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Community Event Mythic Giveaway #2, Lament [concluded]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Castti, Jan 8, 2020.

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  1. doawelul

    doawelul Well-Known Adventurer

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    Favorite quest: Craftmas Chaos - Hunter's Calling close second
    Gameplay: It's a nice break from the grind. Due to the level it's at, new players get a different type of quest (portals, alternate worlds, boss fight, island not on the map, etc.) that they wouldn't normally be used to, since most low level quests are fetches. Most MMORPGs I've played burn me out in a day or two because of the constant grind that starts 10 minutes in and never stops; this quest is one of the reasons why I stuck with Wynncraft for more than a week. Not to even mention the myriad of different mechanics incorporated into one coherent quest. I would consider this (and Hunter's Calling) a tour de force by the dev team. It's also the only quest that involves Craftmas Island, and also one of very few quests that involve Selchar (the Corkus one is like 5% selchar, and Sister Cities got removed).
    Lore: Craftmas Chaos has very well created elements of time travel in it (Hunter's Calling has a similar mechanic). This is rare in general, especially in Wynn. Most "time travel" quests are really just completing a fight or fetch in the past, but lore-wise they are all closer to uncovering a story that has already been written (such as the Twain quests) as opposed to creating our own future (a notable exception being Deja Vu). It's also super cool to see some non-Wynncraft characters get pulled into the main storyline (light vs. dark). There's also a more somber lore ending to the quest that one would not expect for a non-dungeon quest.
    Castti likes this.
  2. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    Favorite Quest: Misadventures on the Sea is by far my favorite quest. first of all, the music: the song for the ship and the island after fit perfectly with the context of their respective areas. they're short, but not overly repetitive and that's definitely a plus side for quest areas which take long. Colossal rats setup and the spin on energetic encounter make it a really memorable boss. for the very few bosses where energetic encounter manages to play before you kill it, they just aren't really memorable. the gameplay of the quest is definitely my favorite. looking at it from afar, it seems pretty simple, but the design that went in to the exploration, and just all the different little variables that can change (i.e certain dialogue changing depending on what quests you've done, different events based on what you've done through the quest, etc) make it really interesting to play through. being able to discover cool loot by straying from the main quest objective is really nice too, I've always hated the linear design of wynncraft quests and dungeons, but Misadventures brought a very nice twist on it. the story of it, while not spectacular, is interesting enough to keep you hooked for what happens next, which is definitely not common for the majority of wynncraft quests. overall, misadventures definitely feels like it's had the most polish and effort put in to it out of all quests, and it really shows in the gameplay and story elements throughout.
    Castti likes this.
  3. Crayfeesh

    Crayfeesh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    A Hunter’s Calling, because it shows us another view of the quests we did and was executed well. It also makes me hyped to see what Dern’s inhabitants are like. Are they truly evil, or is our perception too narrow?
  4. Acnologia

    Acnologia Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Recovering the Past for sure, being able to see what happened in Fruma, to see that all the guards had a horrible past invoked a curiosity and when it was your turn, having the whole thing explode deffo gave more questions than it answered - a nice preview of potential things to come, such as learning that there is no war inside the Fruman walls.
  5. ColorShroom

    ColorShroom Why

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    I don't care about this that much...

    So here's an essay I did about Harriet Tubman :D


    The History of Harriet Tubman

    “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world”-Harriet Tubman. That sounded pretty cool huh? Well, Harriet Tubman did much better than just this. Harriet Tubman is considered one of the best African Americans in American History, here’s why.

    Harriet Tubman was born a slave in Maryland when she was a teenager she suffered a head injury when an overseer tried to throw a heavy piece of metal at a runaway slave, but missed and hit her head instead. The result of her head injury made her suffer from narcolepsy for the rest of her life. But she still tried to escape, with nothing to help navigate except for the north star. And she was successful! She was able to navigate to Pennsylvania with just the north star, but for some reason, she still came back.

    The reason for this is because she decided to help slaves to freedom, and assisted in the “Underground Railroad”. The Underground Railroad isn’t underground railroad though, the reason why it’s “Underground” is that it’s an illegal route and needed to be kept secret, that's why it’s “Underground”. And in the Underground Railroad, there are 2 roles, the station-master, who provides shelter or a hiding place for fugitives, and the conductor, who escorts and guides fugitives between safe houses until they finally get to their ideal place. And Harriet Tubman was a conductor. She made 19 trips down south, and help guided about 70 slaves, and never lost not a single one!

    But Harriet Tubman didn’t just stop there, she even became a nurse and a union scout and spy for the Civil War! When she was a nurse at the time, many people in the hospital died from dysentery, a disease related to terrible diarrhea, and she made a cure! So basically Harriet Tubman knew that the roots and herbs in Maryland can cure such a disease, so one night she found the lilies that grew these roots, and geranium( a flower) and then boiled it into this bitter-tasting soup. She gave it to a man and the cure worked! That day she saved many lives. And as a union scout, she and her assembled group of trusted scouts mapped out territory and waterways. And from getting $100 in Secret Service funds, as a spy, she was able to pay people who offered useful information, such as the location of Confederate troops or where the mounted artillery is. From gathering all this information she succeeded in the raid of the Confederate Property and additionally rescued more than 700 people from slavery!

