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Media My Personal City Tierlist..

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Dwicey, Jun 29, 2020.


How wrong am I on a scale of 1 to 10

Poll closed Jul 24, 2020.
  1. 8-10

  2. 6-8

  3. 4-6

  4. 2-4

  5. 0-2

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  1. RazorGuild


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    Your list is weird, I don't get why selchar is next to a bunch of irrelevant one quest gavel cities, which serve no purpose other than to pass by. Selchar has the fast travel, seavale reef (makes it unique) and pretty good quests. It also starts the envoy quests which is a big bonus to how good selchar is. Selchar is way better than you put it.

    Also weird that you have an unconditional hate towards cinfras for some reason, calling it ugly dumbfounds me, as cities you listed above it are way uglier. Bucie and Olux look way worse, but you still put them above Cinfras for some reason. Appearance aside (which rlly shouldn't matter too much) is that Cinfras is key to multiple gavel quests as a sort of psuedo-capital, and also being located right next to the god damn forgery. The forgery is one of the coolest places in the game period, I saw that you had some sort of agenda against dungeon running, which is fine, but you can't deny the importance that it brings towards the game itself. (aka being the #1 place where people grind for xp)

    This is a bit late, but I assume that these lists are based off importance for the most part, and stuff like appearance, and design should be less important. Detlas is important because it's the center of the wynn province itself, it has high activity. The same applies for cinfras, it has high activity due to the forgery proximity, so I would thus put cinfras in A tier. Overall I agree with your S tier,but disagree with a bunch of your mid tiers. The B and C tiers is where I changed up the most.

    My ideal wynncraft city tier list.

    S tier
    Detlas and Lutho
    These two cities are central to their regions. Detlas is obvious. Lutho is due to it being the central city of SE, and SE having pretty damn good lore and quests. S tier but honestly aren't too far from A tier.

    A tier
    Troms, Ragni, Rodoroc, Corkus city. and Cinfras
    Central cities to their lore and regions, without them the lore for their regions would make zero sense. It's just missing some of the more active player activity of the above cities.

    B tier
    Ahmsord, Almuj, Selchar, Nemract, Ternaves
    Still important side cities that help to define the lore with unique quests. Still important to the lore.

    C tier
    Nesaak, Thanos, Llevigar, and Lusuco, Maex(almost B tier but honestly could use more lore to push the connection further)
    Has a more of a 1 off side story to the rest of the region, feels disconnected. These cities also have lower and lower player activity, but are lesser important of use as cities.

    Who gives a shit tier

    Everything else
    Rest of the cities I really could care less about, usually doesn't add shit to the lore and are probably completely disconnected. Think shit like dark forest cities, and canyon of the lost cities. They are pretty damn isolated with zero connections to outside region lore, and also lack the lore to really cement itself for future lore to even mention these cities.

    Sorry if I went too hard, I was really bored when I typed this.
    nakkisaurus, avydragon and StormKing3 like this.
  2. _Eth3real

    _Eth3real Titans Valor [ANO] CHAMPION

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    Am I the only one who thinks detlas is pretty overrated?
  3. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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  4. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    You know what man, that's pretty convincing. I might just bump Nemract up

    I don't understand why people have such an obsession with "lore" when ranking cities, when lore makes absolutely zero difference to your gameplay experience, the design of the town, ease of navigation, surroundings, and quests however are all very important. A lot of smaller and more irrelevant towns are rated higher than Cinfras and Llevigar because these towns do not actively bother me, opposed to those two. They're just sort of "there", and serve their purpose as a small, irrelevant town very well most of the time, though some worse than others. Then we have Cinfras and Llevigar, oh boy.

    First of all, I don't know how you can call THIS not ugly
    If you genuinely believe that the slab spam on Cinfras looks good (or even the mountains in the back to be honest), then you either haven't ever built a decent looking house in Minecraft, or you're willfully ignorant about the state it is in. To add to the eye-sore it is, the quests there are disappointing, and the scroll merchant is locked behind a quest - WHY??? Now that quest is terrible, but what about the oth-, oh yeah.. Those are aswell. The only upside I will give to Cinfras is that even a toddler could navigate around the city, and that the Light Forest is nearby which is very cool. Cinfras's sheer existence constantly irritates me, which is why I place it in F Tier. Also, I think the CUR meta is unhealthy to the game, just as CSST was, though the Forgery is a cool location, but not cool enough to bump CInfras up a tier, especially since most people will just buy Forgery scrolls

    You're also talking about player activity, but like why's that important to how good a town is? Just because not a lot of people pass through a certain town, that doesn't mean it is badly designed or ugly. Take Elkurn for example, there's not a lot of traffic around there, but it has GOOD surroundings (roots of corruption, nivla forest, close to neesak), a better than average quest, good architecture and pretty looks. It's a small town, and it serves it's purpose as a small town extremely well, which is not something that it should be punished for in terms of ranking. Cinfras could be booming with players as far as I'm concerned but it doesn't take away all of the negatives about the town, even the airbase around it is impossible to navigate, but I will at least admit that it is a whole lot better than the city.

