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Mod 'Controllable' Bannable/not allowed?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by zlSilverStar, Jan 13, 2023.


Is it bannable?

  1. Yes, ALL mods of this type are bannable!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but there is another Mod thats not Bannable

    0 vote(s)
  3. No, you can use it without any doubt!

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  1. zlSilverStar

    zlSilverStar Newbie Adventurer

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    Dear WynnCraft Team and WynnCraft Players,

    I am pretty new to this Server (even if I created my account in 2017 but played only 1 day or so) and I was wondering if it's allowed to play with the Modification 'Controllable'.
    Controllable is a Modification to use a Gamepad (like a XBox Controller, PS4 Controller or in my Case the Steam Deck Controller). It automatically maps the Controller buttons to the Minecraft Controls. The Modification is from MrCrayfish. (some of you may know him from other mods like MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod or some other projects he worked on) The Mod also gives you the ability to remap every controller button to a keyboard key or minecraft control (like opening chat).

    Does it give me an advantage over other Players?
    No, it doesn't. Because I am just able to press the same buttons and do the same actions as a Player could with keyboard and mouse.

    Why am I asking this and not just playing with mouse and keyboard?
    Pretty Simple! I got a Steam Deck as my only Computer and would like to play on this Server. Sadly I can't play this Server well without a Mod like 'Controllable'

    if this Mod is NOT allowed:
    Is there any other mod, that have similar features, which is actually allowed on WynnCraft? It would mean a lot to me if I could play on this Server.

    I thank you in advance for your answers and wish you a nice day.

    Yours faithfully,
  2. Pradadox

    Pradadox Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Don't take my answer 100 % for granted, but from what I can gather about this mod is that it should be allowed, as it is just a mod that makes gamepad-support easier. Just make sure that you do not modify or remap the buttons in order to create combos / macros, as those are not allowed on this server, as per rule 2. If you do play with a Steam Deck I am even more sure that it should be allowed, as I heard about players being logged into Wynncraft via Steam Deck once or twice in the ingame chat already.
  3. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    Yea just don't make macros larger than 3 clicks. Steam deck should be fine, since even vr is allowed.
    Erebuis likes this.
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