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Least Favorite Dungeon?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by 182 others, Apr 18, 2020.

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  1. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Lost Sanctuary more like Lost Sanity more like Loads (of) Salt more like Light Slavery more like Living Suffering more like Lamenting Sacrifices more like Liking Sadness more like Losing Saturdays more like Learning Suffocation
    coincidence that it has the same 2 letters as a certain intelligent individual involved in a certain popular game which had multiple regional finals today

    i still need to grind CLS for more sancs help :(
  2. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    I mean this from the deepest most true part of my heart

    i dont understand why everybody hates this parkour. Unless you have -30% ws or +150% i dont understand at all why anybody would have a huge amount of trouble with this. The jumps arent very difficult and the parkour isnt very long. It only takes me 30 seconds to do, why does so many people hate it so much?

    Back to EO as a whole, i really really like it. Mainly i think it looks very cool, each section is very interesting to just look at, on top of an amazing boss fight. 8/10 Dungeon in my opinion.
    MrYoghurt2004 and That_Chudley like this.
  3. Pifg

    Pifg aaaaaaaaaaaa CHAMPION

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    For me the fact that I can't see the platforms has something to do with it. I know it's shown on the floor, but that's still not the same as actually seeing where you can and can't jump
  4. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    Yeah i can get why that would mess somebody up.
    It just doesnt effect me i guess
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  5. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    i actually wanted to do one of these

    10. Lost Sanctuary
    why, 1,5/10
    9. Infested Pit
    Welcome to the generic spider queen dungeon and bouncy web parkour. This is the most generic Wynncraft dungeon, but at least it's more fun to do than LS. 3/10
    8. Decrepit Sewers
    I understand that it's the first dungeon and made to be simple, but, like, there's almost nothing in this dungeon. 2 super-easy parkours and 2 battle parts. This dungeon does get points though for the Bob lore, the fact that the second battle part is massive, and the fact that Corrupted Witherhead was actually challenging, at least as an Assassin. 3,5/10
    7. Ice Barrows
    Okay, okay, everyone calm down and listen why I don't like this dungeon. Otherwise it's fine, but... Well, let's go through the parts in order. My first problem comes in the first room, the maze. The eye turret things are super annoying, and you'll never be able to kill the token mobs quickly without Earth or Fire damage. Next, my biggest problem. The parkour. When doing CIB parties, at this point Archers have given you speed, and that combined with the lag, the ice in the parkour, and the fact that there are no checkpoints, makes me want to hit something when doing this parkour. Lastly, the ice walls thing is really annoying, especially in CIB runs, and if you get slowed while not being an Assassin/Mage, it's also going to be really annoying. IB gets this high just because of Theorick lore and good ideas in the dungeon. 5/10
    6. Underworld Crypt
    Good dungeon overrall, I don't really have anything against it, the army commanding at the end was cool, a big minus is just that in the corrupted version the boss battle is very boring and long. 7/10
    5. Sand-Swept Tomb
    Like UC, SST also is a good dungeon overrall. I can't point out any bad things about it, except lag deaths in the wave battles. 7,5/10
    4. Eldritch Outlook
    This dungeon has some bits I absolutely hate and some that I love. The Mirror room is really hard and annoying. I have to sit in a corner, and every 15 seconds quickly dash in to take out one of the burst ranged mobs. The big hallway is easy, but if you just happen to fall, you have to go through a dangerous hallway crawling with monsters. Why does this part even exist? But now, we get to the good parts. The miniboss labyrinth is difficult, but a fun idea, how you can choose the bosses that suit your build the best. The invisible parkour is hard only for the first time, and need I say anything about the boss. 7,5/10
    3. Galleon's Graveyard
    You may ask: "Why tf is GG this high?" Well, I really have no idea myself. There's just something about the feel when you're in the dungeon that I like a lot. The only bad part I can point out is the Whirlpool parkour thing, why does it even exist, but everything else is pretty solid. I like that the basic battle arena is half water, half land, the parkours aren't too easy, the vault run thing is fun, and the ship shooting thing may be my favorite part in any Wynncraft dungeon. I hope that in CGG it's made much harder. Another big improvement would be to replace the cannonball mob things in the boss room and the miniboss room with the same types of cannons as in the ship part. 8/10
    2. Undergrowth Ruins
    I always liked this dungeon before 1.19, it felt like a hot climate version of Ice Barrows where the mechanics weren't annoying, but after 1.19 this dungeon got MUCH better than before. The new parkour parts are creative and fun, and the corrupted version of the boss is pretty challenging, and I like how they implemented the parkour mechanics into the bossfight. Also Slykaar is one of my favorite Wynn villains, just behind Amadel. 8,5/10
    1. Fallen Factory
    Why do people hate this dungeon? Why? Yeah, it's long, but it's also fun. Just everything, the rotating cog parkour, the assembly line, the boss, it's all awesome. The villain is great too. There are improvements to be made, like making the assembly like thing actually move all entities on it by a bit every second (like .2 blocks or smthn), but the dungeon is well made and surely one of my favorites. 9/10
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  6. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    People are already out there making lists.

