skulls at level 92 you can talk to the conductor of the orchestra, which is a skull sitting before the other skulls. This is the dialogue for it:

    [1/6] Conductor: All the shattered bones! You scared me to death!
    [2/6] Conductor: A human... here? Have you come to listen to my dreadful performance?
    [3/6] Conductor: You see... we are practicing for a tournament created by the greatest musician of our realm...
    [4/6] Conductor: And if we win... he will resurrect us! But oh crushing skulls... we aren't going to win...
    [5/6] Conductor: Yesterday, another orchestra came to us... and they stole my deathly accordion! Without it we can never win!
    [6/6] Conductor: Will you help us retrieve it? The other orchestra plays near that ruin over there! Just to the north...
    [Quest Started: The Deathly Orchestra]

    The player must now go to this ruin and speak to the Conductor of the other orchestra. While the first orchestra consisted of about twelve skeleton skulls this orchestra consists of twelve wither skulls. The player then talks to the conductor of this orchestra:

    [1/7] Wither Conductor: ...
    [2/7] Wither Conductor: Go away... you are interfering with our repetition! Though seeing as they are going so well... I guess we can have a little chat...
    [3/7] Wither Conductor: What did you just say? The Deathly Accordion... yes... we haven't stolen it! Why!?
    [4/7] Wither Conductor: The other orchestra lost it huh? Well you don't even know what you are talking about!
    [5/7] Wither Conductor: The Deathly Accordion is a magical artifact created by Ezronto De Le Croz himself.
    [6/7] Wither Conductor: It always plays a nice tune but only the keeper can use it to create a true masterpiece...
    [7/7] Wither Conductor: Seeing as it is lost it most likely is located it that vault over there... it won't serve us... it only serves the keeper!
    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Break into the vault and get the Deathly Accordion'

    The player must now break into the vault which is clearly visible from the place the orchestra is playing. It has a weird particle shield in front of it. Above it a sign says: 'This passage is closed for those who are dead, the living shall perish inside...'. The player then enters and a message is sent:

    [1/3] ???: Leave this place or your fate shall be grim...

    The player then continues down whilst fighting a bunch of mobs. The place looks like catacombs and on the walls there are coffins. This is clearly a place of death. As the player progresses through the place and continues going further down another message appears:

    [2/3] ???: You... who are you? Your aura is different... something about you.., is different...

    The player then arrives in a room in which the player has to complete a puzzle. The room is laid out like this:


    Once the player presses the button a sound starts playing in a random tunnel. The sound will only be heard once the player stands in front of this specific tunnel. It will be quite subtle. The player must then choose the correct tunnel. If the player fails he will have to start over again. This will repeat three times with increased difficulty (Lowering sound volume).

    Once the player finishes the puzzle he will be in a different room where an item lies on an altar. It sparks with particles. A message is sent just before the player reaches the altar:

    [3/3] ???: You really are remarkable... and that for a human... you must be...

    The player then has to right click the accordion, resembled by a bracelet or something, and the player will get blindness and nausea. A few sound effects and particles are played to resemble the fact that the player has just entered a different realm. A short scene occurs in which the player cannot move.

    An NPC with a skin of a death musician appears:
    [1/5] ???: Hello there... Welcome to my realm... you shall be my special guest for the evening!
    [2/5] ???: Oh how rude of me to forget introductions! My name is Ezronto De La Croz! And I am the sound of the dead!
    [3/5] Ezronto: You are indeed very special... not everyone who touches my accordion gets brought here...
    [4/5] Ezronto: You are the keeper of music, it appears... which makes you extremely special!
    [5/5] Ezronto: You must take the accordion to my palace. There we shall play it until we die! Hahahaa!

    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Bring the accordion to Ezronto's Palace'

    The player must now move through the realm of Ezronto and make his way to the palace which is already clearly visible in the distance. Along the way the player will find various skeletons making music and dancing in weird ways. These will be resembled by armorstands to allow for more complex movements. Music can be heard everywhere (Custom music like Detlas Theme). It has a macabre feel to it yet it also feels cheerful. A bit like Danse Macabere.

    Upon arriving at the palace entrance there is a cutscene in which the player hands over the accordion to Ezronto. He says:
    [1/3] Ezronto: Fool...
    [2/3] Ezronto: This is exactly the way I expected it to go! I get the accordion... and I free my soul from this tormenting realm of madness!
    [3/3] Ezronto: And... I am sorry but... you are as good as dead...

    He then disappears in a puff of smoke and the accordion vanishes as well. Another skeleton can be seen in the background. He clearly overheard what Ezronto said.
    [1/4] Skeleton: Foul traitor! He promised to set us free!
    [2/4] Skeleton: We must take our revenge! We cannot escape this realm but seeing as you aren't completely dead yet you can escape!
    [3/4] Skeleton: You must exit through the portal on top of this palace. It won't be easy and Ezronto will have put traps along the way! You must succeed...
    [4/4] Skeleton: And when you do... retake the accordion and play it... it will set us free!

