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Hey, Why Wasn't There A Rollback? ( Massive Dupe Issue Discussion )

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Saya, Dec 27, 2020.

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  1. Mrussell75

    Mrussell75 Full-time Wynner CHAMPION

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    I think anonymous buying/selling on what is ultimately unfinished code that has lead to numerous dupes would be worth a price hike, no?
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  2. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Lol, I guess I was working on the assumption that the TM was actually working but you're clearly right about that.
  3. Mrussell75

    Mrussell75 Full-time Wynner CHAMPION

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    Also i think because one way is taxed and the alternative is harder but untaxed prices would be about the same as things you sell in real trade are worth like 5-10% more can’t remember what tax is
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  4. iExpo

    iExpo Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    You really can't see the irony, can you? Any way you put it, people need to sacrifice their time so that other people get to keep theirs.

    So by not rolling back, he (and everyone over the past years) gives up his time (spent getting the money) in order for you to keep yours (and everyone else's who grinded during dxp). And by rolling back, you (and everyone else's who grinded during dxp) gives up your time in order for he (and everyone over the past years) get to keep theirs.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  5. fatboy

    fatboy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    The staff's inability to effectively communicate this issue to their player base is almost as concerning as the dupe itself. Players need to know a. why they're unable to access trade market at the time and b. that it is not a good idea to sell anything right now P2P trading or otherwise, as there is a mass influx of duped LE circulating the economy which could lead to their own eventual ban.
    kill56erb5ee, Sprite, iExpo and 2 others like this.
  6. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    If the markets are able to fix themselves (which I believe economic theory supports) that's actually not right as long as you don't sell right now and you spend your time playing Wynn doing lootruns and selling the goods. When everybody is doing that, the prices of most items should fall fairly quick. Now is a bad time to look at the prices of items for answers since people are panicking and over pricing everything, but as long as people don't pay those high prices they aren't setting any sort of trend.

    Mythics may be the exception to this since they're so rare, but the same principle applies where if nobody buys them then the prices will need to fall to meet demand, it'll just take a little longer.
    Yeah, I completely agree, I don't really get why more people aren't talking about how bad it is that the devs went radio silent after a single shout from Salted...
  7. EverArt

    EverArt Senseless

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    Hihi sorry my opinion is pretty meaningless but I'm in support of a rollback .3.

    I feel the groups most affected by a rollback are of course:
    - People that did a lot of grinding in the past few days, especially tedious things like professions. A rollback would be very discouraging and frustrating since you'd be losing all that progress.
    - Those that purchased things from the store such as crates and bombs.

    Regarding the first group, which is quite large especially as this was a dxp weekend, the fear would be many would leave the game from such frustration, and even if not they would still be very upset (which is understandable). However, as a whole, I do think that losing those few days of progress would be better than dealing with the effects of such mass duping for the next months to even a year.

    Without a rollback, new players getting into trade market stuff/end game during the next ~months-year would be heavily discouraged seeing such wacky prices, and even many current players, including myself, wouldn't want to have to adjust to such an absurd economy. With prices so high, I think the only way to really get into trade market stuff would be lootrunning and obtaining 1-2 mythics to sell in the first place, which isn't the most appealing option to everyone.

    Even having to go in and manually fix the issue would be insane. I don't really know anything about moderation so I'm talking out of my butt, but the idea of having to track down not only all trade market trades involving duped le, but also player to player trades sounds, very taxing, if not impossible. Even during the process of manually resolving the issue, things could continue to get messier and messier if trades continue (unless both player to player trades and tm is suspended during the duration, which would be upsetting to players during the time frame it takes). Of course, you could argue that at least fixing most of the problem would be enough, but I think this method would inevitably lead to many transactions being missed with only a fraction of the issue resolved.
    Castti likes this.
  8. Mrussell75

    Mrussell75 Full-time Wynner CHAMPION

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    Bold assumption to think I played during dxp weekend, also bold assumption to think I didn’t make all my money in the past which I did, I’m fine with losing my shits value so people don’t loose a dxp weekend, I think it’s the least selfish view.
  9. Wizconsin

    Wizconsin Official Cheese Man VIP+

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    I have spent my morning reading this thread and I have come to two conclusions, don’t rollback and that the trade market will fix itself.

    ok first of all to everyone out there who has mythics they are looking to sell, DO NOT SELL UNLESS YOU KNOW THE BUYER PERSONALLY! There is no way to prove whether the le you are getting is real or duped. Also as supply demand goes the people putting up their mythics on the trade market for 50 stacks will have their mythics bought by duper’s but if no one buys any of these mythics being sold or bought by the duper’s the counterfeit le will only be traded among people who are duping le. Therefore two things will happen;

    1. the le will only be traded among the duper’s in high amounts and will be noticed by the mods.

    2. if these duper’s realize that the money is being circulated between them and they aren’t making any new money they will stop selling.

    also even if they keep selling we could just let them do that while they get tracked down and banned. While actuall mythic sellers will keep the smaller trade market alive.

    just my two cents, feel free to disagree.
  10. iExpo

    iExpo Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The issue is most of that is theoretical, this hasn't been tried out on a Minecraft MMORPG game of this scale ever before. And even then, it would never return to the same value and also take a fair amount of time for this to occur (if I'm not mistaken). And maybe this wouldn't matter so much if it was a select group, but we're talking about everyone that's played for a fair amount of time, which is quite a bit of the player base.

    Either way, there are drawbacks. I simply believe the needs of the greater, outway the needs of the few.
  11. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Hello peeps!

    We're quite aware of this issue and have been discussing it internally. It is a complicated issue but at the moment, there is no plan for a rollback, here are a few reasons why:

    - Rollbacking 5 days back would hurt the community way harder than a dupe would, especially after a DXP weekend. Every XP and items found, quests completed, item traded etc. would get removed, which combined is much more significant than the market. This would also revert store purchases and even though we would give items back, it would take us significant efforts (many days).
    - The dupe isn't actually as significant as the community thinks. A bit like the stock market IRL, if people think something is worthless when it isn't, it'll still become worthless. The numbers we've seen around are easily 10x exaggerated if not more. Wynncraft has had nasty dupes of similar size as this one in the past, and we've always recovered.
    - We have logs and are looking through them manually to find and ban the big dupers first, which by themselves constitutes the majority of the duped LE. If the duped stuff doesn't enter the economy, it's as good as if it never existed. We still have detailed logs of all duped items and will ban every dupers we find. We strongly advise you throw out your duped stuff ASAP before we find it.

    We're also working on some long-term fixes for this issue, but at the same time we're trying to get 1.20 ready so this may take a little longer than usual. This whole shenanigan happened right during the Christmas break so it is quite bad timing, leading to the response being slower than we would have liked, we apologize for that.
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