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Moon's Dragon: Another Universe Rp [ended]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Gushy48, Sep 25, 2016.


What kind of RP should I create next?

Poll closed Mar 30, 2017.
  1. World Based (This RP is world based)

    4 vote(s)
  2. Story/Lore Based (No short replies)

    1 vote(s)
  3. Combat Based (Requires brains and not luck)

    2 vote(s)
  4. Sci-Fi Theme (I seen no RPs have this kind of theme)

    3 vote(s)
  5. Magical Medieval Theme (The current theme and the most used one)

    2 vote(s)
  6. Nether (It will shed some light on this universe's Nether)

    0 vote(s)
  7. Survival Theme (Imagine Apocalypse Realm but better)

    4 vote(s)
  8. Modern Theme (It's like life, but better!)

    2 vote(s)
  9. Dystopia Theme? (Need suggestions on this one

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Shade and Lissa
    Shade managed to push down one of the pillars. Three more pillars to go.

    A. Free Action
    "We just want to protect you! We have to fulfill our god's wish!"

    A. Free Action
    I have to get ready for school in 30 minutes
  2. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Very well. If you may, please heal my wing."
  3. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    I try to push down another one.
  4. 3DSMate

    3DSMate The shadow assassin VIP+

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    B: I call the army off and teleport them away but i go to the skeleton dungeon for some reasons.
  5. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    If you do this, then the leader of the Corruption will hear this and kill you immediately. TL:DR: War - Chance of dying, No War - Certain Death
  6. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    This did just get a lot more interesting
  7. 3DSMate

    3DSMate The shadow assassin VIP+

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    Then i go to wage war on Rangi
  8. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    I wait for Shade to push down another pillar.
    OOC: Won't be on for awhile, I have some things going on after school
  9. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    I teleport as far away from them where I can still shoot them with my bow and begin taking them out one by one.
  10. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    "No, your honor. None of these actions were intentional, and if i'm to believe what the witness said to me pre-trial, i believe that i've found a major inconsistency already. So. Lets have a swift trial."

    "Oh, and one last thing. Prosecution and Witness, Don't try to piss me off if you can avoid it. Be civilized. This is a court, not a schoolyard, Taunts and jibes are not fit for this place. I will explain why later."
    (Also i find it funny you allow Daragor, which is pretty much what i wanted to be last time xD But fien)
  11. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    The worshippers used very old healing magic on your wing. It's good as new.
    "There master! Now, what would you have us do next?"

    A. Free Action
    Shade and Lissa
    Shade pushed down another pillar. Two more to go.

    A. Push another one down
    B. Free Action
    Happy now?
    You walk outside to Ternaves, they saw horror as an army appeared, then disappeared. The voice said to destroy Ragni, that's the sentient skeleton's next move. You have to stop them in time. You explained your situation to the villagers, and they gave you a horse to ride on. Shall you go to Ragni?

    A. Go to Ragni
    B. Free Action
    Rangi does not exist. Ragni does.
    You and your army approaches Ragni. The soldiers immediately saw you, then they realized the truth. That the Corruption are back, and want revenge. You ordered the army to breach the gate, while the soldiers clash iron with the familiar foe. Battle Start

    Eng'Shan: 100/100
    Corrupted Army: 2000/2000

    Ragni: 10000/10000
    Soldiers: 1000/1000

    A. Command your army

    Since you didn't reply, I made you prepare for battle. You go on your airship and see the Corrupted in the distance, you were right. They were back. You tried to warn everyone, but no one listened. Then, you hear soldiers yelling that something is approaching. The civilians flee as the soldiers prepare for battle. You have a choice here: Stay and fight/Evacuate the civilians

    A. Fight
    B. Evacuate

    You teleport behind the crowd, you began to shoot the Assassins. You took down at least 2 of them, while the leader tried to sneaked behind you. The leader accidentally stabbed one of his own, you caught that and proceeded to shoot him in the shoulder for 7 damage.

    "You idiots! He can teleport! What was the point of charging at him if he was going to teleport away?!" The leader screamed in rage.

