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How To Make Assassin Balanced! (72 Supporters!)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by XavierEXE, Mar 5, 2016.


Your take on Assassin?

  1. Assassin needs a HUGE nerf, it's so OP!

    8 vote(s)
  2. Assassin needs a bit of a nerf to be balanced.

    8 vote(s)
  3. Assassin is fine the way it is.

    42 vote(s)
  4. Assassin needs a bit of a buff to be balanced.

    87 vote(s)
  5. Assassin needs a HUGE buff, it's so UP!

    20 vote(s)
  6. I don't play assassin.

    26 vote(s)
  7. I don't care.

    21 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. ashdalf

    ashdalf wagoo wagoo

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    Well quests provide more than enough money to purchase a chestnut horse, or black one. So, there is no excuse.
  2. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I've tried to. I spent 12 le on brown horses and got nothing but browns in return. And I have +60% walk speed, vanish+Mana potion is more than enough for me
  3. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Except now we're back to the first issue with no other solutions. You need a mana potion to use vanish to go through there, but in order to use it for more than 3 seconds you need mana potions. But switching to a mana potion ends vanish.
    MagicGum and BeeMiner like this.
  4. MagicGum

    MagicGum #GrimNation VIP

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    The thing is warriors can use charge mid air, archers escape, and mages teleport. So it's pretty useless if you're trying to throw them into lava etc. Also, multi hits range is very small yet the reward isn't that big, mana is half of all ur mana without intelligence, doesn't do as much damage as your other spells, makes the target even FARTHER away from you, and more. Spin attack is probably better than multi hit in most ways which should not be happening comparing a lvl 1 spell to lvl 21
    XavierEXE likes this.
  5. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Plus, most places where people duel don't have water and lava, and this applies to mobs too. This thread is about assassin sucking in general, not just pvp.
    MagicGum likes this.
  6. MagicGum

    MagicGum #GrimNation VIP

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    True I was assuming he was talking about nether.
    I mean assassin can do fine in pve if played right which is selvuts argument but it's because the other classes can do finer without much effort is the reason it's not balanced.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  7. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Idk assassin seems fine. Just give it 70 movement speed instead of 60 and give them jump boost 1. My opinion
  8. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Incorrect. Their basic attacks have the exact same block-range.
    With Speed III, and judging by the speed of mana drain by the one video I have seen of it, you can get to a safe distance within only a second or two if you act efficiently or utilize the jump boost to get to someplace where you simply cannot be hit. Fight pragmatically, as an assassin would. Vanish was never meant for long-distance mobility. As I have said multiple times, this is an intentional handicap. Short-range mobility, Vanish is just as good as other spells if used properly. Use as a panic button, or to subtly reposition yourself. It should not take you more than a second to Vanish, hop up onto a small ledge, and unvanish to get yourself safe from an enemy if you are positioning yourself smartly.
    Smoke Bomb lasts for less time the longer it remains in the air. Only by throwing it directly nearby on the ground should damage reach levels that exceed Multihits(unless it is glitched).
    Multihits, before Force, is a bit difficult to work with, which only reinforced the high skill curve of the Assassin, due to the fact that each hit deals knockback in a random direction. Force may seem underwhelming compared to other upgrades, but it is entirely necessary. Removing it in exchange for an extra damage boost would kill the effectiveness of Multihits at high levels.
    {sarcasm}Thank you for skipping the content we worked so hard to make challenging, engaging, and fun.{/sarcasm}
    Vanish gives 20% damage reduction while vanished. Repeatedly Vanishing if stunned from far away will reduce the damage you take from subsequent attacks, and with the 100% defense of the Assassin, only heavily offensively-based classes should be able to kill you. you may not be left with much health, but there is a massive difference between surviving with 200 health and a death. In addition, Spin Attack's effect radius is actually quite deceptively larger than its damage radius. Even if your attack does not deal damage, you can still pass off effects and incapacitate your opponent. Have you ever noticed how enemies will appear to be affected by your attack, but not take damage? This is the reason.
    Skill curve. It is higher than other classes, and yet with my high-level Mage versus my slightly lower, but still quite high-levelled Assassin, seems to have more trouble fighting opponents despite being touted as overpowered. Perhaps it is simply my playstyle, but somehow I doubt that. Fighting pragmatically and learning the areas you fight in is essential as an Assassin; you must adjust to situations on the fly and know how to position yourself in the battlefield for maximum effectiveness. And, even after all of this, I am sure you will say that despite the points I have made it is still underpowered...so I will say this: Playing as Assassin is exhilarating in heated battles. Despite all of your complaints, it is still very much possible to have fun with the class. I am sure at least one of you will have fainted in shock at your computers at this revelation. It fares just as fine as other classes, even if learning to play it is tougher than with the others, but it is far from underpowered.
    BeeMiner and MagicGum like this.
  9. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    1. Well then Smoke Bomb is bugged because it's damage is insane.
    2. I know the the mana drain is a handicap and it's not for long distance, but why did they INCREASE the rate mana drain at in vanish with the Gavel update?
    3. An assassin's spell that makes it invisible (The reason it's called an ASSASSIN) should be more than just a panic button.
    4. Yes, you survive with 200 health, but then you're out of mana because of the cost of vanish plus the mana drain, and then you go to use a mana potion and vanish ends because wynncraft logic, and then you die because you are out of mana and not in vanish.
    5. Mage is considered op because of how heal works right now. If you have lots of health left, it's op, but it's horribly up in a pinch. That's why I am making a mage balancing thread next.
    6. Assassin has a lower range stat than Warrior when you make a character, so why do they have the same range?
    7. On your point of repeatedly vanishing to gain defence, you need to take into account 3 things:
    -Getting hit removes vanish
    -Mana does not regenerate in vanish
    -We only have 20 mana
    We can't just simply spam vanish like that, but you can cause your assassin regenerated mana in vanish because it's bugged.