    Harriet Tubman is an amazing African American because she did many extraordinary things at her time. These amazing things show her strong will for everyone to be equal. She’s the ambassador of abolitionists.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
    Wind2048, Castti and Dream like this.
  6. FeelingXD

    FeelingXD Travelled Adventurer

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    A jouney beyond
    Cuz aledar cart gang =D.
  7. Archektel

    Archektel New lootrun addict CHAMPION

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    Hunters Calling

    I like the different perspective it put us in compared the all the other quests, it was a nice change of pace to be the bad guys.
  8. Onni

    Onni Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Hunters calling as it reveals a ton of different things about the lore and stuff. Also, it feels pretty weird, but also really fun to play as the evil side and see how things could have been. Personally looking at the alternate timelines where such things happened makes me wonder how the game would be if the things in the quest happened. IMO also the quest is also fun cuz there is a challenge to it. (aledar and tasim).
    Also i dont know if im the only one who actually likes the fact that The Eldrich Outlook must be completed before doing the quest. It really is a good feature as the dungeon stands as a test to those who want to access dern in the future and the quest.
  9. Freddy12345

    Freddy12345 Travelled Adventurer

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    TOL, because fetch quests are the best!!!

    For real my favourite quest is cowfusion because...

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
  10. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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  11. RicRicc

    RicRicc Mythics: 0 Chests: 10K+ CHAMPION

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    IGN: RicRicc
    Recover the Past. I like learning how we came from Fruma, but our memories can't be read.
  12. M3G4W3R7Y

    M3G4W3R7Y winner of third annual atlas games wooooooo HERO

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    Dnd 4 the entire epicness of the epic fight and the epic inner organs of the epickly epic fire demon of epicness just makes this epic quest the most epic of all the quests
  13. g17fcH_3D

    g17fcH_3D Some idjit CHAMPION

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    Guess who is most likely not going to win:

    It's Me, obviously.

    My IGN is literally under my name tag and VERY confusing

    I decided to do this because I saw someone who wrote about Harriet Truman and I wanted to join the fun, So let me present my least favorite quest in Wynncraft. God's speed in you read this unorganized paragraph made by some dude still in school.

    My least favorite Quest is ??? because it is can LITERALLY take weeks to complete if you don't have any friends or cannot find anyone to complete. And even when you find a group to start the quest with, the group can easily fall apart leaving you with no group to complete with. The only people (that I see) who actually want to complete this quest are the people who want to continue playing this game. Getting the materials to open the grand meteor out in Cinfras county ( which I think the name for territory is) but getting the materials for Lab Y(aha) sucks because you need to go into 2 quests that require completing or /kill to leave and getting the painting is horrendous because you get it in the laggiest place in all of Wynncraft. The Blue and Red meteor are easy to complete but the Red is terrible, it is the longest meteor to complete and I HATE the spoopy part in the path to the meteor. Once you complete Lab Y(aha) you can't complete the quest without asking people to be the fourth person to be the fourth. It's hard to get a fourth since they too will most likely hate completing this quest because it is too long. The rewards that you get are great because they are arguably the best XP farming armour and accessory that you get but the rewards act as a double-edged sword since the rewards mock you for not completing the quest.

    My second least favorite quest is A Hunter's Calling. The quest itself doesn't suck, it's the process to get to start it because you are required to complete the hardest dungeon in the game.
  14. sulphursmite

    sulphursmite Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    My favorite quest is A Hunters Calling

    A hunters calling is much more than what it seems like on the surface. On the surface it seems like you are just destroying town after town, killing citizens and freeing villains, but it actually has a deeper meaning. First off, for the quest offered at the end of the journey, it totally pays off. This "guardian" of Dern would want you to do the most horrific things possible to enter. Dern isn't meant to be taken lightly, it is a place for demons, monsters, psychopaths. This guardian wants to prove you have the guts to do all of this. Also it tells an even greater theory. We came to the conclusion that the world was completely ended when the player (you) was on the bad side. When you aren't on the bad side, the world is fine and evil forces like Bak'al have been cast by heroes like Bob. This proves that the player is the most powerful being in Wynn so far, a few exceptions can be Bob (sealed letters say he is in Dern so there's a chance he could be more powerful) and the true body of the Eye. This says a lot about the story and is a very epic way to show that you (the player) are the most powerful after completing this quest.

    Honorable Mentions:
    Wynnexcavation Site D
    A journey beyond
    Shattered minds
    Flight in distress
  15. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    ...I said favorite quest not least favorite.
  16. SleepingXor

    SleepingXor Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Tunnel Trouble/ Cowfusion

    Drale appears in both of these quests and he turns from a standing white cow into a four legged brown cow like wot. Amazing what evolution can do. If only there was more quests relating to cows. These two are my favorite quests and if u don’t agree, suck Drale’s uhh nipples.. ye
  17. puttey

    puttey no McConnel dont kill me VIP+

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  18. SkabbMenSnabb

    SkabbMenSnabb Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    My favorite quest probably is Royal Trials. I found the flappy bird part fun and unique.
  19. WhoIsDestiny

    WhoIsDestiny Newbie Adventurer

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    When i roughly just started out I went to read up on the quests on the wiki to kill time and found out that reincarnated zombie pig-man bob was the hardest boss then to fight. I did not expect myself to ever be able to reach so far as to be able to even start the quest. However, when i finally reached that point after about a few months to a year of playing and managed to get to fight bob with a friend, it felt like i was about to fight the final boss of the game. The feeling after beating bob that fight was just of pure happiness.
  20. Dragonstardust

    Dragonstardust Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Flight in Distress, because fighting sky pirates on an airship? hell yes.
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