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Community Event Mythic Giveaway #2, Lament [concluded]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Castti, Jan 8, 2020.

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  1. Nirguy

    Nirguy Nirguy

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    ??? because I like riddles and I like trying to solve it every time from the beginning when helping people because I dont remember the actual solutions
  2. GetALifeNerd

    GetALifeNerd Steel Balls.

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    Quest: A hunters calling. I haven't even finished it yet but so far its been amazing. The story is really good and I like how you have to guess where you need to go using the hints along with the fact that theres more lore and it shows how exactly certain events happened.

    If it is completed quests only then I'd say Desperate Metal, that water puzzle is really easy but still super fun.

    IGN: GetALifeNerd
  3. Excaliburhuman

    Excaliburhuman Well-Known Adventurer

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    My favorite quest is the old king's recruit. The main reason is because of nostalgia and remembering at one time I had friends that would find new minecraft servers to play on with me. I remembered me wondering around to see the different builds. The new one is fine, but my main problem with it is the constant spamming from Aledar and Tasim because I tried to explore.
  4. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    My favorite quest in Wynncraft is A Hunter's Calling

    It's a very rad and nostalgic quest for me, seeing as it takes you through places you've been before. I also found it interesting how instead of the good guys winning, it shows you what happens when the good guys, your friends, lose. And, you gain access to Hunted mode, probably the most unique quest reward.
    Castti likes this.
  5. Ugnat_

    Ugnat_ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Point of No Return.

    Not many quests have such an atmosphere, both frightening and mysterious...
  6. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    IGN: Kiocifer

    Point of No Return seems to be a very polarizing quest- either it bugged out for you in some way and made it a pain to do, and was therefore a slog, or it was bugless and you had an amazing time.

    I had a bugless run. It was incredible. It reminded my of my favorite Mobile Game RAID SHAD-Monument Valley (Check it out if you haven't already, it's this sweet little puzzle game with lovely aesthetics). It was everything I hated about D&D flipped on its head- interesting puzzles, a medium/short playtime, no goddamn unskippable dialogue, and overall had a pleasant moral that wasn't shoved down your throat like lil' ol' Dufuses and Douchebags.

    Also that body swap parkour was epic and you know it, unless you blockglitched out of it, in which case rip in pepperonis.
  7. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    My absolute favorite quest is ??? for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it's the only real co-operative quest (and I happen to love co-op stuff.) I tend to love to play supports in games like WoW and Overwatch so it's not much of a surprise that I like helping people out. For a while, I and a friend of mine had helped so many people out we had gotten it down into a rhythm, though it has been a while since then. Secondly the quest to find it was always very interesting, I wasn't even playing wynn at the time that it came out but I still browsed the forums daily reading through threads going over theories. I really hope that another event like that gets released at some point and that I'm interested enough to try and find stuff out about it. Thirdly I like that it forces people to make friends. Fourthly I really appreciate the variety of ways you can do it well, okay it's only three different ways, but that's a lot more variety then most quests offer. Over the many replays I did of that quest I was switching it up over and over again and it didn't quite feel like a monotonous chore. Fifth I'm bad at puzzles and I like that you can just look up exactly what to do for this without it feeling like cheating. Sixth is the easter egg in the final room. Seventh is that I feel a lot of residual goodwill for this because I was able to find out the old ??? on my own. Eighth and finally is that the ending is a complete and utter anti-climax.
    Castti likes this.
  8. HoboMaggot

    HoboMaggot . ę̸͚̳̙̳̠͖̳̓̇̄̓͂̂̆ VIP+

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    IGN: CrazyDav3
    Favourite quest: A Hunter's Calling

    Why? B L A C K S A N S
  9. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    My favorite quest was surely Cowfusion, while most quests have a serious storyline in the higher lvls of Gavel, this one is just "you're a cow now, gl"
    Also I thought the humans talked gibberish but they actually say smthing if you decipher
  10. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The Envoy quest but my favorite was the first one. I was getting back into wynncraft at the time And I was but a level 83 mage when I found Olvin. I was coming back afyer a 3 year hiatus so I started the quest and I was mind blown about corkus. I was thinking "wow wynncraft came really far from here" The Machines vs Humans drama was basically a sci fi story which I love. Seeing Sci Fi ideas in wynncraft really made me happy I only wish Corkus had more dept but none the less Envoy part 1 will always hold a special place in my heart.
    Castti likes this.
  11. HelloIAmG

    HelloIAmG Beginner Theorist.

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    I have many of my favourite quests. But most of all is: A Hunter's Calling.


    If we want to enter The Realm of Dern, we need to switch our side to Darkness.

    Darkness cannot win, if Wynn Province have a Hope.
  12. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Ice Bear's favorite quest is Craftmas Chaos because Ice Bear is a sucker for Christmas.
    Jirayut likes this.
  13. TheCrimsonSun

    TheCrimsonSun Your Lord And Savior HERO

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    Flight In Distress because of the quick travel to detlas and cinfras the completion of the quest gives you
  14. Paks

    Paks Spy Main CHAMPION

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    It has to be Point of No Return

    The quests in 1.19 were higher in quality compared to older quests such as Reincarnation or even the Dwarves and Doguns Quests. Point of No Returns is one of the best of the bunch, clearly superior to the Journey Beyond Questline and rivaling Misadventure on the Sea as the best quest of the update. I have a lot of gripes with Misadventure, namely not being able to get revenge against Honip and his crew for kidnapping a soldier during wartime, but that's for another day.

