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World [temporarily Delayed] Updated! Guild Quests And Storylines [35 Supporters]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by LeoDiesAlot, Jul 24, 2016.


Do you think this would be an interesting element to Wynncraft?

  1. Yes!

  2. Yes, but It would take some refining

  3. Maybe, I have some suggestions.

  4. No!

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  1. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    Guild Quests

    For those who are well versed with Wynncraft, it seems that the guilds system designed by players holds some sense of truth to the real system of how guilds are proposed to work. But I feel that the common goal for guilds should be different. For Wynncraft all a guild really can do that Physically affects the world is take over areas. The only benefit from this being that guild wars ensue, or just profit from the controlling area is maintained. What I suggest is a Non-Player Oriented formation of guilds that allows the player to have an experience that will allow them to be in a guild environment, while straying from the current system of guilds that Wynncraft currently holds.

    Now the guilds I propose to enlist will focus on:

    1. A System code- Each guild will have a code that they follow, such as a Mercenary, a less Honorbound guild that primarily focuses on Greed (A very important thing for gavel Eh?) but works through an overseer to help contribute contracts. This will allow each player to have a different goal in each guild

    2. Job/Quest Inclusion- People are constantly requesting more quests. This system will allow quests to be Linear, then progressing into more Serious and Difficult situations. (If any of you guys have played the Elder Scrolls games you will understand, but for the sakes of those who haven’t. I’ll lead into an example) At the start of a guild that is primarily marked for Assassinations. You’ll start off by having to kill a low ranking official in order to assume the role of trust in the guild, as you carry out contracts you will be ordered to do more High-Taxing jobs, but with this, can also be one of the most important parts of these questlines.

    3. Choice- As I stated above, The inclusion of guilds that are based on Mercenary work and Assassinations, could be quite negative on the player's Moral. Which leads the the final point. Choices. Do you decide to do what is morally wrong for the sake of the guild? Or do you decide to change the mission completely, but sacrificing your own Wealth, or Trust, to do what you know is right. Example: You’re tasked with killing a mother with 3 children as a starter quest. Something that to the player like a Noble Knight may determine as a wrong thing. You can either kill her, in order to be faithful to the guild. Or spare her, but at the risk of something else. Similar to the Aldorei quests. Where you can be greedy and accept an upright payment, or be selfless, and do what you believe is right, with sacrificing the possible rewards. Down the line after sparing the Mother with 3 children. You could meet up along with someone who is the father of those children, and he see’s that you’re carrying a coin that belonged to his family. Seeing that you have it could mean that you were entrusted to keep it safe, therefore you could be awarded with a family Heirloom, that wherein that quest, you earned a ring for being honorful. But you also lost out on a few emerald blocks. What choice do you decide to make?
    Now here is the fun part. The creation of the different Types of guilds. Now I’ve taken a fair amount of consideration as to what guilds Wynncraft could potentially introduce. Some Native to Wynn, some Native to Gavel.

    Although I cannot break down quests as to what the guilds have in store. I can introduce the different types of guilds, along with the Main themes that they would be looking to explore. Along with a reason as to why these are the guilds I’ve decided with.

    Core Purpose: Mages and Dark Wizards

    Theme: Knowledge vs. Power

    Reasons: With the ever expanding world of Wynn growing stronger and stronger. The exploration of the magical elements being explained in-depth along with just some regular things that can be added in order to fill in some interesting story elements would be fantastic. They could explore the ideas of why some objects need to be identified before we are able to hold their power. We can explore the ways that Relics are imbued with powers that work with our very own gear. It can explain more of the mystical sides of things that some people could question for a second, while others may ponder for hours.

    Core Purpose: Lore Introduction/ Inclusion of the Bovimists

    Theme: Truth Vs. Faith

    Reasons: These churches all around Wynn are empty and can be filled with either serious concepts, or silly things for the player to explore. The game doesn’t need to be serious all the time. It’s a cow worshiping church. We could explore the roots of the church and maybe even speak to the cow god himself/herself/itself. It would be a fantastic chance to even do things that aren’t very “Lore Friendly” because with godly forces involved. Who knows what’s real.. And what isn’t.. DUN DUN DUN!