    In order, from least favorite to most favorite:

    Lost Sanctuary / Corrupted Lost Sanctuary: Extremely tedious grindfest. The boss fight may as well not be a boss fight at all. Burn it in the flames of hell.
    Infested Pit: CrEePy cRaWLiEs ArE sCaRy oOoOoOo- no, cut it out. Not the best dungeon in the game. Not the worst dungeon, either.
    Decrepit Sewers / Corrupted Decrepit Sewers: Bonus points for its overall relevance to lore, since Witherhead is implied to be Bob's mother. Note the word implied.
    Corrupted Infested Pit: Bonus points for the unexpected mini-boss fight, but otherwise it gets the same score as Infested Pit.
    Galleon's Graveyard: My biggest gripe with this dungeon is its obscene length. Sure, Fallen Factory is longer, but at least it has a life of its own. Not saying that GG is bad, it doesn't feel as engaging to me.
    Corrupted Underworld Crypt: Probably the only dungeon to be outperformed by its regular variant. Hurray. Apart from the boss fight and longer survival sections, which is absurd, it's basically the same as Underworld Crypt.
    Sand-Swept Tomb / Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb: Post-rework SST/CSST is light years better than its old version. You get a different parkour each run, which increases replayability.
    Underworld Crypt: Gets plenty of bonus points for its chess-like bossfight. Which is quite unlike what the abomination at the top of the list has managed to get.
    Ice Barrows / Corrupted Ice Barrows: Theorick lore is always fun to listen. The problem is that it is also one of the longer dungeons in the game.
    Undergrowth Ruins: Golden standard of all dungeons in the game. Well, silver standard. One of the most enjoyable parkour segments if your internet is not a dumpster fire. Use a 5GHz or cable network.
    Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins: SPOILER - Slykaar is a bit harder to kill in CUR.
    Fallen Factory: Second place due to length. One of the most enjoyable but tedious dungeons in the game.
    Eldritch Outlook: Half the fun is planning the boss fight, which is the single hardest boss in the game. Well, probably. It's deceptively short, lulling players into thinking it will be an easy dungeon. Before getting blasted to the outer rim by the wretches.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  7. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Yes. The way all great lists should end.
    Aiyria likes this.
  8. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    galleons graveyard is objectively the worst dungeon, there are nearly 0 redeeming factors. complete with a long and uninteresting quest, and with every single room either being poorly designed or average, i find it hard to like this dungeon at all. the quest redbeards booty is just an expanded fetch quest with boring puzzles and characters with 0 personality; i loathed having to travel from gavel to the ocean for the quest. nearly every single room in the actual dungeon is terrible... the first area is a standard kill mobs for tokens room, but often you will find that the mobs you must kill charge to you and run into the water below, forcing awkward fights and having to swim in 1.12 to get fallen tokens. everyone knows how torturous the whirlpool parkour is, it seems to have an interesting concept at heart, but the whirlpools themselves are often unresponsive and the ones above you may pull you up after having used the one below due to poor positioning. its possible to cheese the parkour however as 4/5 classes, leaving another reason why warrior is actual doodoo. the canon balls required to fight the armored pirate and redbeard are just.... not fun. instead of getting to actually fight the boss youre forced to stand still constantly and let unreliable mobs deal the damage. redbeard especially is not fun to play against, complete with heavy charge, pull, and a shotgun that can instantly kill the canon balls, i feel its the worst boss fight in the game. the boat defense, treasure rooms, and ending parkour are all... fine, but dont really do anything to help the dungeon. the boat defense is actually pretty cool but is really annoying when wanting to speedrun the dungeon, and the treasure room and parkour are kind of just, there. i dont think its bad to like this dungeon, but i really hope the content team fixes many of the current issues with it when CGG comes out, as imagining dungeon parties trying to get through the whirlpool parkour together sounds like actual torture
  9. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Eh why not, guess I'll jump on the list bandwagon. Gonna rate the dungeons too because why not, I have nothing better to do.

