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Game Mechanics New challenge mode: Stalked

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by uzbuz, Jul 10, 2022.


Would Stalked mode be a good addition to the game?

  1. Yes, 100%

    11 vote(s)
  2. Yes, with some changes

    25 vote(s)
  3. No, wynn needs new challenge modes but this isn't it

    5 vote(s)
  4. No

    2 vote(s)
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  1. uzbuz

    uzbuz Owner of the Realm of uz (join or bad) VIP+

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    Wynncraft challenge modes are a difficult test of the players skill. Combined together into HICH they make up one of the hardest challenges in the game.
    Have you ever thought for a bit and said, 'lets make this harder'?
    Introducing Stalked Mode, a game mode where something is hunting you throughout your entire playthrough.

    Here's the basic idea:

    A monster (lets call him Doug for now) is chasing you. When you first create the class with Stalked selected a 15 minute timer will begin counting down. When it reaches 0 Doug will spawn and most likely kill you if you are unable to avoid him.
    While this seems rather unfair, you are able to add minutes to the timer by moving to new areas and by being teleported to a new room either in a quest or dungeon. However you are not ever able to exceed the 15 minute limit.
    If Doug does kill you, the timer will go back to 15 minutes.

    Now that you have the basic idea, lets go into the details.

    The Timer: The timer would appear on the scoreboard, under the daily and guild objectives. When you first create a Stalked class, the timer will immediately start counting down from 15 minutes. When it runs out, Doug spawns and kills you. The timer is constant, it can only pause in some special scenarios (more on that later).
    The timer from 15 to 10 minutes will appear green, 10 to 5 will appear yellow and 5 to 0 will appear red.
    To prevent Stalked mode being a 15 minute speedrun you are able to add minutes onto the timer by travelling.

    Minutes can be added by:
    1. Going to a new territory will add 2 minutes to the timer. (territory as in guild territory).
    2. Being teleported by a dungeon or quest will add 3 minutes. This allows players some breather room in dungeons so they won't have to fight the boss with 1 minute left on the timer.
    3. Using a fast travel (tp scrolls, seaskipper, juggler etc.) will add 5 minutes.
    4. Dying to Doug will reset the timer, but dying normally or to /kill will not change the timer except for the minutes added by travelling.
    Minutes can only be added up to the max of 15 minutes.
    To prevent players cheesing the timer by running back and forth between territories there will be a penalty system in place. If the player enters a territory that they have recently been in (perhaps 5 minutes), all minutes added to the timer from when the player left the territory are removed.

    Example: lets say a player with 1 minute left on their timer ran from Lutho to the portal to Dern taking 3 minutes and travelling through 6 territories, adding 9 minutes to the timer (12m - 3m = 9m) and putting it at 1o minutes. However the player had a small brain moment and forgot to buy health potions, so, forgetting about the penalty the player uses the portal to Lutho. Upon arriving in Lutho 12 minutes are immediately removed from the timer, putting it at -2 minutes. Doug spawns and brutally murders the noob.

    Doug (the monster): Doug will be completely invulnerable to all attacks, however he may be slowed using spells. Doug is supposed to be run from, not fought. (similarly to a certain mob added to vanilla minecraft recently.)
    Doug will have the glowing effect, to be completely unmistakeable.
    Doug will have a powerful melee attack and also powerful ranged spells.
    The damage should scale to the player level.
    Doug should be moderately fast, and should also be able to use the charge spell occasionally.
    Spawning: Doug spawns somewhere in a 30 x 30 circle around the player. To prevent him from getting stuck maybe spawning should be determined by normal mob spawning nodes. If there are no nodes then a block the player has stood on in the last 30 seconds could work, although I don't know if that is possible.
    If Doug spawns in a parkour room then he will spawn at the beginning of the parkour course.
    If Doug spawns in a boss fight he will spawn where the player tp'ed to.
    If you are able to get 100 blocks away from Doug or get teleported by a quest or dungeon he will despawn and 2/3 minutes will be added to the timer.
    Obviously Doug would not be the monster's real name, but I suck at making up names so.

    Safe Spots: There will be some scenarios where the timer is paused:
    1. Housing: Housing should be a safe place to make builds and use the trade market.
    2. Raids: Often it is not up to you how fast you can get through a room in a raid. You never know when that one dead guy will go AFK in the invisible path room in NOL, and you should not be punished for that.
    3. Quest cutscenes: As we all know, cutscenes can be fairly lengthy and there is nothing you can do about it, so the timer should be paused during them.
    4. When you are on another class: DUH.

    Incentive: Maybe there should be a bonus xp% incentive to play Stalked, or it could be like hardcore or ironman, something that players do only for a challenge.
    The real incentive should be to beat the game while being hunted. Beating wynncraft in SHICH would be quite and accomplishment. (ngl SHICH sounds like something you would say if you stubbed your toe when you were drunk, maybe HISCH would be better.)

    TLDR: Mess up EO parkour for 15 minutes, you die.
    (Also I am aware this is not an original idea and has been used in other games before, however it would still be a fun and unique challenge to wynn.)
  2. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    honestly just replace hunted with something like this and then add it back when the devs actually spend time balancing pvp
    dont have time to read everything to give critique rn but
    fun enough concept
  3. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Can I bring my friend Larry the Omnispective Wanderer to meet Greg and Doug together?

