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Community Event Hide and Seek Event Thing

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by iora_, Apr 1, 2023.

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  1. iora_

    iora_ Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Yo, so I am going to do a hide & Seek event with a reward! This event will probably be every Sunday between the times of 1pm GMT and 9pm GMT.


    Don't use movement enhancements such as Armour, Jewellery, Weapons or Abilities. You need to be able to access all spots as a base player - like your playing normal survival.

    Stick to the hide and seek town zone.

    If you get duel/trade requested then you have been found.

    Don't run from your spot once there.


    The reward starts off at 16 LE for the person who wins the most out of 5 rounds however if people wish they can add more LE to the "pot" and make the prize bigger! If it's a tie there will be a tie breaker.

    More information will be provided on the day, feel free to ask any questions or to give any suggestions. The 5 locations for the first 5 rounds have already been chosen.

    This will be a streamed event and I will be seeker for most of the rounds however if others wish to be seeker then they can, just let me know! Others can also stream this as well, I don't mind.

    Oh and every participant needs to stay in the walled zone of the town/city unless other wise specified.

    This is the first time I am doing something like this, I hope you all have fun and enjoy, I plan to do this once a week!
  2. AlanGreyson

    AlanGreyson WynnArtist VIP

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    This sounds fun
    NoGoodGod likes this.
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