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Massive Your Work Section Contest!

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Coolfood, Aug 17, 2016.


What type of submission are you doing/planning to do?

  1. Digital Art

  2. Traditional Art

  3. Renders

  4. Builds

  5. Music

  6. Other

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  1. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    What was it?
    I didn't get a chance to see it
  2. Blizzardgale

    Blizzardgale Famous Adventurer VIP

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    Well.. Here's my entry
    Sorry I couldn't spend more time on it. I only had about an hour of free time xD It's supposed to be a last goodbye from home, where you're leaving the countryside for the city. Welp... Back to studying ;_;


    Also, just realized I have a ton of white spots rip
    TheFireFox, Misty, Coolfood and 2 others like this.
  3. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Nice water coloring!
    I'm very impressed with how much you made in so little time.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  4. Eric Yang

    Eric Yang RIP Mincreafterkid12|THE LEGEND NEVER DIES

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    I did descriptions for all accessories and all armors except for boots, non set, and non normal. Here we go...
    Acid: A small loop of copper was thrown into a pit of acid. When it emerged, it was restored into this acidic ring
    Aluminum: The metals within this ring are antibacterial and help with infections.
    Aurora: An image of the vibrant Aurora seen in Neesak was burned into this glass ring, enhancing all five elements for those who wear it.
    Black Ring: Batteries are sometimes forged into rings and coated in a shell of black rubber. Those who wear these fell a numbing electrical sensation.
    Barrage: Metal poles struck repeatedly by lightning are forged into many mythical weapons and trinkets including this ring
    Chill: A ring used to cool down the craziest of prisoners, but slowly induces a solid freeze. It was found from the grasps of a frozen corpse in Almuj.
    Burn: The now abandoned Savanna prison used horrid torture methods, including making people wear this superheated ring.
    Boulder: These rings are forged from common rocks found in Pigmen's Ravine but take months of smithing to reach full potential.
    Spider ring: Arakadicus forged these rings for her minions. Attempting to put on these small rings is incredibly painful and difficult.
    Chlorine: Self hatred and spite is implanted into the minds of those who wear this horribly toxic ring. It was once worn by the royal cleaning ladies.
    Clarity: When ohm discarded his glasses in favor of contacts, an blacksmith forged a ring out of one of the lenses.
    Dust devil: A demon of pure dust swept through Wynn and caused great famine before its spirit was contained within this ring.
    Eater: A cannibal who was once a guest of Delnar manor wore this ring while he was descending into madness.
    Fehu: It is thought that this ring was once owned by an ancient landlord. The word "Wealth" Is inscribed on it.
    Ghost: Ectoplasm is incredibly unstable but when contained using certain materials it can be used in trinkets and armors.
    Juniper: A illegal sample of wood was taken from the sacred tree on tree island and forged into these valuable rings. Possession of them is considered illegal.
    Lead: Hundreds of these rings were forged from toxic lead pipes replaced in Cinfras centuries ago, but few remain.
    Nightshade: An stem of petrified nightshade was found in a piece of amber at Karoc quarry. The stem was forged into this ring.
    Ozoth's breath: When Ozoth attacked on a Dwarven Legion, the only objects that survived were this ring.
    Red: A basic ring that is often a blacksmith's first creation.
    Reminder: An ring given to elderly royalty to counter memory loss.
    Ring of strength: Common laborers wear these basic rings. They are often upgraded into powerful rings.
    Rusted ring: One of the many treasures lost in the Maltic shipwreck rusted into this water imbued ring.
    Sharp: You feel incredible pain wearing this, as the acidic water burns your fingers.
    Soldier: Several battlefield necessities are included in this compact ring included daggers, water purifiers, a watch, and note book.
    Druid's ring: Mages that practice spells of the earth are rare, but not unheard of. This ring is a prized treasure among them.
    Diet: This ring is given to those who were incredibly gluttonous, helping them relieve their weight.
    Dusty ring: A cache of powerful rings were found in Wynn when it was first explored. It was further abandoned and worn down until they became these dull trinkets.
    Ehwaz: A ring worn by many of Almuj's greatest thieves, this ring requires little skill to properly utilize but allows for great bursts of speed, essential for thievery.
    Echo: This ring was created as a lament for the nymph echo when her speech was hindered.
    Finger trap: Wearing this ring will bind your fingers, but will also induce a madness that makes wearers stronger.
    Garnet ring: Fire is often associated with destruction and consumption, but when contained properly can provide defensive and regeneration abilities.
    Firecloud: This ring eternally burns, scorching the user's weapons with a cloud of flame.
    Goutes: Calming is often associated with water, and this ring helps spell users concentrate their abilities.
    Glitz: Novelty rings given out ages ago by the villagers in Maltic. While nearly all of them were lost, more have been further discovered in the Maltic shipwreck.
    Lake: Intelligence and spell casting are associated with bodies of water. A blacksmith forged water into his rings, thus boosting intelligence despite being imbued with no magic.
    Hellion: The horn of a demon was hollowed out and turned into a long, awkward ring.
    Lizard: Fossils of ancient animals often boost the abilities of its wearers when forged into rings. This ring is believed to have been carved from a predator.
    Libella: A ring worn by ancient scouts, the first men and women to cross Wynn and document it. Many times they would leave their belongings behind, even rings in favor of speed.
    Meep: You feel the need to flight...
    Melody: The words of the wind can be translated and inscribed on rings. Those who understand those inscriptions are given many benefits.
    Malachite: Thunder and Earth are often considered conflicting, but an odd type of mineral in herb cave was discovered by a professor that combined the best of both elements.
    Giant's ring: You feel sluggish as you drag your body...
    Mind cracker: A ring given to royal surgeons, to help them ease their mind before surgery. However they quickly lose their properties, and as such are usually disposed after their first use.
    Okit: The pyromancers of the canyon of the lost wear these flaming rings which mostly consist of animals from the canyon.
    Gnomes ring: You feel quick and nimble, weak and frail.
    Raindrop: Forged from pure water itself, this ring seeps an acidic variant of mana into the users body, both dissolving and restoring one's soul.
    Rainbow: A shield of pure light appears around those who wear this. It protects against elemental damage both ways, coming from within or outside.
