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My Opinion on The 1.20 Update's effects on Professions and the surrounding Community

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by GraphicNovel, Aug 4, 2021.


What do you like about 1.20 Profs?

  1. Gather XP/Speed Ingredients

    41 vote(s)
  2. Guild Gather XP Boosts

    14 vote(s)
  3. Upheaval of the Proffer/Hunter Dynamic

    23 vote(s)
  4. Materials from Raids

    29 vote(s)
  5. New Tool Textures

    27 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. GraphicNovel

    GraphicNovel The most promiscuous assassin main on the server CHAMPION

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    What I didn't mention in the thread was that I was one of the founding members of PROF guild. I was there a day or two after it was created and I helped get it's feet off the ground. After a month or two I left and went back to my old guild, but all that to say that the reason that PROF was even able to hold territory was that SE is an awful awful territory to hold. PROF is the only guild in history to hold it for more than like a day. It has been considered free for all before and after PROF held it. I also remember that the reason the guild was founded in the first place was to make sure that if the guild boosts were held by a guild, it would be by one that was willing to invite anybody at any time. This way (in theory at least) Rather than the gathering leaderboards being heavily in favor of one specific guild, it would just be a lot more people with a lot more xp. In practice, not everyone can leave their guild to join PROF, and the addition of a 3-day war cooldown upon joining a guild did not help that problem.

    Essentially, PROF was founded to prevent the gathering leaderboards becoming partisan towards a specific guild.
    MntRunner likes this.
  2. MntRunner

    MntRunner Confectionary Merchant Number 5 Fangirl CHAMPION

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    So there was always plenty of mats on the trade market it just crashed the prices. The issue never was the drop chance of the mat. Its a supply demand problem. Wynn for the most part can be modeled using microeconomics. There was a demand for end game mats (sky/dernic). Proffers spent hundreds of hours grinding there levels high enough to meet the demand. They would then earn money and feel rewarded for their work. Market prices reflected this. New update to Raids gets pushed, and t3 sky mats are now awarded to players for winning raids. Supply exceeds demand. Massive deflation and market prices crash for t3 sky mats. Demand for t3 dernic falls as well because most crafts can use sky as substitute. Proffers who have still spent hundreds of hours grinding profs have lost a huge source of income. Yes dernic mats still sell (except for dernic meat no one buys that) but at lower amounts and cost.

    In short, t3 mat raid rewards made you feel like the price "Wynn" has valued your hundreds of hours spent proffing is worth about 15eb at level 100-110 profs.
    Sar and GraphicNovel like this.
  3. chryssie

    chryssie ultimate cur hater CHAMPION

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    also adding on to Novel's reply, i want to stress how bad SE really is in terms of a guild owning it.

    it is quite literally a straight line. this means that most of the territories in SE are 2 connections. let's say that TNL wanted to hold SE. well, all you have to do it take the silent road/broken road/worm tunnel, close your borders, and everything behind that territory will drop to Very Low (around 330k ehp 1k dps). it is impossible for TNL to defend the territories due to the closed borders (resources cannot flow through enemy closed borders), and that is no way TNL would want to overdefend SE territories all the way to Lutho (double emeralds) or the gate (double crop). even with really high defenses, non-HQ territories are easy with a good warteam.
    you might notice TNL sometimes attacking SE for more SR, but thats due to them being next to a FFA. they defend around 4/4/4/4 (medium) at most, since its just not worth it.

    SE has 12 crops, 1 double crop, 2 wood and 1 fish. NO ORE. the closest territory with ore was in mining base, which is owned by TNL (not to mention the Wynn province itself has only 12 ore terrs, split between multiple guilds), and also in a straight line towards lutho, mind you, if you want to hold SE you have to accept the fact your towers will be doing 2k damage per hit. you could not even buff your HQ's damage (this led to PROF losing their lutho HQ a lot later on)

    for the 6 months PROF owned SE, it got confirmation from the two alliances (Goose and Artemis) for temporary peace, with the promise of free gxp boost. with most guilds who are strong enough/know enough war knowledge unable to attack PROF, they just had to deal with randoms taking their territories sometimes, so PROF basically had a 100% upkeep time for boosting gatherings, since there was no threat of a guild beating their weak SE territories.

    SE is most probably the worst claim on the map, followed closely by Thanos/Gylia (no gert camp), ROL, and jungle
    GraphicNovel and MntRunner like this.
  4. rDante

    rDante Well-Known Adventurer

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    Remove gathering leaderboards ez
  5. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic here, I get the feeling you're not. And that is frankly very uncalled for, as that is literally what the whole thing was-an accident. It wasn't removed because backlash, it was removed because the ingredients were incomplete. That wasn't even all of altakar's load of ings either, according to him at the time. He has even said that there was one big thing he still had to do even before they got accidentally pushed for what was it, like, a less than a day? That's pretty damn fast for wynn. And guess what that big thing was. it was figuring out the curve for gxp so it would be balanced. It was quite obvious that whole thing was unfinished so I'm really not sure why you said this at all. If I remember correctly, there was even an ingredient that had -15 durability because of a typing error (it was supposed to be -150 iirc), and that itself should show you just how unfinished and unreviewed they were. Overall just an unfair callout, not deserved at all.
  6. GraphicNovel

    GraphicNovel The most promiscuous assassin main on the server CHAMPION

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    I was being sarcastic there sorry for the confusion
  7. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    ah, ok sorry I went off so much then
  8. AmbassadorMax

    AmbassadorMax Professional Wynncraft Speedrunner CHAMPION

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    Professions got boring for me since it wasn't really a challenge anymore to reach max level. With all the boosts (when they were first released) including a dxp weekend plus maybe discord xp, you could get all your gatherings to max level if you grinded hard enough. Also if you were rich enough you could just buy all the materials and ingredients to get max level craftings.

