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World Make Wind Ornaments For Woodworking As Well As Jewelling

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Kiocifer, Sep 30, 2019.

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  1. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    Lets talk about woodworking...

    Crafting in Wynncraft is the time-consuming, soul-crushing, meta-breaking, creativity-augmenting, customizable way of min-maxing your items to the extreme. A well-crafted crafted build is able to surpass nearly every single other item in the game, able to fight mythics eye-to-eye, completely taking a dump on legendaries, rares, and uniques, with the downside of the requirement of constant vigilance to the durability of one's item, lest their god-destroying crafted weathered fall apart into a depressing shear.

    Walkspeed is one of the stats that basically every crafted can have that beats out their non-crafted counterparts.

    For Jewelling, the 4x Iridescent Elytras, 1 Feather of Grace, and 1 Lunar charm completely destroy's Kaze/Follow the Wind/Necklace of A Thousand Storm's pitiful ~20ish walkspeed by nearly double.


    For Armoring, just throwing together Corrupted Fragments, an Incrimental Mapping Module, and a Unicorn Horn nets in a maximum of +72% Walkspeed, which also pretty much doubles anything that's currently available for both helmets and chestplates.


    As for Tailoring, it's a similar story, although without the unicorn horn, it's a bit harder to get everything in.
    (Still, Scale of Seiryu will always be my baby, so I won't be switching to crafted any time soon)


    And weaponsmithing, with a little bit of luck, can reach a whopping 63% Walkspeed, pooping on the mythics and legendaries currently available. (Although Slider and Archangel are still probably better choices)


    Now... lets talk about woodworking. I challenge you to create a bow or wand that possibly can beat Gale's Force or Cascade's Max Walkspeed, or even match it.


    39% is about all you can get, with current ingredients. By sacrificing 3 prides of the heights, you can reach what is attainable by simply rolling well on an Eidolon or a Gale's Force.

    So, onto my suggestion. Make Wind Ornaments work for Woodworking.
    As it stands, Wind Ornaments aren't used much, since Elytras work better for a lower Agility Req, and being only limited to Jewelling, having this objectively better competition basically makes Ornaments fall into obscurity.

    Giving a 6-7% Walkspeed item to woodworking wouldn't even be that big of a deal, considering the massive Agi Reqs. All I could craft with it is a bow that has at max 42% Walkspeed, which is only 3% more than a maxed Gale's Force. But it would be something.


    Anyways, a small change to say the least, but it'd at least give Woodworking a chance to be used for walkspeed statsticks.

    Keep in mind the recipes made here are done by someone who has basically no idea how to craft- i'm sure you can find some way to make better items. Also as for the Durability (and lack of boosters) this is partly a hypothetical, and partly based upon the assumption that the durability ingredient changes are going to take place.

    And to those of you saying "just get a strati" I'll have you know my entire net worth is divided between a 50% Walkspeed Scale of Seiryu and like 3 LE.

    This post was made by #BrokeWalkspeedJunkies
    Tsuneo, YoshisWorld and Druser like this.
  2. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Yeah. I agree.
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