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Info Item Team Thread - Item/ingredient/major Id Changes, Updates & More (updated 28/03/2020)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Major_Lue, Sep 27, 2019.

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  1. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    Its been 2 months without any update :saltedangry:
    Epicness937 likes this.
  2. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    I'd enjoy it :)
    I think every time some one posts their thoughts I respond with "I agree with most of it but freedom is overrated"
  3. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    e guess I'll talk about mythics

    Inferno - Honestly I think Inferno is fine - the bigger problem is a lack of damage boosters in fire to pair it with.
    Nirvana - I really like Nirvana's design and imo it's quite well-balanced. Theoretically it can be very strong but it's hard to make that work.
    Weathered - Aside from Roving Assassin being broken, Weathered seems pretty cool.
    Cataclysm - imo the -1 1st spell cost makes Cata too strong. If not for that I think it would be fine.
    Grimtrap - is pretty cool, the use of +Vanish cost is a neat mechanic that scales it more strongly at faster attack speeds. Please please make the base mana steal -1 though...
    Nulli - is good, but please buff Praesidium e.
    Archangel - is Archangel. Really needs something to stand out at endgame, but everyone already knows that and I have no new ideas so...
    Warp - pls make the mana regen base -8 k thx (other than that, imo a bit of dmg boost would be nice to keep it a tiny bit more competitive in combat).
    Singularity - is cool, although it kind of mainly has fluff stats, aside from the -ws and to a lesser extent the raw spell.
    Fatal - why percent 1st cost... (but then again spell cost formula is an e so).
    Monster - I stand by my Heal as offensive spell major ID and bigger lifesteal to compensate.
    Gaia - is really cool, nice utility 4th cost.
    Lament - suffers from mage problems and also the damage options problem, both of which Bart has gone over in great detail.
    Pure - is epic, but why did the spell cost need that tiny change?
    Stratiformis - yeah everyone kind of knows this needs a damage buff by now (also would be cool if it had a melee use, if/when melee archer ever becomes viable).
    Spring - is cool, although the -Dex just feels kind of like a random holdover.
    Divzer - is kind of overpowered, I agree with Bart. Really it just needs a design change imo, the -Agi thing is a holdover that is no longer really relevant. I have no good ideas for it. Also +37 Dex e moment.
    Grandmother - is cool I guess, but imo it's a little bit on the weak side for the kind of downside it gives.
    Ignis - is gamer.
    Freedom - needs damage nerf, everyone knows that by now so not even much point in saying it. Other than that it's pretty cool I guess (besides having zero melee usage).
    Az - az moment, really needs something (but I can understand, seeing as every previous attempt to give it that something failed).
    Collapse - Actually Collapse looks pretty solid imo. It's just held back by Warrior problems - Warrior mana steal is mainly bad because Warrior can't stay close enough to hit melees while playing spell, at least not without getting shredded.
    Thrundacrack - Exists, and is pretty balanced generally speaking I think. But why is it trying to push water-powders when it has such a fast attack speed?
    Idol - Looks pretty cool now, the spell cost is a nice touch. Please just push it to 30 Int though... 146 Int moment...
    Alkatraz - does what it's meant to do, pretty straightforward.
    Guardian - Tbh even if hpr was good, and even if tank was a viable option (it's not right now, not with mob regen and heal spells and the Wretch) Guardian would still be a little bit on the weak side imo. Some more sp would be nice.
    Hero - exists. Would be neat if it got +Def instead of the Str/Dex.
    Apoc - is Apoc.
    Absolution - Is pretty cool - manages to not be bad despite being defensive and no Courage.
    Fantasia - Imo being able to roll 1 cost all spells with a good 3rd cost roll is too strong, but aside from that pretty cool. Also base -4 mana pls.
    Toxoplasmosis - Is cool. RIP for roll dependency.
    Sunstar - Honestly I haven't tested enough, but outside of Slayer Brainwash (which is just a Brainwash problem) it seems fine imo.
    Hadal - It's definitely not OP imo. It feels pretty balanced to me. Early reaction was too strong I think.
    Olympic - Please give it Lightweight... also I agree that it's very very slightly on the weak side.
    Aftershock - it's not even that strong, it just looks strong because (1) baselines are wack and (2) tierstack scales stronger with class base damage compared to all other melee (which is an entirely separate discussion that is probably best dealt with in a more utility-focused way imo).
    Revenant - is cool. If anything could be cut, imo the variable health would be pretty straightforward to cut. why why is the spell cost using base -40 instead of base -38 though...
    Warchief - is pretty cool, straightforward item, maybe could use a bit more raw melee though imo.
    Stardew - concur with Bart that the raw spell is bit high but otherwise balanced. Bit boring but eh, what else can really be done...
    Dawnbreak - both bland (relative to heavy melee in general) and not that good. Pls buff ms and ls.
    Moontower - WA moment.
    Slayer - is gamer and I'm glad that other people are finally realizing that lol, I still think it's on the weak side for TWA though... if it traded off a little bit of the 3rd % for -1 3rd raw could fix that, idk.
    Boreal - suffers from the general hpr problems (and the mob design forbidding tank playstyles), other than that it's honestly pretty solid imo.
    Galleon - can the -1 tier go please it just forbids fast hybrid. I think people look down on it too much - it seems pretty okay to me, although poison seems kind of random.
    Resurgence - is OP and everyone knows it. I agree that the skill points would be the best thing to lose.
    Crusade Sabatons - Crabs... it's not that terrible anymore I guess, though it isn't great either.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2020
  4. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    Spoiler Wands? Uncool
    Spoiler Warp? Cool
    m0chu | anson and Druser like this.
  5. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    maybe i should write too much about mythics except instead of all the mythics i should only do the one ive used or have strong opinions on, no particular order so have fun