    Reflex: An old thorny ring used by the thieves of Almuj. It gave speed, and when the user was hit it would reflect back damage onto the attacker.
    Ring of focus: A ring worn by factory workers to help with focus and prevent workplace accidents from happening.
    Return: This ring is nearly irreparable as all those who strike it, the ring strikes back with double the force.
    Rockworm: A remnant of a dead grootslang was cut apart and woven into many fibers to make this mighty ring.
    Ripper: This ring makes all those who wear go insane, ripping apart the flesh of those in their path. It was found on the body of a Detlas Psychopath.
    Sharp: The fencers of the Sodeta League preferred sharp direct blow instead of blunt heavy ones. These rings were common gear for them but have since been mass produced.
    Sessanta: Resting whilst wearing this gold ring greatly increases health. These rings are most often worn by the elderly.
    Sandust: Dust is a known to cause dangerous sparking, and some rings utilize this by collecting and spraying it at their opponents.
    Silver: Silver is known to rot armor but it also helps make weapons sharper.
    Shock: This ring was forced upon prisoners to make their electrocutions more painful by piercing their skin with conductive materials.
    Tears: The lament of a great sorcerer is etched onto this ring. Those who wear it see visions of his suffering and persecutions.
    Stonehall: General Stonehall was one of the key leaders in the Almuj rebellion. He was revered for being unflinching like stone, even under fire.
    Wedding ring: A valuable ring, unsuited for combat.
    Warmth: Soothing warmth emanates from this ancient ring, protecting its users from frost burn. Nearly all residents of Lusuco and Nesaak have one at hand.
    Yang: A ring of light, purity, and understanding. It was originally part of an attempt to forge light and dark to form a twilight, but the ring shattered in half when light and dark mixed.
    Yin: A ring of dark, corruption, and impulse. It was originally part of an attempt to forge light and dark to form a twilight, but the ring shattered in half when light and dark mixed.
    Worship: A ring gifted by the gods to their most faithful followers. It provides many benefits and increase the fortunes of its users.
    Wastelands: When Fruma's crops failed to harvest for 10 years, a man with nothing but his clothes and this ring managed to survive. His strength and endurance is eternally imbued within the ring.
    Amethyst ring: An exquisite ring worn only by the royalty of Ragni.
    Brass Knuckle: A crude ring that functions as the primary weapon of many gangs. Often times gang members would request their souls be imbued within the rings when they died.
    Bubble: Often worn by swimmers and surfers, this ring protects the user from water based attacks and phenomena.
    Carnivorous: Fossils of ancient lizards found in the mesa are often forged into rings. This ring was forged from the jaw of a massive predator.
    Decoder Ring: Hundreds of complex notches, symbols, and gears dot this artifact of time valley. They have yet to be deciphered.
    Coiled Briar: A cursed shrub grew into a massive corrupted ent before it was burnt to ashes. Shortly afterward many rings were made using the ashes, granting powerful abilities to those who wore it.
    Espoir: An rich man in Llevigar lost all his fortunes and his only possession of value was a single gold coin. He, along with many others made the journey to Wynn and his fortunes returned to him threefold. This ring was forged out of the coin and greatly boosts luck.
    Faith of a bovemist: A Bovemist forged ring that greatly boosts intelligence. These rings were distributed in mass numbers to undeveloped tribes to spread their message. An inscription reads "Salvation comes from the cow, only through the cow, and will come through the cow."
    Breezehands: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. This ring makes one's hand turn into air, greatly reducing the ability to weld weapons properly but making attacks all the more faster.
    Coral ring: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. This ring is carved from coral that grows only in boiling water, thus granting powers of both flame and water.
    Moon Pool circlet: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. A small semi-permeable circlet is forged onto this ring, collecting mana and souls that permeate into the users skin.
    Jag: You feel you should take this off, but the pain is addicting...
    Minor: A simple copper loop was found in the ocean, and despite having no magical properties it greatly boosts spells.
    Major: A simple iron loop was fond on top of a mountain, and despite its fragility it greatly boosts attacks.
    Detectives ring: A dark night, in a village that knows how to keep its secrets....
    Mirror: One would think a ring made of glass would shatter easily, but glass made from the sands of a pond of youth reflects attacks back at opponents doubly so.
    Marble: Marble crafted rings boost all elements, as white is the culmination of all colors.
    Quartron's Eye: Despite being unable to move, Quartron was considered to be a breakthrough. Some of the scientists that created Quartron are still rumored to be in a far off land.
    Ring of Generosity: A memento given to you by the last of the Cariats, whom all the rest died in flames.
    Onion ring: A ring of great fortune worn traditionally by farmers during autumn.
    Ring of rubies: This was one of the trinkets the pirate queen treasured the most. Many cowered in fear simply at the sight of this ring.
    Quatrain: The text "Four abilities, four nations, four classes, and four realms" is engraved on this ring.
    Ring of fire: What at first seems like a mundane ring ignites the users fingers, slowing consuming them.
    Render: A evil glow emanates from this ring, destroying all those it sees.
    Sanfric's Lost Treasure: A water soaked ring found in the ruins of Sanfric. Those who wear it gain memories of the lost souls of Sanfric city.
    Stratus: Those who wear this ring become frail but gain the speed of clouds.
    Suppression: The act of suppressing mana flow directly into the users weapon is a skill lost to time, but these ancient rings can imitate this effect at a cost.
    The gambler: Rings made of incredibly unstable metals had the potential to be incredible tools or detrimental burdens.
    Uriel: An Archangel bestowed upon this ring great speed and gave it to his messengers.
    Tisaun's Honor: A ring transformed in a matter of hours from a simple loop into a incredible skill-enhancing ring from courage alone.
    Vital: This ring has the potential to revive a victim hours after death. It is essential for the arts of necromancy.
    Jester Ring: Hundreds of these rings were forged by the bandits of Gavel, but their qualities vary greatly. Some offer fortune and luck while others will surely result in the user's demise. These rings represented the theft of life, a forbidden and horrid art.
    Clockwork ring: This ring provides great fortunes through unknown means, however wearers often report time changing in odd ways while wearing it.
    Time ring: This ring speeds up the healing of wounds by bending the fabrics of reality.