    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Get to the portal on top of the palace'

    The player must now move through the palace and battle skeleton guards along the way. It will be quite challenging and when the player dies he respawns at the start of the palace. Along the way there will be traps that range from explosions to more enemies spawning. Once the player reaches the top of the palace he is able to step into a portal which has a sign above it:

    'This portal leads to the realm of the living... it shall banish the dead...'

    The player then exits out into the ruin of the wither orchestra which starts playing a very scary song. The conductor says this:

    [1/1] Wither Conductor: The foul traitor! He ran of towards that cave over there...

    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Find Ezronto in the cave to the east'

    The cave will be full of mobs and more traps and once the player reaches the inner chamber Ezronto will be ontop of a pillar.
    [1/1] Ezronto: You cannot beat me! I've become more powerful than you can ever imagine! Combining the power of the living and the dead!
    A boss fight then commences between you and Ezronto who owns the accordion. He has a ton of spells he uses and three different stages. The music ramps up during this fight to make it more epic. Eventually the player defeats him and the accordion drops.

    Some information on the boss:
    Stage 1:
    - Name: Ezronto
    - Level: 95
    - Health: 80,890.75
    - Spells: Pull, Multihit
    - Speed: Slow
    - Damage: 1,577.94

    Stage 2:
    - Name: Furious Ezronto
    - Level: 95
    - Health: 60,600
    - Spells: Heavy_Charge
    - Speed: Average
    - Damage: 1,477.94

    Stage 3:
    - Name: Enraged Ezronto
    - Level: 95
    - Health: 40,750
    - Spells: Heavy_Teleport
    - Speed: Fast
    - Damage: 1,377.94

    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Return to the Conductor'

    The player must then return to the first conductor and talk to him:
    [1/3] Conductor: You are back! And you've got the accordion! What did you say...
    [2/3] Conductor: You are the keeper? But... that is amazing!
    [3/3] Conductor: Go on... play it!

    A cutscene then commences of the player playing the accordion. With every note a new skeleton from the other realm pops up in the real world and morphs slowly into a NPC. The orchestra ramps up his music and this time it sounds cheerful and happy. At the end of the song the skulls morph into human skulls and everyone is happy and dancing. A single skeleton walks forward and says:
    [1/1] Skeleton: You have saved us all from Ezronto's tormenting! We shall be ever grateful
    The skeletons then walk into a cave and sit around a fire where they shall be after the quest. They have some funny dialogue when you talk to them. A reward is then giving to the player

    - Quest Completed
    - The Deathly Orchestra
    - + 4,448,851 xp points
    - + 20143 emeralds
    - + The Bracelet Of Music

    I hope you all enjoyed it. Please leave some constructive criticism below!

    Quest Name:
    The Deathly Orchestra
    Level: 92
    Difficulty: Hard
    Length: Medium - 15 Minutes

    The quest takes place in the new area called The Road To Dern. We all know this to be a very dark place, very grim. This quest will take place somewhere near a haunted graveyard. Twelve skulls will be arranged as if they are playing a song. Approaching these skulls at any level makes them play a song. This can be accomplished using Wynnscript region detection and command block sounds. The song will be different depending on the level and whether or not you finished the quest.

    Level 92-
    Song sounds very haunted but a tiny bit sad

    Level 92+ Quest not completed
    Song sounds very sad and doesn't sound as good

    Level 92+ Quest completed
    Song sounds very haunted and very loud and 'happy' to some extend.

    The songs convey a message. Because if you arrive near the skulls at level 92 you can talk to the conductor of the orchestra, which is a skull sitting before the other skulls. This is the dialogue for it:

    [1/6] Conductor: All the shattered bones! You scared me to death!
    [2/6] Conductor: A human... here? Have you come to listen to my dreadful performance?
    [3/6] Conductor: You see... we are practicing for a tournament created by the greatest musician of our realm...
    [4/6] Conductor: And if we win... he will resurrect us! But oh crushing skulls... we aren't going to win...
    [5/6] Conductor: Yesterday, another orchestra came to us... and they stole my deathly accordion! Without it we can never win!
    [6/6] Conductor: Will you help us retrieve it? The other orchestra plays near that ruin over there! Just to the north...
    [Quest Started: The Deathly Orchestra]

    The player must now go to this ruin and speak to the Conductor of the other orchestra. While the first orchestra consisted of about twelve skeleton skulls this orchestra consists of twelve wither skulls. The player then talks to the conductor of this orchestra:

    [1/7] Wither Conductor: ...
    [2/7] Wither Conductor: Go away... you are interfering with our repetition! Though seeing as they are going so well... I guess we can have a little chat...
    [3/7] Wither Conductor: What did you just say? The Deathly Accordion... yes... we haven't stolen it! Why!?
    [4/7] Wither Conductor: The other orchestra lost it huh? Well you don't even know what you are talking about!
    [5/7] Wither Conductor: The Deathly Accordion is a magical artifact created by Ezronto De Le Croz himself.
    [6/7] Wither Conductor: It always plays a nice tune but only the keeper can use it to create a true masterpiece...
    [7/7] Wither Conductor: Seeing as it is lost it most likely is located it that vault over there... it won't serve us... it only serves the keeper!

    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Break into the vault and get the Deathly Accordion'

    The player must now break into the vault which is clearly visible from the place the orchestra is playing. It has a weird particle shield in front of it. Above it a sign says: 'This passage is closed for those who are dead, the living shall perish inside...'. The player then enters and a message is sent:

    [1/3] ???: Leave this place or your fate shall be grim...

    The player then continues down whilst fighting a bunch of mobs. The place looks like catacombs and on the walls there are coffins. This is clearly a place of death. As the player progresses through the place and continues going further down another message appears:

    [2/3] ???: You... who are you? Your aura is different... something about you.., is different...

    The player then arrives in a room in which the player has to complete a puzzle. The room is laid out like this:


    Once the player presses the button a sound starts playing in a random tunnel. The sound will only be heard once the player stands in front of this specific tunnel. It will be quite subtle. The player must then choose the correct tunnel. If the player fails he will have to start over again. This will repeat three times with increased difficulty (Lowering sound volume).

    Once the player finishes the puzzle he will be in a different room where an item lies on an altar. It sparks with particles. A message is sent just before the player reaches the altar:

    [3/3] ???: You really are remarkable... and that for a human... you must be...

    The player then has to right click the accordion, resembled by a bracelet or something, and the player will get blindness and nausea. A few sound effects and particles are played to resemble the fact that the player has just entered a different realm. A short scene occurs in which the player cannot move.

    An NPC with a skin of a death musician appears:
    [1/5] ???: Hello there... Welcome to my realm... you shall be my special guest for the evening!
    [2/5] ???: Oh how rude of me to forget introductions! My name is Ezronto De La Croz! And I am the sound of the dead!
    [3/5] Ezronto: You are indeed very special... not everyone who touches my accordion gets brought here...
    [4/5] Ezronto: You are the keeper of music, it appears... which makes you extremely special!
    [5/5] Ezronto: You must take the accordion to my palace. There we shall play it until we die! Hahahaa!

    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Bring the accordion to Ezronto's Palace'

    The player must now move through the realm of Ezronto and make his way to the palace which is already clearly visible in the distance. Along the way the player will find various skeletons making music and dancing in weird ways. These will be resembled by armorstands to allow for more complex movements. Music can be heard everywhere (Custom music like Detlas Theme). It has a macabre feel to it yet it also feels cheerful. A bit like Danse Macabere.

    Upon arriving at the palace entrance there is a cutscene in which the player hands over the accordion to Ezronto. He says:
    [1/3] Ezronto: Fool...
    [2/3] Ezronto: This is exactly the way I expected it to go! I get the accordion... and I free my soul from this tormenting realm of madness!
    [3/3] Ezronto: And... I am sorry but... you are as good as dead...
    He then disappears in a puff of smoke and the accordion vanishes as well. Another skeleton can be seen in the background. He clearly overheard what Ezronto said.
    [1/4] Skeleton: Foul traitor! He promised to set us free!
    [2/4] Skeleton: We must take our revenge! We cannot escape this realm but seeing as you aren't completely dead yet you can escape!
    [3/4] Skeleton: You must exit through the portal on top of this palace. It won't be easy and Ezronto will have put traps along the way! You must succeed...
    [4/4] Skeleton: And when you do... retake the accordion and play it... it will set us free!

    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Get to the portal on top of the palace'

    The player must now move through the palace and battle skeleton guards along the way. It will be quite challenging and when the player dies he respawns at the start of the palace. Along the way there will be traps that range from explosions to more enemies spawning. Once the player reaches the top of the palace he is able to step into a portal which has a sign above it:

    'This portal leads to the realm of the living... it shall banish the dead...'

    The player then exits out into the ruin of the wither orchestra which starts playing a very scary song. The conductor says this:

    [1/1] Wither Conductor: The foul traitor! He ran of towards that cave over there...