    Also, I literally say what I base my list off of in the thread..
    You probably are, I would've agreed with you if we still had old Detlas, but man new Detlas is pretty
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
    Sprite, Saya and Shots like this.
  5. RazorGuild


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    "I don't understand why people have such an obsession with "lore" when ranking cities, when lore makes absolutely zero difference to your gameplay experience, the design of the town, ease of navigation, surroundings, and quests however are all very important. A lot of smaller and more irrelevant towns are rated higher than Cinfras and Llevigar because these towns do not actively bother me, opposed to those two. They're just sort of "there", and serve their purpose as a small, irrelevant town very well most of the time, though some worse than others. Then we have Cinfras and Llevigar, oh boy.

    First of all, I don't know how you can call THIS not ugly
    If you genuinely believe that the slab spam on Cinfras looks good (or even the mountains in the back to be honest), then you either haven't ever built a decent looking house in Minecraft, or you're willfully ignorant about the state it is in. To add to the eye-sore it is, the quests there are disappointing, and the scroll merchant is locked behind a quest - WHY??? Now that quest is terrible, but what about the oth-, oh yeah.. Those are aswell. The only upside I will give to Cinfras is that even a toddler could navigate around the city, and that the Light Forest is nearby which is very cool. Cinfras's sheer existence constantly irritates me, which is why I place it in F Tier. Also, I think the CUR meta is unhealthy to the game, just as CSST was, though the Forgery is a cool location, but not cool enough to bump CInfras up a tier, especially since most people will just buy Forgery scrolls

    You're also talking about player activity, but like why's that important to how good a town is? Just because not a lot of people pass through a certain town, that doesn't mean it is badly designed or ugly. Take Elkurn for example, there's not a lot of traffic around there, but it has GOOD surroundings (roots of corruption, nivla forest, close to neesak), a better than average quest, good architecture and pretty looks. It's a small town, and it serves it's purpose as a small town extremely well, which is not something that it should be punished for in terms of ranking. Cinfras could be booming with players as far as I'm concerned but it doesn't take away all of the negatives about the town, even the airbase around it is impossible to navigate, but I will at least admit that it is a whole lot better than the city."

    alright so your list is literally appearance only, lore infact is related to quests. If the quests are shit, the lore is shit. Llevigar and cinfras have no place being bottom tier, you really just made your tier list to appearance shame cities you don't like lolll.
    (also remember when you put lexdale above cinfras on discord, i think that shows how much of a bias you hate cinfras)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
  6. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    If you're so deeply versed with the role of Wynncraft and that it is absolutely necessary, then tell me the lore around Cinfras. I've played more than 1500 hours without ever caring about lore because it doesn't make a difference to my experience, I can enjoy the quests within a certain area regardless of whether or not I know lore.
    It's not based purely on the way they look, but if the town looks utter shit and has bad and unenjoyable quests, I'm not gonna rate it higher than it deserves
    By the way, I still haven't seen you say anything good about Cinfras, @Shots at least told me a bunch of positives about Nemract, even if some of them were a bit meme-y. I doubt you would be able to make a list with 14 entries about Cinfras even if you included memes
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
  7. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    lutho in S tier corkus city in B tier and cinfras in F tier lmao ok bud
    StormKing3 likes this.
  8. RazorGuild


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    "If you're so deeply versed with the role of Wynncraft and that it is absolutely necessary, then tell me the lore around Cinfras. I've played more than 1500 hours without ever caring about lore because it doesn't make a difference to my experience, I can enjoy the quests within a certain area regardless of whether or not I know lore.
    It's not based purely on the way they look, but if the town looks utter shit and has bad and unenjoyable quests, I'm not gonna rate it higher than it deserves"

    literally the capital of gavel, (llevigar is like the port) and the lore helps with connecting the quests somewhat, and cinfras does it well. If you don't care about lore, whatever, but cinfras still is damn important for forgery access and the having fine quests such as flight in distress line. The quests were fine, and at least it was more than just 1 questline. Some towns that you rated higher than cinfras like bucie, were uglier than cinfras, and also was used for only 1 quest line. Even if you disregard the lore, the usefulness of the town for being close to forgery, at least having multiple quests to fit, cinfras is not bottom tier. not replying anymore, b/c it seems that you only care about appearance at this point, and really just don't like the quests lol.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
    StormKing3 and TrapinchO like this.
  9. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    I explained why I rated those towns higher than Cinfras earlier but you seemed to ignore that entire point. Cinfras, as the "hub" and main city of Gavel, is surely meant to be awe-inducing with some amazing and worthwhile content - right? No. You get a big fuck you in the face with relatively poor quests and stupid shit like the scroll merchant being locked behind a quest. Cinfras as an overall TOWN may be more useful and worthwhile to go rather than Bucie or Elkurn, but neither of those towns are given the role of being the main hub of a province. They are small towns, that's what they're meant to be, saying that a town is small when that is literally it's intended purpose adds absolutely zero substance to your point. They deal well with the role they're given, but Cinfras tremendously lags behind Lutho and Detlas, which are meant to serve a similar purpose. Cinfras doesn't do it's job well, and it seems like the only thing you like about Cinfras is that you can use it to go to The Forgery
  10. RazorGuild


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    "I doubt you would be able to make a list with 14 entries about Cinfras even if you included memes"

    lmao alright dude.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
  11. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    "Poor Quests" you mean Acquiring Accredentials and Flight in Distress, one of the more creative Gavel quests? Or Murder Mystery, which is a good one too?
    Fallen Delivery also isn't that bad.
    Quest quality is quite subjective.
    And how many quests does Detlas have?