    warp - warp is in a perfect place of being really good and having just enough draw backs to make it balance, people look over it too much because of the negatives to see that its actually insanely good

    fatal - i dont really have any issue with fatal, its just super boring and doesnt really have anything going for it. the super slow TWF meta is so over done and over used its to the point i almost hate it. that said fatal is still really good

    strati - besides WS there is absolutely no reason to use this thing over Gales Force, the damage is ever so slightly better but that is NOT worth the higher req and cost of buying one. strati in 2020 LUL

    spring - spring is nice, its not terribly amazing and not very unique, but i still use it and enjoy it

    warchief - imo warchief isnt the most disapointing pair of boots anymore, ive been using WC for like 3 years now and have no issues, good mythic

    gaia - gaia is honestly perfect how it is right now. the recent changes to the -spell means that you can actually run spell or hybrid gaia and be REALLY good. the -4th spell cost also benefits gaia more in pure melee builds than i think people realize, allowing to stun mobs is great. perfect mythic please dont break it

    nirvana - nirv is kinda in a weird place, its major ID looks cool on paper but making spells cost 0 mana really reduces the possible damage you could get from conc, leading nirv to be really underwhelming in practice. not totally a fan of it

    divzer - easily my favorite mythic in the game. everything about this thing is perfect. perhaps too perfect. i can totally see why people think divzer is too strong and in need of a nerf, as much as i dont want it to be. i said before that i didnt like the super slow TWF archetype but divzer is the exception

    lament - tmw people say this is more of a secondary than anything. something about one of the rarest type of weapon in the game being a "secondary" seems off to me, please help this poor boy

    grimtrap - grimtrap is the literal definition of being a jack of all trades. you can do almost every playstyle in the game with grim, but it doesnt do any of those playstyles really well. generally underwhelming but versitile

    slayer - ive had a slayer sitting in my bank for like 2 months now and still havent come up with a build for it. all of the archetypes i try to put it into generally speaking have something else that i would rather use, real talk slayer is the worst pair of mythic boots now

    galleon - galleon works nice with gaia altho i prefer warchief, no issues tho

    freedom - easily the best mythic bow but for no real reason. free 50 agil, insane damage and insane items to use with it. 3mr, literally no downsides, please nerf

    apoc - apoc and fire tier stack has been shit on almost every single update since it came out and its STILL the only good warrior mythic, no issue with apoc or the rest of the warrior mythics, but i have an issue with the warrior class

    left out all the reliks because i dont have a shaman nor have i built anything with the reliks, other than olympic i dont really care for the reliks, the warrior class its self brings down all of its mythics besides apoc, lastly, generally speaking a lot of the assassin mythics are good or ok, i just dont find any of them really interesting besides the 2 i mentioned

    unpopular opinion for sure but i enjoy how long its been since the last item update, i dont enjoy living in constant fear that my builds will be nerfed every week.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2020
  6. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    So y'all wanna talk about how corrupted ice barrows weapons kinda suck?

    I mean yeah but in all fairness we just want more thunder fire air support :(
  7. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    peaceful rest can be used
  8. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    PEACEFUL REST YEEETTT. It's alright and will be alot better when fire spell exists. the other feel meh.
    Brace of the ninth feels out classed by like every other water spear and in my opinion should have transendance or somthing neat.
    Final compulsion is alright for melee but I myself haven't found much use for it and feel like raw melee would make more sense than % melee on it
    Closure and Desperation I really don't see the point of either existing as they are vastly outclassed by Cluster and The Exploited respectively. Now I get that they are lower level but even for their level they feel weak to me.
    Nauticals seems like a cool pre endgame thunder relik so thats nice I guess cause that sustainability is amazing.
    Also pulse starter feels kinda useless right now.
    the other items are nice though. thanks for giving me an excuse to rant lol
  9. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    well i mean let's be honest
    every dungeon except CSST, EO, and depending on who you are, FF
    only has 1 decent weapon
    Epicness937 likes this.
  10. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    For soul point regen omegalul
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  11. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    csst judas and infidel as top tier endgame weapons. Plague and salpinx are also quite good.
    cur has orange lily and black amaranth so only two.
    ff honestly every weapon is good...except maybe packet. so 4/5
    eo has 4/5 good weapons (evolved isn't great imo)
    then cib...just ONE FREAKING ONE.
  12. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    FF weapons are good for certain niches
    blamaranth is ok, nothing great
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    imo Black Amaranth is quite strong, it just looks weak because warrior
    Epicness937 likes this.
  14. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    i mean yeah, probably with warrior not item
  15. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Compiler is a neat melee wand
    Wick is really powerful and I believe is the 3rd or 4th highest damage legendary spell weapon for warrior (quinque, braker, and maybe forsaken are higher damage)
    Sawtooth is insanely good as one of the best daggers in the game.
    And hardcore is yet another neat earth relik for people to use.

    Blackamranath is also the highest earth spell spear outside of Alka or powdering neutral Spears
  16. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    also warrior problems

    sawtooth is good
    and hardcore is gamer
    Epicness937 likes this.
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    - Compiler is alright
    - Wick looks good relative to the paucity of spell spears but it's only alright in general - look at Hive spear.
    - Packet is just bad
    - Sawtooth is good
    - Hardcore is good
    Epicness937 and Bart (MC) like this.
  18. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    good relative to spell spears means its bad cause spell warrior without a mythic is bad :(
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Spell warrior with mythics still isn't even that good.
  20. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Yeah fair...I already ranted on that tho...I need more conversation substance on this thread.
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