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How many provinces are there?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by luckeyLuuk, Apr 18, 2023.


Which of these is/are provinces?

  1. Wynn

  2. Gavel

  3. Fruma

  4. Corkus

  5. Silent Expanse

  6. Ocean

  7. there is another (please comment)

  8. there are more that we don't know about (please don't comment)

  9. none of the above (no provinches? :( )

  10. Bloomi

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  1. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Arguing that it's anything but 3 is like trying to argue that fableds count as mythics. We decided what is and isn't a province. The real world definition of province doesn't really match the Wynn definition, and the word was probably picked purely because it was unique over the areas being true provinces. Saying that something that isn't a province would be like claiming Panic Zealot is a mythic. It just isn't, we didn't make Panic Zealot a mythic, Panic Zealot isn't a mythic.
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    At the very least Corkus can be a province in our hearts :3
    TrapinchO likes this.
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