    I await your response.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
  10. MagicGum

    MagicGum #GrimNation VIP

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    After repeatedly vanishing your left with no mana, no movement, and little to no health. It'll only be a matter of seconds before a meteor gets thrown onto you, arrow bombed, etc. You will also find that sneaking up on an opponent will often lead to you having no mana at all which then leads you to spamming your melee attack which is supposed to be assassins strong point but is very ineffective. Then you slowly watch yourself get 360 no scoped. If you do have mana by saving it until a person is close, you spam a couple spin attacks ok and now you're out (assuming other person is close to your level) then you prepare yourself to get 360 no scoped. Right now probably the only effective way to pvp against your own level as an assassin is waiting for others to lower another person's health before going in for the kill which should not be our strategy.
    Just wondering, what level is your assassin because once you get to around 89+ you start finding that it takes longer to kill an enemy and watch your fellow archers, mages, and sometimes warrior one shot the mobs. While you spam spin attack 2-4 times and cri ;(
    If your just hopping on a small ledge I highly doubt you'd be safe from the enemy. You would have to go higher and that takes more mana making vanish the most consuming of all the transport spells. And since assassin is already short ranged you're essentially distancing yourself which makes you even more disadvantaged because we have to use vanish to cover that distance we just made and lose all of it. Archers and Mages distances themselves because they are a class that is ranged and will benefit from this. Warrior uses charge to get into close quarters because they are a tank. And now you're implying us assassins use our vanish to run away ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
    XavierEXE likes this.
  11. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Selvut is a hypocrite, saying it's made for only short distance travel then saying to use it for travel.
    Come on @Selvut283
  12. MagicGum

    MagicGum #GrimNation VIP

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    So we just play assassin to have fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). It's probably a tougher class and has a tougher learning curve because it's not as overpowered as the other classes lul. Plus I never said assassin was underpowered, I'm just saying the other classes are better so it's not balanced imo.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  13. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    The damage rate is fine; what I am saying is the longer the Smoke Bomb is in the air before becoming the smoke, the less time the smoke will last for, reducing its damage by way of hitting less. This means using it for long-range combat is ineffective. At least, that is how it ought to be.
    As I have never experienced the mana drain, I would not know.
    I cite my battlefield repositioning tactic. In addition, the mana drain is not enough that you cannot use it for distraction and trickery. I have watched the rate of drain on a video, so I know what I am saying when I say that taking a second or two to disappear and reappear elsewhere and throw off your opponent should not take more than a second. This will not reduce your mana bar entirely like you seem to insinuate it would.
    If they are hitting you from a distance while you are stunned, the Vanish would not cause drain because each hit would unvanish you. Your mana would drain because you are repeatedly casting it, but the reduction should be enough for you to limp away since Vanish is low-cost and even if your mana is 0(I have tested this with the Recharge helmet's massive negative mana regen) you will not unvanish.
    I am talking general combat effectiveness rather than heal.
    The spells of the Assassin have shorter than the Warrior's. The Assassin generally focuses on single-target damage while Warriors attack via AOE for the most part, so the Warrior has generally higher range than Assassin due to their roles.
    I reiterate my previous points.
    Excuse me? I specifically said it was not meant to be used for travel. Please cite where I said it was to be used for travel. It can be used to quickly reposition yourself on the battlefield safely, however. The trick is you have to fool the players would would be aiming at you into thinking you've gone in a direction you have not. Smoke particles be damned, players will keep following your initial movements before you Vanish, and the massive puff of smoke released initially will mask your first few steps. It should only take a moment or two to get behind an opponent, and unlike how you want me to believe, Vanishing does not instantly reduce your mana to zero. If you are frustrated at how expensive the spells are, invest in some Intelligence. 40 intelligence should cut your spell costs by 1/3 and still leave you with plenty of other skill points to invest in, as well as increasing the damage of Multihits since it deals water damage.
    What, are you incapable of hitting the movement keys while unvanished? If they are assaulting you like that from faraway and you are reducing their damage via Vanish, they will not have the mana to use those spells on you anymore, allowing you to escape. You do not need to use Vanish to sneak up on an opponent. Despite the strength-boost you gain from it, that is only to be used very tactically. Again, I cite the almighty SNEAK KEY. Hide around a corner, wait until someone walks by, Vanish, rush, attack. Your spell will gain the strength-boost and if you are playing well the entire process should take less then two seconds. If you are using Spin Attack, rapidly combo that into a flurry of basic attacks(learn the timing of each attack; spam clicking makes it much less effective on fast weapons!) or Vanish away(assuming you have 0 Intelligence). If you have the leftover mana, combo it into a Multihits, or just use Multihits immediately. Use Force to direct their movement so that their attacks will miss you(move while doing this to aid), preferably into a hazard of some kind such as a long drop or lava. Again, knowing the area you are fighting in will help this immensely.