    Arc Bracer: Electricity is constantly arcing toward the users weapon, thus imbuing it with electricity near constantly.
    Bamboo Cuff: While many people associate bamboo with earth, it also serves as a natural conductor of electricity.
    Bejeweled Bracelet: This bracelet has embedded gemstones that glow at different intervals, as such causing to fade through the five elements.
    Broken Gauntlet: A magical gauntlet of a mage was destroyed in battle. When it was reforged, it reversed into a brute gauntlet, suited for a berserker.
    Contrail: The air formed from airship exhaust contains residue that boosts speed. An obsessive blacksmith managed to obtain enough to forge into a gauntlet.
    Bourreau: The bracelet of the executioner at forbidden prison. He took many souls with him and contained it within this brace.
    Dynamic: These bracelets were forged from the remains of a failed attempt at creating an electrical train system in Gavel.
    Foam Bracer: A bracer made of metallic foam. The individual bubbles were filled with water and sealed within.
    Vertebra: An individual vertebra was taken from the spine of the demon Garaheth and worn on. Despite having never been forged at all, this bracelet still has extreme defensive capabilities.
    Gilded Cuff: This cuff is worn by gamblers in Cinfras's illegal den. It has almost become synonymous with gambling in Cinfras.
    Fog: Those who wear this bracelet become almost undetectable by normal humans.
    Handcuff: A broken handcuff representing freedom. There was once a prisoner unjustly detained, but through sheer strength and will managed to break free. His power is still contained within.
    Great Brace: A fiery bracer once deserving of its title. When it went into competition, it was mysteriously defaced.
    Gust: The power of the cold gusts in Nesaak resonate within this braclet.
    Iron Bracer: Despite being claimed to be made of iron, this bracelet seems much heavier...
    Ice Band: A bracelet enchanted by the ice mage Theorick. The cold bracelet has a sheet of ice protecting its core that constantly regenerates.
    Insulation: This bracelet was used by the electricians of Llevigar to protect them from the multi elemental electricity flowing from the power plant.
    Kayde: A mysterious entity by the name of Kayde haunted the trail to nemract. His soul was contained within this bracelet, but his skeletal body is still present along the trail, waiting to haunt more people.
    Justice: Fire is the element chosen by enforcers: It both provides defense and sparks the ancient fear of it.
    Keeper: A greedy man who wore this golden bracelet was one of the first villagers to make to wynn. He set up shop along the trail to Detlas and tricked people into wasting their money.
    Lasting: This common band dissolves itself into the user, slowly degrading itself but also regenerating the user.
    Neon: A mixture of rare gases was mixed into the glass bracelet. The bracelet was then charged and it began to glow rapidly, regularly switching between five colors.
    Nebulous: While the bracelet is made out of brittle cosmic powder, a strange force keeps it all compressed into one.
    Latchkey: An attempt to open the door to a forbidden realm was crushed, and the key forged into the brace as a reminder to all.
    Needle Cuff: Thousands of needles dot this cuff. A single strike at the users wrist can send a flurry of needles back.
    Platinum: Platinum is the metal of greed, desire, and hoarding. Those who use this ring become selfish in an instant.
    Pass Band: When steel is forged to perfection, it can reflect attacks back at enemies.
    Nimble Fingers: A bracelet worn by people from all walks of life. It greatly increases dexterity.
    Tree Bracelet: Tree bark has known healing abilities, and is often carved by the Nivlia Villagers into a band to help with recovery.
    Rusted Bracelet: This golden bracelet used to be one of the many treasures held by the royalty of troms. However a mysterious curse fell upon this bracelet, causing its gold to rust.
    Power Bracelet: A bracelet forged out adamantite and worn by many legendary heroes, pure strength pulses in this bracelet.
    Tidal: This Bracelet crafted at Selchar is imbued with both lunar and tidal powers. It becomes more and more powerful as the moon rises.
    Steel Bracer: This bracelet has collected the souls of thousands, making it incredibly heavy.
    Squid Anklet: Symbols representing squids are etched onto this anklet. Squids were at one point considered horrid beings and were killed to near extinction before conservation efforts were made.
    Vitriol: Small containers with pure acid are forged onto this bracelet, burning the user but greatly increases toxic attacks.
    Twist Band: This band is consisted of many other bracelets twisted and intertwined together, forming one truly unique item.
    Trinket: Despite looking like a common trinket, this bracelet has many luck bolstering properties.
    Wolf Paw: A wolf paw was submerged into iron. While all organic material burned away, the iron formed a solid cast.
    Clockwork: Hundreds of gears adorn this bracelet. A unknown source of power makes them continuously spin.
    Dupliblaze: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. This dwarven bracer has two exhausts constantly spewing out flames of different colors.
    Subur Chip: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. Qira experimented with biological circuits that were centuries ahead of time and eventually implanted them in many of her creations, including this bracelet.
    Vortex Bracer: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. This bracelet forms vortexes out of the air, increasing the speed of users and helping charge the weapon.
    Rycar's Bravado: A Bracelet worn by the warrior Rycar. The brace gave her strength at a great cost to her sanity.
    Lazarus Brace: This mystical bracelet is actually a coil of rope soaked in the water of the Lazarus Pit. While it doesn't provide immortality, it greatly increases vitality.
    Watch Bracelet: Hundreds of clocks are on this bracelet, each corresponding to a different time zone.
    Ra: This godly bracelet was worn by Pharaoh Nabak into battle. Whenever he would take a hit, his wounds would close almost instantly.
    Jester Bracelet: Hundreds of these necklaces were forged by the bandits of Gavel, but their qualities vary greatly. Some offer fortune and luck while others will surely result in the user's demise. These bracelets represented the poisoning of life, the greatest pain of them all.

