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Community Event Mythic Giveaway #2, Lament [concluded]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Castti, Jan 8, 2020.

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  1. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    Yes I do like this
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  2. Kimura

    Kimura Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    uh, I guess I like "The Order of the Grook" cuz I love Harry Potter and thats it :p
    Castti likes this.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I like Memory Paranoia. It was quite interesting and on my second playthrough as assassin quite nice.
    Castti likes this.
  4. Trekkie_Cow124

    Trekkie_Cow124 A Cow In Space CHAMPION

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    My favorite quest is Shattered Minds. It has no place in the real story, but it's such a fun quest. The entire premise is ridiculous, and it's nice to have a break from the darker quests in the game.
    Castti likes this.
  5. Plum

    Plum Like the vegetable VIP+

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    This question actually made me think a lot, as I've never really thought about this question before. I've been playing Wynncraft since 2014 (Yet, on-topic admission, I've somehow managed to never find, or get to the point of affording, a mythic). So I've gone on many quests over the last 4.5 years, some of which aren't even in the game anymore! (Or have been changed beyond recognition). But there has always been one that just hit the spot and genuinely makes me smile every time. That quest is Shattered Minds. Shattered Minds is the kind of quest where you can do it half a dozen times and still discover something new each time you do it; provided you have the patience and curiosity to engage in some good-old-fashioned aimless wandering. In fact, during my most recent run through the quest, I spent AN HOUR joyfully exploring the polychromatic drug-trip forest. It was a blast. I found what a sign alleged to be a tier6 loot chest (which I spent like 15 minutes getting to in a super gamey way), a guy trapped in a whale, a zephyr in the sky which was a huge pain to teleport to, though the view was totally worth it. I also found a golden cave full of pedo-bears, but let's not talk about that. You know what though? After spending a ridiculous amount of time doing non-quest nonsense in the quest, I still can't wait to go through it again and engage in even more nonsense.

    During my long tenure of playing Wynncraft, I've gone through a lot of difficulties and devastating losses in the real world. But that's the power and beauty of Wynncraft. It' a separate world, filled to the brim with lovely escapism. To me, Shattered Minds embodies the full potential of Wynncraft quests. The full, gaudy potential of escapism. Visually, Shattered Minds is this sort of bubblegum monstrosity of color and wackiness. It's just mood-lifting and delightful. Every stage of the quest seems to be something just off-kilter enough to be interesting, and many of the challenges and mechanics are unique solely to this quest. You complete strange jumping parkour, solve an odd teleporting puzzle, locate a town hidden in a phantasmal rainbow forest, and even face off against Yahya's final form (who is level 9001 and dies in one hit), and escape your high-out-of-your-mind trip, all in the effort to make a drug deal. Yes, let's not be coy about it, you're totally a drug mule in this quest; in addition to being extremely high on, well, mushrooms.

    This whole debacle is the perfect followup to the greatly memed "Mushroom Man" quest, which introduced fan-favorite Yahya. I personally really loved that quest too, and I've somewhat latched onto Yahya, and use his name for a lot of usernames and other such silliness. He's just such a great in-joke. The saga of Yahya stretches from a Ragni outskirts quest, through a magical drug trip, all the way to Legendary Island. So, I already loved the quest halfway through my first go, but seeing yet another Yahya joke sealed the deal.

    Shattered Minds has it all. It has classic Wynncraft tongue-in-cheek references to a moderately serious topic (drug trafficking). It has some sort of in-joke reminiscent of a soap opera with limitlessly recurring characters. It's unmatched in its visual spectacularness. I mean, What other quest could compare to this absurd level of marvelous, fantasy rainbow vomit? It has hilarious dialogue to boot, as you encounter high characters, drug dealers, a Yahya who is indeed over 9000, and wayward flamingo riders. That is, of course, if you even do encounter any of those people and they're not just some sort of mushroom-induced fever dream hallucinations. One would be forgiven for focusing solely on the grand, funky, eccentric optical, mechanical, and story-building efforts that were clearly put into making this masterpiece. But the real heart of the quest an all that makes it truly great lies in the small things. The details that many might not notice, the off-to-the-side jokes and witty little setups that most might never see, the creation of a truly full little world in even the outskirts of the hallucination forest. Shattered Minds is pure joy. Unadulterated comedy. A highly enjoyable little story set in a unique little world. It's perhaps the rawest, most unadulterated, classic slice of everything that makes Wynncraft great, and that's why I'll cherish it and smile every single time.

    I've just realized how much I've been rambling. I hope it's readable, haha. To be honest, this did indeed just start as an entry into my first forum contest, but it genuinely ended up as a trip of pure catharsis in itself. I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to finally hunker down on put some thoughts to paper on what I love about Wynncraft. So, thank you.
  6. GlassJarss

    GlassJarss Shaman Main CHAMPION

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    A Hunter's Calling because there's fun riddles and good bossfights, best of both worlds
    Castti likes this.
  7. DominikGamer

    DominikGamer Nothing to see here HERO

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    A grave mistake, there's that small black wind up box in one of the houses which a clown jumps out of
    Castti likes this.
  8. plazmavolt

    plazmavolt Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I want to apologize for not taking this seriously the first time, and the very least I can do is comply with your desire for coherent responses as opposed to jokes. Thus, I have decided to make the effort of rewriting my response and present to you the best response I have.

