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New Class Idea: Reaper/death

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Locky1110, Aug 19, 2017.


Should they add this?

  1. Ye (+1)

  2. Ye but change this specific part (Post what)

  3. Nu unless u change this (Post what)

  4. Nu (+0 :( )

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  1. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    first of all yes i did search for any1 making it and i couldn't find any other reaper class suggestions so here we go.
    New class idea: Reaper/Death
    speaking of which im gonna be hunted down for making a class suggestion but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    So yeah if you read the title thing i'm suggesting a new class call Reaper (or death for the reskins)
    Before whe move on your probably wondering "well death is a boss we can't have a reskin for him"
    Well guess what the boss is a fraud, so we can have more fraud deaths if he can be 1.
    It's not too hard.

    This time I actually have all the stuff prepared unlike a certain class suggestion i made a while ago (cough Paladin/Gladiator)

    Let's start off with the weapon, which you guessed it, a scythe. Now your probably thinking "But Locky the warrior/knight alrdy has a scythe for it's texture in fact there's even a weapon called Scythe"
    yeah i don't care. It should be ok cause that's just 3 textures for the warrior but for this class it's 20 (assuming they can make all elements).
    so uh i even made a picture using ms paint for a rough idea of what the basic scythe should look like (btw i'm sorry it looks so bad but it's sort of a demo)

    Next up: it's base skills
    Damage: [] [] [] [] []
    Defense: [] []
    Range: [] []
    Spell damage: [] [] [] []
    its a glass cannony type class, but it does great damage.

    Guess what's next?
    Spells (Reaper only spells, Death's Spells will come up)

    Spell 1: Scythe Throw
    Grade I (Unlocked at level 1):
    Mana: 4
    Range: 12 blocks
    Damage: 75%
    Elemental Damage:
    25% air
    Pretty self explanatory, just flings a scythe forward. When it hits something, it will deal damage and destroy the scythe. If it doesn't hit anything it just flings the scythe back. While the scythe is coming back, it can damage enemies too! (no pictures for this one, because you get the idea)

    Grade II (Unlocked at level 16):
    Mana: 3
    Range: 15 blocks
    Damage: 80%
    Elemental Damage:
    30% air
    + Homing scythe: if an enemy is nearby, it will target it. Simple.

    Grade III (Unlocked at level 36):
    Mana: 2
    Range 18 blocks
    Damage: 100% + 150% with Strike (Grade III upgrade)
    Elemental Damage:
    40% air + 80% air with Strike
    + Strike: The scythe will bring an enemy in front of you, which will make it so the enemy cant move or attack. If you punch the enemy within 2 or so seconds of it coming to you, it will be launched high up into the air into the direction you're looking in (like it goes diagonal).

    Spell 2: Scythe ride
    Grade I (Unlocked at level 11):
    Mana: 2 per second on scythe (1 per 0.5 seconds)
    Speed: 4 blocks per second
    Max time: 10 seconds
    Makes it so you ride a magical purple scythe for a few seconds, however you cannot control it. When your time runs out or you run out of mana, you will jump off the scythe, bouncing really high up in the air. Colliding with a mob will cause you to take some damage and launch backwards. It will always be on the ground, so if you cast it in mid air it will fall to the ground. It also makes you take no fall damage. And yes it can ride on water and lava. Here's my ms paint drawing of it lol.
    Beautiful, ain't it? you'll just be riding on a scythe that looks sorta like that like a surf board.
    Also punching while riding it makes it so it despawns (you still do the jump)

    Grade II (Unlocked at level 26):
    Mana: 1 per second on scythe
    Speed: 5 blocks per second
    Max time: 12 seconds
    Damage: 75%
    Elemental damage:
    Earth: 20%
    + Attack: colliding with enemies makes them take some damage and get knockbacked away from you, rather than you getting hurt. Hitting an enemy makes you lose 5 mana, so you aren't invincible for 12 seconds.

    Grade III (Unlocked at level 46):
    Mana: 1 per second on scythe
    Speed: 8 blocks per second
    Max Time: 18 seconds
    Damage: 90%
    Elemental Damage:
    Earth: 30%
    + Control: you can now control where you go by rotating your head.

