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Maaaaany Questions From Hyped Player

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Merdelians, Jun 28, 2016.

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  1. Merdelians

    Merdelians Newbie Adventurer

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    Hello there, WynnCraft'ers.
    Few days ago I've seen video about your server on YouTube and I've decided to try it. However, I've so many questions.
    YES, rules and FAQ - I know, there's such thing and I read them. So, shall I begin my story here?

    1st - I'm big fan of waypoints. As I see game have map online but there are no waypoints set and most players are lost in this huge world at the beginning. Is waypoint system legal here? I mean - for example placing own client-side waypoints in cities?

    2nd - I would like to trade items, but not using /trade option or forum. Is there any kind of marketplace where can I place items and wait untill someone want to buy them? It would be awesome to find market-city where players have their chests for sale. As I remember from other servers and RPG addons, there's such thing. Is this possible in WynnCraft? My... sorry... facking dream is to see such thing - server or city where players are able to set up their small stall with items. For example if you don't pay weekly tax stall will be removed.

    3rd - As I see, this server is nearly 100% based on fighting, questing, item'ing. Is there any kind of crafting? For example I would like to combine 2 common items, like wool and sticks to make bandage. Another example - healing potion heals 100 hp, when bandage heals 20 hp. Is this possible or planned?
  2. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    lagerbooost likes this.
  3. Merdelians

    Merdelians Newbie Adventurer

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    One advantage , two drawbacks :(
    Servers seems to be awesome but it's too much based on MMoRPG rather than something like... hmmm... MMoRPG+ :P With small crafting, with stuff degeneration (for example you have to repair it somehow, but in easy way where you are not forced to do such thing every day or pay high fine).
    Few months ago I've seen addon like this (probably patented and avaiable only on one server)

    Stalls where players where able to set up 5 armor dummies and 5 small chests. Every dummy was able to hold 1 armor, 1 helmet, 1 legs and 1 boots, price was near this item and when you click it payment lands in 6th (private) big chest. Every trade chest was able to hold only ONE cartain item - for example some kind of other currency or materials. It was realy great addon cuz you where able to trade through game easly and see signs in this stall - what every seller want to sell. IDK, maybe this thing isn't technically avaiable here in Wynn cuz this server isn't so small.
    Hovewer it would be great to see such thing - market city with districs for level ranges, like 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 etc. As we have Item Buyers it should be easy to code some kind of small economy - for example you CAN'T SELL ITEM cheaper than -20% from buyers and not higher than +20% as item buyers want to buy them. Just smal ideas ;)
  4. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    All of these things simply don't fit in with the game, player-made markets just seem like a big hassle overall to develop and would just make major cities major headaches for people just wanting to chill/pass through places like Detlas/Cinfras with spammy markets up in your face, it would also create quite a bit of lag.

    Durability is a big no-no, first off, it's simply obnoxious and unnecessary to have as a "feature", and, it would piss loads of people off and more than half of the playerbase would leave, durability on weapons and armor would basically kill the game.

    Some things just shouldn't be in Wynncraft, and these 2 "features" would simply destroy the vision the admins want Wynncraft to be, I don't mean to be rude, but these are not small ideas, durability would be a huge game changer, in a bad way, these are hardly what make up a MMoRPG+.

    And as I've said, we don't know if crafting is planned or not, but it's more than likely that crafting won't be a thing for a long time.
    Chino likes this.
  5. Merdelians

    Merdelians Newbie Adventurer

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    Well, my question about player-made markers was client-sided ;) Just personal thing.
    Maybe in future I will try to find my small city (I think it should be smaller than Detlas), it was build as some kind of trading center. Maybe I will try to pass it somehow at forums (in right section) as some kind of project/proposal. Durability maybe looks a little stupid but imho trading isn't something hard to do or something that may destroy whole game. Now we are trading using forums, but it would be nice to trade through game, just by passing stalls and checking out signs. Thanks for all answers, I will try to find out my market that I was building, upgrading and stuffing since some years and I will publish screens/ideas.
    Market was build on medieval maps from my city and I'm more than sure it was one of the most awesome markets recreated in MC :P
  6. _@

    _@ LunarWiz

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    If you want to suggest an Idea, go to General Suggestions. It would be pretty cool if you had a world [Like the Nether or something] as a stall world, but that'd create lag, and I don't see any need for it with the current trade systems and Trade Market section.
    If you're as good as you say in Building, I'd suggest applying for Builder, The link can be found under Rules and Information, :https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/how-to-apply-for-the-official-wynncraft-content-team.89144/
  7. orange0401

    orange0401 Fortified with Vitamin C HERO

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    1. I'm pretty sure waypoints are allowed, I have seen some big players use programs with waypoints, but dont quote me on this. Otherwise, there is an interactive map at https://map.wynncraft.com/

    2. There is an unofficial marketplace at server 1 detlas, where most players go to sell/buy stuff

    3. I don't know if its planned, but it is currently not in the game. Crafting used to be a thing, but was removed for .. I think... duping glitches.
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