    83, about to reach 84. While I have not challenged Qira yet(as I plan to wait until I am at-level to do so), I have gotten through the entire Hive as a Lv 80 Assassin while I was not able to do the same as Mage(who was Lv 87 at the time, 89 now).

    I cited the ledge-hopping as a PVE tactic, though in the Nether you can use this to get into little nooks and crannies that other classes cannot get out of. Again, SNEAK KEY. Ranged classes may loose an attack your way, but if you are Vanished you should be able to survive this, and the damage indicator is too far away for them to see in the situation you describe, so they will move onto another target...but become suddenly much more paranoid, making it easy to fake them out and attack later. Warriors? They may try to get up close, but if you are up against them you should not use that sort of hiding place. Again, knowing the area is essential.
    BeeMiner, MagicGum and XavierEXE like this.
  14. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    And may I say I enjoy being able to debate with people like you without it turning into a flame war.
    BeeMiner and MagicGum like this.
  15. MagicGum

    MagicGum #GrimNation VIP

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    By no movement I meant how you cannot sprint with no mana left. If you get stunned by a mage, the slowness lasts a longer period of time so I don't care what defense buff vanish gives you, chances are your dead by 2 meteors or even 1. Archer can easily spam you too not mentioning how their arrow shield and escape + shift damage is a ton of damage. Also, if you're sneaking up on an archer and an archer sees your footprints or suspect something, they can use escape and pound down. Same thing with mages where they spray ice snake everywhere.
    Also, your strategy is acting like the other person can't react at all. Archers can easily arrow bomb close range/escape away/arrow shield. Mages can soooo easily just teleport far away. Warriors will literally turn on you and uppercut you while the stun wears off. If the opponent has full health, you're going to have to spam a LOT of spin attacks(and a LOT of waiting for mana regen because the more spells you do in a row, the more it costs) and multihit will just blow the other person away like a breeze and forcing you to lose more mana if you go after them.
    So assassin is still a viable and great class, the point I was trying to get across a lot earlier before you came was how vanish is not as good as the other transport spells which makes it unbalanced. This is because the distance a mage, warrior, or archer can get by their transport spells is less mana hungry than how much mana an assassin has to go through and their transport spells are instant while vanish is not instant. My suggestion to balance this out is for mana drain to be removed or lessened and just use the timer as to when you'll be unvanished. Another suggestion would be change it back to before where there was a timer and mana drain but the mana drain is really slow.

    I think assassin is a great class and very viable, it's just that some things about the assassin is not balanced considering the other classes. I know that all classes have to be different but if you compare the other classes, they are all very much balanced.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  16. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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  17. SeanThomas2

    SeanThomas2 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    if you want to talk about unbalanced stop talking about assassin and look at archer. Also why do you think horses were added into the game, but even if you want to use a movement spell in combat then build around int and mana regen/steal so you will always have mana. You can play any class how you like but playing them in certain ways is better for doing certain things.
  18. MagicGum

    MagicGum #GrimNation VIP

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    I'm comparing the transport spells themselves.
  19. SeanThomas2

    SeanThomas2 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    well if you are comparing them then why were you talking about all the other spells and over all balancing
  20. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    I'm not talking about it being useful for long distance, I'm talking about the mana drain in vanish being absurd. And mana steal/regen don't work in vanish, so the problem is STILL A PROBLEM. I don't want it to be a long distance movement spell, I want it to be useful for what it's supposed to be useful for: fighting. Right now it's useless.
    MagicGum likes this.
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