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Media How Good Is The Wynncraft Forgery Chest?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kmaxi, Mar 2, 2021.

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  1. its a scam alright
    i know this because i tried buying corrupted keys
    just the god damn corrupted decrepit sewers is 1 le
    the rest are around 4-8 le
    i just relied on dungeon bombs but thats terribly inefficient
    dont run forgery for mythics
    its like a 1% chance for like .32-1 stx
  2. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    Here I was just talking about the mythic chance but alright, since you wanna bring all these fancy salted statements about what the forge chest should be then it sucks at them, first off, you will get more exp by running cur 7 times than forge chest, aside from the increased survivability chances that you have in cur, compared to a place like CIB where if you screw up you're on your own and now you're 10 rooms behind your team, cur is easier to catch up, the forgery chest at max gives 1.400.000 exp (I think) and with the added exp from the other dungeons that sounds mildly good but running CUR is just faster, cheaper, and more effective at making you lvl up, now for the lootrunning aspect, is not required to have gear to lootrun, sure it gives a greater chance but is not required, as of the routes, yes you can copy them from others and they'd be reliable even if they're missing a few chests, also I'm pretty sure you also need the same emeralds and effort to get gear to survive the dungeons and properly run the forge chest, as of the other rewards, 70% rune chance sounds good but in the end it ends up with 3 Nii runes and 1 ToL rune, wich you can get far easier by just farming either Nii guardians or avias, wich yet again is faster than doing the forge chest, the token reward seems good but over time they are just gonna be a waste of space, and lastly emerald reward,after you spent 20$ on dungeon bombs or 20 LEfor keys you get a whopping 650 emeralds, wowie the forgery chest sure is useful, I'm certain I can get more money and mythics by grinding mobs, if you grind royal bug ruins with a mob totem and a loot bomb you get 100 times more money than the forgery chest could ever give, so yeah, the forge chest is just a bad addition, negative in every way possible
    Sg_Voltage and PikaPrince like this.
  3. PikaPrince

    PikaPrince Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Bro idk what's going on but if you really want to find mythics atm the real only viable way is either mob grinding or just loot running so hf watching youtube videos or listening to podcasts while clicking chests lol
    Dr Zed and Shots like this.
  4. 4Shady2Me

    4Shady2Me Well-Known Adventurer

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    I was never arguing that the chest was good, only saying what I thought were the effects of the chest and that we should be grateful that it is there to offer a slight chance of getting a mythic outside of the loot that drops when you clear a dungeon. I would agree that it would not be wise to spend too much money on it.

    Your first scenario implies that there are people are buying all 7 keys, however practically not everyone buys all keys, some also gather the materials themselves which can lower their expense. If demand for keys are not raising then why is the price raising if people are already not buying them? More so if more people are leaving keys and going to farm runes, it gives the opportunity to other players can take their place farming keys to earn a decent amount of money, providing more supply to what you say is a potentially low supply market, helping to decrease the price of keys.
    The only evidence I have of this "demand" was from the large amount of complaints I've been seeing about the chest being a scam, implying that people are running solely for the chest therefore creating that "demand created by stupidity". With this the forgery chest might not have been the sole factor in this case, but was a contributing factor and could have been the sole if raids were never a thing, as many people would have still rushed to buy keys since they saw the chance to get a mythic. The evidence is in the comments of the forgery chest's reveal.
    I have no stats for you since I do not monitor the market nor am able to see every purchase that goes through it.

    As for where the money goes, my point was not for the gain of one person(Your point of discussion), but for the gain of the economy as a whole as the emeralds used to buy keys would benefit the players selling them, providing more money to circulate through the market as those emeralds are spent.

