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My Opinion On "dungeon Realms" (and Why It's Not #1 Like They Say)

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Undyne, May 9, 2017.


Do you think "we are number one"?

  1. Yes! Dungeon Realms sounds like an awful server!

    31 vote(s)
  2. No. I actually enjoy playing Dungeon Realms.

    1 vote(s)
  3. I play DR, but I still think Wynn is better.

    5 vote(s)
  4. I think both are equally good. Each has its own unique style.

    1 vote(s)
  5. What is "Dungeon Realms" again?

    13 vote(s)
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  1. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    I know you were being sarcastic. I was just proving a point to those who actually believe your sarcastic statement.

    Everything I said to you was true. Mediocre content, a lack of gameplay, and having the whole world end and be reset are common occurrences you'll see in Dungeon Realms. I'm pretty sure with you being a donator for Wynn and reading this summary you'll not be changing sides to this lacking MMORPG server.
    coolname2034 and Inactive User like this.
  2. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    I tried it once
    I was still in the tutorial
    The people were kinda friendly too
    I mentioned wynn
    And they were cool about it
    Like, I prefer DR over wynn
    Or something along thr lines of that
  3. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    I'm assuming you're being sarcastic since you've written 2,775 messages on this forum. And, to be honest, DR acts as a competition, giving ideas to the MC MMORPG world and promoting further development among themselves. Because of this, most people are cool with these other MMORPGs out there, and won't openly criticize another (unless people are rude and rather taunt and tease you for preferring one server over theirs).

    Even @icebreaker plays Mystic Runes (another small MC MMORPG), so even if it lacks in content overall, it still may be fun for him to play around on there. This opinion is mainly focusing on the gameplay aspect of DR and how it lacks in comparison to Wynn, but some people will still devote their time to DR just because it's fun for them.

    As for me, I quit playing because I got bored with it.
    icebreaker likes this.
  4. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    No, I'm legitimately serious. They didn't fight and kept their opinions to themselves
    coolname2034 and Toasted Asian like this.
  5. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    You do have to remember that since Wynn has more players, you're more likely to find hostility/toxicity here than on DR. And, to be honest, I saw a few comments about Wynn when I was playing DR, and they kind of were stated in a "mocking" manner as if they thought their server was superior. Chances are that the players on DR when you were playing were peaceful and friendly, where as I encountered idiots who were basically giving me no choice but to die and lose my stuff.

    I made this thread just to give my "final opinion" on the server and the features that make it somewhat hard to enjoy. I'm not "dissing" the players, since most of them might like a more factions-based MMORPG. And, you've only really done the tutorial and a few other parts, but as you play the game more you'll see what I'm talking about in terms of the lacking gameplay.

    Honestly, no one should be fighting over which Minecraft MMORPG is the best. Zentrela actually looked promising, but it shut down before I even found out about it. The smaller servers just need more time to develop, and this thread points out several glaring issues that may be affecting the server's overall player base. If you like DR, feel free to play it. Everyone has their opinion and I have no right to stop you from doing what you want to do.
  6. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    well they were still pretty nice
    just wanted to share my own experience ya know?
    coolname2034 and Toasted Asian like this.
  7. Toasted Asian

    Toasted Asian Toasty VIP+

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    First time I played DR, it was a small yet very toxic server. However, only one guy was willing to help me play the game. A day after that, game was shut down. Game got back, everything seemed less toxic

    I think wynn, by far, is able to limit toxicity while maintaining hundreds of people. Baisicly, wynn has a lot of players and not much toxicity. Unlike other servers, that have a few or a lot of people with high toxicity
    coolname2034 likes this.
  8. icebreaker

    icebreaker Retired YouTuber & Full Stack Web Developer Media HERO

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    I'm just getting bored of wynmcraft , that's all.
  9. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I wish MysticRunes was our main competitor instead of Dungeonrealms, they're just so much better than Dungeonrealms and actually in the same league as wynn in terms if gameplay mechanics
    Zarge#112 and coolname2034 like this.
  10. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    Same here. Mystic Runes actually has several classes, each with its own unique set of spells. They also have better tiers of armor without sprawling names and also unique armors from minibosses or dungeons, making those worth farming (in comparison to DR's horrible "kill 200 mobs" dungeon).

    However, I found it extremely hard to level up, even after doing somewhat difficult quests (there was literally one quest that mimicked "The Ultimate Weapon" by making you get 100 gunpowder drops, but they are only dropped by pirates and it isn't a 100% chance to drop like the Royal Bugs are in Wynn). The quests didn't give very good experience for their level, plus the other tangible items (like currency) were minimal. I also felt like grinding on your level was dangerous because the armor/weapons take a big leap in level, making it hard to fight mobs your level but with weaker armor/weapons. Also, the weapons/armor have stupid durability. I honestly despise that system, especially with super rare armor/weapons you get from farming for hours.

    It honestly needs some tweaking, but considering that the staff wants the game "hard" (proof from this post: https://mysticrunes.net/forum/index.php?topic=412.0) these issues will probably persist for a while.
  11. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Yeah, that was my problem with them
  12. EsseoS

    EsseoS Seasoned Campaigner VIP+

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    I like the idea of minimal currency, it seems more accurate to the role of an adventurer. Having just a little bit more than the average citizen.
  13. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    I mean, that isn't the big issue, as you get more currency from selling unused rare items in their market area. Mainly the big issue is the xp gain, as certain quests that take a long time to do (like the Ultimate Weapon mock quest) don't give a good amount of xp for the hours of effort put in to finishing this (horribly made) quest.