    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Find Ezronto in the cave to the east'

    The cave will be full of mobs and more traps and once the player reaches the inner chamber Ezronto will be ontop of a pillar.
    [1/1] Ezronto: You cannot beat me! I've become more powerful than you can ever imagine! Combining the power of the living and the dead!
    A boss fight then commences between you and Ezronto who owns the accordion. He has a ton of spells he uses and three different stages. The music ramps up during this fight to make it more epic. Eventually the player defeats him and the accordion drops.

    Some information on the boss:
    Stage 1:
    - Name: Ezronto
    - Level: 95
    - Health: 80,890.75
    - Spells: Pull, Multihit
    - Speed: Slow
    - Damage: 1,577.94

    Stage 2:
    - Name: Furious Ezronto
    - Level: 95
    - Health: 60,600
    - Spells: Heavy_Charge
    - Speed: Average
    - Damage: 1,477.94

    Stage 3:
    - Name: Enraged Ezronto
    - Level: 95
    - Health: 40,750
    - Spells: Heavy_Teleport
    - Speed: Fast
    - Damage: 1,377.94

    [Quest Book Updated]
    'Return to the Conductor'

    The player must then return to the first conductor and talk to him:
    [1/3] Conductor: You are back! And you've got the accordion! What did you say...
    [2/3] Conductor: You are the keeper? But... that is amazing!

    [3/3] Conductor: Go on... play it!
    A cutscene then commences of the player playing the accordion. With every note a new skeleton from the other realm pops up in the real world and morphs slowly into a NPC. The orchestra ramps up his music and this time it sounds cheerful and happy. At the end of the song the skulls morph into human skulls and everyone is happy and dancing. A single skeleton walks forward and says:
    [1/1] Skeleton: You have saved us all from Ezronto's tormenting! We shall be ever grateful
    The skeletons then walk into a cave and sit around a fire where they shall be after the quest. They have some funny dialogue when you talk to them. A reward is then giving to the player

    - Quest Completed
    - The Deathly Orchestra
    - + 4,448,851 xp points
    - + 20143 emeralds
    - + The Bracelet Of Music

    I hope you all enjoyed it. Please leave some constructive criticism below!
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2018
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Hmm, this is definitely interesting. I’ve never seen a quest incorporate music as well as this. Great job!
    Though I would say the biggest weakness is the context. Not that it’s bad to have self-contained quests, but a lot of the stuff doesn’t make sense with the whole afterlife stuff, but that’s a different story. It just doesn’t feel like it should be there.
    PikaLegend and CraterHater like this.
  3. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Oh man, I really love this concept actually. Obviously we don't know much about the Road to Dern, so this might be entirely out of context, but I love it and it could be put in somewhere else that already exists if it doesn't fit Dern, although I would kind of imagine it does, at least to some extent. I'm not sure how the puzzle could be done, other than command blocks (that's probably wrong too lol) but you've obviously put a lot of thought into how this could be done. The idea itself is really nice. It's not often that I see a quest suggestion that I really love, but you have made one. The one thing I would say is maybe add some detail to the boss fight, like how much health he has, Defense, damage, appearance etc, and I've only mentioned this because some people will complain about how you haven't included this, but I would guess you're like a lot of people who aren't sure what kind of health/damage is appropriate for different level mobs? But great suggestion +1
    CraterHater likes this.
  4. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    The puzzle would be done using command blocks. I added some information on the boss.
    DrX2345 likes this.
  5. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    For level 92 quest completed, some Louisiana death music or mexican day of the dead music for inspiration?
    CraterHater likes this.
  6. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    That's pretty grood, a quest involving music definitely sounds fun!

    (but weren't you part of the ct? wat)
    Dr Zed likes this.
  7. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    I was part of the CT as a CMD but I sort of left. I am now a GM trial.
  8. Swimming_Pool

    Swimming_Pool ate a pineapple, tastes like pinecones and apples

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    this actually seems like an interesting concept for a quest, if it were released i bet it would be very very fun :V
    Dr Zed likes this.
  9. bluepenguin1002

    bluepenguin1002 Waddling penguin

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    I would read it but....
    My eye's are bleeding at the green you chose
  10. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    I see you everywhere now
  11. Muchwrath

    Muchwrath Wynncraft Music Enthusiast VIP+

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    One of my favorite parts of wynncraft is the music, so making a quest around it is awesome! You can even do a "name that tune" kind of thing instead for the tunnels, where you have to identify what city the song that plays is from. Overall sounds really fun though.
    CraterHater likes this.
  12. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    I am using dark theme, I'll add a light theme version.
    PikaLegend likes this.
  13. bluepenguin1002

    bluepenguin1002 Waddling penguin

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    Actually light theme it's to light to read it without squinting
    that's not creepy
  14. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    The spoiler at the top is fine right?
  15. bluepenguin1002

    bluepenguin1002 Waddling penguin

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    Yes thanks
    I actually really like this quest +1
    CraterHater likes this.
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