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My Opinion On The Bonfire Festival....

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by FoxxoChan, Jul 21, 2021.

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  1. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    I agree with this, it is word for word my exact thoughts on the festival
    AlleonVera likes this.
  2. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    I agree with all you said here, and its good to see the perspectives of the other folks in the community, thank you for your comment and honestly, I'm surprised that after being gone from wynncraft for about 4-5 months nothing has changed regarding champion rank and its p2w aspects, @Salted still is deaf to feedback huh? but back to the Bonfire Gambling Festival, letting us buy the certain cosmetics and pets we want after the event ends would be far less of a scam than what was originally pulled off
    strikeflame5356 and Partyu like this.
  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Omg guys admins violated me ))): did not get items I wanted from this very generous event )): time to complain now (((:

    in all seriousness, where’s the issue. You get 27 free crates and the server needs funds anyway. Some other replies are saying “haha salted need money for his new Tesla” but no. To quote salted all the way back in 2015:
    I don't live an insanely rich life though. The vast majority of the money goes towards the servers/employees. The rest goes to us so we can keep eating.
    While this is old, it most likely still applies. He (and possibly over devs) are working at this game full time. Sure, it’s not adding a revolutionary game mechanic, but hey at least we have incentive to actual do our daily quests now
    also what happened to “I will stop pinging salted now”
  4. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    I can see where people are coming from when they're saying this is a ''generous'' event, and they're right, for non's who don't really pay / can't afford it I can see why it's so special, to get a few free crates, and I like that, it's nice to see, but to the people who are paying to get a certain specific cosmetic or pet its really infuriating when you spend 50, 100, 150 dollars to get something and don't end up getting it because is all based on luck its rather infuriating, the generous part doesn't really exist for me, the items advertised in the forum post announcing the event are only the godly items, the black markets, and yes, you are given 27 free crates!!111! (if you have done absolutely every single daily objective and guild objective since the event started) and guess what tier they are! they are tier 1! tier 1 crates cant even have godlies in them! and tier 2 for the guild objective crates, pretty much the only loot of t1 crates are common player effects and the occasional rare rose wand gear skin or wybels, maybe even a legendary if you're the luckiest human on earth, you don't really get a chance to get the cosmetics and pets salted is shoving in your face with all these fancy promotion images with only about 24 tier 1 crates and like 3 t2 crates, almost as if he wanted you to throw him your entire wallet for lootboxes and not even get the item you want in return, so generous of the admins to even consider giving us the opportunity to throw money away and get nothing at all for it, maybe if you scrap every reward you have about enough for 1 godly but of course as with everything in this event is you don't even have a guarantee to get an item you really want.
    If I had to pay 200 dollars to get my head pushed into a toilet bowl I'd still be more satisfied than with buying bonfire lootboxes for 50 dollars, and I understand the server needs funding yes yes it does, but this is the shittiest way of doing so, with a 15% effort lootbox event that doesn't even have a single thing in it mildly related to bonfires.
    In discord.
  5. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    That’s how lootboxes work…
    Look at any other game with lootboxes
    It’s all rng u gotta spend a lot of money to get one specific thing from all the tons of drops
    Adding a way to buy them without boxes ruins the point of lootboxes…
  6. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    In regards to this, by the way. Everyone can claim a free pet on the store. Secondly, if you have multiple pets out, together they do the same collective damage as having one single pet out. Thirdly, pretty sure pet damage doesn't actually increase post level 20. Therefore pets are truly cosmetic, so long as you have the store chicken claimed. Not bashing or anything, just wanted to clear this misconception up!
    As for the bomb bell, why would they permit a champion feature to be available for everyone? That's basically the equivalent of giving everyone 8 daily totems, a t2 crate, etc. which doesn't make sense unless they want ranks to be purely cosmetic. The support from buying ranks, etc. is what keeps this server running. There needs to be some incentive to donate, and with that there's gonna be perks that feel borderline p2w, for sure, but I think wynncraft actually handles it extremely well. I don't really feel like anything is too crazy, especially compared to other servers.

    And as a response to this, you're guaranteed 27 rares at the bare minimum during this event. It takes 25 rares to scrap into a godly, so you are technically guaranteed a godly, yes.
    As I stated before, do not spend money on gacha items unless you can afford to receive nothing. People need to think about the possible outcomes, even if unlikely. I absolutely wish I got the fox pet from my 50 crates, but I didn't. I know people who got three. It's just how it is and I knew that before I spent money. I have nothing to regret because I could afford to make the purchases that I did.
    I don't understand how gacha loot boxes are a poor way of doing something. Am I more happy with being able to buy something straight up? Of course, because human people like consistency and safety. Not to say there's no thrill in gambling, however.