    I never said that if you want XP then you need to run all 7 dungeons, you can simply run CUR and collect the chest between runs so you have a small bonus, that to which I agree with you, however I disagree with your statement about "If you want mythics, you won't get them" since there is literally a chance you can get one, nothing guarantees that you would not.
    As for pot farming, I would not look at this objectively since I never said that mythics/money were to be the main reward, just XP, and I want to factor in player enjoyment, think that some people(does NOT have to be you) would prefer to take a risk to spend their money doing dungeons rather than sitting in one spot and breaking pots for an hour. Several factors that can influence the method of farming pots and dungeon farming would be joining a dungeon party and collecting the falling loot drops when a dungeon is completed which most people tend to ignore, or running a stealing build.

    There is a big "if" in that "if you have enough money, just buy a mythic", it excludes many players since obviously not everyone is not rich enough to buy a mythic but can afford a few sets of keys, most players also do not have the time to put in for hours seavale grinding. I agree with everything else after that statement since again, I am not saying that the chest is a good enough reason alone to run forgery.

    You still misunderstand the value of the chest, like I said in my earlier response(to voltage) it is a bonus, a bonus that is meant to be small, not large, it is not supposed to be something that gives players the opportunity to perpetually run dungeons. We can argue about how it is too small but I have nothing to say about that.
    Like I typed earlier in this response to the voltage, if you want XP then you can run CUR only while opening the chest(giving a small, but extra amount of xp) in between runs unless you are lazy enough to not even do that.
    You are underestimating the "few missing chests", All public routes of rodo and sky that I have seen are missing more nearly half of what can be found. If you want evidence
    Here is the standard rodo lootrun(found on the lootrunner discord which is what most youtube channels copied)
    Now here is the one I use

    That right there is a 42 chest difference, sure the standard routes have a good amount and are "reliable" but takes 0 effort to copy and follow like you said, however if you explore, you can see how much you are missing out on
    I would also think that you would not need as much emeralds for dungeon farming since you can lootrun for pots(I do this a lot for raids) and also gather a decent gear set for yourself(which does not need scrap to maintain) while looting said chests for pots. Loot quality gear on the other hand, cannot be found in chests, costs a lot on the market and even more to buy scrap to keep repairing it, or takes a lot time to obtain yourself if you want to level professions(to also produce your own scrap supply), the same effort can also be put in for doing dungeons but I was upset about your statement of lootrunning not needing "time and effort" when you say later that it does with the comparison between running dungeons and lootrunning.
    Again, I would agree with you saying that the reward is bad if you are running the forgery only for the chest, I was only trying to say that there is no negative in running the forgery like you used to(for leveling) and having a small bonus while doing it.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
    AlleonVera likes this.
  5. daproguy

    daproguy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Welp this entire thread and video is now pointless because they changed the foregy chest
  6. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    Hope the new forge chest is at least mildly better than the other one, havent gotten time to test it
  7. HV_Metal

    HV_Metal Convergence VIP

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    It gives a lot more runes, emeralds, forgery scrolls, that new soup, weak xp pots, dungeon exclusive legendary items (Tisaun's Valor, Gale's Sight, etc.), aswell as prob mythics.
    FoxxoChan likes this.
  8. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    woah what, gales sight in the forgery chest!?!?!? changed my mind the forgery chest is the best addition in the history of wynncraft since the trade market and the best addition to modern society since sliced bread, damn i needed that helmet
    dr_carlos likes this.
  9. Kmaxi

    Kmaxi Well-Known Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    I mean, I don't say that I am not grateful for it, I think I don't ever mention what I think about it just try to analyze the facts. The video is just about how good it is to get mythics
    dr_carlos likes this.
  10. EdgeLord

    EdgeLord Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Tbf there won't ever be an easy way to grind mythics. Thats what gives them their value, a reward for doing forgery is good considering a lot of players use corrupted for gxp. Even a 1% mythic chance is decent if you are planning on running forgery dungeons anyway
  11. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Does anyone know what Forgey Chain Pieces are for?
  12. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    I see the forge run as more as something you do for fun and then the rewards come after. If you want a mythic go do lootrunning or something but if you wanna do something that won't make you want to jump off a window but also has potential for a high reward then forge is pretty good. As well as that in the new patch there's a lot of other stuff you can get now, rather than just runes, dungeon rewards and a possible mythic.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
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