    Antim: Despite this necklace simply being a lump of common rock tied to a string, most abilities are granted benefits by this necklace.
    Asbestos: The metal asbestos is incredibly poisonous, and those who wear this necklace must surely be insane.
    Atomized: This amulet powers the heart and lungs to more efficiently pump oxygen through the body, thus automatizing the process.
    Beauty: Despite this amulet's beauty, it offers very few practical uses.
    Blank: An necklace that serves as the template of many other necklaces, like a blank canvas.
    Calming torc: A torc that calms the mind, relieves stress, and allows one to focus.
    Charm of the flea: These charms were given out as souvenirs from flea circuses that often performed in Detlas.
    Bovemist Amulet: Wearing this amulet results in the bodies toxins getting absorbed, purifying wearers of sin and corruption.
    Charm of the vampire: A charm that absorbs life from fallen foes and seeps it into the user. This charm contains the ashes of the many vampires that once inhabited Dernel Jungle.
    Crash: Lightning and earth collide in this constantly pulsing amulet forged by jungle blacksmiths using the various crystals in the area.
    Coyote Crest: The soul of an coyote who was once a man's greatest companion was bound into the crest. Those who wear feel its might and strength within them.
    Cosmium: The cosmos is associated with unity and light. This pendant holds a projection of the cosmos within, forged by the astronomers of Wynn.
    Electric Torc: Instead of using its own power source, this torc absorbs electricity from the users body and projects it onto their weapon.
    Crystal Necklace: A crystal infused with pure light was drilled through, releasing elemental energies within and infusing the string of the necklace with it.
    Fire Forged Medallion: So little is known about this medallion that some are unsure of its existence...
    Founder: When Llevigar was first built, the foreman gave his necklace to Remikas himself. This necklace contains mighty strength within.
    Fiery Torc: This torc forms a thin shield of flames around its user that can be expanded at will.
    Errant: The amulet of the legendary explorer Durum. Durum valued speed over protection at all costs, leading to his early retirement due to injuries sustained.
    Jackal Crest: This Fruma made crest is a reminder of the different fauna and flora unlike Wynn's.
    Geothermal: Hot springs found near Karoc Quarry regularly spout out gemstones. A number of these stones are suitable for making powerful necklaces, emblazoned with the fire from the center of the earth.
    Great Charm: While these charms were advertised as being high quality, they were often found to be the very opposite.
    Lucky Coin: Coins were often turned into necklaces. Varying coins had different effects. This coin gave great fortunes and luck to is users.
    Lithium: Raw lithium is incredibly reactive, but when coated and protected, can give subtle benefits to users.
    Lapis necklace: Lapis is known absorber of magic, regularly used in spell resistant armor. This necklace absorbs spells of all kinds, even from the user, and in exchange seeps mana into the wearers skin.
    Sealing coin:Coins were often turned into necklaces. Varying coins had different effects. This coin has a cow carved on it and reads "May we be saved from the corruption"
    Runic Coin: Coins were often turned into necklaces. Varying coins had different effects. This coin has as an image of an sorcerer with a long nose.
    Quartz Choker: The quartz on this amulet was used in the assassination of Remikas the Third, thus ending the bloodline for good.
    Sowilo: The gemstone on this amulet was found in the pockets of a fiery berserker that terrorized all of Wynn for a short time. It contains his rage within.
    Simple Coin: Coins were often turned into necklaces. Varying coins had different effects. This coin has an image of an scientist and worn text reading "i co us we t st"
    Shiny Coin: Coins were often turned into necklaces. Varying coins had different effects. This coin has an image of an shopkeeper with the text "greed"
    Travel Charm: A charm worn by those who traveled frequently. The charm stores memories of travels and can be recalled into the mind at any time.
    Talisman Charm: A charm that gives great benefits to those that wear it. Legend tells of a temple in the jungle that holds this once legendary charm.
    Wolf Crest:Wolves are both beings of strength and agility. This necklace endows both unto its wearer.
    Windy Torc: This torc is entirely made of air, constantly dissipating and reforming itself.
    Willpower: This charm absorbs elemental power from the user and reforms it int mana.
    Amulet of the Necromancer: Worn by many a necromancer, this amulet is essential in the magic of reanimation.
    Disappeared: This amulet has an habit of mysteriously disappearing for many years at a time before showing up again in the same place once more.
    Jackpot: The number 7 is inscribed onto this simple gold pendant. Through mysterious means, it makes the wearer extremely lucky.
    Nutrition: Thousands of ground down plants from all five provinces are contained within this pendant. They provide the wearer with a boost in their skills.
    Rycar's Swagger: During Rycar's drunken quest for strength, she encapsulated a shot of the strongest wine into this pendant. It greatly boosted her strength but taxed her already drunken soul.
    Generator Amulet: A small fragment of the fuel pellets used to power the heart of Llevigar is contained within this amulet, causing it to constantly rumble as it struggles to not shatter.
    Lightning Flash: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. When this amulet is worn, it immediately makes connections into the user's nerves, empowering them with energy.
    Golemus Core: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. An ancient golem was found by Qira. She mass produced them and discarded the original core.
    Bottled Thunderstorm: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. This pendant holds a cloud that is constantly buzzing with electricity.
    Witherhead's Talisman: The master of the sewers, Witherhead, wore this talisman as a reminder of his time when he was still living.
    Master: A necklace once worn by bob himself, master of all skills. He took five different amulets and forged it into one, creating this.
    Clock amulet: A near constant ticking emanates from this amulet, despite being made of solid iron with no mechanisms contained.
    Jester Necklace: Hundreds of these necklaces were forged by the bandits of Gavel, but their qualities vary greatly. Some offer fortune and luck while others will surely result in the user's demise. These necklaces represented the theft of soul, the greatest of them all.