    In all seriousness, this looks like a pretty neat idea. You are constantly encouraged to be on your toes at all times. For some lore purpose, I guess that Doug can be called "Dern's Gaze" as it fits with the idea of being stalked. Maybe it could be unlocked by completing EO?

    So yea +1.
    Nukewarmachine and uzbuz like this.
  4. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    ok i have actually read the post.
    you’re going to need more ways for the guy to potentially spawn. currently without the weird territory mechanics, the only way he’s gonna spawn is if you suck way too much in a dungeon and then dont decide to scroll out (adding FIVE minutes to the timer) when it gets too low.
    other than that, the mob itself should be able to move through walls.
    either way i’m not too concerned with the mechanics etc because if this gets implemented it’ll be tested.
    still like the idea tho
    Namakobushi and Dr Zed like this.
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I will implement this in Dern and you Cannot Stop me.
  6. uzbuz

    uzbuz Owner of the Realm of uz (join or bad) VIP+

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    Yeah good point, maybe if you haven't killed any mobs in the last 5 minutes the timer gets cut in half or something.
    Maybe if we want to be really brutal taking over 20% of your health in damage in 1 hit will also dock minutes. (like 3 or 4)
    CT CONFIRMED!?!?!1!?!?!1
  7. Computekk

    Computekk Steampunk Virtuoso

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    This might be a better concept if he only chased you in the wild, so if towns and major cities were safe zones, as well as quest rooms and really important areas that you really don't wanna die in. I feel like this could break in a lot of ways and be quite buggy, but overall it's a fascinating challenge so

    Potatomancer, Namakobushi and uzbuz like this.
  8. meef

    meef Well-Known Adventurer

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    doug should not be able to damage other players/not spawn in citys
    Namakobushi and uzbuz like this.
  9. uzbuz

    uzbuz Owner of the Realm of uz (join or bad) VIP+

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    Yeah I meant to say Doug wasn't able to interact with other players in any way but somehow forgot.
    I think cities should not be a safe spot, I feel like players would end up just sitting in cities and running out to grind for 5 minutes and then run back to the city. It also wouldn't make a lot of sense, Doug is able to enter EO but is unable to enter Ragni?
    Housing would be safe though.
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I mean, this just moves the sitting from the middle of the town to an island. And considering how advanced would stalked players likely be, they would have full set of merchants/stations there.
  11. uzbuz

    uzbuz Owner of the Realm of uz (join or bad) VIP+

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    Good point. Maybe entering a town/housing pauses the timer for 5 minutes?
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    That could work
  13. Aftershokke

    Aftershokke Meow?

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    Why would u wanna turn wynncraft into a horror game
  14. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    it's already a horror game
    • Literally all of SE (looking at you, Eyeball Forest and Omnispective Wanderer)
    • Literally all of the concepts in SE. (Body horror, futility & hopelessness, insurmountable danger)
    • Probably literally all of Dern
    • Hollow Serenity (Actual horror quest)
    • Ways of The Wicked
    and thats just the stuff i could think of in 2 minutes
  15. Aftershokke

    Aftershokke Meow?

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    holy fuck i just realized, the eye was watching us, the moment we stepped out of fruma, from day 1 watching us grow and become stronger, when we get the key it speaks to us, the eye sees all
  16. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    I don't like the timer... as a HIC player, gathering and crafting professions take an insane amount of time and if you had to run around constantly, you would never be able to gather more then 10 of any material at a time. On top of that, grinding mobs and ingredients (especially Rare ingredients) would be impossible.

    I propose a change of sorts. You know how Deathswap is? How you have a guaranteed safe period (in this case i recommend 30 minutes) and then a certain amount of time (15 minutes) that the Stalker could spawn in. Once it does spawn, you will receive a prominent message declaring A Stalker Has Spawned
    It would then specify how far away it was and a countdown of blocks would appear in front of you (like how LE BIG FISHE chases you in 2.0 Galleons Graveyard (which was a truly terrifying experience first time through ngl))
    Your compass would point towards the Stalker and you would have to run for your life for:
    1. 5 minutes
    Or 2. 400 blocks away (distance traveled on foot/in person (so movement spells, horses and sprinting. No teleporting or fast travels would count.)

    I believe this would be difficult enough for players, as my HIC playthrough has lasted 80 hours as of yet, Crokee's naked HIC was well over 300 hours, and even the fastest speedruns from 1-100 took over 30 minutes. You would encounter a Stalker enough for it to be a serious game changer and very dangerous but not so often that you would no longer be able to play the game.

    (The Stalker would also not kill you instantly in 1 hit. If you took a hit and managed to get away you would ok but if you got cornered you would be dead.)
  17. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Give Doug a snail model and rename him to “The Immortal Snail”.

    Someone had to say it.
    Tzelofachad and Smallersnail like this.
  18. chryssie

    chryssie ultimate cur hater CHAMPION

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    ok but what if. doug spawns and you just. /class
    __Kofa__, Namakobushi and 99loulou999 like this.
  19. Namakobushi

    Namakobushi Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Interesting concept but it feels flawed in how Doug spawns. There's a lot of ways to constantly upkeep the timer or avoid Doug altogether. It doesn't sound very threatening or challenging to me.
    But like, what if you're in TCC or a raid that takes 15+ minutes? Legendary Island, which takes ~20 minutes?
    I feel like the timer isn't a very good idea.

    100+ blocks away from it. . . . Vanish, since monsters can't track you. Then, get away easily.
  20. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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