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Website & Forums Map Archives

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by GamerAirTube, Jan 16, 2020.


Should you be able to archive the places you want in the map?

  1. Yes!

  2. Nah!

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  1. GamerAirTube

    GamerAirTube Travelled Adventurer

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    WynnCraft map is so huge and the stuff members may not be able to mark every single place on it!

    Why archiving the map is necessary?
    1. Players Should be able to mark an area on the map to remeber what it is.
    2. Searching for spcefic mines and resources that are not marked in the map is hard.
    3. Some times we may be in hurry and pass by an area that we want to go back to it and later on we forget.
    Please take my suggestion Seriously and Thanks for your time :)
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  2. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    wdym? you want some kind of ingame minimap? a way to mark stuff on the online map? a png of the map?
    GamerAirTube and efilim elf like this.
  3. GamerAirTube

    GamerAirTube Travelled Adventurer

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    i mean the website map. Like every account can have his own marks
    Sorry for answering you late
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