    10. Lost Sanctuary [5/10 Boss, 1/10 Dungeon. 2.5/10 Overall]

    9.5. Corrupted Underworld Crypt [0/10 Boss, 4/10 Dungeon. 2.5/10 Overall]

    9. Decrepit Sewers [1/10 Boss, 3/10 Dungeon, bonus points for teaching new players how dungeons work. 3.5/10 Overall] (Very good for teaching new players how dungeons work, but really does not hold up on subsequent playthroughs)

    8. Infested Pit [5/10 Boss, 4/10 Dungeon. 4.5/10 Overall] (Actually has some unique mechanics, but still not as exciting as other dungeons)

    7. Normal Underworld Crypt [7/10 Boss, 4/10 Dungeon. 5/10 Overall] (Fun, but overrated. The boss fight is usually entertaining if it doesn't drag on forever, but the rest of the dungeon is average)

    6. Galleon's Graveyard [3/10 Boss, 7/10 Dungeon, bonus points for theme, minus points for bugs. 5/10 Overall] (That one boat part is really fun and I love the dungeon's unique theme. That being said some parts feel kinda buggy and the boss is underwhelming)

    5. Ice Barrows [5/10 Boss, 6/10 Dungeon. 5.5/10 Overall] (I haven't run it a ton and I'm mostly indifferent towards IB)

    4. Undergrowth Ruins [6/10 Boss, 7/10 Dungeon. 6.5/10 Overall] (Has some of the best parkour in the game. A great dungeon, assuming there's no lag. I really like how the corrupted version changes stuff for the better rather than just adding harder mobs and red color palette)

    3. Sand Swept Tomb [4/10 Boss, 9/10 Dungeon, bonus points for fitting in well with the desert lore. 7.5/10 Overall] (Has a ton of replay-ability and is challenging. What a dungeon should be like IMO)

    2. Fallen Factory [2/10 Boss, 10/10 Dungeon, bonus points for Antikytheria as a character. 8/10 Overall] (Absolutely incredible until you get to the boss fight, which is one of my least favorites out of any dungeon. It's just more token collecting and nothing exciting when compared to how fun the rest of FF was)

    1. Eldritch Outlook [10/10 Boss, 5/10 Dungeon, bonus points for hype build up. 8.5/10 Overall] (Has my favorite boss, but the rest of the dungeon is only above-average. I don't really hate the parkour, but that mirror part at the beginning is super annoying. I do like how the dungeon builds up to this climactic battle though)

    Conclusion: Lost Sanctuary is my least favorite dungeon and I am a very unique individual.
    That_Chudley and Emogla3 like this.
  10. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    my least favorite/most hated is
    1. galleons graveyard
    2. lost sancturary
    3. Sand tomb
    4. corrupt dungeons because of difficulty but i like corrupted related stuff
  11. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    I'm actually thinking of changing lost sanc to least favorite bc it was repetitive when I last did it lol and the boss fight was boring and just waiting.
  12. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    this list is...


    UR parkour is really fun, but I agree on the dungeon being easy (except for the parkour, especially when it was buffed in CUR). I remember in 1.18 Slykaar being medium difficulty when doing it for the first time (Assassin), but now when I did it with Mage later in 1.19, Slykaar was much easier. The fact that I had almost full legendary armor and a well planned poison build with a crafted weapon may affect the result.

    SST is not easy at level. On my first ever playthrough (firstly I didn't properly know how I should dodge) Hashr took a ridiculous amount of attempts. I remember finally getting through the second phase using mana pots, and then I was like "HE HAS A THIRD PHASE?"

    IB isn't THAT hard. I can see it's low ranking, but I would put it there for different reasons.
  13. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    I know that bashing lost sanctuary has become kinda old by now, but ignoring its quality, its possibly the most forgettable dungeon in not just Wynn, but in the history of video games. It’s dungeon quest isn’t very good (Fate of the Fallen is better in almost every way possible, but I’d argue that neither quests are great), which is never a good first impression. Not only that, but its so out of the way; I hate going to the Time Valley area because it’s unnecessarily far from cities with scrolls. Why doesn’t Elkurn have scrolls? Its suggested level is questionable as well because its so close to Infested Pit and Underworld Crypt. In fact, by the time you’re strong enough to solo LS, you’re better off just doing UC. I shouldn’t have to explain why the “gimmick” of the dungeon is bad, plenty of others have done so already. And the cherry on top- The rewards are good, but not great like other dungeons. I remember the best reward being a rainbow ring, and even though that’s nice, weapons and armor are much more important at that point in the game.
    Nah, the difference is that Galleon’s tries cool ideas on paper but fails horribly in execution, while LS had no ideas in the first place. Even if GG is worse from an objective standpoint, I’d still say that I prefer it over LS. While GG can be offensively tedious at times, LS in general is a bland, forgettable, and vapid experience. It’s kinda like the difference between a bad and boring movie; I can still laugh at a bad movie, but a boring movie offers nothing to give a damn about.
  14. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    For me one of IB's redeeming qualities has always been Fate of the Fallen, it's one of the best dungeon quests in my opinion. I didn't know until recently that people thought it was bad.