    Aquamarine: Clay from the bottom of the mesa rivers was taken and formed into a powerful ceramic helmet.
    Breakdown: The minds of those who wear this cursed helmet begin the slow and painful transformation into savage beasts.
    Exosphere: A mysterious object orbited on the very edge of the atmosphere for hundreds of years before it crashed. This helmet was made out of it ore.
    Assassin's Hood: Worn by a mysterious assassin in Cinfras, this hood blends in with the night.
    Blueberry: The work of harvesting blueberries is surprisingly dangerous, as such people that work in the crops wear this protective helmet.
    Capstone: Carved from the capstone of a fallen tower in Dernel Jungle, this helmet boasts great defensive capabilities.
    Butter Helmet: This hat is made out of an illegal type of gold infused with mushrooms.
    Duskhelm: As the sun set in water, a man found this odd hat floating in the ocean. It is though that this helmet is the most powerful during dusk.
    Rat skull: A rat the size of a man once emerged from the Ragni sewers. It was quickly defeated and its skull made into a trophy.
    Cumulus: This helmet takes the form of a cloud surrounding the users head. It greatly increases agility and speed.
    Hairy cap: A prehistoric artifact though to be the first wig.
    Faded: A cap that increases the experience one gets from learning, commonly worn by aspiring scholars.
    Helmet of intelligence: Beginner mages wold often wear these novelty helmets to help them learn new spells.
    Helmet of the Dead: Shortly after the death of an man, he was struck by lightning and came back as an undead. This helmet was made from his scalp and still carries the burn of the lightning.
    Helmet of Blue Stone: This helmet is carved out of lapis, a material that is both known as spell absorber and magical catalyst.
    Helmet of Wisdom: Hundreds of philosophers and scientists have worn this helmet. Some of their greatest insights can be found simply be wearing it.
    Hilltop: This dirt fiber helmet is soft to wear but provides the strength of earth to wearers.
    Leather Face: A crude mask that covers the whole face when worn. It is theorized to be the costume of a serial killer.
    Jungle Sludge: All sorts of waste is collected at the end of the Dernel River. A crazy man took this waste and crafted a horrid helmet.
    Jewel: Jewels of fire and water are forged onto this luxury helmet. The effects are quite unconventional, and often rejected by standard warriors.
    Moon Beam: During the night, a faint glow can be seen on the top of this moon dust helmet, believed to be the moon beaming energies down upon the wearer.
    Mercenary hood: Despite its name, the majority of mercenaries have never seen this hood and is more of a costume item.
    Marrow: This flaming helmet is made out of pure bone. It provides warmth and protection despite its horrifying appearance.
    Bear mask: A souvenir that is a very popular Hallowyn costume.
    Mustard Helmet: Carefully woven from the petals of thousands of mustard plants in an prehistoric age, this helmet has since petrified into amber.
    Suicide: Wearing this helmet completely dissolves one's will to live.
    Creeper Mask: Most people have never seen or believe in the existence of creepers, as such wearing this mask is seen as foolish.
    Quarztite Helm: Years of carving went into this tough helmet, made from the finest quartz of Karoc Quarry.
    Pilot light: Pilots of airships wear this incredibly luminescent helmet to help with navigation. It is often possible to see miles in even the foggiest of nights.
    Pierced helmet: Thousands of needles, spearheads, and wires slash through this old helmet.
    Hood of the resistance: The Almuj rebellion failed, and as such these hoods were burnt in mass numbers in celebration.
    Rubber Helm: This helmet was once worn by electricians before they became outdated, as rubber is no match for multielemental forces.
    Rodoroc's pride: Upon the defeat of Garaheth, this luxury helmet was distributed in celebration. Few remain, but wearing the ones that do recall memories of daily festivities.
    Snow Dust: This slushy and freezing helmet was one of Theorick's many creations. It gets colder as it reaches Theorick's dead body.
    Skin cap: A man requested that after his death his skin would be made into this cap. The request was fulfilled, and this went on display for many years before being stolen.
    Soft helmet: Hundreds of pores dot this soft helmet. It is made from a white material that was found outside of time door.
    Skywatcher: Thousands of adjustable lenses and star patterns are located on this helmet.
    Sound of silence: Previously unhearable noises can be caught by this helmet that allows one to listen to a different spectrum of sound altogether.
    StealSkull: Some of the greediest villagers had their bodies pillaged and turned into this helmet, believed to be manifestation of greed itself.
    Sunblock: Wearing this helmet is a sign of fragile skin or being a vampire.
    The Old King's Crown: This crown was worn by a Dernel King long lost to time. It is unclear whether he was even humanoid or not.
    Sunray: Hundreds of sunlight rays permeate this transparent helmet, even in the darkest of nights.
    Swamp Clay: A hat was tossed into the swamp and sank to the deepest depths. When it was found years later, it was found to have become a helmet of clay and weeds.
    Thinking helmet: This helmet was one of the many knowledge boosting helmets distributed by the mages of Gavel.
    White storm: A tornado swept through Karoc Quarry, making it almost seem as if a storm of white was approaching. This helmet is a memento to that event.
    Upside down bowl: There is nothing special about this bowl.
    Zombie Helm: Some more intelligent zombies create hats out of flesh. Anybody that wears this hat is certainly crazy.
    Whistling Helmet: Hundreds of aerodynamic curves and edges are around this helmet, causing air to make odd noises when passing through.
    Ajax: The thousands of ancient runes on this helmet translate into words of power, greatly increasing the strength of the wearer.
    Alumia: A massive battery was forged into this helmet, designed to be used for emergency energy.
    Awesome Bandanna: Incredible skill boosting properties are in this bandanna.
    Bishop: The bishop is associated with intelligence and as such, chooses water as its tool of choice. This hat was worn by the bishop of saint's row before he passed.
    Battle Bishop: When the decay spread, a bishop of Gavel chose to fight instead of flee like his fellows.
    Balankia: This helmet shines with various colors when seen from different angles.
    Blindblight: All those who wear this toxic helmet get weaker and weaker before they eventually succumb to the blight.
    Bottled Sky: When an airship flew to the greatest heights it was destroyed due to sheer pressure. But some air from that fatal expedition came back in samples, and was thus contained into these helmets.
    Cerid's Precision: Cerid, the master tinkerer of Wynn, was obsessive with precision. He made this helmet to help him with measuring.
    Dapper Trilby: A fancy hat worn universally by gentlemen from Fruma, Gavel, and Wynn.
    Darksteel Full Helm: A blacksmith created darksteel out of blackiron using a forbidden method, allowing him to create extreme armor pieces like this.
    Drale's Hide: This hide is actually the clothes of a man who was mistaken for a cow.
    Executioner's helmet: While this spiked helmet gives no protection to wearers at all, the soul of one of the most bloodthirsty executioners is contained within.
    Gnocchi: Commonly worn by wizards, this hat looks strangely like a dumpling...
    Granite Helmet: Granite is one of the most heavy materials in existence, and those who wear this helmet must posses extreme strength.
    Gerten Ritual Mask: Gert priests wear this mask when doing complex rituals like cooking, starting fires, and setting up tents.
    Pride of Aerie: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. Qira gained temporary access to a realm of air known as Aerie through unknown methods, and she received this as an gift.
    Sparkling Visor: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. Constant sparking comes from this helmet, making it extremely dangerous to handle without the right equipment.
    Ambertorise Shell: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. The shell of an Ambertorise is incredibly tough but takes years to forge without breaking it.
    Sparkweaver: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. Constant flame emerges from this red hot crown once worn by the king of Dovogi.
    Whitecap Crown: A gift from Mistress Qira given to hive champions. Water constantly flows out of this limestone crown.
    Heliophobia: Vampires often wear this simple chain helmet when venturing into daylight, greatly protecting them from the sun.
    Helm of Andesite: The ancient residents of the desert created many things out of andesite, like homes, furniture, bowls, and armor.
    Helm of the Darkness: This is one of the most dark objects known to man, as it absorbs all spectrums of light with one hundred percent efficacy.
    Illuminate: This incredibly bright helmet is powered by an electrical anomaly within.
    Mind Rot: Thousands of toxic molds and lichen were sewn together and made into a hat. This helmet literally dissolves the brain.
    Tarnhelm: This simple helmet greatly improves strength at the cost of sanity.
    Monk's Cowl: The Bantisu monks wore this cowl. Despite seeming completely ordinary, it still improves intelligence and makes meditating more calm.
    Helmet of Shimmering Light: Clouds of darkness are easily dispelled by this bright helmet.
    Empowered Ancient Helmet: Contrary to its name, this helmet has little power within, except for its ability to absorb it for the user.
    Restored Ancient Helmet: When you went into the deepest parts of Lake Gylia, this helmet absorbed unfathomable amounts of energy.
    Hallowynn Mask: Used in celebrations long forgotten, this mask brings warmth and memories of it.
    Santa Hat: This hat was once distributed by Santa to various adventurers for a time before it mysteriously stopped. This hat has now become a valuable collector's item.
    Sound proof earmuff: An inventor took these earmuffs with him to the grave instead of selling.
    Recharge: This helmet is in a constant state of recharging, taking away the wearer's energy but empowering their weapons at the same time.
    Ridge: A golden helmet was dropped into a multi elemental mixture. When it was fished out, it absorbed new powers.
    Oni Helm: Little is known about the Oni race and their purposes. They are savage beings that emerged out of half moon island after an accident at mage island occurred and follow the orders of the Death Oni.
    Rust: It is difficult to tell what this oddly shaped helmet was before it began to rapidly rust.
    Woljawh: This helmet is plated with antibacterial metals, helping relieve wounds.
    Sequencer: Several gears regularly move side to side on this complex helmet. Depending on their sequence, different effects are given to the wearer.
    The Judge: Both warriors and judges frequently wear this hat as it greatly improves focus, concentration, and decision making.
    Spiked Helmet: There once existed a group of barbarians that stuck spikes onto all armor. This was one of their finer creations.
    Spectrum: This helmet was worn by the warriors of light, a group in Gavel who practiced all elements instead of one and forged hundreds of multi-elemental weapons.
    Speaker: Knowledge boosting runes are found on the inside of this helmet. These helmets are carved by the wizards of mage island and distributed to visiting scholars.
    Sunshade: This helmet was once worn by vampires to protect them from the sun before better alternatives were invented.
    The Queen's Tiara: The wife of the Dernel King wore this tiara before the kingdom mysteriously collapsed. It is believed she still lives on in Dernel Jungle as another form.
    Svalinn: An Archpriest once ruled over Gavel as a ruthless dictator. He wore this helmet as a crown and those who wear it can still hear the screams of the countless lives he executed.
    The Euphoric Fedora: This fedora was worn by the smug doubters of the Bovemist Church. Many of these hats were burnt but some are still distributed as novelty items.
    Little Inferno: A massive meteorite was about to hit Wynn before a force of a hundred mages slowed it down and contained it within a helmet. The force of the inferno is still incredible and empowers the user.
    Pelier: Extreme luck comes to those that wear this mysterious clay helmet. Anyone who wears this while gambling is sure to be executed.
    Spectre: This plant-fiber hood pulses with thousands of lost souls. It is weaved by the tribesman of Dernel Jungle, and further processed by the residents of Mage Island.

