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How Did You Come Up With Your Username?

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Glitch496, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. stop

    stop Well-Known Adventurer

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    My old username was Archer9063. I choose that cause... While I was first getting minecraft.. (I'm been playing mc since 2012) ehhh my friends were all like.... WHAT IS YOUR USERNAME.... then we sat for about 10 minutes and they were still waiting for me to pull out a response.... Then I just pulled the word, Archer. Then I put some numbers in my lunch id in there. My user is now ArchDestroyer cause....... Destroyer part was from me being a boss at bows and people usually time to time say I have aimbot. Also... I rekt other archers... unless you go against my brother...... then I get rekt horribly.
  2. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    My original username (that was changed only a few months ago) is DeathInevitable.
    This had two origins: The friends who introduced me to Minecraft only showed me PVP minigames. For whatever reason, it only took me a few deaths to be better at them, so they joked "He'd always kill us." Hence, death.
    The other half comes from my generally pessimistic nature; watching a marathon of crime shows, working on homework for a religious unit in ancient civ, and a few family tragedies at the time, I became bitter with the fact so many people run from it. A trip to the thesaurus and a birthday gift later, I was known as DeathInevitable.

    Eventually, I PvP'd less and ended up getting invited to a roleplay modded server. I figured I'd give it a shot, and the person who taught me a little about the modpack had wings and a tail. I thought that was cool (everything was cool, I'd only played vanilla up to this point) and wanted to see if I could get the same for myself.
    I like dragons, always have, and soon found myself looking like a dragon. That became my character; a bipedal, humanoid dragon.
    I threw some syllables together, made a name for my character, and the roleplay server ran its course; the lore wasn't very good and it didn't last long. I ended up making my own backstory while I was bored.

    Then the server died. I had invested a decent amount of time in my story, though... I wanted to know how it would end. I hit writer's block; I couldn't think of a world, the lands, those who lived there, but I had one hope to see it through: a year old forum account (not on these forums)

    I made my story into a forum RPG where I rose in fame, bringing Void Rift to just over 1300 posts before it died.
    Of course, in running that, I made even more of a story and I hadn't reached the end. Sequel time!

    Ragnyon's Prophecy is still running and has over 3k posts. The story's coming to a close, and I'm satisfied...
    ...except for one character I couldn't implement that I really wanted to.


    No matter what I tried, I couldn't get him in the story in a way I liked. I ended up making a minor extension to explain why he's there, but that was after I became attached to him.

    Back to Minecraft, I grew tired of being called "Death." It was easy, people still call me that, but people were jumping to conclusions. They thought that just because I had Death in my username, I was good at pvp, pvp was all I did, that I was naturally a cruel person.

    This time, I had a name to switch to. There were much fewer prejudices that would come to mind when someone saw "Exvhius."
    Rawb and Dees like this.
  3. EPdog

    EPdog Happy Adventurer :)

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    When I was younger I made up this really random game where you got your initials (hence, EP), and if you had a pet you would put what pet you had after your initials (hence, dog). So mine was EPdog. I started to use EPdog as my username in almost every game I played. When I came across Minecraft (Read the spoiler to see how I discovered Minecraft), I thought EPdog was a great username. So there we go, the story of how I became EPdog.

    When I was about 9 my best friend bought Minecraft Pocket Edition. I watched her play and thought it looked quite interesting. I had heard about it, but never really played it. I was instantly hooked, and eventually got Minecraft Pocket Edition for myself. I created heaps of worlds, but as time got on, got a little bored of the variety of blocks. I had watched heaps of youtubers play Minecraft PC Edition, so I knew about all the amazing things you could do! My parents eventually got me Minecraft on our PC. I was SO excited, I played for many endless hours. A few months later, I was surfing the web and found a site that advertised Servers, Skins, Mods and Texture Packs! I got help from some friends and spent all day downloading them! Then a few years later I found a server called Wynncraft... and that's how my adventure began!
  4. Darwin_Derp

    Darwin_Derp Bringer of Banter VIP+

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    I'm not sure where Darwin came from, but I've been using that for quite a long time in other games. I think it was from a movie I watched when I was younger.

    The Derp part came from when YouTube intergrated with Google+, changing people's username to their real name. I didn't see the option that allowed you to keep your username (which I wanted to change anyway), so I chose to change my "real" name. The Darwin part was an easy choice, but I needed a last name as well.
    This was around the time that things like the trollface etc. were still new, and I randomly just picked up derp from that.

    Since I'm not very creative, I used that name on minecraft as well.
  5. Jeremy©

    Jeremy© Famous Adventurer VIP

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    I played on a quite nice server for years. There was a head admin called xRossDx. He was a nice guy and liked to chat with us in a skype group(I became a mod). I couldn't think of username when I was purchasing Minecraft since all usernames I wanted were taken. My name irl is Jeremy Cwhatever so my username became xJeremyCx.(He even asked me why did I copy his username).

    Mojang announced name changes. I kept refreshing the name until a 'Change' appeared beside my username. Typed in 'Jeremy' and it was available :D
    Apparently this username has got me "popular". I got 3 pages of friend requests in Mineplex and also 10+ realm invitations from random players...
    Glitch496 likes this.
  6. Dees

    Dees Not associated with my nuts.

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    A horrendous mistype of the word 'Destiny'.

    For real though, I always loved the word Destiny for some unexplained reasoning. I told myself that my future sons and daughters are all going to be named 'Destiny', as well as the pets.

