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Info Im Team Applications + Item Rebalance Changelog

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Selvut283, Apr 10, 2017.

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  1. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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  2. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Whoa, what the freak did I just start here? XD I'll have a lot to reply to later today but for now I'm just gonna pick on a few things from a certain person...
    So you're saying my post along with Avidify's and any others' here are not fair and objective? And to your comment of the "community always wanting less nerfs and more buffs, and OP things," oh boy, that's not either a fair OR objective statement.

    Back to the one point; the whole reason why I'm making these posts publicly as opposed to privately is because how does one try and rally up constructive discussion by privately messaging a staff member? Likewise, how does one rally a social movement, or an alliance in a team game, without sharing information with those of equal power of themselves? ( in this case, non-staff) These kinds of conversations such as those that kicked off after my post last night, are ones that need to happen; it's a community forum, that's what this is meant for. Tell me, is there something wrong with this?

    Alright now you're just putting words in my mouth. I feel I've been speaking passionately, sternly, but by NO means am I "lashing out" at the Item Team! I wouldn't be saying things like "They don't seem to know where they are going" or words like "think, seem, im frustrated that etc" If I was really angry, I'd be using words like "idiot" I "hate the item team," I "think they're terrible at their job" but not once did I ever delve into that kind of territory! I literally have never even said "bad job" towards the Item team in ANY of my posts to my knowledge, because I'm not looking at this black-and-white.

    Also uh, wow, I don't think i once said anything about my favorite items and being salty about something in particular. A lot of the items I use in my current build weren't even affected in this particular update. (Except Finesse :/) Did I not say this loud and clear in my post...
    Yeah, we'll talk later SilverMirror
    Lemon likes this.
  3. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    In response to your first complaint, I don't think he was saying anything like what you are thinking he said. I don't honk he is saying you aren't fair and objective, but that if people want to talk to us and have something fair and objective to say, rather than just yelling, we will hear it openly.
    In response to quote number two, once again, I think you are taking this phrase too prrfpnally, where he is actually making a general statement that applies to everyone.
  4. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    That answers only the previous part of the quote that I removed.
  5. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    The 100-player servers as a choice was not up to the IM team, so if you want a for sure answer on that you would have to go elsewhere, but I'd guess that they did to facilitate more player interaction, even though it does hurt loot runs
    Thunder likes this.
  6. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Well I wish I was only taking it personally; the fact that Silver IS making a general statement towards everybody IS the problem! If Silver thinks these views "apply to everyone" then he is basically saying that everybody is ranting and don't make the 'proper' kind of complaints, and that is just NOT true. This is a matter of questionable perspective.
    Trash and Pokextreme like this.
  7. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    you're probably being a bit self-conscious about this, a lot of the points you quoted me are just responding to Avid, or as a PSA to anyone reading my posts.

    i find this
    and this
    the most hilarious, its almost like you tried not to pick a fight with me but that didnt work out. the first one arent even directed to you, avid pointed out people wants op things, and thats a mere respond to it, which is fair and objective. Misinterpreting facts to bend the argument to your favour is not really a professional behaviour, which is why its important to get your facts checked and make sure you understand the arguments happening, not to mention the overuse of sarcasm and passive aggressive making the whole thing really bland and almost devolved into the exact behaviour you said you werent doing.

    If you ask Avid, I'm sure he agree that the debate we just had is conducted in a fairly calm mannar with exchange of opinions and arguments, backed up with supporting statements. No one was flaming one and other.