    Core Purpose: Warriors/Knights

    Theme: Fame Vs. Honor OR Honor Vs. Wealth

    Reason: Warriors can be cut out as brute savages that attack everything in their way just in order to reap the rewards of wealth and prosperity. Wherein a knight can be honorable and dignified, attempting to do things the right way, even if it would be a bit more complicated, or less rewarding. But can the typical traits of a warrior or knight be shed, for the purpose of Redemption, or for own self fulfillment.

    Core Purpose: Hunters/Archers

    Theme: Honor/Trust Vs. Wealth

    Reason: Honor among thieves is a tricky trope. Since the honor is among you and the people around you. Is solely what you do in the shadows. Not in the open. A thief who takes a contract and delivers in full, will have the trust of his fellow thieves behind him, but is a thief so willing to just give up his own coin, for the trust of other thieves?

    Core Purpose: Assassins/Ninjas

    Theme: Honor/Trust Vs. Wealth/Power

    Reason: Is murder such a bad thing after all? What did the target do? Why did they do it? Just as you’re about to slit their throat. A Liquified emerald slips into your view. A noble like this certainly must have more to spare, should you spare his life to make your pockets a bit heavier. Or do you murder him for the thought of betrayal. This guild will allow every player to make choices. Not every kill will be as easy as the last. Not every reward will be as simple as it seems. Do you kill the seemingly innocent man now? And deliver his head back to the guild at once? Or take the time to learn your target. In order to fix an injustice.

    With each guild having something that could benefit each Class/Build I.E Intelligence items from the Mages guild, or earth items from the Fighting guild. This is something that could allow more unique/quest based items into the game. Allowing the inclusion of more Accessories to be put into the game for all Levels, not just focusing on higher levels.

    Daily quests: We could also implement a system where after you finish a guild questline (at 85+) the inclusion of daily quests similar to the current tasks that we can randomly get. We can talk to one of two NPC characters. One will give us a Money option, the other will give us an experience option. Since these will be Capture and Collect quests (Nothing interesting, but it's still something right?) This will allow the guilds to still have a purpose when you finish the questline :D

    If you have any questions feel free to ask, I want to tune this into something that could come out in a

    “Guild Update”

    Even if each guild has about 10 quests. This would be an inclusion of around 50 quests to be introduced to the server. This is a large project. But with a strong GM team, and strong community assistance. I feel this could be an amazing introduction to the Wynncraft world.

    Final note:

    Not all guilds have to start at low levels. The Warriors guild could be something that could be delayed until level 50, Allowing it to branch into level 90 quests, making it so that tons of people can do Bosses and quests together, along a massive level span

    Thanks for Reading :D

    EDIT #1: The reason I cannot tell people what the quests have in store. Is because each Starter quest is going to be very reliant on how I'm able to tie up the lore. I'd be able to give an upper-staff some of the quest dialog that I've drafted up. But as of right now. I don't want to spoil any potential quests that could ever become a real update.

    EDIT #2: Even if every quest doesn't have options. Maybe just some of the starting quests (To introduce newer players) then some of the end quests (to give higher levels a choice between different things, and making the leveling up of another character so much more enthralling) This could be something that is changed to push the update, but still have it be great.]