    At first, I was going to name myself 'Deestiny' as Destiny itself was taken. Then again I thought, it's not really that original. Previously, all of my usernames on many different social media/games etc. was 'Destinyer', as in a made up word that is ment to represent one who makes the destiny, one who is its creator. I don't know, some bs like that.

    In the end, I chose to be 'Deestinyer'.

    I like it though, my friends find it easy to call me 'Dee', and my name is always hilariously misinterpreted on many occasions.
    DarkSamus9000 likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Oh my oh my. This goes WAY back...

    So I was like third grade at the time. You know how little kids have an over active imagination? I had it more than most. I guess you could call me crazy. I thought there was this whole other world out there, filled with magic and unbelievable things! I imagined that fantasy world and called it Ibahah. I was King Spyro Hawk, king of Ibahah. I never really let go of that story. I thought about it so much that I used it for all my usernames. I never really let it go. After a while I convinced myself I was mentally insane and none of it was real. But I never forgot. I tried writing a book series so that I would always remember. It had its own world, lore, people, and language. That's where Al Simula comes from. Now if anyone asks I just say it's from a book I tried writing once.
  8. MidnightRemix

    MidnightRemix Hunter =^.^=

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    Midnight because the nighttime is my favorite time of the day. I don't know how to explain it I just feel more relaxed and wore alive I guess during the night.
    Remix because I like music and hearing the remix versions of songs.
  9. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    My irl name is Z***. My parents would call me an elephant when I was four or five, because I remembered everything. So one day, I was playing Scrabble on my Mom's ipad, and she asked if she wanted to play a game with me. I said yes, and she set up an account. It was "Zelefant", and I've stuck with it since.
  10. Troll4ever31

    Troll4ever31 Designed to be a moron.

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    A few years ago, i watched this shitty shit ass shit minecraft parody called "ban4ever" that was really shitty.
    For some reason i came up with Troll4ever, and when i got mc i wanted to get that name, but it was taken, hence the random 31 behind it.

    And i still got the name because.. I can't come up with something better, and people know me as Troll4ever31, even though im not a troll.

    Ps: that parody was shit.
  11. Ekriul

    Ekriul .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. HERO

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    My first Minecraft IGN was TheProudDerp, which is a major cringe. I had that name for a couple of years, 2012-2014 I believe. After gaining some taste for IGNs, I racked my brain trying to come up with an original one. I really like having one-word names, with no numbers or underscores, because it proves how original you are. So, after a couple hours of thought, I came up with "Misused", and I don't think I ever plan on changing it.
    Zencet likes this.
  12. DarkSamus9000

    DarkSamus9000 What do I put here? VIP+

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    The backstory to my IGN is pretty simple. Ever since I was 7 I was a huge fan of the Metroid series of games. For the longest time my IGN in online shooters remained the same, but when I came to Minecraft it was taken. The IGN I came up with for MC was improvised: I was thinking, "Who's my favorite character in Metroid?" So DarkSamus came to mind. It was taken, so I added a random not-so-stupid-sounding number on the end. (Absolutely no relation to the "over 9000" meme as I didn't know about it)

    I changed my name back in February of last year to DarkSamus, but quickly back again because the 9000 had quickly grown on me.

    Interesting how we both came up with the exact same number under the same circumstances.
  13. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    I just found a random username generator, I wasn't that creative back then
  14. cloud yeehaw

    cloud yeehaw perfectly centered reimu floating midair

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    Alright, so looooooong ago, when I was pretty young and setting up my minecraft account, I decided to make my username. I liked spy stuff at the time and my dog's name was Benny. I combined the two to get AgentBenny. I ended up regretting it after like 1 year. Never occurred to me that people would think I was a boy. When Mojang announced name changes, I think I literally sighed of relief. Now, I had to make up a new username. I was starting to use Clouded as I freaking loved air-based magic in fantasy stuff, and I was also into pokemon. I combined Clouded with my favorite pokemon, Altaria, resulting in Cloudaria. It was a savior to have an original username. Now, I'm actually growing out of Cloudaria. Think I'm going with something like Lunalux or Lunavia or something night-related. Maybe keep to my cloud-based username. (part of this change soon is also due to a lost bet...)
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
  15. Kahlfin

    Kahlfin Amazing Swimmer

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    I came for the stories, but stayed for the John Cena meme.

    My name came from a particularly famous comic:
  16. DanMetroArnold

    DanMetroArnold DMA HERO

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    When I initially made my username, it was going to be "Megakid_Studios" but Mojang said "That's too long, try again!" so I went with "MK_Studios" but then they said "that username has been taken" (Keep in mind, this was back in 1.6) so I changed it to "_MK_Studios_" and somehow it was accepted. When they offered the UUID format instead of username I tried "MK_Studios" again and then they said it was good to go!" Unfortunately my friend uses Usernames instead of UUID for his server so I had a new profile on his server. After this fiasco, I joined Wynncraft and kept my username until today!
  17. Zekyoucon

    Zekyoucon Well-Known Adventurer

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    believe it or not, i did not get my name from ZexyZek, I actually got it from another youtuber called "EditZP" (his ign was Zekkyou) so i just added the Con and boom
  18. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    Used to be wolvesareawesome.
    i wonder why

    Now it's Dravern, as all of my other names are.
    It's a portmanteau of Dragon (albeit pronounced like Drake) and Wyvern (my favorite of the two)
  19. not bagged milk

    not bagged milk bagged milk VIP+

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    It's a planet and I burnt my tongue at the time.
    So I got SaturnFire
    Glitch496 likes this.
  20. Chino

    Chino Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I was called Chino a lot in high school haha
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