    Abandoned Tunic: This tunic was left in a closet on mage island for hundreds of years by visitor. It eventually absorbed ambient magical powers from the island itself
    Angel Robe: This robe is not the actually worn by angels, rather it is merely a sewn imitations.
    Azurite: Many gems at the bottom of Lake Gylia are suitable for making weapons. This chestpiece was made from those found at the greatest depths.
    Caliadade Mail: Calidade was once considered a junk metal and disposed by miners, but one blacksmith used this as an opportunity to create cheap armor.
    Chains of Steal: All this crude chestpiece consists of is a necklace and hundreds of chains hanging from it.
    Carapace: The shell of a turtle is difficult to forge but results in powerful equipment.
    Cloud Cover: Dense layers of mist cover those who wear this semi-permeable chestpiece.
    Collier Tunic: Worn by stokers of ships going to and from Wynn, this tunic provides great fire resistance.
    Copper Plate: When the copper bell of Detlas was replaced with brass, these chestpieces were made out of its remains.
    Dandelion: Massive fossilized plant stems were one of the many finds in the dessert and forged into armor. It is believed they were dandelions from the age of giants.
    Coursing Mail: Electricity constantly flows between the individual links of this mail.
    Detlas's Skin: There was once a crazy man who went on a rampage in Detlas before his skin was made into this coat.
    Gilded Mail: The finest gems and metals known to man are smelted onto this wooden chestpiece in thin layers, often worn by tricktsters.
    Dragon Skin: A man decided to smelt dragon armor of not the tough scales on the top, but the gem coated belly in the bottom. This chestpiece is weak compared to other dragon armor, but has extreme luck bolstering properties.
    Hero's Beginning: This chestpiece was given out to new recruits when the undead plaque was at its highest in hopes that they would one day survive and become the heroes of Wynn
    Iron Mail: Most mail is made out of steel, but this ancient mail is still made of iron and sometimes forged by antique blacksmiths.
    Heart of Fire: Despite looking like a ordinary chestpiece, This armor is actually a fiery projection created by a demon heart amulet.
    Meteoric Aegis: Material carved directly from one of the many meteorites in Gavel was all fused into this cosmic chestpiece.
    Log Suit: Recruits who were too poor to buy armor for themselves made wood armor and spray painted it gray.
    Iron Scrap: A prisoner in Ternaves managed to create a secret arsenal in his cell using simply scrap metal. This is one of the finer pieces.
    Nether's Reach: Hundreds of purple pores dot this obsidian chestpiece, though to be tiny portals to the nether reaching toward your skin.
    Nesaak's Shadow: Shadowy creatures emerge from the Tower of Ascension and usually leave no trace when killed. However in several incidents they left their hide, allowing it to made into these coats.
    NightMail: This chespiece is usually invisible during the day, only solidifying fully during the night.
    Perfumed Chestplate: A simple coating of mage island's magical perfume can grant ordinary armor magical properties.
    Opalite: Counterfeit gems from Llevigar's underground crime organization are made into the chestpiece.
    Ringing Mail: Hundreds of bells adorn this chestpiece once worn by saints of the Bovemist Church.
    Pigman's Ribbings: A suit worn by the master chef of the ravine village, known for their cooking of pigmen meat.
    Ragged: When a king was exiled from his throne, he wore this coat for nearly 30 years before he reclaimed his kingdom.
    Solid Quartz Chestplate: Commonly worn by the quartz bandits due to their affordability and protection, this chestplate is incredibly durable.
    Runner's Vest: The finest athletes of Fruma wore these vests before they were passed down to warriors.
    Mail of the Berserker: This tattered mail is incredibly damaged and broken, yet it still holds the might of the berserker that once wore it within.
    Nilrem's Curse: Nilrem, the both mysterious and famous mage, was cursed by a force from beyond, never to be seen again. This chestpiece is a reminder of the event and has a small mural engraved on it.
    Fisher's Mail: The hundreds of folds on this plain mail allows for accelerated swimming and protection against bites of sharks, developed by common fishermen.
    Homemade Fur Coat: Hundreds of compact layers of fur are on this coat, granting great protection to those that wear it.
    Solidified Chetplate: Dipped in molten iron, this leather chestplate is much stronger and stiffer than its counterparts.
    Schreech: Simply tapping this steel chestpiece causes deafining screams to come out. It is though that this was worn by a banshee.
    Shining Cloak: A bioluminescent glow gently emnates from this plant fiber chestplate made by the villagers of nivlia forest.
    Scarab: Several mummified scarabs were found in the desert, believed to have come from the age of giants. Their shells were made into these chestpieces.
    Spinal Tap: Battlefield surgeons wore this light chestpiece both for protection and to help them hold tools.
    Sparkling Plate: Thousands of holes dot this chetplate, each containing a minituarized cloud constantly sparkling electricity.
    Sky Reflector: An animated image of the sky can be seen on this chestpiece regardless of one's location.
    Steel Mail: Depite being the iconic symbol of the soldiers of wynn, this mail is seldom worn.
    Terra's Mold: These mud armor pieces have been blessed by the earth god Terra with great powers and defy all logic.
    The Knight's Chestplate: You feel the Honor and righesnous of the thousands that have worn this chestiece.
    StoneWall: The walls of a grand fortress eventually eroded down into this mighty chestplate.
    Umbral Mail: These chestpieces were found in the darkest corner of a dernel ruin. They seem to drain all light in one's surroundings.
    Venom Soul: The skin of five hundred snakes were woven into this durable chestplate.
    Admiral Aegis: This coat was worn by admiral Aegis, the supreme commander of the Gavel airforce.
    Alligator: Alligators seldom appear in wynn, so this alligator skin coat is valued by collecters.
    Bear Pelt: Most bear pelts, including this one, have very little actually bear skin as they are going extinct.
    Chaos: Made by a insane jungle mage, this cloak is constantly changing colors and shifting sizes.
    Chestplate of Ineptitude: A chaos orb was contained into this chestplate, with small amounts of energy occasinoly leaking through and empowering the wearer.
    Bloodless: The soul of the last vampire was continued into this mail. Those who wear it slowly have their blood drained.
    Dragon Hide Plate: An unnamed dragon once attacked Thanos but he was quickly destroyed. The strongest portion of his hide was made into this Plate.
    Dark Mage Robes: The cultists that once roamed Selchar wore these dark robes to boost their magic. It is though that the robes were dipped in an Dernel liquid.
    Rib Cage: You feel pain, agony, and despair, yet it feels satisfying to wear this.
    Dreamcloud: Worn by a cult in Gavel known for making prophecies based on dreams, this dream-storing chestplate is their most prized creation.
    Dust: When a famine in Fruma occurred, this chestplate absorbed hundreds of pounds of dust. For some odd reason, it is near unbreakable.
    Dravarden: Three lines split this chestplate into three sections, each corresponding to a different element.
    Gargantuan: There was once a massive warrior who challenged Bob in a duel. When the warrior was almost victorious, Bob managed to destroy all his armor in a single shot. The only part that remained was this chestplate.
    Far Cosmos: When a telescope that once looked into the deepest reaches of the cosmos burnt down, the lenses were forged into this chestplate. It is possible to see the stars through this plate.
    Endurance: This red hot chestplate has lava within, and any attacks that hit the user result in fire spitting out.
    Golden Embrace: Followers of the goddess of beauty wear this chestplate as a symbol of both love and protection.
    Ginto: The symbols on this gold chestplate translate into wealth, power, and greed. It was found as one of the many treasures in the Maltic shipwreck.
    Geis: Made by the blacksmiths of the great swamp, forbidden magic permeates this chestplate and many religons seek to destroy these.
    Insulated Plate Mail: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. An incredibly tough rubber made from only the trees in the Realm of Light coats this whole mail.
    Beetle Aegis: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. Beetles inhabiting the jungle were fed Dernic Plants and transformed into abominations. Their shells were made into this chestplate.
    Gale's Freedom: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. This chestpiece was found on gale's mortal body. It has since become reproduced widely for Qira's minions.
    Karraska: Leaves from trees all over Wynn were compressed into this soft chestplate, then bound in a container of wood.
    Stillwater Blue: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. Through the use of various gems, Qira managed to solidify water without lowering the temperature.
    SoulFlare: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. Constant flames emanate as a result of a soul combustion furnace installed into this chestplate.
    Changeling's Chestplate: Extremely rare beings known as Corpus Accipientis roam Gavel, and are thought to be born from exiles of the realm of light.
    Montefiore: Antibiotic metals are plated on the inside of this chestpiece, causing wounds to heal at a clockwork rate.
    Magmatic Plate: Lava continually flows out of the cracks in this chestplate made from rocks found near the center of the earth.
    Cloak of Luminosity: Woven from the fabrics of the realm of light, this cloak is an interesting souvenir.
    Narima Pasukan: The mysterious Plains Brigade wears this armor as a symbol of their dominance over the plains.
    Hide of Gregg'r: The hide of orcs is magic resistant and incredibly durable, making for great armor.
    Remikas's Sanctuarary: Remikas carved an image of the Gavel he foresaw onto this chestplate and put it in the grand archives of Cinfras. When the archives burnt down, a thief stole this chestplate, never to be seen again.
    Physcomend Vest: This vest was a souvenir worn by an elf who delved too deep into mushrooms and had to be sent to a rehabilitation clinic.
    Papyrus: Paper made from the wood of ents further processed into armor provides great wisdom to those who wear it.
    Neodymium: An extremely magnetic metal is contained within the buttons of this plain tunic.
    Hurricane: A massive storm once struck Nemract and the event was recorded into this mail. Wearing this chestplate recalls dark memories of it.
    Vagabond: There was once a man who lost everything but this chestplate. He wandered for ages before becoming the leader of the Order.
    Rotten: Flesh continually regrows from this organic chestplate but is being rot at the same rate.
    Seagazer: Mineral salts have hardened into this chestplate. When it was dipped into water, the plate began glow with powers instead of dissolving.
    Arcanic: Forged from a metal found in the greatest depths of the earth, this chestplate is merely a sliver of what it once.
    Skeleton Bones: Thousands of bones from Ancient Nemract were collected and turned into the chestplate. Screams and growls echo within.
    Seagazer: A portal is located within this clay chestplate, constantly pouring seawater out.
    Silkweb Mail: Those who vandalize the Qira Hive take its webs and weave incredibly durable mail.
    Tarnkappe: A Dernic stone was found in the Jungle. When it was made into several cloaks, they seemed to randomly disappear for split seconds before rematerilizing.
    The King's Robe: During a massive parade, the king's cloth was stolen by a thief and never seen again.
    Voleur: Standard armor for the thieves of Almuj, this chestplate boasts great speed and luck.
    Thermosphere: A mysterious artifact spent hundreds of years floating in the sky, absorbing energy, before it crashed onto the ground. What remained was forged into this chestplate.
    Chimaera: The skin of the now extinct Chimaera grants a grand variety of abilities despite its fragility.
    Katoa's Warmth: When Theorick's winter curse over Wynn was at its highest, the only remaining place of warmth was a humble ranch near Ragni. The generosity of the ranch was inscribed onto this chestplate, granting wearers a gentle warmth.
    Sawdust: A vest worn by an infamous logger who tried to cut down thousands of sacred trees and often succeeded. His legacy and crime has been associated with this vest.

