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New Bank Features!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ghost of wynn, Aug 18, 2020.


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  1. ghost of wynn

    ghost of wynn Ghost of wynn

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    Ideas for new features for the bank:

    • Bank sorting. The idea is to add a button in the bank menu that sorts your bank according to a default order. If we really want to go beyond it is also possible to implement a system in which we can change the item order or specify Pages we want to stay untouched (or to have a single type of item) although i don't know how necessary that'll be.

    • Bank searching. Let's be honest it takes a lot of time to search for certain items in the bank (especially if it's not sorted well...) and it could use an improvement. We can just rip the Trade market searching mechanism and add it to the bank that that'll be great because I don't want to get items I didn't know I had.

    • Quest Item Page. (Not as important as the other ones but could be implemented) Just a free page in which we can only put quest items so they won't clutter our bank because having 5 different classes use one bank really junks it up with quest items.

    • Bags/Remote Bank. (Craziest idea yet, quite OP, dunno if too much, tell me if it's too op) Ok this idea will be hard to design and will probably need a few changes but the main idea still stands. When reaching level 105 or finishing A hunter's calling or any other hard task like that that class will receive and untradeable item called a Bag/Remote Bank. This item will be an inventory extension shared by all characters which can be accessed from anywhere, the twist is that the bag is still affected by death and soul points amounts so we will need to be careful with it. Also a good idea will be to add a minimum level for using this item so it won't give a huge boost for a player's second playthrough.

    Personally I think sorting and searching will be great additions but bags and the quest item page are quite questionable features and would love to hear your feedback.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    There was an unfixable bug with the search. Trade Market won't fix it.

    You meant soul points?
  3. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    I think the quest item page would be good. The search feature used to exist, but basically would always show items that you werent searching for. It was very confusing, and basically never showed the item you typed into the search

    I might check later if JEI search feature works on renamed items, since that mod shouldn't be banned (I think)

    Edit: Just checked. it works! You need JEI, NEI, and codechickenlib, but its working nicely. You still need to scroll through the bank, but it highlights the items that match your search
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    quest item page isnt needed because you can easily delete unwanted ones and it isn't too annoying to keep ones you still need in bank pages
    portable bank would just be incredibly overpowered and annoying (the point of banking is to keep items in a place where they won't be deleted by soul point loss and won't have to be carried around with you)
    searching and sorting is good
  5. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Item sorting might end up being a recipe for disaster due to Wynncraft sometimes lagging out like crazy. Interesting concept, however.
    See @TrapinchO's comment.
    You can get rid of the unneeded quest items. This is not an excuse as to why this suggestion is pointless (it isn't), it could actually be used.
    Remote bank is almost as disgusting as the "emerald compression" suggestions. For starters, if it has 27 slots, that's 27 slots for all characters not counting the bank. In addition:
    • You did not mention that Ironmen cannot access this bag. They have the Pouch, anyway (which needs a slight buff due to the inventory management conundrum in HIC/HICH).
    • You did not mention the further restrictions of this bag. For example, a 27 slotted bag like this would be super OP.
    • The bag shouldn't be allowed to be put into the bank.
    I'm fine with the concept of giving users more control over their banks, but I'm not sure how Wynncraft can accomplish this. Fair suggestion.
    Melkor and TrapinchO like this.
  6. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    A lot of this has been said already, but allow me to listen to the sound of my own voice if nothing else.

    Bank sorting would be a huge pain: accidentally press a button and whatever organization you had is gone. That sounds like a terrible accident waiting to happen.

    Bank searching would be nice, and in fact already existed. Thing is, it broke really, really bad and they were unable to fix it.

    I would love a solution to quest item clogs other than "glitch them out of your inventory" or "allow them to fill your entire bank". That'd be a nice upgrade.

    Oh Jumla's Piping Hot Coffee no, no bags/backpacks or other unlimited inventory space nonsense. If someone managed to come up with a good way to balance it, I'd be open to the idea, but as someone who's spent a not-inconsiderable amount of time trying just that, no.
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