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Media I Need A Heal Pls - A Wynncraft Song Parody Of "i Need A Hero" [cringe Warning]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Dream, Nov 9, 2019.

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  1. Wind2048

    Wind2048 what am i doing with my life HERO

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    Aaah, well here it is :o
    (sorry if it's not 100% accurate I might've messed up in some spots, if I did let me know plz)

    Where have all the archers gone
    And where are all the bombs
    Where's my sweet sweet Andr-ew
    That could save me from the mobs
    Isn't there a Hunter that could spam some arrow storm
    Far from the CIB I dream of my guild app form

    I need a Heal pls
    I'm holding out for a heal pls 'till the end of the CIB
    He's gotta be Mage
    And he's gotta have gear
    And he's gotta be the fastest right now

    I need a Heal pls
    I'm holding out for a heal pls 'till the end of the CIB
    He's gotta come quick
    He's gotta heal much
    And he's gotta remove my slowness
    Remove my slowness

    Somewhere after boss 2
    When my gear begins to shred
    Somewhere just outside my range
    Just what I need to get
    Racing with a speed build even faster than turbo
    His pulses healing me and my spear begins to glow

    I need a Heal pls
    I'm holding out for a heal pls 'till the end of the CIB
    He's gotta be Mage
    And he's gotta have gear
    And he's gotta be the fastest right now

    I need a Heal pls
    I'm holding out for a heal pls 'till the end of the CIB
    He's gotta come quick
    He's gotta heal much
    And he's gotta remove slowness
    Remove my slowness

    I need a Heal pls
    I'm holding out for a heal pls 'till the end of the CIB

    Upon the ledge where the wall huggers meet
    And when the flexers place their totems
    I could swear there's someone watching over me
    Through the slow and the fire and the poison
    And the parkour and walls
    I can feel his approach
    Like an Ice snake in my pants

    I need a heal pls
    I'm holding out for a heal pls till the end of the CIB
    He's gotta be Mage
    And he's gotta have gear
    And he's gotta be the fastest right now

    I need a Heal pls
    I'm holding out for a heal pls at the end of the CIB
    He's gotta come quick
    He's gotta heal much
    And he's gotta save me from slowness
    Save me from slowness

    I need a heal pls
    I'm holding out for a heal pls 'till the end of the CIB
    He's gotta be Mage
    And he's gotta have gear
    And he's gotta be the fastest right now

    I need a Heal pls
    I'm holding out for a heal pls at the end of the CIB
    He's gotta come quick
    He's gotta heal much
    And he's gotta save me from slowness
    Save me from slowness
  2. Jamer_theGamer

    Jamer_theGamer CraftedCitizen VIP+

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    Now this? This is a top comment.

    Thanks so much!!! ^-^
    Wind2048 likes this.
  3. Wind2048

    Wind2048 what am i doing with my life HERO

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    Haha no problem, also edited my first comment on this post to include the subtitles so people don't need to go to the next page to see it lol :D
    Jamer_theGamer likes this.
  4. puttey

    puttey no McConnel dont kill me VIP+

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    Catchy song
  5. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    can't let this one drop from the number one position in the charts, sorry guys.
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