    Point of No Return starts off with the ominous words of the NPC, who speaks of eyes and how you "Must Keep Going," a piece of advice that ties in right at the end of the quest. The puzzles with the soul catalyst and were enjoyable (assuming no lag ofc), and can be rushed through, giving it better replayability then the Dwarves and Doguns Questline, which is famous for unskippable dialogue that lengthens the quests to an incredibly long length that gets boring on repeats.

    Once you get past the multitude of puzzles you reach the town of Lutho, but with actual color. Speaking to the NPCs around gives you an idea of what is actually going on, and the lore behind Lutho is what makes PONR my favorite quest.

    The Obelisk, a so called "Beacon of Hope" as the discovery puts it, takes the soul of the person and puts them in the Happier Lutho while leaving the real body out in the Silent Expanse, only sustained by the Obelisk's mysterious power. Combine this with the Secret Discovery "The Forest has Eyes" makes the Obelisk seem so much more sinister, as the lost eyes of the Lutho Citizens become one with the Eye Forest just to the North.

    The final conversation with the soul gives you the choice and then you reach the exit tunnel, where the NPC's original advice comes into play. Should you stop you would become just another Lutho Citizen with an eyeless gaze, but you want to move on, and you can make clear progress until finally you break some sort of invisible chain holding you back and break out into the real world. Talking with the NPC once more concludes the quest, and the NPC at the end clearly gives into the Obelisk and vanished. If you revisit them you'll notice that they too, have lost their eyes, leaving you as the only real person in Lutho (besides a bunch of the merchants and the marketplace).

    This lore, this detail, the replayability, the interesting concepts is what makes Point of No Return my favorite quest.
    Druser and Castti like this.
  15. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    A Hunter's Calling,
    the quest is compared to all other quests we've ever had so very different showing the other perspective for once, what if we were on the evil side of things, it's long, it's cool and there's a fair amount of adventuring around the world, nostalgia, puzzles and most importantly battles and quite a good reward too. (PVP mode and also the token for buying fully ok armor that can help most lacking builds)

    Castti likes this.
  16. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Misadventure on The Sea.

    It is seriously hard for me to be able to find a quest that I can’t find a single piece of criticism before. This quest, by all means, has reached perfection within Wynncraft’s limits.

    First off, the quest is a cool callback to the CraftedMovie video, which considering that a good portion of the server used to watch the channel, already makes this quest a nostalgia trip.

    Once you hit the pirate part of the quest is where the quest starts becoming spectacular. The dozens of dialogue options can keep you entertained for a good while, and all the different paths you can take with this quest makes this even more entertaining. Especially Snoo.

    Now, Snoo, is possibly the greatest thing ever made. This absolute unit of a chicken, to me, is the second highlight of this quest. Staying true to the original video, Snoo is... well, batshit insane. His real shining moment is if you make Snoo like you before the water monster jumps on board, there’s this whole cutscene where Snoo walks up to the thing and completely yeets it off the deck. There’s a few other pieces of dialogue from some other pirates that exemplify just how much of a madlad this chicken is... okay, I’ll stop rambling about Snoo.

    Now, next up...

    The Colossal Rat.
    Aside from the fact that rats in Wynn are completely awesome already, this part of the quest completely blows everything out of the water in comparison. The pre-boss fight cutscene builds up a lot of suspense, as you feel something shaking the entire boat as it makes its way towards you. The music really adds to the feel as well.

    The boss itself is pretty fun, and a decent challenge at level.

    After this, I gotta say, the human cannon part is absolutely stunning as well. That whole flyover scene of the ocean plus Selchar is a cool part of the quest as well.

    And after this, the quest ends with robert eo seawagon (seaskipper) coming to the rescue, with a pretty nice dialogue exchange to end off the quest.

    Misadventure on The Sea gets an S rank. Jbip has just performed the largest gamer moment in the history of gamer moments with this quest.

    Point of No Return is a close second, but still...

    misadventure tho :-:
    Druser and Castti like this.
  17. brokenmotor

    brokenmotor Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Wynnex Site D for providing a satisfying ending to the questline
  18. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    My favourite quest is honestly a grave mistake, it really shows the story of Mael without showing too much information.
  19. Endercomet

    Endercomet HongKonger

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    Beyond the grave I love death
  20. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Let’s face it. We all know the best quest is actually..

    Because this quest has everything: a great story, puzzles, memorable characters, its own town, a challenging boss, a broken leg, parkour, importance to the overall lore, a necklace, some green liquid, and most of all doesn’t have any plot holes or completely useless parts at all.

    Im surprised no one else wrote about this 10/10 quest, you should be ashamed of forgetting it :(
    Castti likes this.
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