    The portal defense was great, and how we got to see Theorick get corrupted and freeze over Nesaak was very well presented.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  15. YoshisWorld

    YoshisWorld Famous Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Lost Sanctuary - when the boss just charges out of the lava and kills you.
    Oh and Galleons Cutscene and boat killing scene is very slow (wish it was harder and faster or reworked). Both dungeons are not bad but worse than the others
  16. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    The mummy from Wrath of the Mummy is way harder, since it was a ranged 7-8k health boss (My spin attack wasn't enough lol and I thought it would so I took it easy and died first time lol when it had like 1-2k health left and beat it the 2nd time with like 700 health left). My opinion tho may be stereotyped tho since I had a legendary dagger and armor, so I guess I was like 5-10 lvls ahead I guess.
  17. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Ok let's go from least favourite to most.
    Lost sancturary - nothing more to add this dungeon is repetitive and honestly I find it more entertaining to just kill the boss myself than dunking him in lava.
    Unpopular opinion time. Underworld crypt - I despise it solely because of the boss fight. Mob ai has never been smart but this dungeon obviously expects you to rely on it to win. It's not fun.
    Sand swept tomb - Jesus this dungeon was fun before the rng mechanic with rooms. This dungeon starts off great with the horde room and the arrows out of the wall room (if a bit confusing) But the rng token rooms can either be the best or the worst, feels like it was made to counter CSST parties which got cancelled the same time this update hit. Also the boss. Everything except his vanish phase is fine. I find mobs that do straight forward charges to hit the player annoying but that's it.
    Undergrowth ruins - Even with the rework I still dislike this dungeon. It's better but it's still not good. Parkour side of things can be frustrating and boss fight is meh.
    Fallen factory - I actually like fallen factory. Well... except the boss room. That's the only thing that ruins this dungeon for me, it's just too big. I should not have to worry about a restart before I even fight the actual boss, fix that and this dungeon will be better to me. (Although I love the dialogue)
    Infested pit - Yeah I like this dungeon a lot. Idk why, might be the spider set? Might be the fact the boss actually looks creepy. Good second dungeon (unless you're an archer)
    Decrepit sewers - great beginner dungeon. All I can say, it's great for beginners but get's annoying a bit afterwards but it does hold a place in my heart due it making me realise dungeons would be worth it. Less points for not making me realise lost sanctuary existed.
    Ice barrows - unique. That's what I can really say. I like it since it's one of the more original dungeons and the boss fight is great. Keep you on your toes but also feel like you're fighting something truly powerful.
    Galleon's graveyard - I.... don't get the hate for this dungeon. The loot is meh honestly but I like the dungeon itself. Not really a negative I can think of except maybe the parkour with pull. I also love the ship battle so yeah.
    Eldritch Outlook - I genuinely like this dungeon. Still yet to solo it but hey, I get tunnel vision on the boss too easily so wretches just murder me. But I really like the dungeon. Definitely feels at that point you're fighting a being like no other. Only problem with it is the token rooms. But otherwise. It's great and i'd gladly keep trying to solo it.

    (won't do corrupted dungeons because it's the same placements really, although corrupted underworld crypt is even worse for bug related reasons)
  18. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Hashr has over double the amount of HP as The Mummy, and that Multihit combo can be a 1-hit.

    In the end both are pretty easy bosses, it's just that on the first playthrough you have less skill
  19. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    CIB cause I can't parkour for shit at 200+ walk speed
    Emogla3 likes this.
  20. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    10: Galleon's Graveyard
    The whirlpool section is chronically unfun unless you're Archer or Assassin, the canon section is fine, the parkour is fine, the boss fight is a bit of a mess, and the rewards aren't worth it.
    9: Infested pit
    Spider Webs crossed with a lack of anything interesting
    8: Decrepit Sewers
    Doesn't try
    7: Lost Sanctuary
    This would probably be lower if Shaman wasn't able to clip the boss into the lava floor early.
    6: Underworld Crypt
    It isn't difficult to survive, I do it all the time, why is a section of this dungeon purely that? Why boat?
    5: Ice Barrows
    Not really any big problems
    4: Undergrowth Ruins
    Interesting parkour concept, painful in lag. A mixed bag overall, but more about it is good then not
    3: Fallen Factory
    I like the dialogue. It has some nice gimmicks mixed in, one of the better boss fights (until it's just hitting the fast robot)
    2: Sand-Swept Tomb
    RIP to the Sand-Witch. It's the only dungeon that changes when you replay it, which is pretty interesting on it's own. The dungeon itself is pretty good, the timed sections are kind of annoying but the variance in replaying it is enough for me.
    1: Eldritch Outlook
    This is just a boss fight with an overly long prologue. The invisible parkour is annoying at first but I got the hang of it pretty quick.

    huh, kind of sounds like I don't have high opinions of all of these dungeons. I do like all of them (except for you Galleon's Graveyard).
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