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Build I Gave Building Farmlands A Shot

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by KeytarAshes, May 24, 2016.

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  1. KeytarAshes

    KeytarAshes eternally monochrome VIP+

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    There's one problem though, this is single-player. I'm not sure if I can get VoxelSniper in single-player. And if I could, I would've used it by now. :P

    EDIT: Nevermind. I found a tutorial by Grian on handmade custom trees.
  2. PearlescentMoon

    PearlescentMoon Proud Block Placer Slave VIP

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    If you can, I would open up a local server for yourself to use. It stops those limitations of single player holding your potential back. :P Of course, by hand is always a possibility, but voxel is just a world of fun. :D A friend sent me all the files that make up a server and I have my own that I now mess around on. I'm sure you could easily get the same thing if you had a look around. :)

    Although, if you're perfectly happy in full handmade block by block, then well, I bid you good luck and best wishes. :D By hand sure is fun, but it is rather limiting.

    Also, yeah, he had two types of video tutorials in there. I just forgot how he did the most recent tutorial. xD
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