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Massive Quitting Giveaway: 36+ Stacks Of Le, Mythics, Max Xp Set, And Many Other Valuable Items

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kriotus, Jul 30, 2016.


Do you dislike me (be honest)

Poll closed Aug 2, 2016.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Give me free stuff

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  1. nilire4810

    nilire4810 Professional Self-Proclaimed Photographer | Adam CHAMPION

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    24 hours & 20 minutes left till giveaway time.
  2. Kriotus

    Kriotus Professional Lurker CHAMPION

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    I agree.
    I also hate exclamation points.
  3. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    I'm not trying to start a flame war here. From your other posts, you sound really pissed at us. Do you think we just like having 60 players per servers? It's what we can handle before it starts to lag out. Changing the flow of player interaction sound super easy to say, I'd love to hear your ideas (saying "or maybe something new" doesn't help much). All we need to do is make sure that the players know the forums/wiki exist. If we force it to them, they will simply be put off by how annoying we get. Not everyone wants to min-max the game. As for the rest, check it out after the update.

    I don't get why you say the staff and game is corrupt. What the hell are we even doing to be corrupted? We ain't getting paid by some evil corporation to do anything. We work on the game for you guys.

    Now, I'm sure it won't change anything because I feel like you're really angry at us for some reason, but when you say "if staff/gms refuse to accept help/criticism from players" it feels weird, as the next update is highly based on a lot of criticisms we got from the community.

    Now, can we go over you for a little bit mister "I'm getting attacked for stating my opinion!"?

    "Maybe if Wynncraft was properly cared for people would be kinder and not want to quit.

    How do you let massive gamebreaking bugs stay in a game for 7+ months?
    How do you let a community become so degraded and segragaded that people just quit?
    How can you complain about people being "upset" or "rude" yet not even attempt to fix what is broken until things are so bad that people no longer want to play?

    Edit: One other thing, how am I being a part of the problem? Is it bad that I'm calling you out? Is it bad that people are noticing flaws/disconnection and want that to be changed?"

    Like comon now, am I really this evil bitch who make up a game, and then decide to burn it down as I force thousands of people to suffer through my tortures all day while laughing and gently stroking my nipples? You didn't even call me out, you said the staff were lazy, corrupted and assholes. I sure feels like it's more you who suddenly got real agressive when I called you out. I was more disappointed that a giveaway thread, which are usually good things people do because they are nice, was so full of negativities and insults, right on the first post. I don't even get your statement about me not even attempting to fix the issues you're on about, how in hell would you even know if I did or not? Or maybe... you are making shit up and getting angry over it? Nah that couldn't be. You are part of the problem because of shit like this:

    "When did I call all staff lazy corrupt assholes? That's just straight up lying. I laid down why I am quitting, and that is my opinion. Quote me and I can prove you wrong ten times over."

    "Huhuehuehue I didn't directly say (but heavily implied, which get me out of any accusations!) that ALL staff were lazy corrupt assholes, got ya you liar". That's a shitty behavior. What is even the point to bait people like that? You think everybody is just dumb and won't see what you're trying to do? Quoting people and highlighting the word "every" in their post to try to paint them as a liar. Damn, you sure got them!

    "I can do that whenever I want. I just have been holding back my opinions because of how horrible the community is. Horrible in the sense that me sharing my opinion leads to people like YOU telling me I am what is wrong for trying to make Wynncraft a better place.

    I will be as hostile as I want, but know that I am being constructive and if you want I'll post what I sent to salted about changing the game."

    Are you trolling right now? This is insane... "The community and people like YOU, YES YOU IN ALL CAPS AND ACCUSATORY WAY, are bad because they are against me in my brave quest to make Wynncraft better by saying I'm bored, the economy is fucked and that the community sucks!"
    Sure, you then posted a bit more information at page 8, but that was after I said you were part of the problem. How is that being constructive?

    Also, even if you are being constructive (which you weren't in your first post), being hostile is insanely shitty. People are being hostile right now because you started your post being hostile. And then you complain that people are being jerks to you? Give me a break, I'd prefer having a hundreds of people who like-farm than "constructive hostile people". Can you imagine how insane the forum would become? If you want change, do it the proper way (even though changes are coming soon, and has been announced, which makes your whole behavior even more puzzling).

    We ain't against suggestions and hard feedback, that's how we improve. We have a problem when people are being dicks about it.

    Now hey, insulting people is against the rules. I'm gonna lock the thread as it's getting out of control. Just know I'm not censoring you, if you want to reply to this (I'm sure you do), you can make a thread in the general suggestion with all of your ideas on how to improve the game, since that's such an important thing to you. And politely, please.

    Hyprosis, talk, WithTheFish and 59 others like this.
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