    But anyway, yeh, calm down then we'll talk later
  8. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    I think they should increase loot chest respawn times and decrease the loot quality/quantity times (thus they get fuller faster) for the chests to compensate.
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
    TwageTomato and Pokextreme like this.
  9. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    relate to my last reply, generalisation was used for the sake of that previous argument
  10. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    They should really add more "mob drop only" type of items. Those already exist, but they are limited to only a few mobs, like Contamination can only be found from killing Jungle Fetishes.
  11. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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    Me and Silvah are not flaming each other, allow me to clarify that incase anyone thought otherwise. We were having a controlled respectful debate with nothing personal tied to it. I consider Silvah a friend, I have nothing against him we just have differing opinions on certain matters which is okay. Lets make sure this debate stays on track and doesn't involve flaming lmao that doesn't help anyone.
    Trash, SilverMirror and Pokextreme like this.
  12. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Sorry for extracting only small apart of this to reply, but i feel like you are objective enough to see things in a clearer picture so i'll leave the debate to someone else, I'll just address two minor details

    First of all, “Holier than thou” tone, we dont use that, we meme a lot with the guys over on discord and we're friends with a lot of them, but i can see why you would see us do that. In official replies like these we use "we" a lot to look more like a team, but it might give off a pressuring tone which is not true. A lot of the times we're just being polite and "look official" to avoid conflicts and keep up a good image for the CT, and to use more generalised and detailed explanations for arguments, as you said yourself, Item Team is the bridge of communication between the development side and the community, its equally bad if we're full on chill and nonchalant about topics and responses isnt it.

    Secondly, Medical and Sickness terms, Asphyxia is a reference to a song, a lot of things are directed as references to the IDs or to "paint a scene", are we being purposely offensive and rude about these? I'd disagree. Displacement of emotions are often found in people suffered through psychological trauma, which is understandable, but I regrettibly inform you and anyone else here that we cannot be held responsible for using words and terms to acustom for your emotional need. At most the item team will be a bit more considerate in issues like these in the future, but I dont think it is wise to focus on topic like these, just for avoiding controversy sake.

    Feel free to tag me if you feel like I should address some of your other points.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  13. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    except that doesnt happen a lot - and when it does, its usually minor
    take a look at the class builds section; theres a ton of very good and creative builds that wont pretty much never get nerfed unless new stuff happens, because theyre not abusing a mechanic or a broken item for example
    sounds great on paper, but doesnt work in reality. we'd have to redo the ENTIRE GAME, all the curves, edit all mobs and weapons, change up future updates, etc. and while i dont think its impossible, i feel like the way we've been handling things is much, MUCH easier and just a lot more convenient to base stuff around. imo, it'd be at best a minor upgrade over the current system because we'd have to nerf stuff anyways and i just dont think its worth the effort
    thats kinda what we've been doing so far though, and the ones you see that were changed that way are because, well, we couldn't nerf anything else without heavily hindering the item or making it straight up unusable or just not nerfing it enough to change it as we'd like. on the top of my head there's obviously shimmersight: we spent at least 1 month thinking about solutions and well, its been changed to what it is now thanks to community feedback and build testing
    i personally havent seen any of us talking down members of the community too much, but my point of view is completely biased, so eh. anyhow i too dont think its a very healthy thing for the IT/community relation, but at the same time, you have to understand that sometimes people just dont want to argue. whether their reasoning is morally right or not it doesnt really matter, we're people and we can feel shitty just like everyone else. going off track, but personally i dont interact much with the community other than memeing cause i know im a toxic dumbass whose only job it to make bad items so i dont feel superior to anyone in the community, but everytime i try to do interact for some reason people end up misinterpreting what i mean because i dont notice ive fucked up until its too late.
    tl;dr if we're being rude try to ignore what we said because its either not what we meant or its because not everyone can be a white knight 24/7
    i understand your point but i dont think its as much of an issue as you make it out to be; this is the internet where people get death treats at least 3 times a day. i dont think people are gonna get offended by an item name of all things, but since apparently thats an issue as selvut said we'll try to avoid doing this kinda stuff (also, there are so many items in the game that coming up with new ideas is hard, so personally i dont check if its gonna hurt people in some way, but thats just myopinion)

    sorry if i made any mistake, english is hard
  14. Lemon

    Lemon God has forsaken me CHAMPION

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    Alright this is going to be a doozy to respond to.

    First of all, Thank you for your reply.