    What exactly do YOU imagine as the Great Gavel Hub?
    StormKing3 likes this.
  12. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    I don't think Detlas needs to have amazing quests so much as Cinfras because of it's status and the way Wynn is structured. Someone earlier was talking about this in Wynncraft Discord, but the way Wynn quests and towns are structured is that everything is intertwined and links up with each other, you have to go through Detlas to get to new locations [well, if you're a new player and don't know how to get to certain locations yet especially], which already makes it a solid hub, but people have also pretty much learned to treat Detlas as the trade-hub and the go to place to chillout in Wynncraft. Cinfras has all the potential to be a great Gavel hub, but it executes some things very badly. It feels small, I wouldn't really expect the central part of a massive province to be little, I'd much rather it was considerably bigger. I want there to be a reason to go back to Cinfras, you can progress through Gavel completely linearly, without ever going back to Cinfras once you pass a certain level. However, with Detlas, you can easily go back to it up until the 40s, whether it be for it to help you get to a new location, use the trademarket, or just talk to people there, as an added bonus, the quest that gives you access to SE also starts there which is pretty cool.

    The main things I would want in Cinfras are:

    -> More reasons to go there, make it seem more important
    -> Make it not feel so small
    -> Revamp the style of the town to not be so slab spam-y
    -> Have quests that make the town feel more alive
    -> Make the airbase easier to navigate, with more locations since Detlas -> Cinfras is kind of meh, especially considering the main use for Cinfras is to go to the forgery, which there are direct scrolls to.
  13. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Overall, the list is completely uncontroversial, but as for Cinfras' rating, you're missing one essential point you mentioned
    Cinfras is VERY significant for its location, sure, the builds are horrible and so are the quests, but still, it holds the Letvus Airbase and is pretty much Gavel's Detlas. Also I guess you're not counting music but Lexdale probably fits in S or A tier when it comes to the music.
    Dwicey likes this.
  14. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    I feel like Cinfras is not as significant as it could be because of my previous message about the linear nature of Gavel.
    I can't rate it on music because I mainly listen to my own music/podcasts in the background since my ping can sometimes make noteblocks laggy :/
  15. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    You can listen the Wynncraft's OST here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqkjDCr8kbI3CjNZimiri8shU1GbfJ6E
    Dwicey likes this.
  16. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Sounds a bit hypocritical, both are capital cities and I like Cinfras, deserves a B for the quests alone.

    Bucie above Cinfras is madness!!

    Cinfras is bigger than Detlas but ok

    The airbase is daunting at first I'll grant you that, but after 20 mins or so it's quite easy to get around tbh
    TrapinchO likes this.
  17. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    Read the rest of my reply for the context about the structure of Wynn and the status it has a result.
  18. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    The comments on this video about Cinfras are mostly positive

    This one stood out to me:

    "Something that I really like about this city is that it feels really organised, with clear streets, house numbers and things like that. It's a nice change of pace compared to the often fantasy or mystical feel of other cities such as Almuj or Llevigar."
  19. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Stilly way bigger that detlas. The HUB OF PROVINCE. So I have no idea why do you complain here.
    If you mean you use only one path there, that is another thing.
    STARTS. It is only there for like 4mins or less.

    I pesonally return there after nearly every Cinfras County and Aldorei Valley quests (which is like 8 quests +???)

    It is also nice that I can get from it nearly everywhere.
    There are quests that make it feel alive. And 1 npc dialogue. More than Detlas.
    It is also contains the Guild Hall and direct connection to Letvus Airbase, which is, again, more than Detlas.

    However it is your opinion so do whatever you want
    Dwicey likes this.
  20. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    TBH just put a lift in Levtus like some of the lifts in the Ahmsord Airbase, and have more flight destinations like seaskipper (but that would's another topic) Redesign the whole the town but keep the good features, e.g the big arch (just remodelled) and a few more quests and Cinfras is a good city. I think it should be a big bigger though and the same applies to detlas because they are the hubs, though i completely agree with your positioning in the F tier. I would personally put it higher maybe D or C tier, if I'm feeling generous.

    Thanos on the other hand, can go below F Tier, I actually despise that place, which is a shame because it could have been really good for a dwarven city. Don't just copy and past Rodoroc - a brilliant city in my eyes -over Thanos, but just spruce it up a bit. Keep the vaults though, they are good, presuming they were based of Erebor ?

    Why do people hate Bucie some much, I remember it had a nice song when Gaval first came out but that seems to have been removed, but it's a nice little village for what it is.
    In fact, was that house with the big cave in the basement in a quest, i can't remember but if it is't, why not make that a quest ?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
    Dwicey likes this.
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