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If I Were To Make A Province...

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by pazon123, Feb 2, 2016.

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  1. Fread

    Fread Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i wonder will dern comes out first or fruma comes out first
  2. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks A Lone Wanderer

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    Probably Dern, because its not really a province, it's a realm
  3. Keeko100

    Keeko100 static VIP+

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    I'm going to guess Fruma; Dern just seems like the final destination of your adventure. However, the new storyline may provide access to a rudimentary part of Dern.
  4. pazon123

    pazon123 Game Dev?

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    Quest 1-
    A Odd little man

    In Gavel near where the dwarves set up, there is someone small, and different he is only called [T]. He Says this: "... I'm working on something. Please do not bother me. If you have to, come back when you are done around in Gavel."
    Once you've finished Gavel(For the most part), he says this:
    "Ah it's you again, mind if you help me this time? I really shouldn't be doing this but, I have some friends far away, but they can't come right now, so I really need your help. Can you go get a small piece of Thunder essence? I need to use it for this small machine. I hope to see you soon."

    Get Thunder essence from killing monsters with thunder weapons. (1:20 drop)

    "Thank you... it's starting up right now" (A small contraption next to him starts producing colorful particles. After a few seconds, it produces smoke and fire particles, then proceeds to explode.) "... I forgot to make sure it can cool down. I'll fix this, while I do, can you get me 3 water bottles and a Water essence? I'll continue to work."

    Get Water essence from killing monsters with water weapons (1:20 drop)
    Buy Water bottles

    "Great, this should work properly, I fixed it up as well." (The contraption creates a tornado of colorful particles for a few seconds. Then it is shut down) "Good, this machine works just how I want it... However, I would like to see if it does it's full purpose properly. Can you bring me [1 Depressing weapon of your class]? I'll show you what this will really do."

    Bring one depressing spear, shear, stick, or bow

    "Alright, let's see if this works." (The item is placed on top of the contraption, and the contraption starts making a tornado of the colorful particles. Magic is infused into the weapon. It seems as if the weapon was completely transformed) "Yes! Thank you so much... You know... I think you might be of help to the others. Not many know, but I've set up in Gavel, to try and live here. The underground is a very large place, but never new. Take this to the Priest in Nemract, just by Saint's Row. He'll explain more. Thanks again!"

    Quest complete:
    EXP, Emeralds
    1 Mysterious letter

    1 Upbeat Dagger, Wand, Bow, or Spear
    Fast Attack speed

    Level 100
    Class requirement

    +3 to all element defence
    deals 100 neutral
    deals 25 damage of each element

    +10% Walking speed
    +10% XP bonus
    +10% Loot Bonus
    +10% Melee and Spell damage
    +1 to All skills


    This once depressed item is now upbeat. It has been infused with all the elements of Wynn. He is proud.
    I'm not the greatest with weapons, any weapons listed won't be accurate.
  5. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    The quest is too easy for such a good weapon, but the idea of "cheering up" the depressing weapons is really clever!
  6. pazon123

    pazon123 Game Dev?

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    It's not supposed to be hard, it's supposed to be tedious... And if this is the first weapon of the province, I doubt there would be a problem, since this is after Gavel. I don't know XD
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