    Rogue: 100/100

    Head Assassin: 93/100
    6 Assassins: 60/100

    A. Free Action
    Oh, you are going to be pissed off! I will make sure...
    "On the contrary ma'am. You took the arrows from the archers, there was no mistake or you being a klutz in that. On the 'major inconsistency', what is it? Plus, you were in an argument with a soldier until you threaten to burn down Cinfras, did you not?"

    A. Free Action
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  12. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    I will equip my daggers and continue picking the regular assasins off one by one. Teleporting after each strike, to evade enemy strikes.
  13. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    "As to the arrows, i will not lie, i did take them. I had thought the llevigar army was to be doing their daily training and would not be able to fight. I have their schedule memorized, for their routine is the mistake that cost my friends and families lives." i say, a heavy tinge of steel dripping from my voice

    "As for the threat i made, the threat was hollow. I had intentions of meeting many particular people, which was the reason i came here. To burn down cinfras would kill the assets, leaving me back where i began. Now why would i hinder myself in that way?"

    "The inconsistency i stated has to do with what the accusor seems to have told the soldiers. You saw my face, and got a name. A name which i never told anyone during the duration of my stay at Llevigar. And then he mentioned that nobody believed my story, a story which i never told anyone either."

    "So how does this mysterious person, whom i do not recall coming into contact with, claim that SPECIFICALLY I injured him, breaking his nose? If any of you idiots have a mind-reading-magic of any kind, i believe you'll see i did NOT come into contact with this man, not unless he was 8 feet tall and orcskin green."
  14. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    You killed one assassin with your daggers, but you can't teleport. You keep on trying, but you can't. The assassins took advantage and dealt 30 damage while the leader talks.
    "Sorry, you can't use your powers anymore. There's a magic sign that doesn't allow any magic in this room what-so-ever. What will you do now traitor?"

    Rogue: 70/100

    Head Assassin: 93/100
    5 Assassins: 50/100

    "You memorized the daily schedule? You do realize if there is any threat of an attack, the soldiers drop everything, and prepare for battle. If anything, you made yourself look more guilty because you said it yourself: I have their schedule memorized."

    "It was hollow? You looked into the face of the soldier, and it brought fear into a recruit, causing him to knock you unconscious. Your 'assets' is just an excuse to a serious threat that you can cause. Just like in Llevigar."

    "You are Jessica (Insert last name here), the daughter of (Your mother's name here). That died in the chemical fire in Llevigar. Some of the scientists recognized you as her daughter, and were shocked of what you did. As for the story, I believed you said: Its because i shot 47 orcs when i was a kid, the arrowfire could blot out the sun. If no one heard your story, then why did you say that?"

    "Actually, there are more witnesses that recalled that you talked to the civilian, trying to haggle him for extra money, and saw you stole his wallet. Then you threw it at him, causing him to break his nose."
    (Note: The judge isn't saying this. A prosecutor is)

    A. Refute

    I made a map of Dern. It's awful, but it should do.
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  15. WynnBeenix

    WynnBeenix I'm a busy bee :D VIP

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    B/A. I bring my airship around I tell people to get on. Once they are all out i will go and help fight the corruption.

    (What do you mean since i didn't reply? I didn't get tagged in anything)
  16. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    You brought civilians on your airship to it's maximum capacity. Next stop is that you have to go to Troms. There will be multiple rolls coming in the next few turns.

    A. Drive to Troms
    B. Free Action
  17. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    "Oh really now. That wasn't how it was before. Finally the useless tools sharpened up. If those rejects had done that, they could have saved the village right on their borders. Many lives lost because of laziness. You say that i was the daughter of Katelyn, one of the prodigious scientists whom burned in the chemical fire, Which would mean that i would know much classified information, being the next heir in her line. I was learning how to stabilize a magical reactor whilst others were learning basic multiplication."