    Take this into perspective: On Mystic Runes, the highest level is under 50 because it takes ages to get one level up. I think it might actually take longer than getting from 99 to 100 using CSST, and the levels on MR are usually obtained by grinding dungeons as well...
  14. EsseoS

    EsseoS Seasoned Campaigner VIP+

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    I've never heard about MR until this thread, so what are quests like? Because personally, the idea of slow progression and a realistic amount of money is appealing to me, as long as there is always something interesting to do, and mobs are unique.
  15. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    Well, here's a brief lowdown of the quest system:

    1) The quests aren't interesting. Most are just fetch quests, mob grinding, and other boring aspects that are more annoying than interesting.

    2) The mobs (like DR) aren't unique. They all fall under a generic mob type: bandits, thugs, pirates, etc. Their skins are also pretty generic. I think one mob used a look-alike of a Steve head...

    3) The quests are so short, they usually only have one or two tasks within them. You'll spend more time grinding dungeons or farming minibosses than you will doing quests.

    4) Slow progression is taken to an extreme on this server. It's so bad, it takes at least an hour of gameplay to reach level 10. Have fun reaching any level above that, especially with the constant need for stronger gear. (Even one tier of gear below your level's range makes it painstakingly difficult to grind without dying.)

    To be honest, MR is better than DR, but it still has similar issues that make the overall gameplay lacking and irritating.
  16. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Can confirm, it feels like pregavel wynn what with all the grinding
  17. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Well there is that one quest where you have to kill 10 bandits and then go to Cyrennica for some godforsaken reason. Are there even any other quests? Also I love how the quest template thingy says "Quality over quantity, damn it!" even though Dungeons Realms has neither of them.
  18. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    As far as I know there are no other quests in the game besides the tutorial quest and the random "kill non-hostile bandits" quest. Honestly I think DR is too focused on their pseudo-factions playstyle that they don't care at all about quests.

    (On top of that, the GMs on there are literally almost as "powerful" as the owner, making them more of a "I control you" figure rather than an actual content creator like Wynn's system is. Their team of GMs also never expands since you can't apply for GM, mainly because they are too powerful to allow any normal "peasant" to become one. It's basically letting people play God, since they are stronger than mods and have the ability to do great harm if a "traitor" got accepted. So...don't expect any quests from them in the near future.)
  19. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Well whoop de fucking doo, they added more things to bash on: these rifts, which are basically like swarms rip.
    These rifts are those end portal thingies and they will spawn mobs, once all mobs are defeated a "Rift Walker" will spawn, which is essentially a miniboss. When all mobs are defeated the rift drops some rift fragments and it goes away. With 30 of these fragments you get a rift stone which you can open (another) rift which you can actually go into and fight (another) miniboss, which doesn't make sense at all tbh. When you kill it you get a shield wowee.

    Next up there are these "trinkets" which are basically bootleg accessories. But you have only 1 trinket slot which is complete bs tbh, especially because they don't do that much. There's 4 types of trinkets

    1. Lures: they help with fishing, yay
    2. Mining gloves: they help with mining but they seem pretty crappy to me, except for no mining fatigue which is completely broken imo.
    3. Rift rings: you get them from rifts (wowee such magic) and the website says they give rift-related bonuses, however only 3 of 6 actually do anything rift related, although that's actually quite a lot considering that there's only 6 bonusues.
    4. Circlets: they're the most wynncraft-like in the sense that they give combat bonuses and all that kind of stuff.
    And last but not least (actually, scrap the "not"): the treasure scrolls which totally aren't a thing in normal minecraft (well, they're kinda different from treasure maps). They are apparently in another language or something and you have to go to 1 of the whopping 3 npc who can translate it, it specifies in the scroll. When you give it to them you have to do some shitty task (tbh I don't exactly know what you have to do but since they're random drops I doubt it'd be anything fun), so there were quests after all, now let's hope their golden rule "Quality over quantity, damn it" still applies.

    Well nvm because there's another addition, set bonuses, there's only 7 of them and they're pretty much what you'd expect.

    Here is the link.

  20. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    Basically it seems like DR is "trying" to add new features to their game, but it still suffers from the annoying combat, tiered armor issues, and its pseudo-factions zone system, making it hard to even get to the point where you can get these items. Wynn already does a lot of these things better: accessories are way more beneficial stat-wise than DR's trinkets, there are a lot more sets in this game which does not revolve around killing an OP boss over and over again for a drop, and DR's "quests" are just annoying chores versus Wynn's actual "story-based" quest making system.

    It also doesn't help that they wipe your progress every few months, so it's pointless to even get to the top of their "leaderboard" since everything's just going to be reset anyways.

    Also, I love how DR finally created a system to have multiple profiles/classes, but you have to buy them either through ranks or directly through the store. Don't you think this is a little unfair, both player-wise and EULA-wise? Literally, Wynn gives a non-donator five profiles automatically so they can play each class, and even MR allows you to have three profiles without donating...
    Zarge#112 and AetherArising like this.
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