    Anyway, your arguments in general are very weak and really boil down to the fact that someone wasn't responsible with their money when they should have been. Nobody is here persuading anyone else to spend money. It is all on you/your friend, really. These crates follow the same fundamentals that crates have for years, and are actually better since you're guaranteed a rare. If you don't care for the status and just want to see a cool model client side, you can edit the resource pack yourself. It takes about one minute.
    AlleonVera, Dreamhaze, Sprite and 8 others like this.
  7. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    Yes, I am aware of this, but the fact that you actually do have to visit the store to get something that can help with the game is starting to become suspiciously close to pay-to-win, that's why I said they were getting close to the line, I didn't say they've crossed it. But I do agree, a lot of people don't know this (which you could say is the admin's fault for not being more clear about it) and I'm glad you're helping spread the word.
    Yes but I don't think Blizard Entertainment should be our standard for what's acceptable. Just because some games have a very sketchy marketing scheme doesn't make it okay.
    It's helpful to see the point of view of someone who actually spends money on the game. I can see how this can be incredibly frustrating, but I think your final point is pretty much the best argument against what you said, at least the best argument justifying what the server is doing. "The server needs to make a profit" more importantly it has to stay afloat and make a profit, as Salted said, "so we can keep eating." If your being successful depended on you maintaining a server, which required that you both consistantly rebalance items -including nerfing them, and that you sell cosmetics on a store, both of which really piss people off, leading to you getting harassed online practically every time you do your job, you can probably imagine how irritating that'd be. Maybe I'm pulling a really shitty argument, but, assuming the admins aren't outright lying to us, I think we can try to understand why they have to do things like this. The ways they get money might be shitty, but, if they just made it so you could buy cosmetics individually on the store people'd just buy what they wanted and never spend money again. Like I said earlier, loot boxes are dumb, and, essentially gambling, and this festival is clearly desgined to have people just spend their entire wallet on the store within the next 20 days, but I'm just saying that, at least some of that shittyness just has to happen for the server to, as you said, turn a profit.
    On the player's end of things, I think that as Ichikaa said, you just have to be a but more responsible with your money. Yes, ideally the admins wouldn't be baiting you to spend this much money in the first place, but like I said, they kinda have to.
    AlleonVera and Partyu like this.
  8. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    To be honest this feels less like a genuine opinion and more like a hissy-fit from someone who feels scammed that their friend spent a bunch of money on what they knew were lootboxes, trying to get a single item. I think it's unrealistic to expect Wynncraft to implement a system where you could complete challenges or tasks or whatever, or even just straight up spend money, to get specific items out of a lootbox. Revenue is something that Wynncraft needs to survive. If you believe that Salted or any other developer is living the high life from the millions they get from running a Minecraft server for a living, you're mistaken. I do agree that the event could have been bigger, but as stated previously by Salted, time restraints forced it out the door. I'm super excited for more events in the future, hopefully with in-game stuff as well, but being toxic to the people who have worked hard to make an event they thought you'd enjoy is not on.
    This has been a bit of a rant, sorry it jumps around a bit, but I have pretty strong feelings towards this, and seeing your temper tantrums on the discord prior to this thread just confirms to me that this is a thread born from anger.
  9. Ava Cart

    Ava Cart If you don't like Ava you die CHAMPION

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  10. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    You got any other ideas?
    A new rank?
    Nope, that would piss of the community too much
    A new pet?
    Wouldn’t make enough money
    A new bomb?
    Nope, there’s already 100 threads a day calling wynncraft pay to win

    this is actually a very good marketing scheme, to be fair
    Ninja_VK likes this.
  11. melon

    melon Well-Known Adventurer

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    I feel like in general, the entire reason anyone (at least me)
    plays Wynn is to
    A. Have fun, and
    B. Have social interaction.

    Unless it improves my experience, interest, and entertainment value, I'm not willing to spend a shit ton of money to get digital things that literally say:
    "I'm willing to spend money on bullcrap that's practically nonexistent" or "I'm so rich I can and will spend my money on whatever the heck I want", and both are terrible.

    The general idea is somewhat okay, (I interpret it as " reward players for logging on and doing daily rewards, and even more if they donate") I just think it should cost a lot less, and be it a lot more likely to get desirable cosmetics.

    Than again, I guess I'm okay with free cosmetics, I don't really care about having this stuff.

    No hate to salted or to anyone that worked on Wynn and/or this festival.
    strikeflame5356 likes this.
  12. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Bombs are not pay to win, they effect everyone
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  13. GreenRosmarus

    GreenRosmarus pray RNGesus HERO

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    Salted literally barged into my house, murdered all my family and forced me to participate in this shit event (ew) As someone who only got 20 black markets and 6 godlies from crates, this update was definitely created as the admins evil ploy against players like me. Cowman, refund me now!

