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I Miss Old Cinfras...

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by AndriX3S, Feb 3, 2021.

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  1. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    new cinfras is amazing and new, old cinfras was old and bland.
    new levtus is easier to navigate, and to explore. Old levtus had more life... but like no, that place was a nightmare.
    I mean think about it, if you were a villager riding an airship, would you rather the area be a bustling maze of chaos, or a nice and open area that is easy to navigate?
    Bwitty03 and Namakobushi like this.
  2. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I think you should learn to read before you write since I clearly called it open, spacious and tall. I said it should be bright and colorful since it was the capital city of the province of light, I never claimed it was colorful before. Don't try and put words in my mouth.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
    Shoefarts, MlecznyHuxel99 and H0Y like this.
  3. Ackro

    Ackro The true Elite Quadbrid! HERO

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    I don't see it as there being a right or wrong way to build. There are only different paths of styles you can go down and a part of the community and the CT have chosen one and gone with it, for good reasons, I know of that.

    The way old Letvus Airbase was built was based on how in medieval times, everything was fairly organically built up. When there was a need for further expansion, they simply constructed more where there was space. Generally, this could create quite compact designs to the town centers because we didn't have cars or even bicycles to get to faraway places quickly at that point. The following picture illustrates that very well.
    This feeling of compactness and level of organic building can generate a feeling of a "bustling and lively" place and also feel very cozy. The downside to this is that it is definitely more difficult to navigate. We decided to go with this style for Letvus Airbase despite the downside because it felt like it fit best with the "medieval transport hub"-story we wanted to tell with the airbase and it depicted the "chaos in the midst of order" which was very present in medieval times. Personally, I preferred this style. (Obviously, in the airbase it wasn't really mainly about buildings because there weren't many, but general decoration and path planning)

    However, this is not real life. This is a game where you have to take into consideration the gameplay and the perspective of the player, not just imaginary NPCs' perspective. That is, for example, why Ragni is planned with one main (very prominent, large) road straight outwards, to guide the player to new adventures. This perspective of what is good for gameplay advocates a more modern take on style. A more straight forward, minimalistic style. Have a look at this map of a more modern Western city.
    This way of organization and being straight forward is iconic of much younger, post-medieval, cities. It helps rather than hinders actual gameplay however the downside to this is that it, to me, lacks a real feeling of a lively and bustling place. It feels more like there are a lot of buildings but the citizens who live there have been forgotten. It simply does not represent the organic way of building in medieval times, for both the better and worse.

    Now, I don't think that Letvus Airbase lost all of the old feeling, but it definitely lost quite a bit. That is, however, a trade off you need to do as a member of the CT. You can't really have both easiness of gameplay and a cramped, genuine medieval feeling on the same level. So, I understand why the CT chose the path that they did in the end. It makes sense, from a gameplay perspective. I would personally not do that, at least to this degree, because I love when there is a genuine story in a build and when it's cozy (which the old airbase really was), but that is why it's good that there are other voices who advocate for good gameplay as well.

    One thing I have noticed however is that the general style of building seems to be moving towards a "mega build style". Do you understand what I mean? Looks good from far away but looks blocky when you get near. I really prefer when something looks awesome from far away, and then gets more and more interesting the closer you get. Can we get the "Grian's rustic house" building principle back?
    Shoefarts and Namakobushi like this.
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    so your telling me that you... want it to be bright and colourful... when the old one wasnt... and the new one is
    also you should learn how to write capital
  5. CashorCard

    CashorCard Apotheosis

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    Dying because you tripped on those slabs.
  6. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Bruh thats not his point

    Reread the post, and see what he was replying to
    Shoefarts and Sg_Voltage like this.
  7. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    wdym hes completely contradicted his point
  8. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Fair point, you should learn how to understand words since you clearly missed the entirety of what I said. If you think Cinfras is warm and colorful now that's fine but I don't think it is. Also, the fact that you think I'm contradicting my point is hilarious considering that you only came to that conclusion by not understanding what my point was in the first place. My original post was never really about pointing out the issues I have with the city, if you didn't understand that I can't help you.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
    Shoefarts likes this.
  9. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    old cinfras would have probably fit better on dead island like srsly it was just stone and spruce. If you call the new cinfras dark and moody then I think you should give the place a chance. Hell, even the bovemist church is colourful in new cinfras.

    either you're colourblind or stupid. Or both.

    The one thing I agree with. Feels more like a nuclear bunker than a bank

    Bright: Old: 0, New: 1. Colourful: Old: 0, New: 2. Spacious: Old:1, New: 2. The new cinfras better fits your criteria
    sounded like it to me
  10. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    This is the third time I've needed to tell you to go back and reread before writing since you are still, somehow, missing the entire point. What I initially wrote was a response to something somebody else said. I'm not arguing with your opinion, as I said before, if you like the new city that's fine, you might be surprised to hear I don't actually care, what I do care about it dismissing peoples opinions as being overly nostalgic or blind which is why I wrote what I wrote in the first place. You might also be surprised to hear, if the comment I was responding to was negative I would have still written a similar post, because again, my argument wasn't about the city, it was about the fact that it's wrong to dismiss fair criticism.

