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Is Corkian Amplifier Sentient?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Qzphs, Nov 23, 2020.

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  1. ramenstew

    ramenstew professional idiot HERO

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    I think when you’re solving a problem you can’t say it will annoy people who have gone through the problem. That’s like saying “ curing cancer would be offensive to those who have died from it “
  2. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I mean
    is it a one-time use item or?
  3. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    If it wasn't, the wynncraft trade system may as well have never been made.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  4. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    I heavily disagree with the idea of these Corkian Amplifiers, and I'm going to see it from a rather different perspective.

    People who already have either very high-stat rolled gear or mythics generally have a easier time clearing dungeons compared to other people (skill is definitely a factor, but clearly an assassin with a cata, or an archer with a divzer will generally clear dungeons more quickly than those who don't). And these Corkian Amplifiers are supposedly going to be one of the new Raid rewards. Soooo what I'm seeing here is, already rich people with OP gear forming 4-man parties to specifically go and farm these Corkian Amplifiers. These rich folks with OP gear will be able to do farm these raids more efficiently than most others, just like how people with high LQ and discoveres have that advantage in lootrunning (yes the cap exists, but it's not an aboslutely hard cap and those tiny percentages make a difference when you're looting thousands of chests). And these rich folks will have a reason to be farming for these amplifiers, even more so than people who aren't so financially sound.

    Why? Because they're rich enough to the point where they can buy a lot of 0rr, or even 1-2rr mythics and take the risk of rerolling them without worrying about suddenly becoming poor from a bad gamble. Either that, or they might already have a lot of 0-2rr mythics in their banks already. Imagine, if they went and farm these amplifiers, and then went on to rr their mythics. It's pretty much making the already rich people even richer.

    I'm making this argument because when these amplifiers come out, I'm 100% certain that many people will jump onto the meta of farming these. And when that does happen, the people who will benefit the most will be those who have enough money to rr many mythics without fear of making huge losses in the long run.
  5. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    You can make that argument for literally any endgame addition though. Players with more means will have an easier time farming everything so that isn't really a reason to not add high value items from difficult events. Good drops should come from difficult tasks so really you're making an argument to nerf powerful gear, which I agree with but it isn't really on topic.
  6. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    I have seen a lot of people start crying over how some upcoming changes are utterly unfair to those who "went through hell". Let's say for instance you had mythic X, but it was bad and you therefor sold it. And now it gets buffed. And now people start bitching over how they feel mistreated and its all unfair. To those people: I'd like you to shush. Because it does not matter how you look at it: When something is over- or underpowered, it WILL get changed eventually. You can't tell me you didn't think about that when deciding to do the grind. And if you really didn't think about it, then it is your own fault.

    Now, for this Corkian Amplifier, literally no one could have seen this coming. It is an item that does not have the NEED to exist, it is purely quality of life. Therefor, I do understand that some people will be upset with it's existence, since it does benefit players who just recently found a mythic and have not rerolled. I am just curious as to how this item is going to work. Maybe we will indeed all get a free reroll, and the new "Soulbound" attribute, which was mentioned in the changelog, could apply to items rerolled using the amplifier and make said (free) reroll affect the market a lot less, if not even in a positive way.
    Qzphs, MlecznyHuxel99 and Sg_Voltage like this.
  7. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I feel like if it gave soulbound it would say that in the tag. Soulbound is also going to be a very rare effect considering it means that only one class can use the item, it's more likely soulbound is going to be for tomes so you actually need to run raids with all your classes and not just one powerful one to farm them. Also, adding soulbound to weapons and armor really doesn't make sense anyways since armor and weapons can be gotten very easily and weapons are already essentially locked behind the class system already.
  8. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    Would make Weapons and Armour rerolled with the Amplifier unsellable though, meaning there would be less mythics on the market etc.
    That's the thing about Soulbound - you can't sell them.
  9. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Based on the laws of supply and demand, less mythics on the market is a bad thing, not a good thing. We want them to be less rare, not rarer.
  10. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    There are already lots of mythics on the market. The problem is not the supply as much as the community bias as to what is and is not a good mythic. "OP" mythics are always prone to nerfs and will get nerfed eventually.
    Also, keep in mind mythics are supposed to be special weapons. If every little Ragni Citizen was able to obtain one, why would mythics still be "special"?
  11. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    I think people see "+10% to stats" and grossly overestimate this item.
    You have to use it while rerolling or identifying meaning that you can't just slap it onto existing rolls. You have to get new random rolls and hope they're good, even with the +10%. There's no doubt that the amplifier is good and useful, but godly items will unlikely lower in value. a +10% amplifier will bring the average rolls to be above the current average, but the average mythic will still be far from godly. There is literally no reason to complain or be worried, in my opinion.