    EDIT #3: Added Daily Quests

    Edit #4: 7/23/2016 Build concepts!
    Current Nemract!
    Post Nemract idea:
    Post Nemract Sewers!
    In the image above I posted 9 rooms that could have a potential.
    Room Idea Conceptions:
    Starter room: This is where you accept your first contract so you can prove yourself worthy!
    The Three small rooms
    Small room one: Used as a storage closet with some potential secrets
    Small room two: Used for a Thief accessory shop
    Small room three: A bank/Another Storage Area
    Other Room Concepts:
    Room #5: The paddlefoot room, This is the area that is deemed as your housing. It's where you'll find out more information about any current quests, or where you can pick up quests from fellow paddlefoots.
    Room #6: The official contract room. This is the room where guild contracts can be accepted, these are going to be mid-higher tier quests, the other quests will be about getting to know your guild-mates. While these quests are where you are in for the bigger coin.
    Room #7 Transition room, here you can find one or two quest NPC's that are MISC quests. Where you're helping out the person. Not the guild. (Off duty jobs/Daily jobs.)
    Room #8 The training room. This is the area where other members of the guild train for pick-pocketing and lock-picking
    Room #9 The Heist room. This is where you will be picking up your Heist contracts. During the Heist quests you will be looking out for some Large Coin Rewards Vs. Moral Choices. These will be your endgame contracts that are your big ticket/game changers.

    Diagram with Rooms with their Respective Numbers:

    Edit #5: 7/27/2016 Guild Location Ideas!
    Thieves Guild: Nemract![​IMG]
    With docks right on the water, a sewer system can be built into it, as shown above. Which can be the center for the Thieves guild. With this area being a central trade district between Gavel and Wynn, this would be an ideal area for a thief to set up shop. Plus, maybe it could introduce a mechanic where once you do a medium level thieves guild quest 50-65 Range, one of the boats will take you to the coast of Gavel. Since this is the thieves guild and it is a low level start zone the guild quest-line can wrap up around level 80 to 90.

    Fighters Guild: Temple of the Legends!
    Since this is a higher level area, and your proving grounds to enter is already so high. This will allow the Fighters guild to be a more into the action type guild (At a faster pace). Due to your character already having skill. This can set it up for a level 70+ guild. Making it have higher level quest ties than that of a filthy thief. Because of this. The quest-line could Wrap up around level 90-100.

    Assassins Guild: Almuj!
    With the Assassin merchant already there. This town just seems somewhat fit for the Assassin Theme. (Plus for me it kinda draws that Prince of Persia Effect to it) Therefore this questline could start around level 30-45 and end around level 80-90. Giving contracts throughout the way. This guild would be similar to the thieves guild. Except the higher level contracts will be higher profile (Such as killing royalty or getting revenge *Wink*)

    Mages guild: Mage Island
    Call me unoriginal. But this place is not used enough! Plus for a mages guild. A school for the study of wizardry is right up that ally! It will allow for more fulfilling lore to the island itself. Along with giving it more of a purpose. (Plus maybe we could get a scroll here :D)
    Since this Island is level 30, it would make sense that you start at level 30. But! This quest will be similar to the Fighters guild as with progress. The more reliable you are, along with the more knowledge you gain. The more that you're going to be able to explore. This questline would also end around levels 90-100.

    Note: These Guild Halls will not be exclusive to each area. As Gavel will also have Sub-Sections where your Guild-mates will also be. Such as an addition to Llevigar having an area for mages to study, picking up additional quests/exploration contracts. The guilds are designed to have a Surface purpose. But deep down be filled with complex choices.
    Final Note:
    Bovine/Church Guild Halls are already established throughout the Wynn province. Since those are depicted as religious Journeys. These could just be you accepting a quest then going off to find something (Such as the fountain of youth xDDDD)
    Mini-Edit #1: Added TL;DR
    TL;DR: Read the Thread. Everyone who skips right to a TL;DR are also the people who request seriously in-depth suggestions when people make suggestions. So if you're going to expect in-depth suggestions. I suggest that you read the entire thing.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
    Rawb, Ackro, Ascended Kitten and 4 others like this.
  2. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    Cool concept I'll give you that, but would be very hard to implement.
    Ascended Kitten and LeoDiesAlot like this.
  3. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    Of course, I think it would be fairly easy to take old locations and turn them into something better for guild locations I.E the Docks in Nemract could be a new location for the thieves guild, by simply adding a sewer system under the town. This isn't something that I could see finished in a month. But with the talent that this server has. I certainly see a very large capability to push this into something that would certainly work. I'll see what I can do to try and get an idea of what Dialog may be like, along with how the choice system may work. But that will be done tomorrow morning (as it is almost 1:00 in the morning for me) But I do appreciate you at least accepting the idea XD