    On the your response for the "Holier than thou tone.". Like I said, i'm not that active anymore, so I did not know that your were friends with them. However, you are a member of the staff team, so you be sure that your replies and debates represent wynncraft as a whole. as an outsider looking in, some of those replies look condescending and even rude, even if you are friends with people. IMO, you should try to steer clear of phrases like "Salty about there OP items being nerfed", becuase it gives quite the negative impression on the IT, and wynncraft as a whole.

    On the secondly point, I'm going to be brief. I do think that the item team should censor themselves to an extreme, nor do I think that those items with names I disagree with should be removed or renamed (except suicide.) However, It would be nice to keep item names away from such sensitive subjects, as I feel it gives a negative impression on wynncraft on people who see those items for the first time.

    Again, thank you for your reply.

    First point- I havent realy been active recently, so that may be why. However, I have noticed that a couple of times in which this has happened. However, I see your point.

    Second point. I do agree that I was kind of stupid in saying "moving up everything to that level. However, I still maintain the items SLIGHTLY over the power curve should be able to stay that way. The question for me for if it needs a nerf is "is the item overcentralzing for the style of play". if it is not, if the item does not more than slightly overshadow other options in its power bracket, then I feel as its fine to stay that way to prevent uneeded anger. and if the item team decides that it needs to be nerfed, then they should be incredibly careful not to neuter the weapon. I feel as though you guys have been doing a brilliant job at that, but there are a few minor items that I would never consider using after they were nerfed by the item team.

    Third point: I do agree that some people just want to argue, and that they are angry that there bug/game abusing item got nerfed. However, I have seen people with actual honest criticism get dismissed by the item team, and I believe that if people have honest criticism of Item balancing should be able to debate the Item team without being dismissed as "Salty that there items got nerfed" (sorry for bringing that up repeatedly, but I get really annoyed whenever I see it.

    Last point: see response to silvah

    Hopefully I don't come off as rude or argumentative in these points, If you guys want to continue the discussion feel free to respond in this friend or message me over pm's if you dont want to clutter the thread.

    Edit: Ik this is hypocritical but can we stop debating the point on item naming, I feel as though everything has been said at this point and it is just unnecessary controversy.
    Trash and AmbassadorArt like this.
  15. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Its unfortunate that you see it that way, I'm sure most of us already avoid using phrases like the aforementioned, even if there is a similar instance used like a few posts earlier it was used to address a similar topic. Whether its friends or not we do our best to provide formal and polite replies to serious issues, as you can see with me and Avid (long time friends in game). However whether the other person in debate (not addressing to anyone here) can handle opposing opinions is another issue that we have no control over.

    In general I'm confident the current item team keep up a positive image for the IT and CT, by being approachable in general and serious when needed. Feel free to let us know if there are rooms to improve beyond the mentioned.
    Avidify likes this.
  16. Lemon

    Lemon God has forsaken me CHAMPION

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    I do feel as though (wow I've been using that phrase alot) that you guys are doing a much better job, and most of my griviences against you and other members of the item team's responses were quite long ago. Also, again, I do not mean to be rude to you or other members of the item team, and if you have that impression, I am truly sorry.

    On room of improvement, I'm not well versed in community relations at all, so I don't really know anything else to improve. However, this specific reply could've been done without that shot against that person, even if he/she was not named.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply again.
    Trash and AmbassadorArt like this.
  17. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    wouldnt be honest if i say wasnt a bit let down by being suspicious of taking shots against certain people, if i wanna say ambassadorart i would, but i genuinely wasnt thinking about them when i made that statement and was simply stating the fact that its often to have people flamed on us simply due to unable to accept opposite opinions. but enough defending myself, i think i have cleared up enough for the current topic
    Lemon likes this.
  18. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    What am I, chopped liver?
  19. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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  20. Wynn: The Anime

    Wynn: The Anime Does not like anime VIP+

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    Why are some people hating on the disease/infection names, I think they are the best items in the game as they "convert" the real life troubles into power in game. Additionally their IDs that reflect their real life equivalents(Asphyxia have -air IDs) are the greatest part. I say keep up the names as they promote neat items and ID combinations.
    Tsuneo, Stag2001, Spinel and 2 others like this.
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