    "Also, the recruit's gonna have a hell of a lot more to worry about than a small fire that any novice arcane can blot out in seconds. The orc legions take no survivors, and i've seen firsthand what they can do to a body. The attackers they send to seige cities? Runts and peasants. Pawns in this big game of chess. But i'm afraid that the humans are in check, now. You should know, if you knew a thing about me. Lets just say i have an orcish bounty on my head for surviving the orc raid, and since i cut through their pawn army, they're gonna be sending in rooks and queens. You catching what i mean?"

    "I explained why i had the nickname "Firestorm" to your army runts, But the accusor stated details i let out. As well as the fact he seemed to have prepared his speech long before, likely when i fled the burning llevigar meaning he knew before i confirmed it."

    "As for the man's injury, no further comment shall be made as to this topic."

    "The most harsh claim against me is the fire that broke out during the llevigar fire. However, i'd like to submit a piece of the rope that lead to the accident for testing to see if it was sabotaged beforehand. I rigged up an oilspil trap, quite medieval but the best i could think of on short notice. All the supplies were set together, so i assume thats what they were used for, Someone or something likely weakened the rope by extreme strain on the middle point of the rope, as all buckets fell when the rope snapped. Please have this sent in for testing."

    "Now, the thing i want to know is how the scientists recognized me, as my hair has changed color, my eyes are cold and dark from what i have seen, and many many injuries have been barely survived. If you were to roll up the sleeve of my new armor, something my usual does not have, you would see what i mean. The scientists would likely have thought i was just another casual like everyone else."

    *i pull up the sleeve of my leather tunic, and a long, faded but still dark, scar wraps down from my shoulder just cutting off before it hit my wrist*

    "I present to you the slice that nearly disabled my arm. There's a similar one on the other arm. It's from an Orcish Küra-àk, A thin curved blade shaped like a crescent moon, points sharpened to a razors edge. It's often coated in poison, and sharp as all hell too. It covers the birthmark i had, so the scientists couldn't confirm it was me. So for all witness claims have been shot down. In a court of law, is evidence not everything? I have yet to see a piece of evidence staked against me other than words."
  18. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    I push down the third pillar.
  19. TurtleOfTheYear

    TurtleOfTheYear Th3 Pro'est of the Pro's.

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    Well I didn't almost "kill myself" To be fair. I almost died.
  20. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Wow, I am going to sit through this.
    Hmmm, if we are going to just go around our arguments, it's going to be exhausting...

    "Fine, is evidence you want. Is evidence you get. Wait, how did you get all of your items back?"

    You got your items back!

    Evidence so far:
    Oil Trap: You built the trap with the intention of burning something. The real intention of the oil and rope was to be transported by a merchant. It was on the wall because the businessman left it there to talk to a friend.
    Bloody Emerald: The emerald that broke a civilian's nose
    Rope: Your piece of rope you tried to submit.
    Sliced Arm: Your arm that was sliced
    Classified Information: Information that you supposedly learned. If you did learn this, then your mother would be dead for treason
    Magical Reactor: A magical reactor that gives out energy. Can leave skin with a burn that cannot be put out (If you know what I'm implying)
    Scientists: The scientists that supposedly know your identity. They look at every detail about a person.
    Appearance: You changed your appearance
    Leather Tunic: Proves that you stole your stuff back, at least your armor, since a prisoner would wear a jumpsuit. (YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT BACK!)

    That's all I got. Right now, you will be certainly charged for:
    Assault (Man thing)
    Sabotage (Archer thing)
    Stealing (Your items and the arrows)

    The jury looked at the rope, it proves nothing that an outside source damaged it. All it proves that the fire almost destroyed it.
    The jury's opinion is that they think you are guilty. To be fair, you did insult the military a lot.

    A. Free Action

    Shade and Lissa
    Shade pushed down yet another.

    A. Push the last pillar
    B. Free Action

    You grabbed their attention.
    "I guess you heard us. Do you want to come with is to Almuj?" Ragnar asked
    "If you are, don't go all ice happy." Oulke said sarcastically.

    A. Go with them
    B. Free Action

    Guys, can you give me time to rest? Jess's reply was exhausting.
    NinjaWizard likes this.
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