    Ps. Even if every quest doesn't have options. Maybe just some of the starting quests (To introduce newer players) then some of the end quests (to give higher levels a choice between different things, and making the leveling up of another character so much more enthralling) This could be something that is changed to push the update, but still have it be great.

    Edit: 7/23/2016 Build concepts!
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  4. Ghalt

    Ghalt I don't even know what I am now

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    Very Nice Idea!
    LeoDiesAlot likes this.
  5. ThePopeOfNope

    ThePopeOfNope Skilled Adventurer

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    I like it, I have 1 question though when you complete a quest does the guild get emeralds and xp?
    LeoDiesAlot likes this.
  6. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    These don't require you to be in a guild. These are NPC based guilds. So that they have figureheads for guilds and it will be a bonus to change player guilds in the process

    Note: If this were to be an update, I'd be making an entire other thread discussing player run guild changes and possiblities
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  7. Thalassophile

    Thalassophile Eat, Sleep, Wynn, Repeat. VIP+

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    I really like it! Interactive quests and stuff are my favorite!
    LeoDiesAlot likes this.
  8. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    Very nice! I would love to see it implemented. It feels a little like The Elder Scrolls.
    LeoDiesAlot likes this.
  9. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    Do you have any ideas as to what you would prefer? Quest Rewards as in items, or More exp for quests?
  10. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    Side Note: Every class will be able to do each type of guild. Each one just has a purpose for each class because of the RPG Factor
  11. The Fool

    The Fool Nobody Wants to Know Him HERO

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    I like the idea, but I have one question: the player will be able to participate of more than one guild with the same class? Like, At lv. 38 you join a 'assassinations' guild, do the quests and tasks and then at lv. 70 you join a 'protetors' guild.
    Ooops! This is explained in the comment above.
    LeoDiesAlot likes this.
  12. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    Yup, All these are able to be completed by anyone. But each does have a theme.
  13. Jamieverse

    Jamieverse Legendary Adventurer VIP

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    Woah religion.

    I don't think I'm ready.
    Let's take a test just to be sure I'm not pregnant.

    Also.... Um is religion allowed to be displayed across minecraft?

    Don't mind me just a crazy hillbilly
    LeoDiesAlot likes this.
  14. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    bovemism exists in wynn so why not
    LeoDiesAlot likes this.
  15. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    I feel you're just being a tad bit silly here XD

    But yes, Religion has it's place aswell. I do think that the Religious questlines would allow much more Creativity Vs. Storyline. So people can make their own choice. None of the Religion questline would need to be "Canon" but they could have conflicting evidence from each side.

    That was the entire purpose for it XD
  16. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    Edit #4: 7/23/2016 Build concepts!
    Current Nemract!
    Post Nemract idea:
    Post Nemract Sewers!
    In the image above I posted 9 rooms that could have a potential.
    Room Idea Conceptions:
    Starter room: This is where you accept your first contract so you can prove yourself worthy!
    The Three small rooms
    Small room one: Used as a storage closet with some potential secrets
    Small room two: Used for a Thief accessory shop
    Small room three: A bank/Another Storage Area
    Other Room Concepts:
    Room #5: The paddlefoot room, This is the area that is deemed as your housing. It's where you'll find out more information about any current quests, or where you can pick up quests from fellow paddlefoots.
    Room #6: The official contract room. This is the room where guild contracts can be accepted, these are going to be mid-higher tier quests, the other quests will be about getting to know your guild-mates. While these quests are where you are in for the bigger coin.
    Room #7 Transition room, here you can find one or two quest NPC's that are MISC quests. Where you're helping out the person. Not the guild. (Off duty jobs/Daily jobs.)
    Room #8 The training room. This is the area where other members of the guild train for pick-pocketing and lock-picking
    Room #9 The Heist room. This is where you will be picking up your Heist contracts. During the Heist quests you will be looking out for some Large Coin Rewards Vs. Moral Choices. These will be your endgame contracts that are your big ticket/game changers.

