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Lore/Story Hive Drabbles: Tasogare Oyaji

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Selvut283, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    My question is what interactions Gale has with Ohms while she's working as Qira's Caretaker/Leader of the Air division. Is Ohms' spirit even tangible like Gale's is? Do they talk anymore?
    also i'm not sure if this is a necropost since it's like 32 days since the last post but rip
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
  2. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    Who's Ohm? I only know an Ohms.
    7Red_Dragon7 likes this.
  3. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    gonna go stealthily edit my post so yours doesn't make any sense since I can't deal with my own ignorance k bye
  4. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    you cannot escape the sins of your actions
  5. Hens1123

    Hens1123 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    wynncraft hentai incoming bois
  6. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    are you going to write more? this is highkey nifty
  7. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    As a matter of fact, yes.
    If he were being honest with himself, he was expecting the wait. Twenty minutes or so; of course the Psychomancer would not have utilized the Void Artisans’ networks of portals to bring the servant up. He had prepared for that. He had not, however, prepared himself for which servant in particular that would have been sent. The Thunder division had few creatures capable of verbal communication; many were made sheerly for the war effort rather than to be autonomous and livable away from the Hive after a certain incident. But the shuffling noise coming from the other end of the tunnel left him questioning. The Bishops could speak... The Lamigeists were capable of rudimentary knowledge... The Shamba Halla were able to psychically communicate... Did he send up a collapsed Huwa Kam Bali, to elongate the process, he wondered.

    And then it turned the corner into view. Some eight-foot tall, shambling thing. Dark, rotted-looking skin hung off the bones in scraps, and its leather wear was just as tattered. Torn up in all different spots, with a fiercely hooked blade in what appeared to remain of its left hand. Staring nearly face to face with the Vanguard, he sighed in exasperation.

    “You are one of the Akan Haram, yes? Are you capable of speech?”

    First, it nodded curtly. Then, raising its free hand to its mouth, it cleared its throat with a horrid, rasping choke, before speaking in a voice of similar quality. Water torture given vocal cords.

    “Yes... The Master dislikes you. Unsure why.” Its teeth clacked together loudly as it finished its statements. “What is needed of me?”


    After some time had passed, Qira slowly found herself wakening in her bed. Her sleep had been deep, and dreamless; or at the very least she found herself unable to remember any of the details of what dreams she may have had. Unfortunately for her, she found herself equally as ill as before she nodded off. Slowly swiping the hair away from her eyes, she sat up in the bed, throwing the soft blankets off of her top half, and surveyed the room. Upon the table, she found a saucer with two teacups, steamingly fresh, with a teapot next to it. And just next to that, a wight showing an armored plasma golem how to cut bread and spread butter.

    She promptly flopped back onto the mattress, throwing the blankets back over herself. Certainly dreaming. However, the soft “pompf” noise from her drew the attention of her attendants. The Solar Vanguard, for his part, stepped past the wight, moving back into his chair on the side of the bed.

    “Ah, so you are awake now, Mistress,” he began. “I thought you may have appreciated something to eat when you woke. We have prepared some simple bread for you.”

    “...should I ask why the Akan Haram is serving it...?”

    “It has assured me that it keeps itself clean, despite the-”

    “Yes, Pleiades,” Qira cut in, voice small. She did not want to risk another coughing fit. “I made them. I know what they are like.”

    “Of course, Mistress. I do not mean to question your knowledge.”

    Silence ensued, aside from the soft noises of cutting bread and spreading of butter upon it. Such a silence extended, for a few minutes, until the loaf was fully cut and buttered up. At this, the wight, its job completed, dismissed itself. Shuffling out of the door to Qira’s chamber, the darkness of the tunnel quickly swallowed its form, until there was nothing left to focus on except the small company within the room, and the prepared food. Sips of tea were had, and the bedridden sorceress partook of some of the prepared bread, finishing off a slice, before anyone spoke again.

    “...so.” Qira quickly trailed off the moment she began. Where even was there to begin? She had to think for another minute or so, the quiet making it seem like an hour before she got her bearings. “Why the wight, in particular...?”

    “Gale was busy tending to the challengers, and the Judge has deflected questions such as those. I was forced to deal with the Psychomancer in order to get what you needed, and he sent them up in his stead.” Qira’s face scrunched in disgust at the explanation. “Was there something wrong with the food, Mistress?”

    “No no, the bread is fine. But it seems the Oceanic Judge will require further tweaking... He should not be dismissing inquiries, even ones so small as-” Her train of thought came to a crashing halt, as the situation suddenly caught up with her. “...what was the question, to begin with...?” Good heavens above let it not be what I think it is, she thought fervently.

    “I did not know what you were capable of eating, Mistress. I have no frame of reference for such a thing, but I do know that you cannot simply live off of tea.” Stated matter-of-factly, as though nothing were wrong with that. A groan from Qira morphed into the coughing fit she’d been so desperate to avoid, promptly stifled by her shoving a pillow onto her face. She was a magical mistress of the Hive, ouster of dark forces and the most powerful force in Gavel, and she had forgotten to give one of her most trusted subordinates knowledge of what food was. And for said subordinate’s part, he just saw her bury her face in a pillow, coughing her metaphorical lungs out.

    “Have I done something wrong, Mistress?”

    Such an innocent response. He truly had no idea what had possibly set her off, and it was very concerning that she only pressed the pillow harder down onto her face, screaming intermittent with harsh coughing fits.

    “Mistress, if I have done something wrong I beg your forgiveness but please, you must stop screaming. You will only damage your throat if you continue-”


    In a fit, the pillow was thrown in a random direction, harmlessly smacking against the wall and falling to the floor.

