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Community Event [item] - Element Feedback Survey

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, May 16, 2019.


Which Duo-Element Combo(s) do you think are the most underpowered/under-represented?

  1. Earth / Thunder

    49 vote(s)
  2. Earth / Water

    28 vote(s)
  3. Earth / Fire

    30 vote(s)
  4. Earth / Air

    53 vote(s)
  5. Thunder / Water

    12 vote(s)
  6. Thunder / Fire

    31 vote(s)
  7. Thunder / Air

    13 vote(s)
  8. Water / Fire

    48 vote(s)
  9. Water / Air

    10 vote(s)
  10. Fire / Air

    78 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. RazorGuild


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    I find that water isn’t too strong compared to the other elements. Thunder in fact deals more damage and air has dodge which makes you untouchable 70+% of the time. Water can easily spell spam the most, but I wouldn’t say it’s too strong compared to the others.
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  2. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Idk you can still get plenty of power with water alongside good tankiness. My current water archer build gets 11k bombs with 10/4s mr and 129 Int, alongside 80ish Agility. Water also has the benefit of not needing to invest in another element's sp.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  3. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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  4. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    Before I go into what Duo-Elements, I think it may be better to talk about how I see each element's individual stats and how you could use it:
    *Categorization:(speed) Movement, (speed)/(DPS) Melee, (frequency)/(damage) Spells, (type) Element/Combo, (type) Focus, (amount) Health
    *Ignoring element damage/defense and unbalanced skill points(that is beyond them)
    Earth: Slower Movement, Slowest/Strongest Melee, Less/Weaker Spells, Offensive Element, Melee Focus, Higher Heath
    It is more or less tied with the slowest element so you can expect it to not be able to chase or kite much, but it can probably knockback enemies to minimize damage. So the melee focus should give it an advantage over enemies that need to stay close to do damage over time(Thunder) and enemies that it can keep up with/don't run(Fire). However, you need to constantly use movement spells to keep up with the rare evasive enemies(Air), and are pretty much a sitting duck for anything ranged/spell focused(Water).

    Thunder: Faster Movement, Fastest/Strong Melee, Average/Stronger Spells, Offensive+ Element, DPS Focus, Lowest+ Health
    It is a quicker element that is more focused on killing an enemy before it kills you. The melee attacks require you to stay in close proximity to the target for a while, but it really can't take many hits. It's damage also tends to vary alot so it's spells maybe a bit unreliable at times. In melee Earth and Fire counter it naturally between the hard hits and the tankiness of them, while Water with it's lower health melts from it in melee and spells. However that fact is almost reversed when you are using spells, as the slower elements can't keep up and water would probably win in a spell battle.

    Water: Average Movement, Average/Weakest Melee, Most/Stronger Spells, Offensive Element, Spell Focus, Lower Health
    It's is not always about how hard your spells hit but also the rate at which you can cast them with water. It is pretty strong against Fire/Earth Because in an extended fight the damage of spells will out pace the tankiness of Fire and movement spells will keep the you safe from Slow Moving Melee enemies like Earth. Thunder with it's specialization to settle things quickly and faster movement should ruin this element fairly easily.

    Fire: Slower Movement, Slower/Average Melee, Average/Weaker Spells, Defensive Element, Tank Focus, Highest Health
    The Element of the Punching Bag, it simply makes you have so much health that any fight will be drawn out and that you will have time to recover from the damage. Only really water with it's focus of high damage spell spam would end up winning consistently. It's another bullet sponge but unlike earth it can take it better, and can out last air in a tank off as air will need to expose itself in order to deal any real damage to it.

    Air: Fastest Movement, Faster/Weaker Melee, Average/Weaker Spells, Defensive Element, Evasion Focus, Average Health
    It is really an element that is good against most others, to it's ability to chose when you are fighting and when you are not. Movement can't be under estimated as it can completely dominate any build that can't keep up(Earth), while also allowing you to avoid damage until you are ready.
    Now to go over what I think the Duo-Elements and how I think they could interact and vary with each other:
    Earth-Thunder: Average Movement, Average/Strongest+ Melee, Least/Average Spells, Offensive+ Combo, Melee/DPS Focus, Lower Health
    This is one of the glass cannon combos, it is different due to it's focus on melee. However it should focus melee for damage and still have a bit of access to spells for atleast mobility/finishing blow, but it lacks sustainability for spells. It needs to have enough health to get close, then when it finally does get in melee range it shreds everything.

    Earth-Fire: Slowest+ Movement, Slowest+/Stronger Melee, Average/Weaker Spells, Balanced Combo, Melee/Tank Focus, Highest+ Health
    It is a Slowest Tankiest Combo, if an enemy gets too close they better regret it after one it of it's melee. It needs to be the build with the most HP of them all, and a really devastating slow melee attack. However it still has limited access to movement spells, so it's spells damage can suffer for the sake of it having some capacity of using spells.

    Thunder-Water: Faster Movement, Faster/Weakest Melee, More/Strongest+ Spells, Offensive+ Combo, Spell/DPS Focus, Lowest+ Health
    If Earth-Thunder should be considered a Glass Cannon Combo, then this should be a Paper Nuke. It has Range, Movement, and Damage all in one package, so it should pay heavily in Health. Although most don't consider water to be that much of a damaging element, how it is used says otherwise. So when it is combined with thunder it should become more of a spell damage wrecking machine, and forsake having health for the spell damage potential it can get.

