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Build My Builder Application

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by River_Birch, Jul 16, 2020.


Do I deserve to be in the build team?

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. maybe

  4. not enough pictures

  5. h

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  1. Qulaey

    Qulaey weeb

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    Who checks the applications these days anyways? Is it the managers or builders above a certain rank? just wondering.
  2. Chigo_

    Chigo_ wtf is a chigo QA CHAMPION

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    Not sure how much I can say about that so I will keep it pretty simple. CT members are able to check applications but the answer is from the manager.
  3. River_Birch

    River_Birch a group of ferrets with internet access

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    I am working on a new project which might take some time. It's a big castle in the mountains since I don't really don't know what to do now. I need more stuff to build, and I want my castle in the mountain project as a side build. Please give me inspiration or a will to build. I honestly don't know what to work on now. I've built better mountains and houses and stuff like that, but I don't know what to do anymore. Please give me project to work on. Give me a distraction.

    It can be anything. I honestly don't care anymore.
    Just suggest something.
  4. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    Might not hurt to play a different game for a couple days and go back to building with a fresh mindset. If you got any feedback on your promising application like I did, then you should probably focus on the things that were said there, e.g: for me, they told me to do more terrain with structures, so I made these:
    These aren't my greatest builds or anything now, but they helped me improve quite a bit and helped me with my composition. Don't be scared of making stuff that looks bad or a little odd, building is a lot of trial and error, and within the span of a month or two you can go from something like this:
    To something more like this:

    Posting your builds somewhere and getting feedback on them is so so important, responding to that feedback in an appropriate manner will make you a much better builder in a short amount of time.
    Taking inspiration from other builders is also great, I have shamelessly stalked through the builds of a few people on here, like Qulaey and Ranger_Gilan [though the latter didn't rly do anything to help me, rly talented builder though], taking little bits of things you like from people's builds and implementing them into your build with your own little twist can help you shape your own style. On the latest house build, a lot of the detailing is stuff I was inspired to do from CornBob's builds in Wynncraft, they're fantastic tbh
    Violet Knight likes this.
  5. Qulaey

    Qulaey weeb

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    Try building in another style, such as Asian, cyberpunk, modern or futuristic! You'll find it fun. Trust me. If I were to only build medieval all day every day I would probably throw up so you shouldn't do it either.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2020
    robincaiye and CaptainTurko like this.
  6. River_Birch

    River_Birch a group of ferrets with internet access

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    I am quite busy currently, and will be putting my mission of becoming a build on hold. I'm studying for a test that determines which high school that I go to, so I have to focus on that instead of wynncraft.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  7. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    I love all the builds you’ve been putting out in this thread!!

    I’ll have to keep this short, but like other people said, alongside quality, the CT tends to look for uniqueness and scale. They seek people who can keep up with building large and for long amounts of time. I certainly am not saying this influenced by experience; I am only deducing, but there seem to be others that have experience in this thread haha.

    I also think it’s better to pursue other build styles, because the same themes and styles can bore you out a heck ton. For example, I always wanted to build medieval/rustic but I saw other styles all the time and I still fall in love with build styles over and over all the time
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