    But on a serious note, this event is literally free stuff. I understand that lootbox this, FOMO that, but it's literally that. And even still, if you want to criticise, go ahead, but tagging the admins everywhere and insulting them isn't the way to go
  14. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    That's just overexaggeration, at least you gain something from the bonfire crates
    You can, actually, I think they're about as rare as an epic in a regular crate meaning that there's a good chance you'll get a few, maybe enough for at least 1 black market
    So you're just gonna undermine the hard work put into modelling the cosmetics and animating the particle effects? They could've presented it better, sure, but it's a test for future events which will no doubt be better.
    There is so much wrong with this statement:
    1. There are no common items in Bonfire crates, only rares.
    2. The rose wand is the same rarity as most particle effects
    3. Legendary tier doesn't exist
    4. Getting a godly from a free t1 bonfire crate isn't unrealistic, again it's about as rare as an epic from a regular tier 1 (which aren't that rare, i believe 2 of my 3 first free monthly crates were epics)
    Basically, concur with what Tealy said above, you just sound really salty and annoyed that you and your friends didn't get what you wanted from a lootbox that you purchased with the awareness that you might not get what you want. If you're gonna buy something like that, be aware that there's only a CHANCE that you get what you want and not a GUARANTEE.
  15. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    With champion rank giving tons of advantages to bomb users, it is arguable that it is p2w
    Edit: either way, my point relating to lack of choices concerning monetisation still stands.
    Let’s not start another argument
  16. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    Not really, if I payed 200 dollars to get pushed into a toilet bowl I'd be paying for a guaranteed thing, not a stupid chance

    Then damn I guess I'm just the unluckiest human ever because I haven't seen these godlies in t1 crates at all, only epics but that's about it

    No, I know the CT who worked in the cosmetics like Kio and zero did an amazing work at animating and making the models, but this event could have been a lot more, and the only thing it was lootboxes, definitively should have had more and it should have been planned way better, but I don't wanna undermine the work of the CT,
    Man, I always forget its called ''epic'' tier and not legendary, and honestly, in my experience with these dumb gambling mechanics I have not gotten a godly from a t1 crate, I've seen legendaries and gotten them, like the bunny ears, but I've never seen the godlies, only in t2 crates and I never got those
    Yeah I apologize for being angry, I forgot you absolutely CANNOT be angry or frustrated or even infuriated at salted for adding temporary lootboxes to wynncraft and calling it an event, I'm sorry for expecting more out of the first wynncraft event in years, I'm sorry I'm upset for my friend's getting scammed by this, I completely forgot I can't have an opinion even mildly passing off as angry or else I get dogpiled and burned at a stake, and in my opinion yeah I think it's super shitty and awful that you pay hundreds of dollars to not get what you what, but who knows I can't have that opinion because the server is literally at the brink of death and needs to scam people to get funds
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
  17. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    U keep referring to ur friend as getting “scammed”. Why? Because they spent $200 and didn’t get what they want.
    Loot boxes are a gamble. U cannot complain when u do not get the exact item u want from them, that’s just u not being lucky.
    If u don’t like that system of luck and don’t want a chance to get smth, don’t buy lootboxes. It’s clear u don’t like them.
    But if u don’t get what u want, it’s not a scam. Not one spot did salted say “oh buy 10 of these and ur garunteed a fox” or smth
    And the reason ppl keep saying ur angry is Bc this thread feels less like feedback and more like a rant. U just keep saying the same things over and over. Ur friend got loot boxes, wanted an item and didn’t get lucky. They got “scammed” and then u proceed to insult salted.
    Insulting him isn’t gonna get u anywhere, just don’t buy lootboxes if u are not prepared to get something else….
  18. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Your friend was NOT scammed, they purchased the crates with the knowledge that they might not get what they want. A scam would be if they didn't get the crates and even then that would probably have been an error. Lootboxes aren't scams, they're gambles. The only case where a lootbox could be considered a scam is if it inaccurately represents the odds of getting something, which Wynn hasn't.

    Lootboxes are worse when they grant an advantage, but these are cosmetics. And you get 27 for free. That's literally 27 dollars worth of crates and you barely have to do anything to get them.

    It's a test. Obviously it isn't going to be amazing.
  19. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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  20. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    These crates are literally cosmetics. They give absolutely no benefit to gameplay, and everyone who buys them should go into it knowing this fact. Besides, you can get up to 27 free crates anyway, so it isn't like they're completely locked behind a paywall. And if you're going to complain about "not getting what you want", again, these are lootboxes. They give a random cosmetic, and you should go into buying them knowing that. The admins didn't even have to allow you to get any free crates at all, so consider yourself lucky that we even got those.
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