    Also, it's funny that you're calling the new Cinfras spacious when the roads are at the very least 2 blocks thinner and there's a giant lamp post in the center of the city for no reason which blocks line of sight to the airbase from the entrance.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
    Gogeta and AndriX3S like this.
  11. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    it dosen't matter if you were responding to someone or not, in the end you have an opposing opinion to me so in that case i have the right to argue my point. I noticed that you were quoting, but it dosent matter

    seems like you care considering you wrote 3 short essays about why old cinfras is better and how "stupid" i am even though the fact you were quoting someone dosent even effect the fact that i can reply or not

    Maybe you should learn how to read :)
  12. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    hey can we not argue over how some pixels look more colorful than others
  13. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    The formatting on that line was so bad I had a stroke trying to read it, use line breaks next time or a t chart or something, also, you only listed three things and didn't explain any of your reasons to allocate points so I don't really get what the point of that was in the first place anyways.

    If you want to argue you should have just said so, it would have been great if you had said that earlier considering I didn't come here to pick a fight.

    Finally, I guess I did write three short essays if you want to call them that, but considering two of them only exist to reiterate the point I made in the first one because of your responses I would say that's more on you then me.
  14. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    can we call this a day im getting tired of arguing over a block game
  15. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff warrior. HERO

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    I'm going to be frank, I haven't heard any reasonable comparison. Like, I've heard people say it looks like EO sure, but I've never seen anyone justify it at all. The best I've gotten is the roofs, but if you actually check EO, its not even close. Like, neither are the roofs in Lutho, which are usually flat.

    I'm going to be frank, I'm almost 100% sure the only reason people say this is the color palette, which is dumb. Just because two things share some colors doesn't mean they look the same. Does anything that's ever been built with a darker set of blocks look like EO to you guys? Is that how this works? I'm suprised I haven't heard someone say all the mansions near Lexdeal look like EO yet, they more so do then Cinfras any day of the week.
    Sg_Voltage, Namakobushi and ditsario like this.
  16. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    Actually, yeah.
    Here we have eldritch outlook.
    Here we have 1.20 Rodoroc, very similar to EO but without purple.
    Here we have 1.20 Cinfras, which looks nothing like either of them. The build style is vaguely similar, and they both feature dark roofs, I guess, but the color palette and actual area designs are so dramatically different that they end up looking completely different overall.
    Because why not, here we have 1.19 Cinfras, which looks incredibly messy and unnatural, but more importantly, also has dark roofs, just not nearly as dark.
    To be fair, I can see why people would like the colors of 1.19 Cinfras better than those of 1.20 Cinfras - it's supposed to be the central city of the light province, after all, so it's kind of strange for it to have such a dark theme. But saying it looks like eo is kind of silly, and saying 1.19 Cinfras was designed better is... subjective, of course, but I can't understand why anyone would think that, just looking at the two side by side. Yeah, 1.19 Cinfras felt more grand in certain ways (very large open spaces in the middle for some reason), but it also looks downright ugly from afar.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
  17. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    wait I thought Levigar is supposed to fill that job.
  18. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I actually agree that calling the two color palettes the same is kind of dumb, when you look at them side by side it's fairly clear that EO has a much more abstract(?) color scheme with all the wild blacks, purples and greens where as Cinfras is clearly a lot more grounded using gray, more gray, blues and reds with some white thrown in for good measure. One of the reasons why I don't really like the new Cinfras is the color palette but I don't think I would ever say it's the same as EO and I think that would be a bad argument to make.

    Here's why I think they look really similar;

    They both over-use concrete, which is not something I'm a fan of. The flat texture of concrete is good for a lot of things, but it also all looks the same. They also both use concrete as accents in the exact same way using blues low and reds high, EO uses purple and red where as Cinfras uses blue and orange (mostly), but since the textures are so similar it feels very samey to me. The fact that the main technique for both builds is mixing stone bricks and some shade of concrete also kind of makes them similar.

    Next, the roofs are a really good point that keeps getting brought up, but my main issue is actually with the way they do pillars. This applies to the Rodoroc gate too, but if you look at them, you'll see a lot of + shape pillars with stripes. They're all over the Levatus air base, they're on almost every gate in new Cinfras, there's close to a dozen of them on the Rodoroc gate and they're also a prominent design feature of EO. Another thing is the roads, EO has a very long and narrow road which is also present in new Cinfras, not to the same extent, but they're very similar, they even use the same materials to build out the road. The similarity of the architecture of two is uncanny, I'm 99% sure it's the same person who built both because the style is nearly identical.

    Basically, I guess what I'm trying to say is that Cinfras looks a little too much like what you would get if you ran EO through a color filter. It isn't really a single thing, it's the mix of a bunch of aspects in the architecture and textures. I don't really feel all that strongly about it myself but I think it's hard to deny that there's at least some similarity.

    And before anybody calls me out, I have a long list of reasons why I don't like new Cinfras and I promise looking like EO is not one of them.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
    Gogeta, Shoefarts and Druser like this.
  19. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I did like the messier style of old Letvus, the problem was that the single reason to visit it after the 3 quests involving it was at the very end of all the mess. I wish the new version got messier away from the people transporting flights and towards the goods transporting areas.

    I think the lamp post was added because someone complained that the city centre felt barren compared to that of Detlas and other cities.
    Shoefarts, Ackro and Sg_Voltage like this.
  20. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    You're totally right and I honestly thought those people were joking until they actually added it... I'm starting to think a lot of people don't really know what they're actually asking for :(

    Still better then beta 1 Cinfras tho, at this point I'll just take what I can get.
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