    Thunder-Air: Fastest+ Movement, Fastest+/Average Melee, Less/Average Spells, Balanced Combo, Burst DPS/Evasion Focus, Lowest Health
    With it's highest speed and focus on damaging an enemy over time, it should be focused around using that fact to it's benefit. So it should be trying to get in an out of danger when appropriate and attacking when possible at the appropriate ranges. I see this combo always chipping away at you, and you can't really keep up with it(more skill/timing based then normal).

    Water-Fire: Slower Movement, Slower/Weaker Melee, More/Average Spells, Balanced Combo, Spell/Tank Focus, Highest Health
    It is a combo that is not going to kill anything quickly but it will be able to spam spells for quite sometime and live for a while. Due to its Slower Movement, it will need to gain something from melee, but its main form of damage should be casting spells over time. So it would need to use movement spells to escape melee combat, and keep up pressure with it's spells.

    Water-Earth: Slower Movement, Slower/Stronger Melee, Average/Stronger Spells, Offensive Combo, Hybrid Focus, Lower Health
    Unlike Thunder, this Combo is more suited to deal damage without sacrificing health to do it. It is proficient in either Spells or Melee when the time comes, and other than it has no really exploitable range weaknesses. However it is not a master of combat either it would have some trouble surviving specialized Offensive+ enemies.

    Fire-Air: Faster Movement, Average/Weaker Melee, Less/Weaker Spells, Defensive+ Combo, Tank/Evasion Focus, Highest Health
    Now hear me out, although this does combine the 2 defensive elements, that does not mean it should have the biggest amount of health. It is the most defensive combo by combining the tankiness and evasion in one combat style. With this build you simply try to outlast your opponent with your ability to survive/evade incoming damage, then move in when they are out of mana/vulnerable. You win through attrition more then damage output, which is by far the weakest damage of them all.

    Fire-Thunder: Average Movement, Faster/Average Melee, Average/Average Spells, Balanced Combo, DPS/Tank Focus, Average Health
    This build is similar to Water-Earth, but it is more focused on a faster attack speed and trying to shred the enemy with your high damage and average health. With it's Average Mobility and Faster Melee it is more suited to use both melee and spell at the same time to maximize damage and get into the thick of it.

    Air-Earth: Faster Movement, Slowest/Stronger Melee, Less/Weaker Spells, Balanced Combo, Evasion/Melee Focus, Average Health
    This combo is one I have a slight bias to since I have thought about it quite alot. Basically this is best used as a hit and run style and relies on going in to melee attack then moving out to avoid retaliation, then going back in range to melee again. This combo uses its speed to skirt in and out of melee range of enemies and evade the attacks of your enemy. Because of this, the slowest weapons with most base damage are best suited for this.

    Air-Water: Fastest Movement, Faster/Weakest+ Melee, Most/Stronger Spells, Balanced Combo, Evasion/Melee Combo, Lower Health
    This is probably the most used duo-combo in wynn anyone who voted it as underpowered should feel bad at this bad joke. It is fairly straight forward and simple to use. All you need to do is... Cast Spells and Run Away. I really don't have any other major tactic you could really use.
    I know some things I said are not really reflective of the current standings of some of the items, like how I am saying water is an offensive element, and that water and thunder should become a paper nuke, but that is just how I think it could become more balanced. Because if Earth and Thunder are considered the glass cannon build where Should a Ranged Version of that stand? Also I am not saying that is how it should be and it is absolutely right, I am really suggesting the idea of a template to help guide the item making system. To give each combination it's own way of fighting, so the items will be given ID's to aid in that fighting style. I am an ex-IM so I do know how some things work on the inside.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  5. Archit12

    Archit12 Am I still playing Minecraft?

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    Is this actually a reference to the Nether with the lack of the portal symbolizing the closing of the Nether but the fact that the frame exists symbolizing that someone with a heart of fire can re-light the entrance and bring back the nether for all to enjoy.

    Or is it just a portal lul.
    Bart (MC) and Druser like this.
  6. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Dune storm either needs to lose its -hp or get a massive buff in its damage because otherwise it’s just too glassy and has too high requirements to use with other items, and the health rebalancing is just going to widen the health gap between it and every other endgame helmet.

    Thunder Earth in general just needs to give massive, MASSIVE damage in exchange for being glassy.

    Fire air needs more items and the items it has need to give better HP and defense. It’s the tanky element combo after all

    Mana regen should be added to a couple of non water, high damage combinations (thunder fire, earth thunder, earth air, thunder air) so they aren’t as reliant on Water for spells. Brainwash is a great example IMO.

    Also, people are sleeping on the Ehoole Drakeskin, IMO. It’s actually pretty good for water air.
    Maximdem and Druser like this.
  7. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Health buff is actually a net buff to Dune Storm because it's easier to use now, but I do agree it's way too weak.

    Agree on Earth/Thunder needs more damage, especially since the items have such high reqs.

    Earth/Thunder actually has a lot of great mana steal accessories, but could definitely use a bit in the armor section (where the mana steal items tend to boost one but penalize the other).

    Ehoole Drakeskin is pretty fun.
  8. inigbamL

    inigbamL Well-Known Adventurer

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    Who would've guessed that fire/air would've been the top vote for worst multi elemental combo?
  9. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I always wondered what a high req earth thunder mana regen build would look like though
  10. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    B R A I N W A S H
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  11. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    no mana steal tho
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