    Arcane Greaves: Power permeates through this pair of fragile greaves. It is thought that these greaves were once owned by a great warrior before he died.
    Back Protector: This pair of greaves comes with a surface to protect the back from both labor intensive injuries and accidents.
    Bob's Lost Leggings: One of the many things owned by bob that was lost to time. This incredibly battered pair of leggings is a hollow shell compared to what it once was.
    Bronze-Plated Greaves: The various bronze plates on these greaves each have a different rune on them, corresponding to a different town in Wynn.
    Canopy: There was once a variety of trees that grew iron leaves. Their leaves would be cut down and forged into powerful armor pieces.
    Chain Link: Every single link in this mail has a different color on it, symbolizing elemental unity. This pair of greaves took one hundred years to forge.
    Cognizance: Ticking made by gears on this pair of leggings boosts focus and determination for unknown reasons. It is often worn by scholars of mage island.
    Collier's Guard: Coal miners wore this pair of plated leggings to absorb sparking that would set off fires.
    Knee: This pair of shinguards provide little protection but greatly increase stamina.
    Dragon Hide Leggings: Despite it's name, these leggings are not made from real dragon hide. Instead they are crafted from a much weaker faux material.
    DuskShield: Thousands of little pods containing brine water were forged into this pair of greaves. Every once in a while, these greave pulsate with electricity.
    Funnel: The shape of these leggings allow for both lifesteal and greater experience.
    Hero's End: The stories of how hundreds of heroes fell for corruption, greed, and filth are written on these leggings. A final line on it reads "May you never have the honor of wearing these"
    Iron Incrusted Pants: This pair of pants was once a mighty blackiron before it was worn down into what it is now.
    Golden Pants of Fortune: Unlike most gold armor and weapons, these pants are actually made from pure gold and take the strength of a colosus to properly wear.
    Leach Leggings: Several suction cups on these leggings transfer blood from foes into the wearers areteries.
    Leg of the Scared: The legs of a man that was eternally scared was turned into this pair of eerie greaves by a blacksmith who delved deep into the dark magics.
    Ley Lines: Hundreds of lines are carved into this pair of leggings, representing the various veins and arteries in the body. A faint blue liquid flows throughout these grooves, believed to be mana.
    Leggings of Restoration: Bovemists often wore these greaves to meditate and become one with the cow.
    Meltsteel Greaves: Flaming powders coats this pair of fire resistant greaves. Each strike on it causes flames to burst out.
    Mithril Leggings: Incredibly light alloys are mixed with steel to create blackiron. Usually the process fails, but the failed product can still be turned into something useful.
    Mighty Pants: Elemental resistant padding is applied onto this mighty pair of blackiron pants.
    Mud Leggings: Despite the outside being dried and hard, the interior of these leggings is still filled with wet mud.
    Priest's Underwear: Even the underwear of the mighty archpriest of Gavel is incredibly powerful.
    Overly Ironed Pants: A pair of leather pants was ironed continuously for two days, making it incredibly tough and heated.
    Pigman's Loincloth: Pigmen make their clothes and armor out of the adventurers they kill, and this loincloth is no exception.
    Resolve: These pants were worn by the Bantisu Monks during their deepest meditations. Often times they would never come out of waking.
    Ringlets: Iron rings and coils adorn this pair of greaves, often significantly reducing protection.
    Spider Silk Carduroys: The villagers of Nivlia Forest crafted many articles of clothing out of spider silk that were incredibly resistant. This is one of the stronger pieces.
    Regal Chaps: This pairs of chaps were worn by the captin of the now disbanded Savanna Brigade.
    Sandstone Leggings: Hundreds of ancient sandstone armor pieces were found in the desert, believed to have been worn by the Pharaoh's armies.
    Dinosaur: Hides of ancient lizards are sacred artifacts of jungle tribes, and are often passed down for thousands of years. These leggings were made out of a weaker piece.
    Battle Leggings: While these leggings are not suited for actual combat, they greatly increase abilities of hand to hand fighters.
    Tailwind: Thousands of air streams emnate from a simple belt, forming this odd pair of greaves.
    Starched Pants: Several ancient pants were found in a crumbling castle starched with an ancient breed of wheat that no longer exsists.
    Shin Guards: This minimal pair of leggings has curvature that increases the aerodynamics of the wearer.
    Urheus: These prized leggings were once given out by the Kings of Wynn for bravery but are no longer being made.
    Troms' Climbing Trousers: Climbing the mountains near Troms and Pigmen Valley is treacherous at best. These trousers were standard issue to mountain climbers who dared to ascend those heights.
    Touroto Trousers: Trousers worn by ranchers who handled tourotos, popular farm animals that are nearly invincible.
    Verstand: One of the many gifts given to wizards who visited Mage Island. These greaves give off a scent that boosts brain activity and helps with thinking.
    Turquoise: Pools of water in the abandoned mine sometimes yields turquoise, a gem suitable for making armor with healing properties.
    White-hot Leggings: The outsides on this pair of leggings permanently burn white hot after they were scorched by a cursed flame.
    Zombified Pants: There was once a prototype for pants that were composed of live organic material. When the undead plaque broke out, these pants became corrupted and are now undead.
    Vortex: Hundreds of curves and folds on these leggings create lightning vortexes as the wearer moves around.
    Burning Pants: A small, warm flame gently emanates from this pair of leather leggings.
    Capsaicin: Spices from all over Wynn and Gavel were sprayed onto these leggings, including crushed demon horn, ground Selchar pepper, and seeds of plants from Dead Island.
    Caterpillar: The cocoon of a butterfly originating from space was sewn into these leggings. It empowers the wearer with the force of meteorites.
    Columns: These stone pants bear grant resemblance to columns found in ancient architecture. Each pair of these pants are different and bear resemblance to different styles of architecture.
    Dalaam: There was once an island in sky island that collapsed and fell into the void. These pants are the only remnant of the disaster.
    Culex: Many were killed by a insect known as the culex. The species devasted almuj before all the bugs were killed and their remains made into these greaves.
    Damasse: Fine rugs from the royal halls of Ragni were sewn into these pants by the undead who invaded the castle.
    Electrocharge Greaves: Incredible amounts of electricity was charged into these steel greaves when it fell into the Heart of Llevigar. It was taken out years later and repaired into these greaves.
    Ectoplasm: The material excreted by ghosts is usually short lived, but when forged on the spot has the potential to be made into durable armor.
    Dionaea: Woven from horrid plants in Kander Forest, this pair of pants clamps onto its users, never letting go.
    Cinderchain: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. Each individual link on this piece of mail burns at different intervals, creating an interesting show of light and cinders.
    Frosted Leggings: What was once a collection of metal scraps froze into a pair of mighty greaves after a curse fell over Nesaak.
    Evalach: The Bovemist Church granted holy shields to the Knights of Ragni during the undead plaque. After the fortress was taken back, many of these shields were forged into pants.
    Trench Scourer: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. Hundreds of small carvings dot this pair of solid pants that translate into wisdom, intelligence, and water.
    Static-charged Leggings: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. These nontraditionally charged greaves were one of Qira's first novel innovations.
    Elder Oak Roots: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. Roots of an aeons old oak tree were pulled out and turned into these incredibly togh pants.
    Turbine Greaves: A gift from Mistress Qira to champions of the hive. Several engines protrude from these pants, allowing one to leap greater distances.
    Jera: Each individual link on this pair of luck bolstering greaves is a unique coin from every kingdom known to man.
    Kaas's Fur: Mutant serpents that grow fur are known as Kaas. Their fur is extremely valuable and used in high quality coats.
    Marsh Waders: Swamps are incredibly toxic, and Olux Forest is no exception. These waders were worn by the first settlers of the swamps of Gavel, and are incredibly toxin resistant.
    Mythical Trousers: Each link of this trouser is a carefully mixed allow designed to sooth wounds, have incredible resistance, and contain embers.
    Greaves of Honor: The wisdom of a thousand heroes that have worn these greaves guide you to greatness.
    Fire Wire: Numerous carved lines in this pair of pants have flames flowing throughout.
    Santa's Pants: The lord of festivities himself wore these glamorous pants before it caught fire.
    Shameful Greaves: The greed of a thousand merchants who have worn these greaves guid you to riches.
    Naga Viper: Juvenile Nagas look significantly different from their adult counterparts and and bear much more resemblance to snakes. Their skin can be turned into flexible and toxic armor.
    Skeletal Legs: The legs of a massive skeleton were hollowed out and turned into these greaves.
    Philophilia: These pants were made in memory of a man named Philophilia, who was a servant to the gods themselves.
    Raecard: Countless pockets have been sewn onto these pants. Most of them are inaccessible as pockets were often sewn on top of each other.
    Pickpockets: The thieves of Almuj often wore this pair of pants to grant them good luck when pickpocketing.
    Red Ko Rhu: Wind eroded rocks from the mesa was carved into this pair of greaves. Through mysterious means, these leggings can shift shape whenever necessary.
    Seismic Chaps: When earthquakes hit Llevigar Plains, the plains brigade wore these chaps to adapt to the constantly changing environment.
    Slime-blend Leggings: A simple mesh of slime and rocks created this pair of versatile leggings.
    Sokoto: These jogging pants were worn by a champion runner who originated from Elkurn. He eventually stopped using them, but kept it as a reminder of his origins.
    Sprintguard: Despite looking incredibly bulky, the armor of the gylia watch allows for incredible speeds and great protection.
    The Prisoner: Made from the heaviest metals known to man, these leggings encase the wearer and imprisons them in one spot.
    Chained Pixels: An unknown blacksmith forged a pair of greaves that consisted of pure light. Thousands of tiny dots flashed different colors, forming images of a future yet to come.
    Opulenity: Thousands of layers of gold, gems, and coins were hammered into thin sheats. Eventually they were combined into this pair of golden pants, worn by only the richest of men.
    Lemon Legs: A thunder mage found a sample of yellow liquid that was both conductive and acidic. It was made into a special pair of pants, its properties were to never be duplicated.
    Leggings of Desolation: When the province of Dern was collapsing, a young ancient took this a a last gift from his people before leaving the dying realm. Memories of Destruction, solitude, and horror come to mind when wearing this pair of leather leggings.
  5. Sara Forristal