    In truth, I just rejoined Wynncraft a few months ago, and don't actually remember much of the quests I did before taking a break. However, I can write about an epiphanic quest I completed upon returning, that being the Realm of Light.

    The reasoning for this brings me back all the way to when I first joined Wynncraft, the rookie days when I wasn't aware of the quest book or quest guides, didn't read the dialogue, and my primary way of leveling was grinding spots.

    I joined Wynncraft as per the request of a friend from another server and quickly became addicted...to grinding. At around level 20, a friend introduced me to infested pit, which necessitated the completion of an introductory quest, and I began to comprehend the perks of quests. However, my addiction to grinding narrowed my views to only see the role quests could play in my leveling.

    If you can recall where I earlier stated forgetting most of the quests I played before my break, the likely reason isn't actually because I haven't played in a long time, but more so that I didn't actually "play" them at all. Instead of following through the quests and engaging myself in the plot, I only saw them only as a means of leveling up. As a result, I wasted much of my time looking at quest guide videos and absentmindedly following them rather than becoming emersed in the true storyline of Wynncraft. Even worse, I continued this trend until my break, by that time I had already missed out on 80 levels worth of quests on my Assassin kit.

    On a side note, I actually still remember doing the prerequisite quest Finding the Light; Notably, I got lost multiple times because I didn't know which dimension the coordinates referred to. This was the same reason why I still hadn't done the Realm of Light quest despite being lv 80; I couldn't find the portal because I was looking at the (wrong) coordinates rather than following a path. I didn't know the was in another dimension, and thought I had to go over a mountain, only to be stopped by the assassin's pitiable mobility at the time.

    After returning from break, however, something changed. I don't know exactly why or how, but something came across my mind that compelled me to try and appreciate the game for what it was worth, rather than cheat my way through without gaining any meaning. As a result, I spent the time to actually read the dialogue and progress through the quest myself. That being said, the very first quest that I did upon returning from my break without a guide, in fact, the very first quest that I did ever without a guide, was Realm of Light. In fact, I can still remember following the red and purple trails, killing the required mobs, and navigating through the quest in a manner that was both immersive and probably faster than it would've been had I followed the quest guide.

    The Realm of Light is my favorite quest not because of its storyline, reward, or dialogue, but more so because it holds a memorable spot in my heart as the very first quest I actually became engaged with and enjoyed. To me, the Realm of Light is something like the first thing a cured blind man sees, or the very first food someone who had lost their sense of taste could taste, or even the first test that one does well on without cheating, and for that I am grateful for it.

    Ign PlazmaVolt
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
    Castti likes this.
  9. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    Point of no Return because it has compelling lore and shows it to you in an interesting way. The quest doesn't lean on dialogue dumps like many other quests do (even others that I like fall victim to this *cough cough* WynnEx questline). The different puzzles and obstacles, though aggravating at certain sections, were quite fun and creative as well.
    Castti likes this.
  10. LegendPlay

    LegendPlay Well-Known Adventurer

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    The Hive- best rewards from a quest by far.
    Also takes much less time than TOA and worth more. Also it's pretty enjoyable.
    Castti likes this.
  11. fliptik

    fliptik i respect cheem HERO

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    Enzans brother. Therck set ftw.
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  12. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    I like never win these kinds of giveaways but I guess it doesn't hurt to try.

    Hunter's calling, because is refreshing to see the evil side of things instead of playing hero on the main quest line (also the reward item is really good)
    Castti likes this.
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Favorite quest is Point of No Return for actually having logical lore delivered well, and pretty solid gameplay.
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  14. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Although it's not my favorite quest, I really like the Hunger of the Gerts quests; you first learn about these so-called horrible monsters ravaging Cinfras plains (much like the Orcs in Llevigar), and you go to spy on them, where you see they've captured some people and are planning out a tunnel system to defeat the Gylia Watch. You, as the good soldier, report them and be on your way. But then, the second part, you learn they're just trying to survive while the villagers take all their land and food.

    It's also pretty fun to do, so I'm surprised no one ever talks about it.
    Faded the weeb and Castti like this.
  15. Grimlock_5

    Grimlock_5 Pope of the Church of Tashkil HERO

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    The best quest in the game is the one that ends with you, both in real life and in the text of the quest, having no idea what just happened. Regardless, you are satisfied to have a quest that introduces you to the friendliest friendly neighborhood neighbor. In case you don't know the quest to which I am referring (probably means there is a gaping whole in your life that you have not filled with this...experience), it is Out of My Mind. It is probably the only quest I do every time I make a new class of my own accord. Not for free stuff, xp, access to an area, or anything else. Just another chance to meet a friendly neighborhood neighbor.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020
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  16. xynle

    xynle So yeah, I'm a gamer. VIP+

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    recovering the past, cuz fruma
  17. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    Qirahive because most important quest
  18. DutchSpruceRun

    DutchSpruceRun Adventurer VIP+

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    My favorite quest in Wynncraft is probably a Hunter's Calling (I know very original) because it's so long and feels like a challenge to complete, like most things in the Silent Expanse.
  19. CrunchyCol

    CrunchyCol CrunchyCOOL CHAMPION

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    Order of the Grook because it's literally Hogwarts except you graduate in two days.
  20. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Shattered Minds is pretty sweet, always wanted to live the shroom addict life of my dreams
    Alex1 likes this.
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