    Diagram with Rooms with their Respective Numbers:

    Ps. 25 people supporting this? Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate all the feedback :D
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  17. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    Edit #5: 7/27/2016 Guild Location Ideas!
    Thieves Guild: Nemract![​IMG]
    With docks right on the water, a sewer system can be built into it, as shown above. Which can be the center for the Thieves guild. With this area being a central trade district between Gavel and Wynn, this would be an ideal area for a thief to set up shop. Plus, maybe it could introduce a mechanic where once you do a medium level thieves guild quest 50-65 Range, one of the boats will take you to the coast of Gavel. Since this is the thieves guild and it is a low level start zone the guild quest-line can wrap up around level 80 to 90.

    Fighters Guild: Temple of the Legends!
    Since this is a higher level area, and your proving grounds to enter is already so high. This will allow the Fighters guild to be a more into the action type guild (At a faster pace). Due to your character already having skill. This can set it up for a level 70+ guild. Making it have higher level quest ties than that of a filthy thief. Because of this. The quest-line could Wrap up around level 90-100.

    Assassins Guild: Almuj!
    With the Assassin merchant already there. This town just seems somewhat fit for the Assassin Theme. (Plus for me it kinda draws that Prince of Persia Effect to it) Therefore this questline could start around level 30-45 and end around level 80-90. Giving contracts throughout the way. This guild would be similar to the thieves guild. Except the higher level contracts will be higher profile (Such as killing royalty or getting revenge *Wink*)

    Mages guild: Mage Island
    Call me unoriginal. But this place is not used enough! Plus for a mages guild. A school for the study of wizardry is right up that ally! It will allow for more fulfilling lore to the island itself. Along with giving it more of a purpose. (Plus maybe we could get a scroll here :D)
    Since this Island is level 30, it would make sense that you start at level 30. But! This quest will be similar to the Fighters guild as with progress. The more reliable you are, along with the more knowledge you gain. The more that you're going to be able to explore. This questline would also end around levels 90-100.

    Note: These Guild Halls will not be exclusive to each area. As Gavel will also have Sub-Sections where your Guild-mates will also be. Such as an addition to Llevigar having an area for mages to study, picking up additional quests/exploration contracts. The guilds are designed to have a Surface purpose. But deep down be filled with complex choices.
    Final Note:
    Bovine/Church Guild Halls are already established throughout the Wynn province. Since those are depicted as religious Journeys. These could just be you accepting a quest then going off to find something (Such as the fountain of youth xDDDD)
  18. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    Mini-Edit #1: Added TL;DR
    TL;DR: Read the Thread. Everyone who skips right to a TL;DR are also the people who request seriously in-depth suggestions when people make suggestions. So if you're going to expect in-depth suggestions. I suggest that you read the entire thing.
    Final "Bump" before I go to bed XD

    Edit: Cleaned up the thread, got rip of any extra bumps that were not needed or answering questions.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  19. LeoDiesAlot

    LeoDiesAlot Better Head-Chief of Libertas than Etclement.

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    Overall this is going to be a fairly Complex idea. I want the storylines to each be interesting. But my big thing is that I don't want to display the story for everyone to know. I want it so that if this were to become a reality. The events that are leading up to everything are going to have plot twists, Complex choices, and all the things that had been promised at the start of Gavel. Quests that are far more than just Filler, or random. This would be a complete other group of storylines for the player to be involved with, and live.
  20. HannahTheCat

    HannahTheCat Hannah / Scree VIP+

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    Interesting idea!
    LeoDiesAlot likes this.
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