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Help! Urgent!!! Absolutely Horrible!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TNTturbo, Apr 21, 2019.

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  1. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    that sounds like a refund of a quest tbh
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  2. nicktree

    nicktree wynncraft player HERO GM

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    Sadly, we can't do that.
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  3. Realises

    Realises was fun while it lasted ♡ HERO

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    I can give you a Cluster for free if you want. It would be nice if hive items/bobs mythic were like quest items instead so even if you lost it you'd be able to get it back. How they made all that is stupid and there should be a way to get them back but there isn't. Let me know if you want the bow, I'm pretty sure it has good ids
    Epicness937 likes this.
  4. Point0_Seconds

    Point0_Seconds Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    there's a /itemlock btw also I'm selling a really good alka cometflinger if you want a budget replacement
  5. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    and so, a new copypasta was born
    RazorGuild likes this.
  6. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Coder | Like-Giver | Tomato | Musician CHAMPION

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    If you skip past dialogue in quests and ignore some of the longer, less rewarding quests, then speedrunning to level 80 should not take more than a day or two of casual play. It shouldn't be too difficult to get another class to the hive.
  7. YoshisWorld

    YoshisWorld Famous Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Just find a Strati smh...
    NicBOMB, Matthew Mason and Shots like this.
  8. TNTturbo

    TNTturbo Well-Known Adventurer

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    how the fuck do u expect me to find a strati, or just any other mythic bow, or any other mythic. i got 1 mythic and thats usually all i expect to find
    well exactly why there should be ways to prevent this. yes it is my fault for not knowing about item lock but still before item lock this shit happened all the time. it should be a quest item or something. and having a no refund system under any circumstances is complete crap. like if somebody were to lose absolutely everything from their inventory or enderchest to a glitch that was the servers fault, telling them "sorry, no refunds" would be complete bull. your system is dumb and your just fine with letting unfortunate things that can be fixed go by without a second thought. great server mate.
  9. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I get that it's a big deal for you to lose a Hive Bow, but you're getting too worked up. It'd be more helpful if discussion was kept civil.

    The no-refund policy is entirely justified. Both the policy and the /itemlock feature were announced far before this incident had happened. There's also reason to create such a system; if it didn't exist, then the staff would be overwhelmed by hundreds of angry players trying to get an item or quest recovered over a small mistake like this one. Even if they didn't have to run checks to prove you legitimately obtained the item you lost, they simply can't deal with that. It's even harder for them to manage so many requests like that than it is for the player to simply try to reobtain the item.

    Also, you don't seem to be aware that the policy only extends to incidents where it was NOT the server's fault. If something happens such as a server crash which messed with everyone's player data (which has happened before if I remember correctly), they can restore a backup to amend the problem. With this in mind, it's too unlikely for something like all players losing their entire inventories and bank contents to occur, and even if it did, you could quite confidently say that there's nothing reasonable that the server could have done about it.

    I've lost an important item (Redbeard's Hand Cannon) in the past, and I've had to work through GG all the way to get another one of those (this was back in a past version of the game where GG keys weren't as common, and it was at a time where my supply was scarce). Every situation is recoverable, even if not perfectly. It's a mindset you need to be able to take on outside of Wynncraft as well; there will be times when something similar happens in another activity you engage in, and you may not necessarily be able to complain to whoever is in charge to amend the problem.

    Realises been very generous to offer you a free Cluster to compensate for your loss. You should accept the charity. Even if it wasn't as good as your Hive Bow once was, the Cluster is a symbol for you that the hope that is still there. In time, you will be able to acquire a new Hive Bow. Wounds don't fade immediately, they take the time and care to gradually heal.

    I guess ignore what Yoshi said about the strati, he probably isn't serious. Don't get mad about it. Think rationally and get a logical idea of what you're going to do about this, and of your own ability, without relying on the staff for something they can't reasonably address.

    (I know I sound silly but I'm offering serious advice, don't patronise me >.<)
    RazorGuild likes this.
  10. TNTturbo

    TNTturbo Well-Known Adventurer

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    fine. but i do want to know one more thing. why the frick whenever i die in the new tomb of the 4 heroes of rodoroc do i get sent all the way to ternaves??!?!?!?
  11. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    It's because it's a room outside if the main map, probably on the side of Wynn. Ternaves the closest respawn place, and as such, you will respawn there. It's a very old and very well known bug.

    Also, I do like and agree with your idea of making Master Hive gear a quest item or at least have the properties of them. It's kind of redundant with itemlock now being a thing, but it's a good QoL change.

    Good luck with getting a new build, there are plenty of non-mythic builds at similar strength to Hive Bow (although some typings are certainly a bit lacking at high-level).
    Druser likes this.
  12. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I don't agree that it should be a quest item. It's a reward you get for doing a quest, not an item you need for it. Master Hive items follow the same theme as that of things like Treasure Boots, Essren's Coat, Dark Diadem, Generator Amulet, Fire Wire and even commonly sought items like Greaves of Honor. I know it sounds silly to not want Master Hive items, but in strict technicality it's not fair to force a player to have the item if they don't want one. I feel like people are just making this point because it would have prevented the loss of a valuable item on this one occasion, but it honestly is fine as is in the bigger picture.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  13. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    People who manage to beat Qira (even in groups it's damn hard) are generally aware of how to get rid of quest items. The idea of giving people the choice to not want an item hasn't stopped any quest helmet before, either. And, to be honest, why wouldn't you be strictly told to keep some of the strongest items in the game (arguably the strongest aside from mythics)? Look at how much Hive Spear and Bow are used, not to forget the entire armor and Intensity/Prowess. You have to specify to not use Master Hive for class builds as often as not using LI. I'd say that, of all items to warrant giving a tag that makes throwing them away impossible (or at least, intended to), Master Hive gear deserves it the most.

    Of course, now that we have itemlock and don't have to rely on some inventory management mod or de-mapping the drop key (dropping out of inventory isn't foolproof either), this is a lot less urgent, so like I said, it's really just a quality of life change and not that important. It would've helped a lot in this case though, and I don't think there'd be a lot of complaints about Master Hive gear becoming a quest item.
  14. Realises

    Realises was fun while it lasted ♡ HERO

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    excuse me what the fuck

    jk ik im probably not the first one with this idea
    TNTturbo and Bart (MC) like this.
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