    Sara Forristal A fan of everything

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    Oh god, one more day till the deadline, I better come up with something quick.
    Coolfood and Victrix Securis like this.
  6. Sara Forristal

    Sara Forristal A fan of everything

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    Ok so I managed to draw something. Here is my entry.
    So the theme was 'A last goodbye' and the drawing is an interpretation of what's hidden under a persons mask, which is how people view each other. The last good bye is to the mask as she's taken it of, revealing who she really is.
    Speed drawing for part of it because why not ^.^

    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
  7. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Very cool style.
    Glad you could make this
    Eric Yang likes this.
  8. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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  9. Eric Yang

    Eric Yang RIP Mincreafterkid12|THE LEGEND NEVER DIES

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    I went down a different path.
  10. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Seriously, nice job for coming up with descriptions for almost every single item...
    XavierEXE and Eric Yang like this.
  11. Rexelle2001

    Rexelle2001 Music Person

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    Welp. I don't think I can come up with something in time. The last week of summer has kinda been busy. But I made Mirage in a day, so there is still hope.. er... maybe. Hopefully.
    Coolfood likes this.
  12. LotKnockMC

    LotKnockMC S̵͚̉i̸̥͔̞̒̕͜n̷̦̹̱͒̈́̚g̶͈̳̙͇͗̾̋̾ͅë̶͔́̌͋ṙ̶̢̧̭͕ VIP+

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    "Haunted river" is more sad than haunted.... You could enter that :I
    Enduh and Coolfood like this.
  13. modern

    modern The irony is that I love the future

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    Damn I'm running out of time. Well, I'm going to continue my entry well past the deadline. It's more about the theme then the contest for me.
    Coolfood and XavierEXE like this.
  14. Jasutiin

    Jasutiin Part time

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    @Coolfood will you be judging the entries soon?
    Coolfood, Zelefant and Sara Forristal like this.
  15. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Soon, waiting on some people that talked to me about why they can't make the deadline
    also I want to format it nicely so it's easy to see all the work so others can enjoy. And the entries are all so good! It'll take some time to fully compile
    If you pm me, we can work something out
    That's fine, such good work shouldn't be rushed!
    iMoe, modern and Sara Forristal like this.
  16. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Everyone, the competition its now at a close.
    I will try to compile all the submissions and grade them and distribute prizes as soon as possible.

    If you talk to me about the deadline, yes I will be waiting
    Ryuu, 01834792, SoloSnuggles and 7 others like this.
  17. Eric Yang

    Eric Yang RIP Mincreafterkid12|THE LEGEND NEVER DIES

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    Estimate when judging will be done @Coolfood
    Power :3 likes this.
  18. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    I'm quite busy, and there's a few entries with legitimate excuses for being late, so 1 week I'd say?

    I also want the gallery to look nice and be easy to admire. After all, you guys worked really hard for this!
  19. Blizzardgale

    Blizzardgale Famous Adventurer VIP

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    I wish I didn't rush that watercolor so much since there is now a week of more time.. Rip haha
  20. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Not necessarily, I gave people with legitimate excuses extra time
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