    Spell 3: Death Skull
    Grade I (Unlocked at level 21):
    Mana: 12
    Range: 5 Blocks
    Blocks per second: 1
    Damage: 250%
    Elemental Damage:
    Fire: 60%
    Sends a wither skull into the direction your looking, doing major amounts of damage. Mainly an emergency spell in case you're surrounded, dealing knockback to make a path. Now sold with black particles coming behind it!

    Grade II (Unlocked at level 36):
    Mana: 10
    Range 8 Blocks
    Blocks per second: 4
    Damage: 280%
    Elemental Damage:
    Fire: 75%
    +Speed: The skull travels much faster and farther

    Grade III (Unlocked at level 56):
    Mana: 9
    Range: 10 Blocks
    Blocks per second: 4
    Damage: 300%
    Elemental Damage:
    Fire: 100%
    Earth: 80%
    + Tri-Shot: Shots skulls in 3 directions (like how Arrow storm for archer Grade III works)

    Spell 4: Skull of Power
    Grade I (Unlocked at level 31)
    Mana: 9
    Range: 8 blocks
    Damage: 100%
    Elemental Damage:
    Water: 20%
    Raises a skull in the air, which steals health from nearby enemies. You gain 2% health back for all enemies nearby, so say if 5 enemies were nearby and you had 1000 health, you'd gain 50 health back. You could say its kinda broken, but you need 100 mobs to gain full health, and also it costs alot of mana.
    It looks like there's just a skull floating above your head. Also, no it doesn't take 1% of the enemies health, it does damage to the enemy and it heals you 1%. Also it only works on Aggressive and Passive mobs, so it can't just be used in detlas with no hostile mobs

    Grade II (Unlocked at level 46):
    Mana: 9
    Range: 8 blocks
    Damage: 110%
    Elemental Damage
    Water: 25%
    + Weaken: slows mobs down for 10 seconds that are in the radius of the attack.

    Grade III (Unlocked at level 66):
    Mana: 8
    Range: 9 Blocks
    Damage: 120%
    Elemental Damage:
    Water: 30%
    Slowness duration: 12 seconds
    + Strength; If any mobs (once again passive or hostile) are hit, you gain Strength II for 3 minutes

    K for the next part and possibly final part, the Reskin, Death
    Death is unlocked with the HERO rank (reason to acctually buy it :D).
    Here are his reskinned spells (his melee doesn't change)

    Spell 1: Death Grab
    Instead of a scythe its particles shaped like a hand that does the same thing as Scythe throw.

    Spell 2: Scythe Surf (could use a better name)
    The Scythe is black and there are ender and black particles behind you. Dank wizards up in here!

    Spell 3: Skull of Vengeance
    The Wither skull is now instead a blue wither skull instead of a black one, added with blue particles!

    Spell 4: Skull Grasp
    The skull is now a wither skull instead of a normal boring skeleton skull. For people with deadly tastes.

    So uh yeah that's the suggestion, took me a while to make it (cause i actually tried)
    If you'd like something changed in it, plz tell me and if i agree, sure ill change it

    Suggested by @Hodsonius
    Some example weapons

    Starting with the Oak Wood Scythe:

    Oak Wood Scythe
    Attack Speed: Very Fast
    Damage: 2-4

    Next up with have an exclusive copy of Hive Infused Scythe (Bob didn't use a scythe, but qira doesn't use these weapons so here we go)

    Infused Hive Scythe
    Attack Speed: Fast
    Damage: 450-500
    (add in normal hive weapon ids here)

    And finally a mythic i made up called Despair

    Attack speed: Very Slow
    Damage: 400-600
    Fire Damage: 500-1000
    (add in generic fire mythic stats here)


    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
    enecks likes this.
  2. Bloik

    Bloik Treasure Diver

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    I think we should have something different, that isn't similar to any classes. Reaper is like a melee archer, we need some other style of game play, if you know what I mean.

