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My Opinion On The Server As It Is Now

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Violet Knight, Jul 14, 2016.

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  1. SkaterAssassin49

    SkaterAssassin49 Member of wynn for 3 years VIP

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    I share your opinion on both the new combat system and SOME of how gavel looks. Im a veteran, and i was around before troms even happened. Everything was so awesome back then, vip town, simple combat system, but they changed all of it :/. Then they added mobs with spells, and that made the system EVEN COOLER, and it was awesome. I remember when you grinded in ToL just for the sake of hoping to get a blue mask, adamantite or crystal. But yeah, im really disappointed on the new combat system.
  2. TheHipster

    TheHipster Famous Adventurer

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    this isn't true

    mythics are only good for single purpose
    legendaries beat them in every other category
  3. LotKnockMC

    LotKnockMC S̵͚̉i̸̥͔̞̒̕͜n̷̦̹̱͒̈́̚g̶͈̳̙͇͗̾̋̾ͅë̶͔́̌͋ṙ̶̢̧̭͕ VIP+

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    *Cough* ALKATRAZ *Cough*
  4. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    Uh, no, I guarantee you will be able to do your quests perfectly fine in a full unique set, except things like the Qira Hive.
    Cruuk likes this.
  5. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    I swear at this point a good chunk of your posts are rambling why certain aspects of the game are bad that the content team have heard a million times, I've already said it, and I'll say it again, this game, as a whole, is clearly not your type of game, your big rants are honestly not helping the content team criticism-wise, and it seems like you have nothing good to say about the game at this point, XBC is built on it's own engine, Wynn is built on MC without external plugins, XBC was made by paid professionals, Wynn's content team mainly consist of (talented) high-schoolers who does this as a hobby for free.
    Quit comparing a Minecraft server with a full-fledged game as it does nothing to progress this debate, they're not even the same kind of game, it's be better to compare Wynn with something like WoW or Runescape, as those were 2 of Wynn's main inspiration, even then, those 2 games were made by paid professionals.
    Every item does have a use, they may not seem useful to you, but somebody out there will find it useful, and a good chunk of Mythics are broken because of the +tier attack speed ID, which will be fixed, and while mythics may still be the strongest, they won't be as broken as they are currently.
    Seriously as I already mentioned this game is not your type of game, if you really hate the pacing and general gameplay, then just leave, these rants the content team have already heard plenty of times have gotten us nowhere, don't stress yourself over these issues so damn much and just accept it, we're really getting sick of the repeated complaints and just be glad that we actually made something like this without our own game engine, chill.

    +tier attack speed is the only reason Alkatraz can do over 60K damage.
    chaostitan, XavierEXE and LotKnockMC like this.
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