    And again, like I said earlier. Balancing a game around people who "have put time and effort into getting x thing in the past, so it's unfair to give other players an advantage that the original player didn't have" is the stupidest thing.

    It's similar to the gathering speed and xp identifications, in that sense. Professions are insanely slow, and someone who doesn't have the time to be on Wynncraft for multiple hours a day will probably take well over a year to reach 100 in their professions. The xp and speed ids are a great addition, whether the players who have dedicated time to professions already think so or not. The prof speed shouldn't be balanced around dxp weekends or bombs, so yeah. Should feel decent doing when normally playing the game, and the prof id's really help with that.
    Rimuwu and Sg_Voltage like this.
  12. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I don't understand what point you're trying to make. High mythic prices is bad since it causes inflation (read my previous posts, I'm not going through the economics of that again). Removing mythics from the market by making them untraeable adds scarcity to an already scarce item. Scarcity causes an increase in prices to counter the decrease in supply without changing the demand. Making mythics rarer would make the already bad problem so much worse.

    Also, I'm very aware that mythics are supposed to be rare and special, that's not the issue here. Having extremely rare items and hard to get items is never a problem, in fact, they can be a good thing, but that's not even close to what mythics are. Mythics are a lottery item (bad start) which are also the most powerful items in the game by far (bad finish). Mythics were a bad idea from the start.

    If you want to make an argument about about not every little ragni citizen having one, first off good meme, but second off they all probably could seeing as for some reason, the most powerful god weapons were hidden in random chests which can be opened by anyone? Mythics aren't hard to get because it takes skill to get them, they're hard to get because they have a small number attached to them in the RNG system.
    Good post, especially the middle part <3
  13. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    That's a problem not with the mythics themselfes then, but with the way to obtain them. I still hope they will add a way to obtain better items or reliable mythics through harder raids later on. I agree that the way mythics are obtained is bad. But saying Mythics themselfes were a bad idea is not doing the tier justice. It's just the way they are obtained is... not optimal, to say the least. I have looted more than 25k chests and only found 5 mythics so far, making it 1 every 5k chests. Then there are people who open 5k chests and find like 3. RNG is a poor concept in this regard. But who knows, maybe there will be future changes to it. Maybe there will be Raids for Sky Islands and RtD / Dern in the future which reward you with mythics that are even better stat-wise. Or even a whole new item tier for such weapons. I would definitely support that.
  14. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Mmm I think I didn't make myself clear enough

    My argument is that I believe the already rich people will get richer, because they're the ones who'll have enough money to sweep all the low rerolled mythics in the market. The buying and rerolling mythics for profit is a practice that's been done for ages by rich people to get even richer, and I feel that this amplifier is going to encourage this practice even more. It might even end up with a select group of rich people absolutely dominating the market, if they decide to just buyout all the low rerolled mythics and then reroll them using the amplifiers. This might actually end up increasing the price, as can be seen in the case of Archangel where for about a month or so, there was no-one else selling an Archangel so the seller artifically bumped up its prices to about 2-3stx (they were about 32le-1stx before this), and people who really wanted to buy an Archangel for whatever reason had no other options.
    Qzphs likes this.
  15. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Mythics are the most powerful items obtained through luck alone. That's a bad idea. I know you're saying the idea of hard to get powerful items isn't a bad idea, and I agree, but that's not what mythics are and there's no point in making arguments from that perspective. Mythics are never going to be easier to get because mythic owners are essentially a special interest group in that they spend the most real money so it makes the most sense to keep them happy. Also I figure I should say this now but mythics are never getting nerfed. We all know they're broken but they keep getting buffed, especially in 1.19 when they got a ton of super good major ID's which only made them better.