    And then, the pillow flew back onto the distressed sorceress’s face, just as she was about to begin another fit of screaming. Blue wisps seeped out from the walls, coalescing into Gale’s form once more.

    “You really shouldn’t throw your pillows around like that; if you really insist they make ones specifically for that, silly!” Her voice had the usual teasing lilt to it, but there was genuine concern masked behind it. Qira, for her part, had been rendered speechless threefold. One part, out of the pillow in her face, one part that horrendous joke, and one part the fact that if she kept talking she’d tear her throat up even further than she already had.

    “Gale. I believe I have done something wrong.” His voice was low; not ashamed, he didn’t have the capacity to sound like that, but the lower register was notable, given he didn’t often deign to change it at all.. “She began to shout at me after I told her how I went about getting her food.”

    “Nah, don’t worry about it. I heard the conversation, came up after those guys in the challenge got trashed. She’s angry at herself, Pleiades,” Gale explained, one eye on the bed. “For no good reason, I might add! If you’re not a god and you play god, you’re gonna make mistakes somewhere, and it’s not like this one was even impactful, yeah? I’ll handle this one, don’t you worry.” She made a little shoo-shooing motion with one hand, but the Vanguard remained firm.

    “What should it matter if I were made flawed? I should remain and receive my punishment.” The only response was to get down to one knee next to the bed, head bowed. Gale just rolled her eyes; no way was he getting punished, both not under her watch and not unless Qira was suddenly going to relapse into her centuries-long-gone days of unnecessary cruelty, which she quite thoroughly doubted. Gale walked up to the bed, reached across, and swiped the pillow down from Qira’s face, who still held an expression of equal amounts discomfort from having a pillow thrown onto her face, and disbelief from having a pillow thrown onto her face.

    “Look. So you made Pleiades a little clueless. You really can’t blame yourself for that, ‘cause at the time you were just thinking about the war you’ve been building up to fight. Right? He wouldn’t need to know about things like how to serve a loaf of bread, because he was made to fight and run things around the Hive here. Why in the world would you- Ahp-bap-bap! No interrupting!” Qira had raised a hand to interject...but goodness did Gale know how to command a presence. Of course, the sickness and her screaming fit having sapped her energy didn’t help at all. After waiting a few moments to ensure that the bedridden mistress would remain quiet, Gale continued.

    “Why would you get angry at yourself for what’s essentially a living weapon not knowing how to deal with day to day life. He doesn’t even need to eat, for goodness’ sake! Of course you wouldn’t tell him about food- heck, I’m surprised he knows about tea! Like...really surprised! He’s...like, literally plasma and obsidian. I have no idea how he drinks tea!”

    “If I may, Gale, it is due to a psychic restriction field allowing my form to remain coherent- The tea evaporates and enters that field, and I may choose to subsume it into my form. I could in theory consume food.”

    “Well...I, uh.” Such information was rattled off so casually that it may as well have slapped her train of thought right off the rails. It took Gale a little bit to regain her aim, and in the end Qira couldn’t help but give off a raspy little giggle.

    “Oh, you stay out of this, little miss sicky-spider! You’re getting scolded right now, no giggles allowed!” Gale had leaned down over Qira, exaggeratedly waggling her finger, and with such an over-the-top taken-aback tone that it couldn’t have possibly been anything less than completely intentional. And if one were to judge by the way Qira flopped back against the bed with a hand over her mouth, unable to keep herself from laughing until another coughing fit rudely interrupted her, one might believe that Gale’s tactic to cheer her up had worked. Specifically, it worked well enough that between Gale’s legitimate points and her fever-addled mind, she couldn’t quite recall what she had been angry with herself over.

    And in the midst of all this, the Solar Vanguard was watching on with confusion. Was he going to be punished, or not...?

    After he was invited to learn more about the things he lacked knowledge of, specifically a card game of some sort, he simply assumed that whatever it was he’d done wrong was slight enough of a mistake to not warrant any punishment, and listened to Gale raptly as she explained the rules.
  8. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    ok so i know the state of this being canon is kind of wacky, but still fun to explore

    you referred to qira as a mistress of the hive. does that mean that there have been multiple caretakers? qira's reign has been centuries long, so if there are multiple caretakers, how old is the hive? how many of the creations were qira's, and how many are remnants from a long-ago reign?
  9. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    I love how Gale can command so much sass to Qira because she's the only being there that's not one of her creations, and therefore can see her as a person and not a god. Gale's a pretty fun character, probably one of the best in the game in my opinion.
  10. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    Within the context, she was just referring to her various statuses. Consider,
    Centuries-long-gone. Should say about everything you need to know, really.
    Honestly I have a lot more fun writing the Solar Vanguard.
    7Red_Dragon7 and one_ood like this.
  11. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    yeah, i like it's point of view in your writing, but i prefer gale's lore
    it's much more in-depth and we actually knew something about her lol
    also she seems way more chill than everyone else
  12. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    Solar Vanguard is the definition of chill
    Trekkie_Cow124, Tisaun and one_ood like this.
  13. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    no he's actually quite warm
  14. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Hello there everyone just posting here again because the previous one is almost a month ago
  15. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    bump so this doesn’t get locked
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
  16. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    almost forgot about this, nice save
  17. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Just bumping again
  18. Asthae

    Asthae ... HERO

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    Ok thats cool and all but where is Qira Ahegao?
    Aradia Megido and Shamos200 like this.
  19. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    You mean the mob I made or
  20. Asthae

    Asthae ... HERO

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    t h e g o o d s t u f f
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