    Having all the options to gain more gathering XP made professions so much more accessible for many players and helped grow the prof community at an explosive rate. Guild and ingredient boosts were individually both balanced but too overpowered when combined, showing a clear communication discrepancy among the members of the staff team.

    Many people have already said but hunting was terrible for the community. With severe amounts of harassment from both groups, it was toxic and not a fun/chill place in the prof community.

    P.S. T3 mats from TCC have made me lots of monerz :]

    edit: fixed some grammar/sentence structure
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
    fishcute and GraphicNovel like this.
  9. GraphicNovel

    GraphicNovel The most promiscuous assassin main on the server CHAMPION

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    While theoretically possible to hit max level in like a month, in practice nobody has ever done it that fast and I find it hard to believe anyone except like IceWarox or something is going to. The amount of money you would need to buy yourself to max level it absolutely absurd, and it would take a long while for enough supply to appear. Gatherings are still atleast a 200 hour investment assuming you have the guild boost from 110 to 132, which is unlikely as well. I could be very wrong on this, but there are still only 10 people to reach max level, so I find it hard to believe that someone could in practice pull max level off this fast. It is still in theory possible to pull that off though.

    Similarly the hunted dynamic sounds good in theory, but in practice it became a toxic environment where everyone got oneshot anyways.
  10. AmbassadorMax

    AmbassadorMax Professional Wynncraft Speedrunner CHAMPION

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    The idea that it's theoretically possible to hit max level in a month is completely absurd. Considering that the first player to get max level before 1.20 spent over a year to reach that point. Similar to how the fact that it was theoretically possible in 1.19 to go from lvl 1 to 100 in under 20 minutes. While yes, no one has done it, doesn't justify the fact that it should even be possible.

    Assuming you were using the materials you were grinding to help level up craftings (plus selling all the T3 mats you gained), it would cost less than a bank page of LE to pay for max level craftings. For some people, a bank page of LE is not a terrible price to pay for max level professions.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
  11. cheese2Uman

    cheese2Uman Was playing Wynncraft before there were quests HERO

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    As someone who got into proffing solely for the purpose of crafting potions and food to sell, tier III raid mats have been a huge blessing. Consumables are different from other crafted items due to the fact that they are temporary, typically lasting no more than an hour in total. For a nice crafted wand for example, I might be willing to shell out a few stacks of le, because I will be able to use it forever. Yes, there are some ongoing expenses incurred by having to repair crafted items with scrap, but these expenses are fairly negligible in my opinion. For a consumable on the other hand, I don't think I could justify spending more than 5 or 6 le, no matter how good it was, simply due to the fact that it is only a temporary boost (keep in mind I'm also not super rich). Thus, before tier III raid mats were introduced, it was unfeasible to use tier III mats in consumables. It just wasn't worth it. But now with tier III mats easily available as raid rewards, I could finally justify using them in my consumables, allowing me to craft powerful consumables with decent duration at a price people might actually pay.

    For me, the goal of proffing was never to sell tier III mats, but to sell my consumables, so I didn't really mind the drop in prices of tier III mats. As I mentioned, this actually helped my business become more feasible. The occasional tier III dernic mat I farmed and sold for 2 le on the trade market was a nice side benefit, not my main goal. But I can see how people would be upset if a significant portion of their income came from selling tier III mats.

    Then again, looking from a consumer's point of view, the tier III mat raid rewards were fantastic. Before, crafted items with good durability would sell for several stacks of le because the tier III mats required to craft them were so expensive. Now that tier III sky mats are so cheap, you can get a lot of crafted items for 6 to 32 le, and many more consumers can actually afford them. So while for many producers tier III raid mats are a slight negative, I would say they benefit Wynncraft society as a whole by bringing down the cost of crafted items to a level that more of the community can afford.


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    Never done a proffesion job before, what does it do, and what is the benefit of doing it other than just obtaining xp?
  13. cheese2Uman

    cheese2Uman Was playing Wynncraft before there were quests HERO

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    Professions allow you to craft weapons, armor, accessories, and consumables with unique abilities.


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    Is it worth the effort of the profession? I think it best for me to just focus on getting money and buying it on the trade market.
  15. cheese2Uman

    cheese2Uman Was playing Wynncraft before there were quests HERO

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    I think it can be worth it. Mythic replicants and loot quality gear can sell for 32 le up to multiple stacks of le, so it can be a viable money-making method, but it is very time-consuming to grind professions to a point where you are able to craft that kind of gear, and I believe lootrunning is still the best money-making method. Personally, I mainly do professions because it's something interesting for me to do in the game, but I would say in terms of effort you are probably better off just buying your items from the market.
    Ninja_VK likes this.


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    duly noted; at the very least, I will give it a shot.
  17. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    dw guys I still pull through as a hunter! I got your backs :)
    It's not much but its honest work, not a lot of people to slaughter these days just the odd person in morph and sometimes a gxp set.
    Admittedly I did find a guy running cosmic whilst proffing in hunted... they died like the rest.
    Ninja_VK likes this.
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