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Markus [Mark] MIN combat 60 - New LVL 25 guild looking for memebers

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by DazzaEz, Jun 11, 2023.

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  1. DazzaEz

    DazzaEz Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    This guild is called Markus [Mark] that is Level 25. We are a small guild created recently on the 4th of June 2023. Markus is a friendly and welcoming guild and we are looking to recruit members. In the future we wish to create a small community of people where we do various activities in Wynncraft such as wars and raids to helping others with dungeons or quests but most importantly, have fun.

    To get a higher rank within Markus, it will depend on your contributions to the guild, activeness on Wynncraft and relationship to the owner(me) such as if you are someone they know personally or are a friend.


    Markus will accept members from any region of the world, though we will require you English. Activity would be nice and participation in any future guild wars will be optional though wanted.

    If you want to apply to Markus, copy and paste the template below and reply to this post in the replies or DM my discord with an application.
    We do not have a discord server yet so if you wish to contact the leader(me) please DM my discord below.

    In game Username -
    Discord Username(Optional) -
    Gender(Optional) -
    Time Zone and Country -
    Highest Leveled Class -
    What is the reason that you want to join Markus -
    Would you participate in any future guild wars -
    Any previous guild affiliations -
    Are you interested in climbing the ranks of Markus -
    Any additional info(Optional) -
  2. Secilia

    Secilia Newbie Adventurer

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    In game Username - Parthenia
    Discord Username(Optional) - secilly
    Time Zone and Country - US, PST
    Highest Leveled Class - shaman lvl 89 so far (i only have 1 profile)
    What is the reason that you want to join Markus - I'm just looking for a laid-back guild to join. I think I'm about to hit a wall in leveling up w just quests and loot chests so I wanted to look for a guild to help w dungeons and raids.
    Would you participate in any future guild wars - I'm not sure how they work, I just started playing Wynn during the summer, but I'm willing to learn.
    Any previous guild affiliations - None
    Are you interested in climbing the ranks of Markus - I wouldn't be very serious abt climbing ranks, but I am willing to be of help to the guild.
    Any additional info(Optional) - My activity is pretty much daily, however, it will most likely change once summer ends.
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