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Archer/Hunter Help Looking for feedback on this endgame archer build I made

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Mazvath, Mar 30, 2023.

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  1. Mazvath

    Mazvath Newbie Adventurer

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    I'm using boltslinger as I find it very fun to jump around and obliterate everything in my path with arrows!!
    I don't have access to mythic's yet as this is my first playthrough and I'm level 103 on my first character as well (archer), Anything that could be changed too make the build any better will do, even if it has to do with the ability tree, if there is (anything) wrong with my build please tell me what it is and why so I can get a better understanding on the stats in this game, Thank you! - Also I have around 120k emerald, so I can most likely buy some crafted's just let me know!

    BUILD HERE ^^^
  2. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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