    Don't get me wrong, good detail and thought, but I just dont think this class should be added.
  3. brokenmotor

    brokenmotor Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Alright, so you say that if it hits, it destroys the scythe, but if it DOESN'T hit, you get it back. Is this just a purely animation/cosmetic thing, or will you actually lose your weapon if you hit something?

    "You cannot control it." So it just goes in a random direction and you have to pray it won't kill you?

    While it does cost a lot of mana, and not nearly as OP as Mage heal, with a maximum intelligence build (to reduce the mana cost) with mana regen gear, this could be OP in places like LI where some bosses spawn swarms of enemies. Then again, most of the time, this spell is almost COMPLETELY useless! It has a 5 block range when you start out with it. Usually, when you're running around Corkus, Wynn, and gavel, there's never more than 10ish mobs around you! (5ish even!) using 10 mana to regen 5% health... Somethings not right about that.

    Other than that, great work. I can see you put effort into it. :)
  4. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    might as well call it edgelord
  5. Mattxy8

    Mattxy8 Travelled Adventurer

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    Since the OP hasn't replied I'm going to try and say what I'd expect for your first two questions:

    "Alright, so you say that if it hits, it destroys the scythe, but if it DOESN'T hit, you get it back. Is this just a purely animation/cosmetic thing, or will you actually lose your weapon if you hit something?"
    I'm guessing that this is so it only hits one enemy. So if when the scythe reaches it's maximum distance it doesn't hit an enemy then it returns, and on the way back is able to hit something.

    " "You cannot control it." So it just goes in a random direction and you have to pray it won't kill you?"
    You cannot control it, so you can't turn. I assume it would just go straight in whichever direction you were facing when the spell was cast.
  6. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    Can it hit things on its way back? The damage there also seems very low. I can't see any purpose other than ranged damage, so it can't act like Smoke Bomb or War Scream (which have low damage but make up for it in other ways).

    This is the most odd movement spell I've seen in a class suggestion. Firstly, this seems more like a witch riding a broomstick than a reaper spell, and the scythe effect would be difficult to create. Also, that speed seems EXTREMELY slow - with no walkspeed, a player can do over 4 blocks per second. This seems like a really bad temporary horse that drains your mana. Also, you give no damage value for Grade 1.

    So does this explode automatically when it's five blocks away, or does it explode on contact? The speed also seems awful, slower than a sneaking player. Also, this would be the most expensive spell of any class, and yet it does the same damage as Bomb Arrow - either lower the mana cost or increase the damage. At the moment it seems like Meteor but worse.

    I actually quite like this spell, even if it does seem slightly underpowered. However, strength 2 may be a bit much, especially given how much you give the class in damage.

    Other thoughts:
    - Air spears are scythes. Do we change that, and what to?
    - You could add some example weapons, with damage values and stats, at various levels, so we can see how much damage each spell might do.
    - This seems to have all the disadvantages of the Archer class, without the advantage of good ranged abilities. How do you plan on a fragile melee class without any real defensive or evasive spells working and being used?
  7. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    K time to answer these questions
    No you keep your scythe, but the projectile that was thrown disappears instead, not your weapon.
    punching will get you off
    its kinda like charge in a way
    good point ill buff it
    thanks :D
    my job :c
    i was somewhere okie?
    yes and i guess i can buff it's damage.
    I'll make it faster
    it's litteratly just an armor stand being teleported, it doesn't do a spinning animation
    also i mean it does only stay on the ground
    Grade 1 doesn't do damage.
    it explodes when it's 5 blocks away
    grade 2 does make it go much faster tho
    ill buff da damage
    okie ill nerf it
    well i mean theres stuff like Banana sword being both assassin and warrior
    and besides only 4 weapons are scythes, it doesn't really matter.
    i mean if they have to they can change the texture, but i really don't think its needed.
    Hmmm maybe ill add a few weapons
    that's kinda what Death Skull or Scythe ride is for.
    C'mon you can ride a scythe through enemies.

    Made sum changes
    now what do you think about them
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
  8. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    Maybe at least rename it to Necromancer or some shit because it wouldn't really make much sense for there to be a bunch of fake deaths running around in an army.
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