    Back to my point, the way power scaling should work is based on diminishing returns, where for every X% increase in power there's a <X% increase in rarity so in a game with good balance, mythics which are 100x rarer then legendary should only really be 5-10% stronger at most but we all know that isn't the case, which is why there's a problem. If mythics were just legendary items with retextures, a different name and color and maybe a higher average ID pool nobody would ever complain because that would make sense and be reasonable. The issue is that they're exactly not that.

    You also mentioned RNG being the problem, which once again, it isn't. The issue is how powerful mythics are relatively to other gear. If mythics were more in line with other gear their rarity wouldn't be a problem.
  16. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    I mean, I see your concern, but I really disagree when people claim that "rich people will be richer" in anything regarding wynncraft. If you put effort into understanding the market, you can make a stack or two a day with minimal effort and time. And that doesn't include flipping expensive items.

    Sure, someone who's rich could put their money to use to make more, via flipping these 0rr mythics or whatever. If the amplifiers are sellable, then anyone has an equal opportunity to sell the amplifiers they get. I don't think having a mythic vs a legendary is going to improve your raid time fast enough to the point where you're going to be finding so many more amplifiers per x time spent doing raids, compared to someone without a mythic, or a good mythic. And also since it can't be done alone, I doubt it will be too "unfair"?

    And also, if you find a mythic, you can just instead make bank by selling that to someone who has money to spare on flipping mythics for a high price and then boom, you can make money that way too. Or you can sell the amplifiers if they're not soulbound or untradable!!!

    My point is, everyone can make a lot of emeralds in wynncraft if they dedicate time to figuring out which items sell, which items you can sell for higher than other people are, and so on and so forth. It's really not too difficult, especially if you're determined to make it happen. And if you don't really care about that, then you shouldn't care about people using their advantages to make even more money. It's just fair gameplay, really. This isn't real life where people running huge businesses are avoiding taxes, or abusing the tax system in any way. It's a video game that requires a small bit of thinking and strategy to making money. It's really not a big deal, but people will compare the two anyway because everyone loves their politics (:
  17. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    If there are more good mythics on the price will go down, not up. You're assuming the price of mythics is fixed where they are now, but that's not how the market works. If people want to sell their mythics, they need to find a buyer and if there are more good mythics on the market, sellers will be forced to cut their prices in order to make sales which is not something that happens in the current system. Making all the mythics on the market more similar in quality also means the market prices should be more visible since the price of any individual mythic will inevitably be closer to the average.

    I hate repeating myself but again, strong players will always be able to farm the best stuff the fastest, that doesn't work as a basis for an argument against adding stuff.
    How tf are you making a stack a day without lootrunning?

    Edit: lol you have 50K chests opened, my guess is you actually have enough emeralds from lootrunning to flip mythics. That's not something most people can do by the way, most people don't have 10 stacks sitting in their bank.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
  18. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    If you can afford the best gear and have luck...
  19. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    "It's a video game that requires a small bit of thinking and strategy to making money." I've also never flipped a mythic and in my bank is 3 stacks, 2 of which I made just in the past 30 hours-

    Oh, and I also haven't done a lootrun in months lol
  20. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    But getting the best gear is also entirely luck based so I guess you just need to get lucky?
    Care to share how you did that?

    Also curious what came out of those 50K chests, not flipping mythics doesn't mean you never sold any.
    "Because my last mythic was a mediocre Dawnbreak, I'm just gonna giveaway a few stacks after my next expensive mythic sale- Apr 26, 2020"

    Just to be clear, I don't think what you're doing is a problem, not at all, but calling it a skill anybody can learn is very misleading tone deaf at best. Also, it's not a problem that you got rich from a bad system, but that doesn't change the fact that lootrunning is an economic disaster when you look at the math and adding anything to reduce the amount done is a good thing. I want to be crystal clear that is my one and only point I am trying to make.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
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